Unable to exit while loop in UVM monitor - while-loop

This might be a silly mistake from my side that I have overlooked but I'm fairly new to UVM and I tried tinkering with my code for a while before this. I'm trying to send in a stream of 8 bit data within a packet using Data valid stall protocol from my UVM driver to the DUT. I'm facing an issue with my input monitor not being able to pick up these transactions that are driven.
I have a while loop with a condition that the valid bit must be high and the stall bit should be low. As long as this condition holds good, the monitor needs to pick up the data byte and push into the queue. I know for a fact that the data is being picked up and pushed to a queue as I used $display statements along the way. The problem is arising once all the data bytes are received and the valid bit goes low. Ideally, this should cause the exit from the while loop but isn't doing so. Any help here would be appreciated. I have attached a snippet of the code below. Thanks in advance.
virtual task main_phase (uvm_phase phase);
$display("Run phase of input monitor");
endtask: main_phase
virtual task collect_transfer();
forever begin
endtask: collect_transfer
virtual task wait_for_valid_transaction_cycle();
wait(iP0_vif.cb_iP0_MON.ip_valid && ~iP0_vif.cb_iP0_MON.ip_stall);
endtask: wait_for_valid_transaction_cycle
virtual task create_and_populate_pkt();
pkt = Router_seq_item :: type_id :: create("pkt");
pkt.valid = iP0_vif.cb_iP0_MON.ip_valid;
pkt.sop = iP0_vif.cb_iP0_MON.ip_sop;
$display("before data collection");
while(iP0_vif.cb_iP0_MON.ip_valid === `HIGH && iP0_vif.cb_iP0_MON.ip_stall === `LOW) begin
$display("After checking for stall");
pkt.data = iP0_vif.cb_iP0_MON.ip_data;
pkt.eop = iP0_vif.cb_iP0_MON.ip_eop;
$display("print check in input monitor # time = %0t", $time);
$display("before printing input packet from monitor");
endtask: create_and_populate_pkt
The $display statement "before printing input packet from monitor" is not being displayed.
HIGH is defined as a binary 1 and LOW is defined as a binary 0.
The output of the code in terms of display statements is as below.
before data collection
before checking for stall
After checking for stall
print check in input monitor # time = 105
before checking for stall
After checking for stall
print check in input monitor # time = 115
before checking for stall
After checking for stall
print check in input monitor # time = 125

It's possible that the main phase objection is being dropped elsewhere in your environment. UVM will automatically kill any threads that were spawned during a phase when it ends.
To fix this, do not object to the main phase in your monitor. Objecting to that phase is the responsibility of the threads creating the stimulus. Instead, you should be launching this monitor during the run_phase, which will ensure that your loop is not killed until the end of simulation.
Also, during the shutdown phase, you will want your monitor to object whenever it is currently seeing a packet. This will ensure that simulation doesn't end as soon as stimulus has been sent in, giving your other monitors time to collect responses from the DUT.


Ignite Data streamer optimization

I am using below settings:
allowOverwrite: false
nodeParallelOperations: 1
autoFlushFrequency: 10
perNodeBufferSize: 5000000
My records size is around 2000 bytes. And see the "grid-data-loader-flusher"
thread stats as below:
Thread Count Average Longest Duration
grid-data-loader-flusher-#100 38 4,737,793.579 30,427,862 180,036,156
What would be the best configurations for Data streamer?
Its good to have parallel streaming mode for data streamer. You can achieve this by collecting you key-value records in java Map and call the streamer.addData() method in parallel mode over that map. Here is the snippet.
Also, if you are setting allowOverWrite to false then you cant use your custom stream receiver to process your collection of records. In this case it will skip the record(s) if it is already there in cache.
Regarding buffersize, you need to wait till buffer gets full each time to get it flushed automatically to cache. flush frequency comes to your rescue in this case and it will do periodic flushing. so whatever condition first satisfies(either buffer gets full or flush frequency reach) it will do flush. I preferred calling manual flush after above method call.
I observed that streamer works well with much more big collection on which you will call streamer.addData() method in parallel.

