How to modify Katalon report? - selenium

I have generated a test suite and run the testng.xml file and default report is generated accordingly.
I want to modify default generated report. I want to display one column which shows the pass and fail result for each testcase. How do I go about this?

This is not possible at the moment. It has been asked here, as well.


Is there a way to re-run successful tests, from previous run, with google test?

Is there a gtest flag or any other way to re-run tests with google test that were previously successful ( and no change to any code).
It doesn’t seem that there is a specific option for rerunning tests.
You could run the test collection and generate a report in XML or JSON format. Then, you could parse the report, and create a --gtest_filter=... argument by joining the names of successful tests as a colon-separated string.
You could also imagine writing a custom test listener. This would need to write out successful test names to a file, and once again, you could write some simple code to generate the corresponding --gtest_filter argument.

Add new column in Cucumber overview report

Our cucmber-overview report looks like below.
We want to add a new column to this report with name "Author" of the script.
We are using selenium,Java and gherkin for automation.
Can anyone help ?
Thank you.
I'm not sure if there's an easy way to add this data during the test execution itself, but as the report is an HTML file, then you can surely manipulate it after the fact.
You'd probably need to save your additional information during the test execution in a separate file or database. Then, in a separate process after the test execution completes and the original report is generated, you should read this data and add it to the HTML file using jsoup or something similar.

I am using msbiuild to call my itegrations tests using open cover. I want to append all the results into one XML file. Is this possible?

I am using msbuild to call my integrations tests using open cover. I want to append all the results into one XML file. Is this possible?
Currently I run open cover against each individual dll we have. This produces an xml file for each dll. Is there a way of just having all the results appended into the one file when running from opencover?
I would like to get all the results appended into the default test results .xml file.
You can use the -mergeoutput switch that allows the output of one run to be loaded and the data updated into the next run.
I used ReportGenerator to amalgamate all the OpenCover results and used the existing team city nunit reporter, to report on the nunit results generated. This gives me two reports from all runs. One with coverage and the second with just the nunit results.

Intellij running one test in TestNG

So my typical workflow is
I write a data driven test using TestNG in IntelliJ.
I supply hundreds of data items
Run the test and one or two of them fail
I see the list of passed/failed tests in the "Run" pane.
I would like the ability to just right click that "instance" of the test and run that test alone (with breakpoints). Currently IntelliJ does not seem to have that feature. I would have to right click the test and when I run, it runs the whole set of tests with hundreds of data points.
Is this possible?
TestNG supports this at the testng.xml level, where you can specify which indices of your data provider should be used. It's called "invocation-numbers" and you can see what it looks like by running a test with a data provider, failing some of its invocation numbers and looking at the testng-failed.xml that gets generated.
Back to your question: your IDE needs to support this feature in order to make it available in the UI, so I suggest you ask on the IDEA forums
The feature has been added as of Intellij 142.1217:

how to change cruisecontrol head.xsl to reflect value dynamically from testng

Currently I can hard code the header.xsl in cruisecontrol to show anything I want (e.g. browser type), but I'd like to also see the version of my app testng is running against. The version number is situated on the first page of my app under a div class. Is there a way to have cruisecontrol set the value into the header.xsl from grabbing the testng report?
Expected result:
I want to see on the cruisecontrol report info about my app like version #
Is that version number ever output during the build process? Can you find it in the build log? If so it should be rather easy to figure out the xsl necessary to get it. If it isn't you would have to do a lot of customizing because they system expects to only display info inside the build log, statistics.csv, and report.xml files.