Why parallel_iterations in dynamic_rnn doesn't work? - tensorflow

I'm wondering how to use the dynamic_rnn function and make it parallel. I set gpu_options.allow_growth = True and use tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(rnn_cell, inputs=X, dtype=tf.float32, time_major=False, parallel_iterations=50) to do so. But both the GPU memory consumption and run time don't change when I changeing the value of parallel_iterations.
It is a very simple rnn, so I think there may not be data dependency.
basic_cell = BasicRNNCell(num_units=n_neurons)
outputs, states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(basic_cell, X, dtype=tf.float32, parallel_iterations=50)
logits = fully_connected(states, n_outputs, activation_fn=None)
cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y, logits=logits)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
correct = tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, y, 1)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, tf.float32))
Thanks in advance! I appreciate any suggestion.

Your observations don't mean that parallel_iterations don't work.
Whenever you have an RNN, you have a data dependency since the output of n'th step is fed into (n+1)'th step. In your example with BasicRNNCell, every computation is effectively dependent on previous computation. So, there are basically no opportunities to run multiple steps in parallel. With more complex cells you might have some computation in each step that is independent of previous steps (e.g. doing some attention over constant memory). In such cases there are opportunities for parallel execution of different steps.
Even if you model would allow for parallel execution, you might not be able to see it being reflected in memory usage. Memory usage depends on many factors including when TF returns memory to GPU; if you are computing gradients, you might need to keep most activations in memory whether you run iterations in parallel or not; the iterations that are run in parallel might not produce a lot of tensors; etc.
Similarly for CPU, if running stuff in parallel always helped performance, we would run a thousand threads in every process. parallel_iterations is simply a knob that is useful to have in some cases.


Tensorflow Batch Normalization: tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm

I've recently picked up Tensorflow and and have been trying my best to adjust to the environment. It has been nothing but wonderful! However, batch normalization using tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm has been a little tricky.
Right now, here is the function I'm using:
def batch_norm(x, phase):
return tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(x,center = True, scale = True,
is_training = phase, updates_collections = None)
Using this, I followed most documentation (also Q & A) that I've found online and it led me to the following conclusions:
1) is_training should be set to True for training and false for testing. This makes sense! When training, I had convergence (error < 1%, Cifar 10 Dataset).
However during testing, my results are terrible (error > 90%) UNLESS I add (update collections = None) as an argument to the batch norm function above. Only with that as an argument will testing give me the error I expected.
I am also sure to use the following for training:
update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): # Ensures, Updating ops will perform before training
with tf.name_scope('Cross_Entropy'):
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( # Implement Cross_Entropy to compute the softmax activation
tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_, logits=y_conv)) # Cross Entropy: True Output Labels (y_), Softmax output (y_conv)
tf.summary.scalar('cross_entropy', cross_entropy) # Graphical output Cross Entropy
with tf.name_scope('train'):
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-2).minimize(cross_entropy) # Train Network, Tensorflow minimizes cross_entropy via ADAM Optimization
with tf.name_scope('Train_Results'):
with tf.name_scope('Correct_Prediction'):
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1)) # Check if prediction is wrong with tf.equal(CNN_result,True_result)
with tf.name_scope('Accuracy'):
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) # Find the percent accuracy, take mean of correct_prediction outputs
tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy) # Graphical output Classification Accuracy
This should make sure that the batch normalization parameters are updating during training.
So this leads me to believe that update collections = None is just a nice default to my batch normalization function that during testing function will be sure not to adjust any batch normalization parameters.... Am I correct?
Lastly: Is it normal to have good results (Expected Error) when, during the testing phase, having batch normalization turned on AND off? Using the batch norm function above, I was able to train well (is_training = True) and test well (is_training = False). However, during testing (is_training = True) I was still able to get great results. This is just gives me a bad feeling. Could someone explain why this is happening? Or if it should be happening at all?
Thank you for your time!
Unstable decay rate (default 0.999) for moving averages might be the reason for reasonably good training performance but poor validation/test performance. Try a slightly lower decay rate (0.99 or 0.9). Also, try zero_debias_moving_mean=True for improved stability.
You can also try different batch sizes and see if validation performance increases. Large batch size can break validation performance when batch normalization is used. See this.
Is your phase variable, a tensorflow boolean or a Python boolean?

Is it possible to loop through all minibatches in a single tensorflow op using dataset/iterators?

