VUEJS 2: Events. Parent to trigger an method found in a child component [duplicate] - vuejs2

In Vue 2.0 the documentation and others clearly indicate that communication from parent to child happens via props.
How does a parent tell its child an event has happened via props?
Should I just watch a prop called event? That doesn't feel right, nor do alternatives ($emit/$on is for child to parent, and a hub model is for distant elements).
I have a parent container and it needs to tell its child container that it's okay to engage certain actions on an API. I need to be able to trigger functions.

Vue 3 Composition API
Create a ref for the child component, assign it in the template, and use the <ref>.value to call the child component directly.
<script setup>
import {ref} from 'vue';
const childComponentRef = ref(null);
function click() {
// `childComponentRef.value` accesses the component instance
<child-component ref="childComponentRef" />
<button #click="click">Click me</button>
Couple things to note-
If your child component is using <script setup>, you'll need to declare public methods (e.g. doSomething above) using defineExpose.
If you're using Typescript, details of how to type annotate this are here.
Vue 3 Options API / Vue 2
Give the child component a ref and use $refs to call a method on the child component directly.
<div id="app">
<child-component ref="childComponent"></child-component>
<button #click="click">Click</button>
var ChildComponent = {
template: '<div>{{value}}</div>',
data: function () {
return {
value: 0
methods: {
setValue: function(value) {
this.value = value;
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'child-component': ChildComponent
methods: {
click: function() {
For more info, see Vue 3 docs on component refs or Vue 2 documentation on refs.

What you are describing is a change of state in the parent. You pass that to the child via a prop. As you suggested, you would watch that prop. When the child takes action, it notifies the parent via an emit, and the parent might then change the state again.
var Child = {
template: '<div>{{counter}}</div>',
props: ['canI'],
data: function () {
return {
counter: 0
watch: {
canI: function () {
if (this.canI) {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'my-component': Child
data: {
childState: false
methods: {
permitChild: function () {
this.childState = true;
lockChild: function () {
this.childState = false;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<my-component :can-I="childState" v-on:increment="lockChild"></my-component>
<button #click="permitChild">Go</button>
If you truly want to pass events to a child, you can do that by creating a bus (which is just a Vue instance) and passing it to the child as a prop.

You can use $emit and $on. Using #RoyJ code:
<div id="app">
<button #click="click">Click</button>
var Child = {
template: '<div>{{value}}</div>',
data: function () {
return {
value: 0
methods: {
setValue: function(value) {
this.value = value;
created: function() {
this.$parent.$on('update', this.setValue);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'my-component': Child
methods: {
click: function() {
this.$emit('update', 7);
Running example:

A simple decoupled way to call methods on child components is by emitting a handler from the child and then invoking it from parent.
var Child = {
template: '<div>{{value}}</div>',
data: function () {
return {
value: 0
methods: {
setValue(value) {
this.value = value;
created() {
this.$emit('handler', this.setValue);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'my-component': Child
methods: {
setValueHandler(fn) {
this.setter = fn
click() {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<my-component #handler="setValueHandler"></my-component>
<button #click="click">Click</button>
The parent keeps track of the child handler functions and calls whenever necessary.

Did not like the event-bus approach using $on bindings in the child during create. Why? Subsequent create calls (I'm using vue-router) bind the message handler more than once--leading to multiple responses per message.
The orthodox solution of passing props down from parent to child and putting a property watcher in the child worked a little better. Only problem being that the child can only act on a value transition. Passing the same message multiple times needs some kind of bookkeeping to force a transition so the child can pick up the change.
I've found that if I wrap the message in an array, it will always trigger the child watcher--even if the value remains the same.
data: function() {
msgChild: null,
methods: {
mMessageDoIt: function() {
this.msgChild = ['doIt'];
props: ['msgChild'],
watch: {
'msgChild': function(arMsg) {
<child v-bind="{ 'msgChild': msgChild }"></child>

The below example is self explainatory. where refs and events can be used to call function from and to parent and child.
<button #click="callChild">Call Method in child</button>
export default {
methods: {
callChild() {
this.$refs.childRef.childMethod('Hi from parent');
childCallBack(message) {
console.log('message from child', message);
<button #click="callParent">Call Parent</button>
export default {
methods: {
callParent() {
this.$emit('onChange', 'hi from child');
childMethod(message) {
console.log('message from parent', message);

If you have time, use Vuex store for watching variables (aka state) or trigger (aka dispatch) an action directly.

Calling child component in parent
<component :is="my_component" ref="my_comp"></component>
<v-btn #click="$refs.my_comp.alertme"></v-btn>
in Child component

I think we should to have a consideration about the necessity of parent to use the child’s methods.In fact,parents needn’t to concern the method of child,but can treat the child component as a FSA(finite state machine).Parents component to control the state of child component.So the solution to watch the status change or just use the compute function is enough

you can use key to reload child component using key
<component :is="child1" :filter="filter" :key="componentKey"></component>
If you want to reload component with new filter, if button click filter the child component
reloadData() {
this.filter = ['filter1','filter2']
this.componentKey += 1;
and use the filter to trigger the function

You can simulate sending event to child by toggling a boolean prop in parent.
Parent code :
<child :event="event">
export default {
data() {
event: false
methods: {
simulateEmitEventToChild() {
this.event = !this.event;
handleExample() {
Child code :
export default {
props: {
event: {
type: Boolean
watch: {
event: function(value) {
console.log("parent event");


How to check if child component is mounted in vue?

