MobX observe JavaScript object / reference - mobx

I'm trying to merge the apollo store with mobx using the following library.
It just tries to wrap the apollo store with an observable mobx layer like so:
import { action, observable } from 'mobx';
const graphql = config => {
const { client, onError, onFetch, ...opts } = config;
const query = client.watchQuery(opts);
const observableQuery = observable(query.currentResult());
next: action(value => {
observableQuery.error = undefined;
observableQuery.loading = value.loading; =;
if (onFetch) onFetch(;
error: action(error => {
observableQuery.error = error;
observableQuery.loading = false; = undefined;
if (onError) onError(error);
observableQuery.ref = query;
return observableQuery;
export default graphql;
The problem is the library gives me the following error:
TypeError: Cannot define property __mobxDidRunLazyInitializers, object is not extensible
It seems as though const observableQuery = observable(query.currentResult()) is causing the issue. query.currentResult() returns a javascript object which just looks like the following, and will be updated once the data is fetched (although we never get that far)
"data": {},
"loading": true,
"networkStatus": 1,
"partial": true
Is there a way to make mobx correctly observe an object or a reference to an object?

I'm getting the same issue using MobX 4.0 with a simple #observable.deep.
Reverting back to 3.x solves the problem. This is confirmed. Working for me in mobx 3.6.2 / mobx-react 4.4.3


Issue using with Pinia

I'm trying to use Pinia to manage some global state in a Vue.js app I'm building, specifically I want to share a instance between various components and views. However I'm getting a
this.socketObject.emit is not a function
error when calling functions from the instance, when I call them from a component other than the component/view the instance was created in. Here's some excerpts of the code.
#/views/LobbyView.vue (This is where I create the instance and pass it to the Pinia store, I can use emit fine in this file without any errors)
import io from "";
import { useSocket} from "#/store/index";
setup() {
const socketObject = useSocket();
return { socketObject};
async mounted() {
this.socketObject = await io("http://localhost:8000");
#/store/index.js Pinia store
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
export const useSocket = defineStore({
id: "socket",
state: () => {
return {socketObject: Object};
getters: {},
actions: {},
#/components/lobbySettings (this is the file where I have issues using in via my Pinia store)
import { useSocket } from "#/store/index";
setup() {
const socketObject = useSocket();
return { socketObject};
methods: {
startGame() {
this.socketObject.emit("updateRoom", this.roomInfo);
When the start game method is called on a button press, if I catch the error I get
this.socketObject.emit is not a function
I don't quite understand why Pinia isn't giving me access to functions from my instance, the store seems to be working fine for other data in my app, just cant call these functions.
useSocket returns a store, not socket instance. It should be used as:
const socketStore = useSocket();
io(...) doesn't return a promise, it's semantically incorrect to use it with await.
The use of Object constructor is incorrect. If a value is uninitialized, it can be null:
state: () => {
return {socketObject: null};
The mutation of store state outside the store is a bad practice. All state modifications should be performed by actions, this way they can be easily tracked through devtools, this is one of benefits of using a store.
At this point there's no benefit from packing socketObject inside a store. Socket instance could be either used separately from a store, or socket instance could be abstracted away and made reactive with store actions, etc.

Vue JS composition API can't access array

I am currently trying to learn Vue JS without ever having encountered Javascript.
All the brackets, arrows, etc. are driving me crazy.
With the Composition API, I come across a question that I can't successfully google.
That's working:
setup() {
const store = useStore ();
const packagingdata = ref ([]);
const loadpackagingdata = async () => {
await store.dispatch (Actions.LOADPACKAGING_LIST, 10);
packagingdata.value = store.getters.getPackagingData;
return {
I can access {{packagingdata}}. That contains an array.
does work
but {{packagingdata.products [0]}} doesn't work.
But when I add it to the setup () like this:
setup() {
const store = useStore ();
const packagingdata = ref ([]);
const getProducts = ref ([]);
const loadpackagingdata = async () => {
await store.dispatch (Actions.LOADPACKAGING_LIST, 10);
packagingdata.value = store.getters.getPackagingData;
getProducts.value = store.getters.getProducts;
return {
then {{ getProducts }} returns what I wanted even if the getter function only is like this:
get getAddress() {
return this.packagingdata["products"][0];
What is happening there?
What am I doing wrong? I would prefer to not create a ref() and getterfunction for every computed value.
Whats the solution with computed?
best regards
I found two methods to avoid the error.
add a v-if="mygetter.length" in the template
check in the getter whether the variable is set and otherwise return false
Both of these prevent an error already occurring when the page is loaded that [0] cannot be found