I'm working with tf.data.dataset/iterator mechanism and trying to improve data loading performance. It occurred to me that offloading the entire minibatch loop from Python might help. My data is small enough that storing on CPU or GPU is no problem.
So, Is it possible to loop an optimizer node over a full minibatched epoch within a call to session.run?
The tensor returned by iterator.get_next() is only incremented once per session.run, which would seems to make it impossible to iterate through a dataset of minibatches... but if it could be done, my CPU would only have to touch the Python thread once per epoch.
UPDATE: #muskrat's suggestion to use tf.slice can be used for this purpose. See my subsequent non-answer with a schematic implementation of this using tf.while_loop. However, the question is whether this can be accomplished using dataset/iterators... and I'd still like to know.
From the description it seems that you already have the dataset preloaded as a constant on CPU/GPU, like at this example. That's certainly the first step.
Second, I suggest using tf.slice() to replicate the effect of the minibatch operation. In other words, just manually slice minibatches out of the preloaded constant (your dataset), and you should get the desired behavior. See for example the slice docs or this related post.
If that's not enough detail, please edit your question to include a code example (with mnist or something) and I can give more details.
This "answer" is an implementation of muskrat's tf.slice suggestion with the details of tf.while_loop worked out (with help from How to use tf.while_loop() in tensorflow and https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/while_loop).
Unless your data and model are small enough that you're bottlenecked by Python I/O (like me!), this solution is probably academic.
Trains over minibatches without returning to the Python thread.
Uses only ops that have GPU implementations meaning that the entire graph can be placed in the GPU.
On my small dataset, which is presumably bottlenecked by Python I/O, this solution is twice the speed of my dataset/iteratior (which touches Python once per minibatch) and four times the speed of passing minibatches through feed_dict.
tf.while_loop is treacherous. It's challenging to understand when ops inside the loop's body are evaluated and when those they depend on are evaluated, particularly the (thin) official documentation and limited Stack Overflow coverage.
The missing documentation of tf.while_loop is that tensors outside the body of the loop are only evaluated once, even if inner ops depend on them. This means that optimization, model, and loss have to be defined in the loop. This limits flexibility if you'd like to e.g. be able to call validation loss ops between training epochs. Presumably this could be accomplished with tf.cond statements and the appropriate flags passed in via feed_dict. But not nearly as flexible or elegant as the dataset/iterator mechanism in tf.data.
Adding shuffling operations at each Epoch doesn't seem available on GPU.
Here's my schematic code (I've ommitted the variable and model definition for brevity):
def buildModel(info, training_data, training_targets):
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
# numBatches is passed in from Python once per Epoch.
batch_size = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = 'batch_size')
# Initializers for loop variables for tf.while_loop
batchCounter = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False)
lossList = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([0,1]), trainable=False)
# In a full example, I'd normalize my data here. And possibly shuffle
tf_training_data = tf.constant(training_data, dtype=tf.float32)
tf_training_targets = tf.constant(training_targets, dtype=tf.float32)
# For brevity, I'll spare the definitions of my variables. Because tf.Variables
# are essentially treated as globals in the model and are manipulated directly (like with tf.apply)
# they can reside outside runMinibatch, the body of tf.while_loop.
# weights_1 =
# biases_1 =
# etc.
def moreMinibatches(batchCount, lossList):
return (batchCount + 1) * batch_size <= len(training_data)
def runMinibatch(batchCount, lossList):
# These tensors and ops have to be defined inside runMinibatch, otherwise they're not updated as tf.wile_loop loops. This means
# slices, model definition, loss tensor, and training op.
dat_batch = tf.slice(tf_training_data, [tf.cast(batchCounter * batch_size, tf.int32) , 0], [tf.cast(batch_size, tf.int32), -1])
targ_batch = tf.slice(tf_training_targets, [tf.cast(batchCounter * batch_size, tf.int32) , 0], [tf.cast(batch_size, tf.int32), -1])
# Here's where you'd define the model as a function of weights and biases above and dat_batch
# model = <insert here>
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(model, targ_batch))
optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer() # for example
train_op = optimizer.minimize(while_loss, name='optimizer')
# control_dependences ensures that train_op is run before return
# even though the return values don't explicitly depend on it.
with tf.control_dependencies([train_op]):
return batchCount + 1, tf.concat([lossList, [[while_loss]]],0)
# So, the idea is that this trains a full epoch without returning to Python.
trainMinibatches = tf.while_loop(moreMinibatches, runMinibatch, [minibatchCounter, lossList]
shape_invariants=[batchCounter.get_shape(), tf.TensorShape(None)])
return (graph,
{'trainMinibatches' : trainAllMinibatches,
'minibatchCounter' : minibatchCounter,
'norm_loss' : norm_loss,
} )
numEpochs = 100 # e.g.
minibatchSize = 32 #
# training_dataset = <data here>
# training_targets = <targets here>
graph, ops = buildModel(info, training_dataset, training_targets,
with tf.Session(graph=graph, config=config) as session:
for i in range(numEpochs):
# This op will train on as all minibatches that fit in the full dataset. finalBatchCount with be the number of
# complete minibatches in the dataset. lossList is a list of each step's minibatches.
finalBatchCount, lossList = session.run(ops['trainAllMinibatches'],
print('minibatch losses at Epoch', i, ': ', lossList)
I implemented tf.slice() and tf.while_loop approach to vectorize mini-batch suggested above.
The performance was about 1.86 times faster in my case than the mini-batches using feed_dict, but I found there was a problem that the loss values of each epochs were not stabilized.
Then, I changed to tf.random_shuffle the inputs every epoch, the problem was much mitigated. (the performance gain was reduced to 1.68 times)