I want to check if child component is mounted and I want to move that information to he parent component. For this I am using emits.
So with example here is my parent component:
<child #is-child-mounted="childMounted" />
export default {
data() {
return {
childMounted: false,
mounted() {
if (this.childMounted) {
//do something
and in child component, I am changing 'is-child-mounted' to true:
mounted() {
this.$emit('isChildMounted', true);
But still if (this.childMounted) comes false. So how can I check in parent component if the child component is mounted?
You can add a listener on the child component fom the parent. It would look like this:
You can replace the hook name by the lifecycle one you want to listen to ! I guess it should be used sparsely as it is not present in the documentation and thus be an internal API that is not destined to be used directly.
Looks like there is a typo in the event name in the child component while triggering the event else code should work fine.
It should be is-child-mounted instead of ischildmounted
It should be #is-child-mounted="childMounted = true" instead of #is-child-mounted="childMounted"
Live Demo :
Vue.component('child', {
props: ['childmsg'],
template: '<p>{{ childmsg }}</p>',
mounted() {
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
childMounted: false
mounted() {
if (this.childMounted) {
console.log('child mounted');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<child childmsg="This is a child component" #is-child-mounted="childMounted = true"></child>

Vue 3: Wait until parent is done with data fetching to fetch child data and show loader

I'm looking for a reusable way to display a full page loader (Sidebar always visible but the loader should cover the content part of the page) till all necessary api fetches has been done.
I've got a parent component LaunchDetails wrapped in a PageLoader component
<router-link :to="{ name: 'launches' }"> Back to launches </router-link>
<h1>{{ name }}</h1>
<TabMenu :links="menuLinks" />
<router-view />
import TabMenu from "#/components/general/TabMenu";
export default {
data() {
return {
menuLinks: [
{ to: { name: "launchOverview" }, display_name: "Overview" },
{ to: { name: "launchRocket" }, display_name: "Rocket" },
components: {
created() {
this.$store.dispatch("launches/fetchLaunch", this.$route.params.launch_id);
computed: {
name() {
return this.$store.getters["launches/name"];
<Spinner v-if="isLoading" full size="medium" />
<slot v-else></slot>
import Spinner from "#/components/general/Spinner.vue";
export default {
components: {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters["loader/isLoading"];
The LaunchDetails template has another router-view. In these child pages new fetch requests are made based on data from the LaunchDetails requests.
<h2>Launch rocket details</h2>
<RocketCard v-if="rocket" :rocket="rocket" />
import LaunchService from "#/services/LaunchService";
import RocketCard from "#/components/rocket/RocketCard.vue";
export default {
components: {
mounted() {
data() {
return {
rocket: null,
methods: {
async loadRocket() {
const rocket_id = this.$store.getters["launches/getRocketId"];
if (rocket_id) {
const response = await LaunchService.getRocket(rocket_id);
this.rocket =;
What I need is a way to fetch data in the parent component (LaunchDetails). If this data is stored in the vuex store, the child component (LaunchRocket) is getting the necessary store data and executes the fetch requests. While this is done I would like to have a full page loader or a full page loader while the parent component is loading and a loader containing the nested canvas.
At this point the vuex store is keeping track of an isLoading property, handled with axios interceptors.
All code is visible in this sandbox
(Note: In this example I could get the rocket_id from the url but this will not be the case in my project so I'm really looking for a way to get this data from the vuex store)
Im introduce your savior Suspense, this feature has been added in vue v3 but still is an experimental feature. Basically how its work you create one suspense in parent component and you can show a loading when all component in any depth of your application is resolved. Note that your components should be an async component means that it should either lazily loaded or made your setup function (composition api) an async function so it will return an async component, with this way you can fetch you data in child component and in parent show a fallback if necessary.
More info:
You could use Events:
var Child = Vue.component('child', {
data() {
return {
isLoading: true
template: `<div>
<span v-if="isLoading">Loading …</span>
<span v-else>Child</span>
created() {
this.$parent.$on('loaded', this.setLoaded);
methods: {
setLoaded() {
this.isLoading = false
var Parent = Vue.component('parent', {
components: { Child },
data() {
return {
isLoading: true
template: `<div>
<Child />
mounted() {
let request1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
let request2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
Promise.all([ request1, request2 ]).then(() => this.$emit('loaded'))
new Vue({
components: { Parent },
el: '#app',
template: `<Parent />`
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>
This may be considered an anti-pattern since it couples the parent with the child and events are considered to be sent the other way round. If you don't want to use events for that, a watched property works just fine, too. The non-parent-child event emitting was removed in Vue 3 but can be implemented using external libraries.