Provide Inject not working properly in vue 3 composition API

I am working with Vue 3 composition api and am retrieving weather data via async/await fetch and I get a 200 response and the data in the request within the Chrome Dev Tools.
In the component receiving the data and making the call I have a provide method and then I am injecting the data into another output component. The issue is in the inject component. The value for the injected variable is always null and does not update in the Vue Dev Tools so my data is never output to the screen. I went through the docs and the code is pretty much the same but I can't get it to work. Can anyone see an obvious issue?
Receiving Component
setup () {
async function getCurrentWeather () {
const response = await fetch(`${baseWeatherApiUrl}q=${userInput.value}`);
userInput.value = null;
return weatherData.value = await response.json();
const returnedWeatherData = reactive(weatherData);
provide('returnedWeatherData', returnedWeatherData);
return {
output component
setup () {
//Provide default of empty object in case no results exist
const weatherData = inject('returnedWeatherData');
console.log(weatherData) //No output even when making a new request to the weather api
return {
As a separate test I tried to provide/inject hardcoded values found in the docs but still geolocation when injected remains null.
provide('geolocation', {
longitude: 90,
latitude: 135
const userGeolocation = inject('geolocation')
console.log(userGeolocation) // Nothing logged
return {
In my case it was importing inject from "#vue/runtime-core" instead of "vue".
Of course provide was imported from "vue".
Just leaving here, maybe it's gonna save someone an hour.
The provide-ed argument should be the ref itself (not wrapped in a reactive()):
// Parent.vue
export default {
setup () {
const weatherData = ref()
// ❌
// const returnedWeatherData = reactive(weatherData);
// provide('returnedWeatherData', returnedWeatherData);
// ✅
provide('returnedWeatherData', weatherData);
And the child component's console.log() in setup() does not automatically get invoked again. You should wrap that call with watchEffect() so that it does get called upon change to the ref:
// Child.vue
import { inject, watchEffect } from 'vue'
export default {
setup () {
const weatherData = inject('returnedWeatherData')
// ❌
//console.log('new weatherData', weatherData.value)
// ✅
watchEffect(() => {
console.log('new weatherData', weatherData.value)

Nuxt: How to access store in rollbar.js WITHOUT using localStorage?

I am using Nuxt and Rollbar. I have a user id state in store.
My question is, how can I set this user id as a custom payload in the transformer function in rollbar.js WITHOUT using localStorage?
Here is my code:
// plugins/rollbar.js
const transformer = function(payload) {
payload.user_id = user_id_from_store // how to get this from store?
// store/index.js
export const state = () => ({
userId: ''
export const mutations = {
setUserId(state, userId) {
state.userId = userId
methods: {
fetch() {
const userId = fetchUserId()
this.$store.commit('setUserId', userId)
Things I have tried:
In rollbar.js, create and export a function which takes a context object as argument. Then call this function in transformer function to get user_id:
// plugins/rollbar.js
const getUserId = context => {
const user_id =
return user_id
const transformer = function(payload) {
payload.user_id = getUserId()
export default getUserId
When I console.log( getUserId function, I got a Store object, but calling the function in transformer function threw Rollbar: Error while calling custom transform() function. Removing custom transform(). TypeError: Cannot read property 'store' of undefined.
At the end, OP succeeded thanks to inject, more info available here:
This one is indeed needed for libraries that are not directly into the Vue ecosystem but that we wish to have working in our Nuxt app.

Aurelia Validation with i18n?

Has anyone gotten Aurelia Validation to work with the i18n Plugin for multi-lingual error messages? My app won't even start when I add in the code from the Aurelia documentation
Here's my main.js:
import environment from './environment';
import {I18N} from 'aurelia-i18n';
import XHR from 'i18next-xhr-backend';
import {ValidationMessageProvider} from 'aurelia-validation';
//Configure Bluebird Promises.
//Note: You may want to use environment-specific configuration.
warnings: {
wForgottenReturn: false
export function configure(aurelia) {
aurelia.use.plugin('aurelia-i18n', (instance) => {
// register backend plugin
// adapt options to your needs (see
backend: {
loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',
lng : 'en',
ns: ['translation'],
defaultNS: 'translation',
attributes : ['t','i18n'],
fallbackLng : 'en',
debug : false
// Straight from Aurelia Documentation
const i18n = aurelia.container.get(i18n);
ValidationMessageProvider.prototype.getMessage = function(key) {
const translation =`errorMessages.${key}`);
return this.parser.parseMessage(translation);
// Straight from Aurelia Documentation
ValidationMessageProvider.prototype.getDisplayName = function(propertyName) {
if (environment.debug) {
if (environment.testing) {
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot());
The error I get is vendor-bundle.js:3394 Error: key/value cannot be null or undefined. Are you trying to inject/register something that doesn't exist with DI?(…)
If I delete the two sections marked // Straight from Aurelia Documentation, it works fine (but only in one language).
If you see an error in my code, please point it out. Or, if you have a working example using aurelia-validation and aurelia-i18n working together, please pass on a link. Thanks!
Ran into this issue as well. It appears that the line
// Straight from Aurelia Documentation
const i18n = aurelia.container.get(i18n);
is getting (or more likely creating) a different instance of i18n than the
aurelia.use.plugin('aurelia-i18n', (instance) =>
I fixed this by getting the i18n instance directly from the aurelia.use.plugin() as follows (this is typescript but same principle applies to pure js):
let i18n:I18N = null;
aurelia.use.plugin('aurelia-i18n', (instance:I18N) => {
i18n = instance;
//rest of plugin code here
Use the imported I18N instead:
const i18n = aurelia.container.get(I18N);
But indeed, i18n seems to stop working afterward. My solution was to update the i18n singleton instance in the first page (app.js), the first time it gets injected:
constructor(i18n) {
this.i18n = i18n;
* Some configurations breaks in 'main.js'
* singletons can be configure here
* #return {void}
initAureliaSingletons() {
const i18n = this.i18n;
ValidationMessageProvider.prototype.getMessage = function(key) {
const translation =`validation-${key}`);
return this.parser.parseMessage(translation);
I put it on my main and it works. I think that the trick was to use the variable that was initialized in the plug-in initialization:
var i18n;
aurelia.use.plugin('aurelia-i18n', (instance) => {
// register backend plugin
i18n = instance;
var standardGetMessage = ValidationMessageProvider.prototype.getMessage;
ValidationMessageProvider.prototype.getMessage = function (key) {
if (i18n.i18next.exists(key)) {
const translation =;
return this.parser.parse(translation);
} else {
return standardGetMessage(key);
ValidationMessageProvider.prototype.getDisplayName = function (propertyName, displayName) {
if (displayName !== null && displayName !== undefined) {
return displayName;