How to reduce downtime of table during inserts SQL Server - sql

I have an operative table, call it Ops. The table gets queried by our customers via a web service every other second.
There are two processes that affect the table:
Deleting expired records (daily)
Inserting new records (weekly)
My goal is to reduce downtime to a minimum during these processes. I know Oracle, but this is the first time I'm using SQL Server and T-SQL. In Oracle, I would do a truncate to speed up the first process of deleting expired records and a partition exchange to insert new records.
Partition Exchanges for SQL Server seem a bit harder to handle, because from what I can read, one has to create file groups, partition schemes and partition functions (?).
What are your recommendations for reducing downtime?

A table is not offline because someone is deleting or inserting rows. The table can be read and updated concurrently.
However, under the default isolation level READ COMMITTED readers are blocked by writers and writers are blocked by readers. This means that a SELECT statement can take longer to complete because a not-yet-committed transaction is locking some rows the SELECT statement is trying to read. The SELECT statement is blocked until the transaction completes. This can be a problem if the transaction takes long time, since it appears as the table was offline.
On the other hand, under READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT and SNAPSHOT isolation levels readers don't block writers and writers don't block readers. This means that a SELECT statement can run concurrently with INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements without waiting to acquire locks, because under these isolation levels SELECT statements don't request locks.
The simplest thing you can do is to enable READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT isolation level on the database. When this isolation level is enabled it becomes the default isolation level, so you don't need to change the code of your application.

If your problem is "selects getting blocked," you can try 'NO LOCK' hint. But be sure to read the implications. You can check for details.


ssis oledb source deadlock in source query

I have a data flow, oledb source and oledb destination (both are SQL Server). In source, there are two tables A and B, A has 4M rows and B has 6M rows. They all have 30+ columns. When I do the query, I select 30 columns from A left join B where > '2020-01-01'. it will return 50K rows. the query last 9 -10 seconds. Sometimes, I got error
Transaction (Process ID 75) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
Even I did the query directly on the source server, I also could get
Transaction (Process ID 67) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
but not as frequent as on the SSIS
Is that because they are transaction tables, user could do some update at the same time?
How to avoid it. Like in SSIS, if fail can SSIS wait for 5 second and reran it?
SSIS doesn't know anything about scheduling. Typically, that is done through SQL Agent in which you can specify retry on failure values.
The root of your question is why am I getting these deadlocks. You are asking for data and your request is preventing a more important query from completing. Since your query is less important, it gets snuffed out so the database as a system can remain operational.
Your question identifies that you are querying against transactional tables and yes, the day-to-day operation of the system is what is likely killing your queries. The deadlock graph in the default extended event would reveal precisely what happened (ask your DBAs for help).
As David Browne points out, you likely need to look at using a different isolation level to allow your read queries to operate on data while concurrent activity inserts/deletes/updates data. This tends to be decision points the business units that you are generating ETL for can provide guidance. Maybe working with "dirty" data is acceptable. If so, add SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED to your query.
If not, then you need to look at the query plans being generated and optimize them. Maybe the left join could be reworked as an Exists if you're only using it to test whether a condition exists. Perhaps there's implicit conversion going on all over the place. Or statistics are out of date. Or a covering index could be created. Lots of options here, but the key takeaway is make the query go faster so there's less resource contention.
Use one of the row-versioning isolation levels READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT isolation or SNAPSHOT isolation to prevent your SSIS source query from acquiring locks on the data it reads.

