Why the facts and planning entities are null workingsolution during planning? - optaplanner

I'm developing a project what similarly with the example "meetingscheduling", when I have a MeetingAssignment, I want to get its "previous MeetingAssignment" in the same room.
In other words, when I have a MeetingAssignment - TA1, I want to find the MeetingAssignment which is in the same room with TA1, and it should be nearest one on the left of TA1.
My idea is: When I get TA1 :
1. Get all the MeetingAssignments that have the same room with TA1.
2. Get the MeetingAssignments from the list generate by previous step what have
the less startingTimeGrain than TA1.
3. Find the MeetingAssignment what have the largest startingTimeGrain value.
it's the "previous MeetingAssignment".
But when I get the MeetingAssignment list of the sulotion class during planning(WorkingSolution), all of the room is null, I got the wrong solution?
Any better idea for it? Many thanks.

At the end of the Construction Heuristic (if it has a chance to complete, see DEBUG logging), all planning variables will be non-null. If the CH takes too, see the "scaling CH" chapter in the docs.


Elm: avoiding a Maybe check each time

I am building a work-logging app which starts by showing a list of projects that I can select, and then when one is selected you get a collection of other buttons, to log data related to that selected project.
I decided to have a selected_project : Maybe Int in my model (projects are keyed off an integer id), which gets filled with Just 2 if you select project 2, for example.
The buttons that appear when a project is selected send messages like AddMinutes 10 (i.e. log 10 minutes of work to the selected project).
Obviously the update function will receive one of these types of messages only if a project has been selected but I still have to keep checking that selected_project is a Just p.
Is there any way to avoid this?
One idea I had was to have the buttons send a message which contains the project id, such as AddMinutes 2 10 (i.e. log 10 minutes of work to project 2). To some extent this works, but I now get a duplication -- the Just 2 in the model.selected_project and the AddMinutes 2 ... message that the button emits.
As Simon notes, the repeated check that model.selected_project is a Just p has its upside: the model stays relatively more decoupled from the UI. For example, there might be other UI ways to update the projects and you might not need to have first selected a project.
To avoid having to check the Maybe each time you need a function which puts you into a context wherein the value "wrapped" by the Maybe is available. That function is Maybe.map.
In your case, to handle the AddMinutes Int message you can simply call: Maybe.map (functionWhichAddsMinutes minutes) model.selected_project.
Clearly, there's a little bit more to it since you have to produce a model, but the point is you can use Maybe.map to perform an operation if the value is available in the Maybe. And to handle the Maybe.Nothing case, you can use Maybe.withDefault.
At the end of the day is this any better than using a case expression? Maybe, maybe not (pun intended).
Personally, I have used the technique of providing the ID along with the message and I was satisfied with the result.

Priority Based Project Job Scheduling using Optaplanner

I want to enhance the project job scheduling example from Optaplanner with adding priority to each project. Let's say, each project has it's own priority (1: High, 2: Medium, 3: Low), and project with higher priority will be executed first, if projects have same priority, it will be executed based on it's order (first come first serve).
If we take this example:
Let's say project Book1 has medium priority and Book2 project has High priority, which mean project Book2 should be executed first before project Book1, and of course the result will be different from the picture above.
I need suggestion on how to implement this additional requirement. One solution that already in my mind was to sort all projects data list before give it to Optaplanner to solve it, but that solution seems to be a little strange.
Any suggestions and comments will be appreciated. Thanks & Regards.
After some trials-errors and pull hair activities, I finally succeeded to enhance the example with priority base project feature. So I thought, I will share it here because maybe in future time, this might be help someone who has the same need with me.
First of all, we need to add a simple property (I am using int) in Project class :
private int priority;
Remember to create the getter and setter method for this property. After that create a comparator class and give it a name AllocationDifficultyComparator, set it to implements Comparator, Serializable. Put these codes inside the compare method :
return new CompareToBuilder().append(a.getProject.getPriority(), b.getProject().getPriority()).append(b.getId(), a.getId()).toComparison();
Open Allocation class then add a difficultyComparatorClass variable inside #PlanningEntity annotation, set the value to AllocationDifficultyComparator.class.
Last step, open the projectJobSchedulingSolverConfig.xml file, change the constructionHeuristicType to FIRST_FIT_DECREASING and we are done, yay! :-D
To test it, we can add priority property to sampleData xml file, for example we can use the value :
High = 3 | Medium = 2 | Low = 1
Note : if 2 project have the same priority, it will be executed based on the smaller id (it means the project come first than the other one).
That's it, I hope this share could help someone in the future to finished their job and prevent them from pulling their hair :-D
Per the Optaplanner documentation, we should not be using difficultyComparatorClass to implement business logic.
The above approach violates that principle.
Maybe a constraint using time should be implemented?

