Shopify - Product Customization with Additional Cost - Cart Removal Issue - shopify

I'm working on a Shopify store that wants engraving added to their products for a $25 up-charge. I have set it up so that a checkbox on the product page triggers an engraving dropdown where the user can customize the engraving (type style, text, and symbols) and all of those values are passed as line item properties. The checkbox also adds an additional engraving product to the cart that costs $25 to account for the up-charge and has the same exact line item properties. I realize that both products having the same exact line item properties is a perfect way for them to be linked to ensure that if the original product is removed from the cart, the linked engraving product will be removed as well. But I can't for the life of me figure out the way to accomplish this.
I wrote this Liquid code which effectively removes the engraving product from the cart if it is the only item in the cart.
{% if cart.item_count == 1 %}
{% for item in cart.items %}
{% if item.title == 'Custom Engraving' %}
$.post('/cart/change.js', { quantity: 0, id: {{ }} });
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% elsif cart.item_count > 1 %}
Please help with the code that supposed to go in here
{% endif %}
But what if there are 2 engraved jewelry products in the cart? If a user removes one of them, they will be left with 2 $25 engraving products and only one jewlery product. I need to automatically remove the associated engraving product for any jewelry product that is removed from the cart. Please help!
Note: A user seems to have a way to do this based on a couple forum answers I found. This one ( he says " In the cart itself, the only thing you need to do is ensure that if the product itself is removed, you also remove the customization product. No biggy. That is a simple pattern and you can jazz it up too. Group a product with a customization through the properties for example, ensuring the two are "glued" together." That's exactly what I need! But unfortunately he doesn't share the simple pattern he's speaking of. He seems to have answered it on stack overflow as well (Chang the product price when custom checkbox is selected in Shopify) and again doesn't reveal the simple pattern he refers to.
Thanks in advance!

Short Answer:
Make the customization products different by adding a hidden property to make them unique.
Longer Answer:
When adding the product to the cart, generate a unique value - using the current date/time (via is usually a good choice. When adding the product to the cart, make sure this property is added as well (probably via hidden input).
Make sure that the name of extra property is prepended with an underscore - so something like '_uniqueID' - Shopify's checkout page knows to hide any line-item properties that have an underscore as their first character
Finally, make sure your theme knows to not display underscored properties in the cart. My favourite way to do this is by adding the following line at the beginning of your properties-printing loop (usually written as 'for p in')
{% if p.first.first == '_' %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
Now you have a unique ID field as a line-item property that only you can see, and can use that field to synchronize quantities, etc. Huzzah!


Hide discount box in Shopify Plus if cart items contain these products

Hoping someone can help with this...
We have two types of product in our store, outlet and premium.
On the checkout page, we are losing a large volume of sales as customers are trying to enter a discount code for items which are already heavily discounted.
Is it possible to create a Shopify Plus script that will..
Work out if the items in the cart are part of the outlet collection, or are tagged 'outlet'
If so, hide the discount code box
Seems simple but I can't find a good answer anywhere..
Use checkout.liquid layout to remove that input based on current items in the cart.
{%- liquid
assign hideDiscountBox = false
assign productIdsToHideDiscountBox = "123456789012345,543210987654321,..."
for item in checkout.line_items
if productIdsToHideDiscountBox contains item.product_id
assign hideDiscountBox = true
if hideDiscountBox
echo "<style>.order-summary__section--discount { display: none; }</style>"