SQL 2008+ NOLOCK vs READPAST Considerations for Reporting Accuracy

Understanding the final decision is business decision, what are the accuracy considerations between NOLOCK & READPAST running in SQL 2008 R2? I would like to have a better understanding before discussing changes with the business area.
I have inherited a number of queries, used to create data views for management reporting. ‘WITH (NOLOCK)’ is used liberally but inconsistently. The data being read is from the production server of a widely used application that is constantly being updated. We are migrating from a SQL 2005 server to a SQL 2008 R2 server. These reports want data fresher than the 24 hour old data on the archive server. The use of NOLOCK suggests a past decision; potential for conflict exists and it a bit of accuracy loss is acceptable. Data is used to populate dashboards for human awareness/decision making.
All the Queries are SELECT, with Read Only access for the data view login. The majority of the queries are single table with a few 2 and 3 table joins. Given the low level of joins WITH () seems a better choice than SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {}
Table Hints (Transact-SQL) (as well as multiple questions on SO) says that NOLOCK and/or READUNCOMMITTED are likely to have duplicate read issues, in addition to missing locked records.
READPAST looks like the more accurate, as it will only miss locked records without a chance of duplicates. But I am not sure the level of missing locked records is consistent between it and NOLOCK.
There is good article by Tim Chapman comparing the two but it was written in 2007, most of the comments revolve around 2000 & 2005, with one comment indicating READPAST is problematic in 2008 R2
Effect of NOLOCK hint in SELECT statements
When should you use "with (nolock)"
Using NOLOCK and READPAST table hints in SQL Server (By Tim Chapman)
Snapshot isolation is suggested in two answers below. Snapshot isolation is dependent setting of the DB, this Q/A describes how to see what setting are in place on the database. I now know it is disabled, I am reading for reports from a major applications database. Changing the setting is not an option. +- a couple of percent accuracy is acceptable, application (OLTP) impact is not acceptable. Most simple queries do not need lock considerations but in some extreme cases, lock consideration is required. With the advent of Snapshot isolation for SQL 2005, little information is available on NOLOCK & READPAST behavior in SQL 2008 or higher. Yet they remain my only choices.
A better option worth consideration is enabling READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT for the database itself. This uses versioning in the tempdb to capture the state of a table at the beginning of the transaction.
There is a very good read on various aspects of NOLOCK, READPAST etc, at
WITH (NOLOCK) can provide incorrect results if someone is updating the table when you are selecting from it. If a page-split happens as a result of an insert while you are reading the table, and the new page happens to be beyond the point you've read, WITH (NOLOCK) will have already returned rows from the old page, and will then return duplicate rows from the new page. This is just a single example of why (NOLOCK) is bad.
WITH (READPAST) will skip any records that are being updated or inserted while you are reading from the table. Neither option is good in a busy database.
In light of the recent edit to your question where you state you cannot change the database setting for READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT, perhaps you should consider using a stored procedure to gather data for you reports, and setting the transaction isolation level at the beginning of the stored proc using SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT;. In order to do this, you would need to change the database option 'allow snapshot isolation'.
From SQL Server Books Online:
Specifies that data read by any statement in a transaction will be the transactionally consistent version of the data that existed at the start of the transaction. The transaction can only recognize data modifications that were committed before the start of the transaction. Data modifications made by other transactions after the start of the current transaction are not visible to statements executing in the current transaction. The effect is as if the statements in a transaction get a snapshot of the committed data as it existed at the start of the transaction.
Except when a database is being recovered, SNAPSHOT transactions do not request locks when reading data. SNAPSHOT transactions reading data do not block other transactions from writing data. Transactions writing data do not block SNAPSHOT transactions from reading data.
During the roll-back phase of a database recovery, SNAPSHOT transactions will request a lock if an attempt is made to read data that is locked by another transaction that is being rolled back. The SNAPSHOT transaction is blocked until that transaction has been rolled back. The lock is released immediately after it has been granted.
The ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION database option must be set to ON before you can start a transaction that uses the SNAPSHOT isolation level. If a transaction using the SNAPSHOT isolation level accesses data in multiple databases, ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION must be set to ON in each database.
A transaction cannot be set to SNAPSHOT isolation level that started with another isolation level; doing so will cause the transaction to abort. If a transaction starts in the SNAPSHOT isolation level, you can change it to another isolation level and then back to SNAPSHOT. A transaction starts the first time it accesses data.
A transaction running under SNAPSHOT isolation level can view changes made by that transaction. For example, if the transaction performs an UPDATE on a table and then issues a SELECT statement against the same table, the modified data will be included in the result set.
NOLOCK can cause duplicate data to be read, data to be missed and the query to actually fail with an error messaged (something with "data movement").
On the other hand, a non-NONLOCK query can also read duplicate data and mis data! It is by no means a consistent snapshot of the database. The difference is that it will not read uncommitted data and will never fail.
The problem with NOLOCK is mostly that it can fail randomly, so you need retry. Also, the probability of wrong data being read is slightly higher.
NOLOCK has a big advantage when you're doing table scans: SQL Server can use allocation order scanning instead of index-order scans. TABLOCK has the same effect. This can be a significant speedup in the presence of fragmentation.
Consider just using the snapshot isolation level as it gets rid of all of these concerns. It comes with some other trade-offs and you don't get allocation-order scans. But it permanently and comprehensively removes locking problems.
Answering my own question after stress testing with SQLQueryStress (this is wonderful tool that is extremely easy to use). Results from SQLQueryStress are tested against SQL Server Profiler; the accuracy is the same as SQL Server Profiler, though the precession is two decimal places of a second less (but is sufficient for this test).
As mentioned in the question, the primary concern is application performance impact, with report accuracy and performance the secondary consideration. All testing occurred on the test server with where the test application is active and has some minor activity.
After downloading and becoming familiar with SQLQueryStress I set up a simple ‘ReportQuery’ to act as resource hog. It set to run 15 Iterations with 15 threads (225 total queries). Total run time is around 28 seconds, with an average iteration time of 1.49 seconds.
Created an Add/Delete ‘ApplicationQuery’ to represent ongoing application activity. It is set to run 2000 iterations with 1 thread. There are two versions, with a select statement (runs 31 seconds) and without a select statement (runs 28 seconds). These represent normal peak time application activity.
10 test runs of each of three versions of “ReportQuery” are run, this is to identify if there is any performance benefit between ‘with(nolock)’, ‘with(readpast), and without hints . Results indicate no significant difference the ReportQuery runs constantly in about 28 seconds with an average 1.5 second iteration time.
There are no big outliers so, decision to drop to 5 test runs for the following tests.
5 test runs of ApplicationQuery with a select statement; with one of each of three versions of “ReportQuery” also running. In each of 15 totals test, the ApplicationQuery is manually started, with the ReportQuery manually started immediately after. This scenario represents a resource heavy report query struggling with the applications ongoing activity for resources.
Repeated the test runs but this time used ApplicationQuery without a select statement.
Results: In every case the ApplicationQuery was throttled back to almost no forward progress, while the ReportQuery was running.
The ReportQuery had no significant loss of performance when struggling for resources with multiple ApplicationQuery’s against the database.
The ApplicationQuery was able to run queries parallel to the ReportQuery, but progress was very slow while competing for resources. In essence the total time to run 2000 Application Add/Delete Queries was extended by the time used by the ReportQuery.
The initial question was about which was more accurate, becomes pointless. There is essentially no report or application performance difference between using or not using the hints NOLOCK or READPAST, so don’t use either in a busy database and get the highest accuracy possible.
where Number like '%'
or NUMBER like '2010-01-01'
‘ApplicationQuery’ (with Select Statement)
select *
where FIELD = 'JJTestingPerformance'
values ('Test+Time'
, 'none'
, 'tst01'
, 'JJTestingPerformance'
, 'No Value'
, 'Test'
where FIELD = 'JJTestingPerformance'
‘ApplicationQuery’ (without Select Statement)
values ('Test+Time'
, 'none'
, 'tst01'
, 'JJTestingPerformance'
, 'No Value'
, 'Test'
where FIELD = 'JJTestingPerformance'

