Building and Running ProseMirror - npm

I am wanting to build a website that will utilize a WYSIWYG such as ProseMirror. Their documentation is a bit clear that it is not such an easy process to build everything yet, as they have focused on other parts of development first. However, they do provide a project that you can clone and run.
I am not sure how to actually run this example however.
I have created a new folder inside my active MAMP directory, and have done npm install to get all of the items in the package.json. Then I have run npm run build so that the project is now built into the dist folder specified by default in the package.json.
However, how do I actually make it run in the browser? If I go to the browser, it is simply showing my a list of files and documents, rather than the actual application.
I have also tried running npm start but that doesn't have any linked commands in the package.json. I do see that this is using rollup.js. I have not used that before, perhaps that has some commands?

I created this guide for a friend. Hope this helps you and anyone looking for the same answer. It's not perfect but gets you up and running.
ProseMirror is a well-behaved rich semantic content
editor based on contentEditable, with support for
collaborative editing and custom document schemas.
The problem is that the documentation on how to set
it up from nothing to a hello world using the demo
examples is non existent. All documentation assumes
you have it set up and working.
This guide is to help you get to "hello world" stage
• First setup rollup. Follow the instructions for that here.
You should now have the project on your computer
from this and when you open the html file in your browser see the "hello world" style screen.
• cd into learn-rollup project folder and npm install prosemirror module packages:
• In the learn-rollup index.html file add the following html
html code to add to learn-rollup index.html
The link to the css file
The tag in body that has id=editor
learn-rollup folder structure
• Create a copy of src/scripts/main.js and rename it
• Now replace everything in main.js with code from first example.
• Run \node_module.bin\rollup -c
• Reload .html to see prosemirror working.

There is no 'Hello World' example that shows how to use the prosemirror libraries in themselves - the basic example linked to in the question still needs to be 'used', as shown in the closest thing that exists to a 'Hello World' example: - which from the docs looks like it can be represented in a simpler way:
import {schema} from "prosemirror-schema-basic"
import {EditorState} from "prosemirror-state"
import {EditorView} from "prosemirror-view"
let state = EditorState.create({schema})
let view = new EditorView(document.body, {state})
Instead you can look at wrapper libraries that provide copy/paste editors and that can be incorporated into your project.
Using ProseMirror core libraries requires that you read the docs - there is both an overview section:, and a reference section:

If you go to the basic example, you will see some code that uses the example project that you linked to.
That project needs to be better documented, IMHO. I don't think that it's supposed to be an example of running prose mirror, but more of an example of wiring all of the different parts up together.
All of the parts of ProseMirror are on NPM and can be installed that way, even the example project. Install the imports from NPM and then copy that code into either an index.js or HTML file and you should have a basic editor on screen. Study the basic example repo to better understand how the parts fit together.

To get a minimal editor up and running with rollup first install rollup:
npm i -g rollup
Install the rollup resolve plugin:
npm i #rollup/plugin-node-resolve
Then add the following to the rollup.config.js file:
import resolve from '#rollup/plugin-node-resolve'
export default {
input: 'main.js',
output: {
file: 'build.js',
format: 'iife'
plugins: [resolve()]
Install prosemirror basic libraries:
npm i prosemirror-schema-basic prosemirror-state prosemirror-view
Create the main.js file with the following content:
import {schema} from 'prosemirror-schema-basic'
import {EditorState} from 'prosemirror-state'
import {EditorView} from 'prosemirror-view'
let state = EditorState.create({schema})
window.view = new EditorView(document.querySelector('#editor'), {state})
Build your editor (to build.js):
rollup -c
Finally include build.js and optionally the styles in the prosemirror-view package into your HTML file and enjoy:
<div id="editor"></div>
<script src="build.js"></script>

I went through #Rob 's method and almost succeed. Just one thing, after completed all steps, I ran into an error(see below).
The code is from the official first example.
Don't know why that happened, I have to manually put a <div id="content"></div> after <div id="editor"></div> to get started.
But shouldn't <div id="content"></div> gets added automatically? #Rob or The official first example didn't mention you have to add this div, no clue what went wrong.


Vue Cli 3 Build not minifying css

I have been looking into Vue and have got it working with what I need.
My sample project can be found at To run
npm install
npm run ssr:serve //development
npm run ssr:build //production build
npm run ssr:start
View source of page and see css has not been minified.
When building this project I observe the following:
1) My css is in the head section of the page and not extracted (read somewhere this is default behaviour but not 100% sure)
2) My comments still still exists in the css for example /*comment*/
3) My html losing all spacing
I did try and set css:{extract:true} and various other options in vue.config.js but them just left it blank as none worked.
Appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
I am not a front-end developer so might have missed something simple.