Generating parallel port triggers upon detection of a vocal response

I've created an experiment in psychopy builder in which participants must vocally name pictures presented onscreen (for example, if a picture of a chair appears, the participant has to respond by saying "chair"). I've set up a code component to detect each vocal response, which ends the trial and initiates the next one. This part of the experiment works well, however I'm having trouble integrating EEG recording.
Some important information:
My trial loop reads images and triggerVal's out of a .csv file. I have an image component (called english_naming) that displays images for participants to name out-loud. The component's STOP field is defined as $vpvk.event_onset - this forces the trial to end and the next one to begin upon detection of a vocal response.
So, here is my (working) code component at present:
Begin Experiment:
from psychopy import parallel
port = parallel.port(address=61432)
Begin Routine
vpvk = vk.onsetVoiceKey(
sec=10) # creates the voice key
vpvk.start() #starts recording.
port.setData(triggerVal) # tells psychopy to read trigger values from the .csv file
End Routine
vpvk.stop() # ends the recording
port.setData(0) # resets the trigger value to 0 for the start of the next trial
My problem is this
At present, parallel port events are time-locked to the start of each trial, but I need them to be time-locked to participant's vocal responses. I tried inserting if vpvk.event_onset(): above port.setData(triggerVal), but this fails to generate any trigger codes at all. I've also tried if english_naming==FINISHED but the same problem occurred. I've tried a bunch of variants on these two lines of code, but nothing I can think of seems to work.
I would really really appreciate any advice on this problem. Thanks in advance!

ServerXmlHttpRequest hanging sometimes when doing a POST

I have a job that periodically does some work involving ServerXmlHttpRquest to perform an HTTP POST. The job runs every 60 seconds.
And normally it runs without issue. But there's about a 1 in 50,000 chance (every two or three months) that it will hang:
IXMLHttpRequest http = new ServerXmlHttpRequest();
http.open("POST", deleteUrl, false, "", "");
http.send(stuffToDelete); <---hang
When it hangs, not even the Task Scheduler (with the option enabled to kill the job if it takes longer than 3 minutes to run) can end the task. I have to connect to the remote customer's network, get on the server, and use Task Manager to kill the process.
And then its good for another month or three.
Eventually i started using Task Manager to create a process dump,
so i could analyze where the hang is. After five crash dumps (over the last 11 months or so) i get a consistent picture:
urlmon.dll!CTransaction::CompleteOperation(int fNested) Line 2496
urlmon.dll!CTransaction::StartEx(IUri * pIUri, IInternetProtocolSink * pOInetProtSink, IInternetBindInfo * pOInetBindInfo, unsigned long grfOptions, unsigned long dwReserved) Line 4453 C++
urlmon.dll!CTransaction::Start(const wchar_t * pwzURL, IInternetProtocolSink * pOInetProtSink, IInternetBindInfo * pOInetBindInfo, unsigned long grfOptions, unsigned long dwReserved) Line 4515 C++
Contoso.exe!FrobImporter.TFrobImporter.DeleteFrobs Line 971
Contoso.exe!FrobImporter.TFrobImporter.ImportCore Line 1583
Contoso.exe!FrobImporter.TFrobImporter.RunImport Line 1070
Contoso.exe!CommandLineProcessor.TCommandLineProcessor.HandleFrobImport Line 433
Contoso.exe!CommandLineProcessor.TCommandLineProcessor.CoreExecute Line 71
Contoso.exe!CommandLineProcessor.TCommandLineProcessor.Execute Line 84
Contoso.exe!Contoso.Contoso Line 167
So i do a ServerXmlHttpRequest.send, and it never returns. It will sit there for days (causing the system to miss financial transactions, until come Sunday night i get a call that it's broken).
It is of no help unless someone knows how to debug code, but the registers in the stalled thread at the time of the dump are:
EAX 00000030
EBX 00000000
ECX 00000000
EDX 00000000
ESI 002CAC08
EDI 00000001
EIP 732A08A7
ESP 0018F684
EBP 0018F6C8
EFL 00000000
Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft IIS/8.5
Default timeouts of ServerXmlHttpRequest
You can use serverXmlHttpRequest.setTimeouts(...) to configure the four classes of timeouts:
resolveTimeout: The value is applied to mapping host names (such as "www.microsoft.com") to IP addresses; the default value is infinite, meaning no timeout.
connectTimeout: A long integer. The value is applied to establishing a communication socket with the target server, with a default timeout value of 60 seconds.
sendTimeout: The value applies to sending an individual packet of request data (if any) on the communication socket to the target server. A large request sent to a server will normally be broken up into multiple packets; the send timeout applies to sending each packet individually. The default value is 30 seconds.
receiveTimeout: The value applies to receiving a packet of response data from the target server. Large responses will be broken up into multiple packets; the receive timeout applies to fetching each packet of data off the socket. The default value is 30 seconds.
The KB305053 (a server that decides to keep the connection open will cause serverXmlHttpRequest to wait for the connection to close) seems like it plausibly could be the issue. But the 30 second default timeout would have taken care of that.
Possible workaround - Add myself to a Job
The Windows Task Scheduler is unable to terminate the task; even though the option is enabled to do do.
I will look into using the Windows Job API to add my self process to a job, and use SetInformationJobObject to set a time limit on my process:
to limit my process to three minutes of execution time:
If LimitFlags specifies
JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_PROCESS_TIME, this member is the per-process
user-mode execution time limit, in 100-nanosecond ticks. Otherwise,
this member is ignored.
The system periodically checks to determine
whether each process associated with the job has accumulated more
user-mode time than the set limit. If it has, the process is
If the job is nested, the effective limit is the most
restrictive limit in the job chain.
Although since Task Scheduler uses Job objects to also limit a task's time, i'm not hopeful that the Job Object can limit a job either.
Edit: Job objects cannot limit a process by process time - only user time. And with a process idle waiting for an object, it will not accumulate any user time - certainly not three minutes worth.
Bonus Reading
How can a ServerXMLHTTP GET request hang? (GET, not POST)
KB305053: ServerXMLHTTP Stops Responding When You Send a POST Request (which says the timeout should expire; where mine does not)
MS Forums: oHttp.Send - Hangs (HEAD, not POST)
MS Forums: ASP to test SOAP WebService using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Send hangs
CC to MS Support Forums
Consider switching to a newer, supported API.
msxml6.dll using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0
winhttpcom.dll using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1.
The msxml3.dll library is no longer supported and is only kept around for compatibility reasons. Plus, there were a number of security and stability improvements included with msxml4.dll (and newer) that you are missing out on.