Methods for incremental score calculations

can someone explain the purpose of the methods that need to be implemented for incremental score calculation? I understand all the after... methods, but why should I adjust the score before an entity is added, removed or a variable is changed (beforeEntityAdded, beforeVariableChanged, beforeEntityRemoved)?
See this image from the 6.0.0.Final docs:
Also see the section "incremental score calculation" (which also explains why this is so much faster than SimpleScoreCalculator). Look at the example implementations. You'll see that beforeVariableChanged() is needed to retract the violated constraint matches that no longer match.
In the diagram above, the ChangeMove needs to get +1 because AB no longer match during the beforeVariableChanged() method and -1 becaues AC now match during the afterVariableChanged method.

Prolog game programming board evaluation

I have created a game, (4 in a row), in prolog. My heuristic function requires me to know how many Player's and Opponent's chips are in each possible 4-row combination on the board. The method I am using is as follows (in psuedocodish):
I have 1 list of all possible fours of the board (ComboList) =of the form==> [[A,B,C,D]|Rest].
I have 1 list of all the moves of the 1st player (List1) =of the form==> [[1],[7],[14]]
And 1 for opponent's moves (List2).
Step 1: obtain the first combo from ComboList, 2:
Check all of List1 to see how many are in this combo, 3:
Check all of List2 to see how many are in this combo,
Move onto the next combo from ComboList and start over...
This PROCESS takes waay too much runtime for what is required.
Please can someone suggest something better and more efficient! Much thanks in advance!
The following code uses member/3, which has also to become
known as nth1/3. See here:
The predicate is nowadays found in library(lists) and has
possibly native support or a fast implementation:
But I guess asserting some facts and relying on argument
indexing might get you an even better result. See for
example here:
Hope this helps.

Process to pass from problem to code. How did you learn?

