Set width of area used for left-y-axis labels? - mpandroidchart

I have 3 graphs, each with a different set of y-axis labels (for left axis). This results in the AxisLines for each graph not lining up. Is there a way to set a minimum space that the labels take up?
I've been playing with this;
But I don't like the overall look, even if it does result in the AxisLines aligning.


Is there a way to convert bubble chart size?

I have created a bubble chart using the fusion charts api in The question/issue I have is leaning more on scaling the chart itself, rather than the particular library I used to generate it.
The chart I have is designed like this:
X = roi
y = lift
circle size = revenue
The code below sets the max/min values of the x axis:
roiMax += 30 'pad the max and min roi values so the bubble wont cut off
roiMin -= 30
I used the new roi min/max values and set them as the minimum/maximum x axis values. It seems to work in most cases. However, if the points displayed are all near each other, then the bubbles become squished together.
If I comment out the portion where I set the x/y max min value of the chart, it looks to scale more properly. However, there are bubbles that cut off if it reaches the edge of the chart. So I want to try to set min/max values for x and y so I can show the full bubble. However, to do that I need to use the circle size to grab the length so I can determine the proper chart limits. Is there a way to convert the size into units of x or the units of y for me to find the proper limit?

Programmatically set drawCircle on a per value basis on LineChart

Is there a way to toggle drawCircle on individual data points? From the documentation it appears you can only enable this at the dataset level. I'm trying to draw circles for the min/max of a dataset.
If there isn't a way to draw circles on individual data points another workaround I've tried implementing has been to create a second dataset and only plot the corresponding X index and min/max Y value; every other value is set small enough that it is not visible in the viewport. The only problem here is I can't seem to plot both datasets without overwriting the first dataset's background fill.

Reportlab LinePlot - how do I add a lineLegend...or label my lines?

I have a lineplot with 2 lines on it...they're two separate channels from the same data set. Would love to just label each one - the "labels" options are all about giving a number for each point on your plot, and that is simply not helpful.
Would love to know how to do any (really, all, but I just need to do one to be happy) of these:
plot each against its own y axis and be able to sensibly label that axis with units (and color the numbers to correspond to the data it correlates to)
put a legend on it. I can't figure out how to use lineLegend
just put any kind of (singular) label in the vicinity of the lines.

Does matplotlib autoscale have a default minimum tick size? Can this be changed?

I am using pyplot.scatter(x_coords, y_coords) to plot some points. When the points have very small granularity, the tick size is not scaled below 0.0002 like it should be.
I have tried using ax.autoscale(tight=True), but the result did not change. Is there a way to autoscale my axes when points have a small granularity without manually finding and setting the axis limits?
These graphs should explain what my problem is. Both graphs are generated using the same code, but given different data sets. The values along the y-axis of the lower graph are not all 0 - they are spread out on the 10^-9 order of magnitude.

plotting matrices with gnuplot

I am trying to plot a matrix in Gnuplot as I would using imshow in Matplotlib. That means I just want to plot the actual matrix values, not the interpolation between values. I have been able to do this by trying
splot "file.dat" u 1:2:3 ps 5 pt 5 palette
This way we are telling the program to use columns 1,2 and 3 in the file, use squares of size 5 and space the points with very narrow gaps. However the points in my dataset are not evenly spaced and hence I get discontinuities.
Anyone a method of plotting matrix values in gnuplot regardless of not evenly spaced in Xa and y axes?
Gnuplot doesn't need to have evenly space X and Y axes. ( see another one of my answers: ). I frequently deal with grids that look like x[i] = f_x(i) and y[j] = f_y(j). This is quite trivial to plot, the datafile just looks like:
x1 y1 z11
x1 y2 z12
x1 yN z1N
#<--- blank line (leave these comments out of your datafile ;)
x2 y1 z21
x2 y2 z22
x2 yN z2N
#<--- blank line
#<--- blank line
xN y1 zN1
xN yN zNN
(note the blank lines)
A datafile like that can be plotted as:
set view map
splot "datafile.dat" u 1:2:3 w pm3d
the option set pm3d corners2color can be used to fine tune which corner you want to color the rectangle created.
Also note that you could make essentially the same plot doing this:
set view map
plot "datafile.dat" u 1:2:3 w image
Although I don't use this one myself, so it might fail with a non-equally spaced rectangular grid (you'll need to try it).
Response to your comment
Yes, pm3d does generate (M-1)x(N-1) quadrilaterals as you've alluded to in your comment -- It takes the 4 corners and (by default) averages their value to assign a color. You seem to dislike this -- although (in most cases) I doubt you'd be able to tell a difference in the plot for reasonably large M and N (larger than 20). So, before we go on, you may want to ask yourself if it is really necessary to plot EVERY POINT.
That being said, with a little work, gnuplot can still do what you want. The solution is to specify that a particular corner is to be used to assign the color to the entire quadrilateral.
#specify that the first corner should be used for coloring the quadrilateral
set pm3d corners2color c1 #could also be c2,c3, or c4.
Then simply append the last row and last column of your matrix to plot it twice (making up an extra gridpoint to accommodate the larger dataset. You're not quite there yet, you still need to shift your grid values by half a cell so that your quadrilaterals are centered on the point in question -- which way you shift the cells depends on your choice of corner (c1,c2,c3,c4) -- You'll need to play around with it to figure out which one you want.
Note that the problem here isn't gnuplot. It's that there isn't enough information in the datafile to construct an MxN surface given MxN triples. At each point, you need to know it's position (x,y) it's value (z) and also the size of the quadrilateral to be draw there -- which is more information than you've packed into the file. Of course, you can guess the size in the interior points (just meet halfway), but there's no guessing on the exterior points. but why not just use the size of the next interior point?. That's a good question, and it would (typically) work well for rectangular grids, but that is only a special case (although a common one) -- which would (likely) fail miserably for many other grids. The point is that gnuplot decided that averaging the corners is typically "close enough", but then gives you the option to change it.
See the explanation for the input data here. You may have to change your data file's format accordingly.