getaliasesby command on SQL query [closed] - sql

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Closed 4 years ago.
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now im investigating SQL Query for making Datawarehouse.
I found this query on it :
MAX(dbo.GetAliasesByWo(b_1.wo_part, b_1.wo__dec01, RTRIM(LTRIM(b_1.wo__chr01)), RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(b_1.wo_rmks)), 1))) AS list_wo,
MAX(dbo.GetAliasesByWo1(b_1.wo_part, b_1.wo__dec01, RTRIM(LTRIM(b_1.wo__chr01)), RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(b_1.wo_rmks)), 1))) AS list_wo1,
MAX(dbo.GetAliasesByWo2(b_1.wo_part, b_1.wo__dec01, RTRIM(LTRIM(b_1.wo__chr01)), RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(b_1.wo_rmks)), 1))) AS list_wo2
did anyone knows whats the meaning ? could you explain to me ?

You can use sp_helptext command to view the definition.I think the given GetAliasesByWo is an user-defined function you can check the definititon with the below query:
EXEC [ServerName].[DatabaseName].dbo.sp_helptext 'dbo.GetAliasesByWo'


A newbie in SQL asking about functions [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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How can I find data that dont end with letter 'g' without using NOT LIKE function, please help
select * from table where right(column, 1) != 'g'
Since you asked how to do it using "not like," I'll answer that. The function version provided by #Zoories would be more efficient.
This works at
SELECT * FROM Customers where CustomerName not like '%g';

Need info on string functions in sql [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Could you please help me on this scenario
'Hello World'
i want to print like 'ello World'
what are the possible diff ways to acheive this
Try this:
select substr('Hello World',2) from dual;--Oracle
select substr('Hello World',2);--Mysql
select substring('Hello World',2)--Postgres

i want to execute an sql query in ruby to use the result to make some tests in my views [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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this is the query :
FROM public.member_roles , public.members , public.users
WHERE = public.members.user_id AND = public.member_roles.member_id AND public.member_roles.role_id = 4 ;
in my views if this query return 1 , a text area is ganna be disabled
in rails
you can find more info on this question. Hope this help you.
this will return Mysql2::Result object (if you are using mysql db and mysql2 gem. I belive for PG also it give similar object. to fetch data from it. here is a docs for Mysql2::Result.

Sql code to create the Mirror image of the string in Oracle sql [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need a sql query or function which will create the mirror image of string.
If "mirror" is reversed text use:
SELECT REVERSE('my_text') FROM dual;
,REVERSE(t) AS Mirror1
,TRANSLATE(t, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',N'ɐqɔpǝɟbɥıظʞןɯuodbɹsʇnʌʍxʎz') AS Mirror2
,TRANSLATE(REVERSE(t), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',N'ɐqɔpǝɟbɥıظʞןɯuodbɹsʇnʌʍxʎz') AS Mirror3
FROM tab;

drop everything to the right of a hyphen in sql [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am using Oracle SQL developer 2012. My data looks like 'valueA-valueB'. I want to strip the content after - and populate with rest.
You can use a combination of substr and instr:
SELECT SUBSTR(my_column, 1, INSTR(my_column, '-') - 1)
FROM my_table