Modify Shopify search - display product variants, correct pagination

I'm trying to find a way for the following:
I'm modifying a liquid template to also include found product variants on a search result page. But when I do the amount of visible products/product variants on a search results varies greatly and leads to bad UX.
We have a pagination break at 28 items. But this only factors in the amount of products it has already displayed. As I now show variants of the products as well, the pages have a very large amount of items on them. If I decrease the pagination limit to - let's say 4 - I end up with pages that have exactly 4 entries and pages that have let's say 500 entries depending on the matching variations for a given search term.
This is the overall goal:
Display product variants in the search result page as well as the default products and still have a correct pagination that display a fixed amount of products/variants/search result items per page.
My approach was this:
{% capture total_results %}
{%- for result in search.results -%}
{%- case result.object_type -%}
{%- when 'product' -%}
// Go over all the variants and match to the search terms
// Include product-grid-item template in case it matches
{%- when 'article' -%}
{%- when 'page' -%}
{%- endcase -%}
<!-- Divider: #### -->
{%- endfor -%}
{% endcapture %}
{% comment %}Break the captured string at the divider string into an array{% endcomment %}
{%- assign total_results = total_resuls | split: "<!-- Divider: #### -->" -%}
<div class="page__description page__description--centered">
<span>{{ 'search.general.results_count' | t: count: total_results.size, terms: search_terms }}</span>
{% paginate total_result by 28 %}
{% for result in total_resuls %}
{{ result }}
{% endfor %}
{% endpaginate %}
I get the following liquid error in the frontend: Array 'total_results' is not paginateable.
Is there a way to make it paginateble?
Or is there a way to modify the search.results collection directly so that the pagination doesn't only consider the amount of results from the shopify search but also the variations?
The reason we do this btw is that shopify does seem to find the products based on an information where only the variation matches. But in this case it only links to the product and the user whould need to go to the correct variation manually again which is very bad UX.
Even if the user searches by ID directly they get linked to the normal product page. And we want them to be linked directly to the correct variant that was the reason the product was included in the search results in the first place.
Any help would be appreciated. Or pointers on how else I could achieve this.
Unfortunately, there's no way to paginate through your array. paginate tag can only be used with search.results, collection.products on some other predefined objects.
The way you're trying to implement it doesn't seem possible to me. But here are a couple of ideas came to my mind that might help you:
Option 1. Use search.terms object to build a link to the correct variant. As the main issue is that Shopify search result
links to the product and the user would need to go to the correct variation manually
I would just suggest displaying search results as is but apply your logic from
// Go over all the variants and match to the search terms
to add a ?variant_id=xxx attribute to the search result URL. Then once customers get to the product page, the variant will be selected based on this query parameter. This logic would also perfectly suit the case when customers search by variant ID.
Option 2. Build custom search. It would require more efforts and implies not using the Shopify search at all. You would need to sync store products and return the paginated results from your database based on a query from the search form. This option would give you flexibility in displaying your product results.
I would go with option 1 if the only you want to do is select the correct variant based on the user's search query. But it may not work if you have multiple matching variants and you either want to display all of them separately or be able to redirect the customer to every matching variant from the results page.
P.S. Just a hint: you're using {%- when 'product' -%} block to filter product results only, but you can use ?type=product in your query to search only through products entities, ignoring articles and pages.
Maybe you can try this app to show variants as separate products on Collection and Search result page without affecting the paginiation in Shopify.