I'm teaching/helping a student to program.
I remember the following process always helped me when I started; It looks pretty intuitive and I wonder if someone else have had a similar approach.
Read the problem and understand it ( of course ) .
Identify possible "functions" and variables.
Write how would I do it step by step ( algorithm )
Translate it into code, if there is something you cannot do, create a function that does it for you and keep moving.
With the time and practice I seem to have forgotten how hard it was to pass from problem description to a coding solution, but, by applying this method I managed to learn how to program.
So for a project description like:
A system has to calculate the price of an Item based on the following rules ( a description of the rules... client, discounts, availability etc.. etc.etc. )
I first step is to understand what the problem is.
Then identify the item, the rules the variables etc.
pseudo code something like:
function getPrice( itemPrice, quantity , clientAge, hourOfDay ) : int
if( hourOfDay > 18 ) then
discount = 5%
if( quantity > 10 ) then
discount = 5%
if( clientAge > 60 or < 18 ) then
discount = 5%
return item_price - discounts...
And then pass it to the programming language..
public class Problem1{
public int getPrice( int itemPrice, int quantity,hourOdDay ) {
int discount = 0;
if( hourOfDay > 10 ) {
// uh uh.. U don't know how to calculate percentage...
// create a function and move on.
discount += percentOf( 5, itemPriece );
you get the idea..
public int percentOf( int percent, int i ) {
// ....
Did you went on a similar approach?.. Did some one teach you a similar approach or did you discovered your self ( as I did :( )
I go via the test-driven approach.
1. I write down (on paper or plain text editor) a list of tests or specification that would satisfy the needs of the problem.
- simple calculations (no discounts and concessions) with:
- single item
- two items
- maximum number of items that doesn't have a discount
- calculate for discounts based on number of items
- buying 10 items gives you a 5% discount
- buying 15 items gives you a 7% discount
- etc.
- calculate based on hourly rates
- calculate morning rates
- calculate afternoon rates
- calculate evening rates
- calculate midnight rates
- calculate based on buyer's age
- children
- adults
- seniors
- calculate based on combinations
- buying 10 items in the afternoon
2. Look for the items that I think would be the easiest to implement and write a test for it. E.g single items looks easy
The sample using Nunit and C#.
[Test] public void SingleItems()
Assert.AreEqual(5, GetPrice(5, 1));
Implement that using:
public decimal GetPrice(decimal amount, int quantity)
return amount * quantity; // easy!
Then move on to the two items.
public void TwoItemsItems()
Assert.AreEqual(10, GetPrice(5, 2));
The implementation still passes the test so move on to the next test.
3. Be always on the lookout for duplication and remove it. You are done when all the tests pass and you can no longer think of any test.
This doesn't guarantee that you will create the most efficient algorithm, but as long as you know what to test for and it all passes, it will guarantee that you are getting the right answers.
the old-school OO way:
write down a description of the problem and its solution
circle the nouns, these are candidate objects
draw boxes around the verbs, these are candidate messages
group the verbs with the nouns that would 'do' the action; list any other nouns that would be required to help
see if you can restate the solution using the form noun.verb(other nouns)
code it
[this method preceeds CRC cards, but its been so long (over 20 years) that I don't remember where i learned it]
when learning programming I don't think TDD is helpful. TDD is good later on when you have some concept of what programming is about, but for starters, having an environment where you write code and see the results in the quickest possible turn around time is the most important thing.
I'd go from problem statement to code instantly. Hack it around. Help the student see different ways of composing software / structuring algorithms. Teach the student to change their minds and rework the code. Try and teach a little bit about code aesthetics.
Once they can hack around code.... then introduce the idea of formal restructuring in terms of refactoring. Then introduce the idea of TDD as a way to make the process a bit more robust. But only once they are feeling comfortable in manipulating code to do what they want. Being able to specify tests is then somewhat easier at that stage. The reason is that TDD is about Design. When learning you don't really care so much about design but about what you can do, what toys do you have to play with, how do they work, how do you combine them together. Once you have a sense of that, then you want to think about design and thats when TDD really kicks in.
From there I'd start introducing micro patterns leading into design patterns
I did something similar.
Figure out the rules/logic.
Figure out the math.
Then try and code it.
After doing that for a couple of months it just gets internalized. You don't realize your doing it until you come up against a complex problem that requires you to break it down.
I start at the top and work my way down. Basically, I'll start by writing a high level procedure, sketch out the details inside of it, and then start filling in the details.
Say I had this problem (yoinked from project euler)
The sum of the squares of the first
ten natural numbers is, 1^2 + 2^2 +
... + 10^2 = 385
The square of the sum of the first ten
natural numbers is, (1 + 2 + ... +
10)^2 = 55^2 = 3025
Hence the difference between the sum
of the squares of the first ten
natural numbers and the square of the
sum is 3025 385 = 2640.
Find the difference between the sum of
the squares of the first one hundred
natural numbers and the square of the
So I start like this:
(display (- (sum-of-squares (list-to 10))
(square-of-sums (list-to 10))))
Now, in Scheme, there is no sum-of-squares, square-of-sums or list-to functions. So the next step would be to build each of those. In building each of those functions, I may find I need to abstract out more. I try to keep things simple so that each function only really does one thing. When I build some piece of functionality that is testable, I write a unit test for it. When I start noticing a logical grouping for some data, and the functions that act on them, I may push it into an object.
I've enjoyed TDD every since it was introduced to me. Helps me plan out my code, and it just puts me at ease having all my tests return with "success" every time I modify my code, letting me know I'm going home on time today!
Wishful thinking is probably the most important tool to solve complex problems. When in doubt, assume that a function exists to solve your problem (create a stub, at first). You'll come back to it later to expand it.
A good book for beginners looking for a process: Test Driven Development: By Example
My dad had a bunch of flow chart stencils that he used to make me use when he was first teaching me about programming. to this day I draw squares and diamonds to build out a logical process of how to analyze a problem.
I think there are about a dozen different heuristics I know of when it comes to programming and so I tend to go through the list at times with what I'm trying to do. At the start, it is important to know what is the desired end result and then try to work backwards to find it.
I remember an Algorithms class covering some of these ways like:
Reduce it to a known problem or trivial problem
Divide and conquer (MergeSort being a classic example here)
Use Data Structures that have the right functions (HeapSort being an example here)
Recursion (Knowing trivial solutions and being able to reduce to those)
Dynamic programming
Organizing a solution as well as testing it for odd situations, e.g. if someone thinks L should be a number, are what I'd usually use to test out the idea in pseudo code before writing it up.
Design patterns can be a handy set of tools to use for specific cases like where an Adapter is needed or organizing things into a state or strategy solution.
Yes.. well TDD did't existed ( or was not that popular ) when I began. Would be TDD the way to go to pass from problem description to code?... Is not that a little bit advanced? I mean, when a "future" developer hardly understand what a programming language is, wouldn't it be counterproductive?
What about hamcrest the make the transition from algorithm to code.
I think there's a better way to state your problem.
Instead of defining it as 'a system,' define what is expected in terms of user inputs and outputs.
"On a window, a user should select an item from a list, and a box should show him how much it costs."
Then, you can give him some of the factors determining the costs, including sample items and what their costs should end up being.
(this is also very much a TDD-like idea)
Keep in mind, if you get 5% off then another 5% off, you don't get 10% off. Rather, you pay 95% of 95%, which is 90.25%, or 9.75% off. So, you shouldn't add the percentage.