In celery, how to ensure tasks are retried when worker crashes

First of all please don't consider this question as a duplicate of this question
I have a setup an environment which uses celery and redis as broker and result_backend. My question is how can I make sure that when the celery workers crash, all the scheduled tasks are re-tried, when the celery worker is back up.
I have seen advice on using CELERY_ACKS_LATE = True , so that the broker will re-drive the tasks until it get an ACK, but in my case its not working. Whenever I schedule a task its immediately goes to the worker which persists it until the scheduled time of execution. Let me give some example:
I am scheduling a task like this: res=test_task.apply_async(countdown=600) , but immediately in celery worker logs i can see something like : Got task from broker: test_task[a137c44e-b08e-4569-8677-f84070873fc0] eta:[2013-01-...] . Now when I kill the celery worker, these scheduled tasks are lost. My settings:
BROKER_URL = "redis://localhost:6379/0"
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "redis://localhost:6379/0"
Apparently this is how celery behaves.
When worker is abruptly killed (but dispatching process isn't), the message will be considered as 'failed' even though you have acks_late=True
Motivation (to my understanding) is that if consumer was killed by OS due to out-of-mem, there is no point in redelivering the same task.
You may see the exact issue here: https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/1628
I actually disagree with this behaviour. IMO it would make more sense not to acknowledge.
I've had the issue, where I was using some open-source C libraries that went totaly amok and crashed my worker ungraceful without throwing an exception. For any reason whatsoever, one can simply wrap the content of a task in a child process and check its status in the parent.
n = os.fork()
if n > 0: //inside the parent process
status = os.wait() //wait until child terminates
print("Signal number that killed the child process:", status[1])
if status[1] > 0: // if the signal was something other then graceful
// here one can do whatever they want, like restart or throw an Exception.
self.retry(exc=SomeException(), countdown=2 ** self.request.retries)
else: // here comes the actual task content with its respected return
return myResult // Make sure there are not returns in child and parent at the same time.

Erlang finish or kill process

I have erlang application. In this application i run process with spawn(?MODULE, my_foo, [my_param1, my_param2, my_param3]).
And my_foo:
my_foo(my_param1, my_param2, my_param3) ->
some code here
When i open etop i see that this my_foo/3 function status: proc_lib:sync_wait/2
Than i try to put exit(self(), normal) in the end of my function, but i see same behavior: proc_lib:sync_wait/2 in etop.
How can i kill or exit process correctly?
Thank you.
Note that exit(Pid, Reason) and exit(Reason) do NOT do the same thing if Pid is the process itself. exit/1 tells the current process to exit - from the inside if you like - while exit/2 sends an exit signal to the process, even if the process is itself. So when you do exit(self(), normal) you are actually sending the normal exit signal to yourself, which is ignored.
In this case putting the exit call at the end of the function should not make any difference as the process automatically dies (with reason normal) when the function with which it was started ends. It seems like the process is suspended somewhere before that.
proc_lib:sync_wait/2 is called inside proc_lib:start/start_link and sits and waits for the spawned process to do proc_lib:init_ack/1/2 to return the return value for start. It would appear that your process does not call init_ack.
Based on the limited information that you give in the question I would suspect that your process hasn't finished running yet.
Normally you don't need to add exit/2 to your process. It will exit automatically when the function has finished running.
You probably have a long running call in some code here that has not finished running. I recommend that you add logging information and see where you are stuck.