Show products on article

How can I show a list of products (like a recipe) on a article page.
Can you give me some guidance on what should i use to achieve that behavior?
How can i link those products dynamically to the article?
Getting the products once we know what they are
There are two ways to bring up products on an arbitrary page in Shopify:
1) Using all_products[handle]
Using the product handle to get the product from the all_products global object.
{% assign ingredient = all_products['lavender-oil'] %}
This works well for small numbers of products, but for large numbers of products it may cause delays in page-loading times. We are also limited to only 20 (I think) calls to all_products per page, so this wouldn't work for recipes with a ton of ingredients in them.
2) Using a collection
Use a collection that contains only the products required. You can reference any arbitrary collection if you know the collection's handle. When making collections, you can also sort products manually to control the order that they appear in when you loop through it. Collections can contain an arbitrary number of products, and I believe the default pagination will give you is either the first 20 or 50 products if you don't specify any other limit. If required you can adjust the number of products served to as high as 1000 by wrapping your collection-product loop with paginate tags (though that upper limit is definitely not recommended for performance reasons)
{% assign ingredients = collections['love-potion-number-9'] %}
{% for product in ingredients.products %}
<h2>{{ }}!!</h2>
{% endfor %}
The downside for both of these is that you can't write Liquid code inside your article content in Shopify, so this ingredients section would need to be written as a snippet or a section in your theme files and included in your article template used for these recipes.
This leads me to consider the next issue - you would want to include a concept of quantity with the ingredients, and so far neither of the above give us that. So now, the hard part:
Getting that information into a Liquid snippet/section in the first place
There are a few different ways that I can think of offhand that would help you out here. No one is perfect, unfortunately.
Using Metafields
Metafields are a great tool available in Shopify, but unfortunately Shopify doesn't make them easy to use [1].
Once you have a metafield-editing tool, come up with a naming structure for the 'namespace' and 'key' values. For example, you might create the following metafields for the recipe you provided. (Note: How these would be entered will depend on what metafield-editing tool you're using)
namespace: 'ingredients', // We'll use this as the 'box' that holds all our ingredients
key: 'juniper-berry-oil', // This will be the product handle for the product in question
value: '2 drops' // The quantity used for the recipe
namespace: 'ingredients',
key: 'rosemary-ct-camphor-oil',
value: '1 drop'
namespace: 'ingredients',
key: 'cypress-oil',
value: '1 drop'
... (etc) ...
Then, in your theme file where you are creating your ingredient list, you would have code that looks something like this:
{% assign ingredients = article.metafields.ingredients %}
{% for ingredient in ingredients %}
{% assign handle = ingredient.first %}
{% assign amount = ingredient.last %}
{% assign product = all_products[handle] %}
<!-- HTML code here -->
{% endfor %}
Using Tags and Products
If you create a tag-naming scheme, you can loop through those and use them to build your ingredient list. For example, if you give the article a number of tags in the form ingredient_[product-handle]_[amount], you would be able to reference them as:
{% for tag in article.tags %}
{% if tag contains 'ingredient' %}
{% assign breakdown = tag | split: '_' %}
{% assign handle = breakdown[1] %}
{% assign product = all_products[handle] %}
{% assign amount = breakdown | last %}
<!-- HTML Code -->
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The downside to this method is that there's no easy way to reorder the tags if done this way - using a collection will give you better control of that.
Getting recipe amounts into a Collection loop
The easiest way to reference a collection would be to have a collection with the same handle as the article - then you can reference the collection and its products as:
{% assign ingredients = collections[article.handle] %}
{% for product in ingredients.products %}
<!-- HTML Code here -->
{% endfor %}
This has the advantage of letting you easily sort the ingredients by setting the collection to have a Manual sorting method, but the corresponding downside is that there's no obvious place to put the quantity information.
One way to get that information in would be to use either tags or metafields - metafields would have the advantage of being able to directly access the quantity for the product - if using the naming convention above in the metafields part of this answer, you could use:
{% assign ingredients = collections[article.handle] %}
{% for product in ingredients.products %}
{% assign amount = article.metafields.ingredients[product.handle] %}
<!-- HTML Code here -->
{% endfor %}
If using tags, you would need a format that could be split up like in the tag section and loop through all your tags each time to find the one for your product. If your tags were set up as ingredient_[product-handle]_[amount]
If using tags, you would need a format that could be split up like in the tag section and loop through all your tags each time to find the one for your product. If your tags were set up as the example above:
{% for tag in article.tags %}
{% if tag contains 'ingredient' and tag contains product.handle %}
{% assign amount = tag | split: '_' | last %}
{% endif %}
<!-- HTML Code -->
{% endfor %}
Hopefully this helps you get going!
[1] Using Metafields: There are several possible solutions for editing metafields in Shopify - my personal preference is the 'Shopify FD' extension for Chrome, but the recent updates to the Shopify admin screens are interfering with this extension's ability to load & show its metafield panels on some pages. I know that product pages still work, but some pages (like collections) don't anymore.
There are also a number of apps available for your store to edit metafields - I haven't used any of them, so I can't speak to their value, but you can view the list here:
If you have a coding background, you can also create and update metafields yourself by sending the right data to Shopify's Admin API - see the documentation at if you want to try doing it yourself.
Here is a sure to succeed recipe. Write your Article. It will have a handle, unique to it. Save that in your head, clipboard, etc. Now create a manual collection. Give it the same handle. Now you can reference an empty collection by the Liquid:
What if you now filled that collection with the products in your recipe? Eureka. Genial! You can then list them in a simple Liquid for next loop like this:
{% for product in collection['some-handle-to-an-article'] %}
{{ product.title }}
{% endfor %}
Or you could be a smarty pants and gather the handles of the products manually yourself. Store them in a metafield resource assigned to the article. For example, a string like 'a-blah,b-blahblah,c-zigo-von-goober' and then use Liquid to find that metafield in the article template. Split that string by commas. Now use the most excellent all_products like this:
{% assign fizzbuzz = all_products['a-blah'] %}
{{ fizzbuzz.title }}
And there are many more creative options. Shopify Liquid is ripe for play like this. No limits, except on all_products at 20... you cannot go more than that.