Design a Lock for SQL Server to help relax the conflict between INSERT and SELECT

SQL Server is SQL Azure, basically it's SQL Server 2008 for normal process.
I have a table, called TASK, constantly have new data in (new task), and removed (task complete)
For new data in, I use INSERT INTO .. SELECT ..., most of time takes very long, lets say dozen of minutes.
For old data out, I first use SELECT (WITH NOLOCK) to get task, UPDATE to let other thread know this task already starts to process, then DELETE once finished.
Dead lock sometime happens on SELECT, most time happens on UPDATE and DELETE.
this is not time critical task, so I can start process the new data once all INSERT finished. Is there any kind of LOCK to ask SELECT not to select it before the INSERT finished? Or any kind of other suggestion to avoid Conflict. I can redesign table if needed.
later the sqlserver2005,resolve lock is easy.
for conflict can use the service broker.
2.use the isolution level.
dbcc useroptions ,at last row ,you can see the deflaut isolution level is read_committed,this is the session level.
we can change the level to read_committed_snapshot for conflict,in sqlserver, not realy row lock like oracle.but we can use this method implement.
open this feature,must in single user schame.
and you can test it.
for session A ,session B.
A:update table1 set name = 'new' with(Xlock) where id = 1
B:you still update other row and select all the data from table.
my english is not very good,but for lock ,i know.
in sqlserver,for function ,there are three locks.
1.optimistic lock ,use the timestamp(rowversion) control.
2.pessimism lock ,force lock when use the date.use Ulock,Xlock and so on.
3.virtual lock,use the proc getapplock().
if you need lock schame in system architecture,please me email :
Consider using service broker if this is a processing queue.
There are a number of considerations that affect performance and locking. I surmise that the data is being updated and deleted in a separate session. Which transaction isolation level is in use for the insert session and the delete session.
Has the insert session and all transactions committed and closed when the delete session runs? Are there multiple delete sessions running concurrently? It is very important to have an index on the columns you are using to identify a task for the SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE statements, especially if you move to a higher isolation level such as REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZED.
All of these issues could be solved by moving to Service Broker if it is appropriate.

In SQL Server 2005, when does a Select query block Inserts or Updates to the same or other table(s)?

In the past I always thought that select query would not blocks other insert sql. However, recently I wrote a query that takes a long time (more than 2 min) to select data from a table. During the select, a number of insert sql statements were timing out.
If select blocks insert, what would be the solution way to prevent the timeout without causing dirty read?
I have investigate option of using isolation snapshot, but currently I have no access to change the client's database to enable the “ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION”.
When does a Select query block Inserts or Updates to the same or
other table(s)?
When it holds a lock on a resource that is mutually exclusive with one that the insert or update statement needs.
Under readcommitted isolation level with no additional locking hints then the S locks taken out are typically released as soon as the data is read. For repeatable read or serializable however they will be held until the end of the transaction (statement for a single select not running in an explicit transaction).
serializable will often take out range locks which will cause additional blocking over and above that caused by the holding of locks on the rows and pages actually read.
READPAST might be what you're looking for - check out this article.

SQL Transactions (b)locking Selects - is my understanding correct

We are using ADO.NET to connect to a SQL 2005 server, and doing a number of inserts/updates and selects in it. We changed one of the updates to be inside a transaction however it appears to (b)lock the entire table when we do it, regardless of the IsolationLevel we set on the transaction.
The behavior that I seem to see is that:
If you have no transactions then it's an all out fight (losers getting dead locked)
If you have a few transactions then they win all the time and block all others out unless
If you have a few transactions and you set something like nolock on the rest then you get transactions and nothing blocked. This is because every statement (select/insert/delete/update) has an isolationlevel regardless of transactions.
Is this correct?
The answer to your question is: It depends.
If you are updating a table, SQL Server uses several strategies to decide how many rows to lock, row level locks, page locks or full table locks.
If you are updating more than a certain percentage of the table (configurable as I remember), then SQL Server gives you a table level lock, which may block selects.
The best reference is:
Understanding Locking in SQL Server:
(for SQL Server 2000)
Introduction to Locking in SQL Server:
Isolation Levels in the Database Engine: (for SQL server 2008, but 2005 version is available).
Good luck.
Your update statement (i.e one that changes data) will hold locks regardless of the isolation level and whether you have explicitly defined a transaction of not.
What you can control is the granularity of the locks by using query hints. So if the update is locking the entire table, then you can specify a query hint to only lock the affected rows (ROWLOCK hint). That is unless your query is updating the whole table of course.
So to answer your question, the first connection to request locks on a resource will hold those locks for the duration of the transaction. You can specify that a select does not hold locks by using the read uncommitted isolation level, statements that change data insert/update/delete always hold locks regardless. The next connection to request locks on the same resource will wait until the first has finished and will then hold its locks. Dead locking is a specific scenario where two connections are holding locks and each is waiting for the other connection's resource, to avoid the engine waiting forever, one connection is chosen as the deadlock victim.