Passing data from a Child Component to the Parents Pop in VueJs

I have a button component which calls an API, and I want to push the returned response up to the parent, where it will become the 'translatedText' prop, however, I believe I'm using the $emit incorrectly, due to the error: `Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '$emit'). How do I best capture the response data and pass it to my parent prop, and is using $emit the best use in this instance?
<b-button type="is-primary" #click="loadTranslations()">Übersetzen</b-button>
export default {
name: "TranslationButton",
props: {
translatedText: ''
methods: {
loadTranslations() {
.then(function(response) {
return response.text();
.then(function(data) {
Parent Component Props:
props: {
data: Array,
translatedText: '',
showAttachments: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
How Child Component is called in Parent Component:
<translation-button #translatedText="loadTranslations()" />
Best practise when passing data from child to parent is emitting events.
this.$root.$on('translatedText', () => { // do stuff })
by emits you pass value to parent component,
#translatedText="loadTranslations()" - its event listner, fireing on your child comp emit
do #translatedText="loadTranslations" instead of #translatedText="loadTranslations()"
and add this loadTranslations as a method to parent comp
if you dont use arrow funcs, and you use it's pointing to object passed to .then, it will be undefined i guess...
The problem is with the usage of this. It does no longer point to your component inside the promise then() method.
You should create a new variable and initialize it with the value of this and use that variable to emit the event.
loadTranslations() {
const _this = this;
fetch().then(response => _this.$emit(response));
if you want to pass data from child to parent, you need to use $emit like the below code
<b-button type="is-primary" #click="loadTranslations">Übersetzen</b-button>
export default {
name: "TranslationButton",
props: {
TranslatedText: ''
methods: {
loadTranslations() {
const self= this; // change added
.then(function(response) {
return response.text();
.then(function(data) {
self.$emit('changeTitle', data) // change added
<translation-button #changeTitle="ChangeT" />

Vue.js Dynamically extend/replace child component method at runtime with access to parent scope

Is it possible to extend child component function at runtime in vue? I want to limit/stop child component function call based on parent scope logic (I want to avoid passing props in this specific case).
Overriding a component method is not a runtime solution/I can't have access to parent scope.
What I have tried and it does not working:
// Foo.vue
<button #click="func">Click me</button>
export default {
methods: {
func() {
console.log('some xhr')
// Bar.vue
<Foo ref="foo"/>
export default {
components: {Foo}
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.$ = function() {
console.log('some conditional logic')
For this usecase a better implementation would be defining the function in the parent itself and passing it through props. Since props are by default reactive you can easily control it from parent.
// Foo.vue
<button #click="clickFunction.handler">Click me</button>
export default {
name: 'Foo',
props: {
clickFunction: {
type: Object,
required: true
// Bar.vue
<Foo :clickFunction="propObject"/>
export default {
components: {Foo},
data() {
return {
propObject: {
handler: null;
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
if(some condition) {
this.propObject.handler = this.func();
} else this.propObject.handler = null;
methods: {
func() {
console.log('some xhr')
From what I managed to realize:
the solution in the code posted in the question really replaces the func() method in the child component. It's just that Vue has already attached the old method to the html element. Replacing it at the source will have no impact.
I was looking for a way to re-attach the eventListeners to html component. Re-rendering using an index key would not help because it will re-render the component with its original definition. You can hide the item in question for a split second, and when it appears you will receive an updated eventListener. However, this involves an intervention in the logic of the child component (which I avoid).
The solution is the $forceUpdate() method.
Thus, my code becomes the following:
// Foo.vue
<button #click="func">Click me</button>
export default {
methods: {
func() {
console.log('some xhr')
// Bar.vue
<Foo ref="foo"/>
export default {
components: {Foo}
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
let original = this.$; // preserve original function
this.$ = function() {
console.log('some conditional logic')
this.$refs.btn.$forceUpdate(); // will re-evaluate visual logic of child component

Get data to Parent component from multi child components

I need to collect data from all child components and get it in Parent component.
For example i have a form component with "Save" button.
Once i click on "Save" button i need all child component send me all data that an user put there.
<Name />
<DatePicker />
So the main component is Form and it has several child components. Once i click on "Save" in i need to get child components data in Form.
I am thinking about giving "ref" to all child component and call their own methods in Parent once i click on "Save" inside Form. In those methods i will collect all data and fire events with this.$emit there i can send to parent the data i have collected.
Is that a good solution?
Or maybe better to use EventBus?
I prefer bind over emit.
Vue.component("InputField", {
template: `<input v-model="syncedValue" />`,
name: "InputField",
props: {
value: String
computed: {
syncedValue: {
get() {
return this.value;
set(v) {
this.$emit("input", v);
Vue.component("Form", {
template: `<div><InputField v-model="name"/><InputField v-model="surname"/><button #click="save">Save</button></div>`,
name: "Form",
data() {
return {
name: "",
surname: ""
methods: {
save() {
alert(`${} ${this.surname}`);
new Vue({
template: `<Form></Form>`
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>