Ways to implement multi-GPU BN layers with synchronizing means and vars

I'd like to know the possible ways to implement batch normalization layers with synchronizing batch statistics when training with multi-GPU.
Caffe Maybe there are some variants of caffe that could do, like link. But for BN layer, my understanding is that it still synchronizes only the outputs of layers, not the means and vars. Maybe MPI can synchronizes means and vars but I think MPI is a little difficult to implemnt.
Torch I've seen some comments here and here, which show the running_mean and running_var can be synchronized but I think batch mean and batch var can not or are difficult to synchronize.
Tensorflow Normally, it is the same as caffe and torch. The implementation of BN refers this. I know tensorflow can distribute an operation to any device specified by tf.device(). But the computation of means and vars is in the middle of BN layer, so if I gather the means and vars in cpu, my code will be like this:
cpu_gather = []
label_batches = []
for i in range(num_gpu):
with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % i):
with tf.variable_scope('block1', reuse=i > 0):
image_batch, label_batch = cifar_input.build_input('cifar10', train_data_path, batch_size, 'train')
x = _conv('weights', image_batch, 3, 3, 16, _stride_arr(1))
with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
print block1_gather[0].get_shape()
x1 = tf.concat(block1_gather, 0)
# print x1.get_shape()
mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(x1, [0, 1, 2], name='moments')
for i in range(num_gpu):
with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % i):
with tf.variable_scope('block2', reuse=i > 0):
shape = cpu_gather[i].get_shape().as_list()
assert len(shape) in [2, 4]
n_out = shape[-1]
beta, gamma, moving_mean, moving_var = get_bn_variables(n_out, True, True)
x = tf.nn.batch_normalization(
cpu_gather[i], mean, variance, beta, gamma, 0.00001)
x = _relu(x)
That is just for one BN layer. For gathering statistics in cpu, I have to break the code. If I have more than 100 BN layers, that will be cumbersome.
I am not expert in those libraries so maybe there are some misunderstanding, feel free to point out my errors.
I do not care much about training speed. I am doing image segmentation which consumes much GPU memory and BN needs a reasonable batch size (e.g. larger than 16) for stable statistics. So using multi-GPU is inevitable. In my opinion, tensorflow might be the best choice but I can't resolve the breaking code problem. Solution with other libraries will be welcome too.
I'm not sure if I fully understand your question, but provided you set up your variable scope properly, the tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS collection should automatically have the update ops for batch_norm for each of your towers. If all of the update_ops are applied synchronously, they will be implicitly averaged by the parameter server, all you have to do is make sure the updates are applied before you average and apply gradients. (If I understand your intentions correctly).
Because of variable scope each set of update ops will update the same variables, so to synchronize the update ops all you need to do is gate your gradient calculation on the complete set of update ops. You should also encapsulate all of your batch norm layers in a single name_scope to avoid grabbing any extraneous ops in UPDATE_OPS. Code skeleton below:
update_ops = []
for i, device in enumerate(devices):
with tf.variable_scope('foo', reuse=bool(i > 0)):
with tf.name_scope('tower_%d' % i) as name_scope:
with tf.device(device):
# Put as many batch_norm layers as you want here
# make gradient calculation ops here
with tf.device(averaging_device):
with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
# average and apply gradients.
If you wanna try this on some existing code, try just deleting the if i == 0 line here: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/tutorials/image/cifar10_estimator/cifar10_main.py#L115
You're going to see some slow down (we usually only use one tower to compute batch norm statistics for this reason), but it should do what you want.
A specialized keras layer SyncBatchNormalization is available Since TF2.2
I've figured out a way to implement sync batch norm in pure tensorflow and pure python.
The code makes it possible to train PSPNet on Cityscapes and get comparable performance.