SailsJS Include node_module in view

I'm using sails( to develop a little platform. Everything goes smoothly following the documentation. But being new to this javascript frameworks world and npm etc etc, i've been having a trouble including other node_modules and use them in the .ejs views...
I understand not all modules are to be included in the views but how can I manage to include some?
Trying to use
Thank you in advance and sorry if this error is just plain out stupid.
Your confusion is understandable. The issue is that, until relatively recently, things installed in node_modules were solely for use in the back end code; that is, your Sails.js controller actions, models, etc. After all, the node_modules folder has the word "Node" right in it, and it was created for use with NPM (the Node Package Manager) to help organize Node (i.e. server-side JavaScript) files!
While many front-end plugins were (and still are) published on Bower, newer frameworks like Angular 2 and Vue often publish their plugins to NPM because it reduces the number of moving parts for your app. The problem is, if you try to require('vue-slider-component') in your server-rendered .ejs view, the server (i.e. Sails.js) will try and load and run that code before it renders the view, where what you really want is for that plugin to run in the browser.
The long-term solution is to use something like Browserify or Webpack to compile all of your front-end JavaScript files into a "bundle". So for example if you have a file like assets/js/my-vue-app.js that includes the line:
import vueSlider from 'vue-slider-component/src/vue2-slider.vue'
then Browserify will see that line, load up that vue2-slider.vue file, add it to the top of the my-vue-app.js file, perform some other magic, combine it with your other front-end .js files and output a file like browserified.js which you would then include via <script src="/path/to/browserified.js"> in your HTML.
Since new Sails apps use Grunt to organize and inject those <script> tags into your views for you, it can be kinda confusing as to how you would get something like Browserify or Webpack to work with Sails. For Sails 1.0, there's a seed project for using Webpack instead of Grunt. For Sails v0.12.x, you'll have to Google around to find some examples of using Broswerify or Webpack with Sails.
A short-term solution, and probably not as maintainable in the long run, is to save the contents of the minified vue-js-slider component into your assets folder (e.g. as assets/js/vue-slider-component.js), add it to your HTML with <script src="/js/vue-slider-component.js"> and access it in your code as window['vue-slider-component'].

aurelia browser loading main.ts not main.js

i am new to aurelia, and when including it into my project as the api frontend i ran into an issue i need clarification about.
i followed the basic starting guide and made sure the code could load. which it does if i name the main.js as main.ts (and app.js also).
due to the fact, that i did not find any explanation or configuation option in the code nor "the internet" i wonder what i did do wrong
does someone else did have that problem.
it tries to load typescript even though the documentation says app.js there
Minimal Project
copy the code in as js
run any webserver with it. (e.g. python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000)
The startup package is configured by default to work with TypeScript so to change this you need to replace the script
<script src="scripts/config-typescript.js"></script>
in index.html with
<script src="scripts/config-esnext.js"></script>
to use Javascript / ES next
This is mentioned in the documentation but may be easily missed, and the rest of the startup documentation follows the javascript approach.
Note that this tutorial is a quick startup - a more comprehensive one is and some more alternative seeds (e.g. JSPM / webpack) can be found in this repo:

which angular2 js file should be added in on the client side?

I am a semi noob in web development.
I just started playing around with angular2 today. And i ran into a problem..
If I were to install angular2 with npm to my local computer, which file is the js file that should be linked to the html page that show up on the client?
In their guide, i see a file called /node_modules/angular2/bundles/ But i don't even see this file at all.
Is there some script that i should run to build that file? Or is the file renamed? I am really confused.
I tried some file /angular2/bundles/angular2.js, but it doesn't even export ng variable to window!
I see that in, eventually ng gets exported. But what changed in alpha 53? (the version i get for doing npm install angular2)
In my projects, I a using
You might additionally need to install/add systemjs, just in case you are using the systemjs library.

Extracting vendor libraries from factor-bundle

I am creating a semi-automatic build pipeline for my application using npm, Gulp, and browserify. This is what I'm trying to accomplish:
Have page specific files which I can include via script tags (i.e. page1.js, page2.js, ...)
Factor out my custom code that is shared inbetween the page specific scripts as common.js.
Extract vendor libraries (i.e. bootstrap, jquery) installed via npm into vendor.js.
I'm having trouble combining browserify and browserify-shim for my application. In my webpage, I include vendor.js, common.js, and page1.js. When I try to load the page and my script is trying to require('bootstrap'), an exception is thrown here:
// Part of bootstrap.js
if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery')
I expect to have to tell browserify-shim that bootstrap depends on jquery, that it expects jquery's export to be bound to the jQuery variable. I attempted to do this in my package.json.
I'm having trouble pinpointing exactly what is going wrong. I've tried various permutations of values to go into bootstrap's shim (jquery:jQuery, jquery:$, jquery) to no avail. I've also tried including and omitting various values in the browser path. I also tried building the vendor bundle via the command line using: ./node_modules/.bin/browserify -r jquery -r bootstrap > vendor.js, but the same error comes up on the browser. A lot of questions have been asked about browserify-shim and factor-bundle, but none of them address anyone trying to combine the two.
I have created a repository that demonstrates the issue here. Steps to install and reproduce are in the README.