Shopify unique product information

I'm new to Shopify and liquid (I have programming background). What i'm currently trying to achieve is adding some unique custom information in a HTML div into the product layout.
My approach: Because I couldn't directly edit the product.liquid file (was generating the same information for all products), I decided to make a hack, so I created liquid files into the snippets by joining the product id + product. The filename would look like "11598995151product.liquid".
Into the product.liquid, I then added the following:
{% if product.description %}<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-6 visible-xl" style="display:block !important">
{% assign z = x | append: | append: "product" %}
{% include z %}
</div>{% endif %}
Is this the best practice or can it be done easier ?
I slightly confused, you can't directly update the product.liquid but yet you are adding an include there. So can you or you can't?
Here a few approaches how can you add custom unique information to products.
1) Use an metafeild application such as where you can set fields for each product
2) Use shortcodes for example with this snippet
3) Create prefixed pages, for example you have a product with a handle test-1, and you will have a page with a handle product-test-1. You perform a check for each product if there is such a page.
4) Similiar to 3 but use a global navigation that will point to page, so that you don't have to prefix each one.
5) Use sections. Create blocks with a product field and a richtext field (or the information you need) and set the product and information for each product as blocks. Then on the product page you check if this product handle is equal to any of the block product field.
All of the above examples require you to modify the product.liquid page if you like for it to be unique for each product.

Shopify - Get list of product from a specific collection

In shopify, I am creating 4 dropdowns.
Dropdown 1 - City
Dropdown 2 - Category of shops (such as Apparel, stationary etc)
Dropdown 3 - Shops available in the particular city and particular shop
Dropdown 4 - Items available in the particular shop
My requirement is, when a particular shop is selected (Dropdown 3) below the dropdown all the products in that shop should be listed (I will make the product part of collection and collection name will be same as shop name).
I realize that I need to use Ajax. I checked the APIs offered by shopify but somehow I am not able to connect dots. I am not able to use it. Can you please provide a pointer where it is explained how to achieve it.
Please note, i am new to web development and shopify.
I have created another template called "collection.alternate".
Tagged the collection to the new template.
In theme.liquid I have used the following code, to avoid header and footer from getting displayed in iframe
{% if template != 'collection.alternate' %}
{% include 'header-bar' %}
{% endif %}
Used iframe to load the collection.alternate.
However in iframe the Header is still getting displayed. When I analyze the "Elements" in Chrome developer tools for the iframe, I see the header logic is generated for collection.template. How do I stop header from appearing in iframe.
You don't need AJAX for this functionality.
Each values in the four dropdowns should be added as tags in the products. Then you can use simple JavaScript command to change the url as required and display required products.
For ex., let's say you have New York as a City, and CK as a Shop. Now to display the products that are in CK store in New York, all the said products must contain New York and CK as tags. The final URL to display the said products will be -
To call products from shopify collects you can simply use this loop:
{% for product in collections.shop_name.products limit: 4 %} /*********** shop_name is collections name limit is used to show no. of products ******/
<li><img src="{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url: 'medium' }}" alt=""></li>
{% endfor %}
Below is the link to shopify article that describes how to filter products based on tags.
Thanks #Hymnz for guiding me to the article.
Just mention your collection name in collection array index
{% for product in collections['collection-name'].products %}
{% endfor %}