Optimize Tensorflow for multiple runs

I need to execute the statement, sess.run() multiple times.
I create the sess once at the beginning of my code. However, each sess.run() statement takes almost 0.5-0.8 seconds on my CPU machine. Is there any way I can optimize this? Since Tensorflow does lazy loading, is there any way I can make it not do it, and make this faster?
I'm using the Inception model from the image classifying example.
def load_network():
with gfile.FastGFile('model.pb', 'rb') as f:
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
data = f.read()
png_data = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[])
decoded_png = tf.image.decode_png(png_data, channels=3)
_ = tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name=input_map={'DecodeJpeg': decoded_png})
return png_data
def get_pool3(sess, png_data, imgBuffer):
pool3 = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('pool_3:0')
pool3Vector = sess.run(pool3, {png_data: imgBuffer.getvalue()})
return pool3Vector
def main():
sess = getTensorSession()
png_data = load_network()
# The below line needs to be called multiple times, which is what takes
# nearly 0.5-0.8 seconds.
# imgBuffer contains the stored value of the image.
pool3 = get_pool3(sess, png_data, imgBuffer)
Tensorflow runs operations lazily --- nothing is actually computed until sess.run() is called. When you call sess.run(), Tensorflow executes all of the operations in your computation graph. So if sess.run() is taking 0.5-0.8 seconds, it is likely that your computation itself is taking 0.5-0.8s.
(There is some overhead to sess.run(), but it shouldn't be anywhere near the order of half a second.)
Hope that helps!
Here are some things you might look into to speed your computation up:
use Tensorflow's profiling tools to look at what part of your computation is taking the time. They are not documented yet, but you can find some information about them in this github issue: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/1824
make your computation cheaper --- reduce the complexity of your model, use smaller images, etc.
run your computation on a GPU instead of CPU.

TensorFlow: slow performance when getting gradients at inputs

I'm building a simple multilayer perceptron with TensorFlow, and I also need to obtain the gradients (or error signal) of the loss at the neural network's inputs.
Here's my code, which works:
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.network, self.y))
optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=nn_learning_rate).minimize(cost)
for i in range(epochs):
for batch in batches:
sess.run(optimizer, feed_dict=feed_dict)
grads_wrt_input = sess.run(tf.gradients(cost, self.x), feed_dict=feed_dict)[0]
(edited to include training loop)
Without the last line (grads_wrt_input...), this runs really fast on a CUDA machine. However, tf.gradients() reduces performance greatly by tenfold or more.
I recall that the error signals at the nodes are computed as intermediate values in the backpropagation algorithm, and I have successfully done this using the Java library DeepLearning4j. I was also under the impression that this would be a slight modification to the computation graph already built by optimizer.
How can this be made faster, or is there any other way to compute the gradients of the loss w.r.t. the inputs?
The tf.gradients() function builds a new backpropagation graph each time it is called, so the reason for the slowdown is that TensorFlow has to parse a new graph on each iteration of the loop. (This can be surprisingly expensive: the current version of TensorFlow is optimized for executing the same graph a large number of times.)
Fortunately the solution is easy: just compute the gradients once, outside the loop. You can restructure your code as follows:
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.network, self.y))
optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=nn_learning_rate).minimize(cost)
grads_wrt_input_tensor = tf.gradients(cost, self.x)[0]
# ...
for i in range(epochs):
# ...
for batch in batches:
# ...
_, grads_wrt_input = sess.run([optimizer, grads_wrt_input_tensor],
Note that, for performance, I also combined the two sess.run() calls. This ensures that the forward propagation, and much of the backpropagation, will be reused.
As an aside, one tip to find performance bugs like this is to call tf.get_default_graph().finalize() before starting your training loop. This will raise an exception if you inadvertantly add any nodes to the graph, which makes it easier to trace the cause of these bugs.