Kinect Visual Gesture Builder unable to build the gesture - kinect

I have created a project in VGB, to detect wave gesture, I have added a clip of wave gesture, Set the gesture value to true by selecting gesture from the stream. but when I click on build I receive following error. Please can some one tell me why this error occurs? and what should I do to eliminate it?


How to match gestures with kinect v2?

I am planning to develop a web app which recognizes user hand gesture(thumb up and thumb down) and perform basic functions(like updating a value). how to accomplish this with kinect v2?
Do you know about visual gesture builder?
Visual Gesture Builder (VGB) generates data that applications use to perform gesture detection at run time.
Basically you can use the data it generates to perform gesture recognition like swipe up, wave, hands up etc...
Record in Kinect studio 2 the position you want the pose to be.
open up Visual gesture builder to train your clips( selection of the clip that is correct)
build the vgbsln in the visual gesture builder to produce a gbd file( this will be imported into your project as the file that the gesturedetector.cs will read and implement into your project.
code out your own logic on what will happen when user have matching poses in the gestureresultview.cs.
Here is a video you must watch to help get you started in building application with kinect, This video
It will teach you the process i mentioned above. really do replay it again and again as that is what i did.
I have a WPF application that can detect several gestures such as swipe up, hands up, swipe left etc... you can do your own testing by pulling my project on github here.
However, I do not have experience on implementing the gestures on a web application yet. But you can start by learning how to work with the kinect first :D
Do let me know if you find my help useful and select this as the answer to your problems XP

how to judge source of drag action is from sidebar of finder or the source is kind of a device or mounted dmg

Basically, as Destop & energy saving of setting, at the Folders, you can drag any folders into it, I designed an app, which has the same function, recently I received a bug, which says, if you drag a mounted device from sidebar to it, a blue line will appear, I tried on this native setting, it will not occur the blue line, I think Mac OS X has a way to judge the drag source and disable this drag, so the blue line will not show. But I don't know how.
You'll probably want to return NSDragOperationNone in your
(NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
implementation indicating that "No drag operations are allowed" (and read up on Drag and Drop programming in Cocoa: Introduction to Drag and Drop).
My guess is you're currently always returning NSDragOperationCopy.

Press gesture recognizer causing app to hit exception breakpoint

I'm on Yosemite and the latest OS X SDK (10.10) and I'm trying to add a press gesture recognizer to a view using storyboard:
However, when I add this press gesture recognizes, my app hits a exception breakpoint on start:
It's stuck there even if I click resume button many times (with nothing at the log at all). If I disable breakpoints and hit resume, my app works, though the gesture recognizer is not working. If I remove the gesture recognizer, my app doesn't hit an exception breakpoint so I assume the gesture recognizer is the cause. There's nothing fancy about it, it's just a regular press gesture recognizer. What am I doing wrong?

interactiveGestureRecognizer and panGestureRecognizer together

I have problem. I want realize slide menu, but want keep swipe to back gesture. I add panGestureRecognizer to my View and I get undefined behavior in working app. When I swipe from edge, triggered then one or the other gesture. How can I control it or what I doing wrong?

ios simulator: simulate swipe and drag

I have a UIView within a UIScrollView. When i want to simulate the drag event on the UIView, swipe event on the UIScrollView is being triggered.
As per the documentation , there isn't much of a difference between swipe and drag.
1- Place the pointer at the start position.
2- Hold the mouse button.
3- Move the pointer in the swipe direction and release the mouse button.
1- Place the pointer at the start position.
2- Hold down the mouse button.
3- Move the pointer in the drag direction.
On an ipad I can use two fingers two swipe and one finger to drag. Now, how do i go about doing something similar on the simulator; drag instead of a swipe?
Edit 1:
I should have been clearer first up. Anyway, my problem is that the mouse drag is firing the swipe instead of drag, thereby scrolling the scroll view instead of passing on the drag event to the UIView contained by the scroll view.
I am on macbook pro. Two-finger swipe on the touchpad is being ignored. Touch and drag is causing the same thing as mouse-drag.
See Jeff LaMarche's quick note on how to do this. It's documented in the same page you're reading, but Jeff's explanation is clearer.
If you want to simulate a two-finger gesture in the iPhone simulator, hold down the option key. You will get two dots on the screen instead of one. The two dots will default to pinching - if you bring the dot closer to the center of the screen, the other dot comes toward the center, making it easy to simulate a pinch in or pinch out.
If you want to do a different two-finger gesture, get the two dots the distance apart that you want them to be, then hold down the shift key, while still holding down the option key. That will lock the position of the two finger presses together so you can do, for example, a two-finger swipe.
see this documentation below:
iOS Simulator User Guide
Just use the mouse to drag the view, aka, left click the view then move the mouse
I ended up disabling the scrolling from the UI and added two buttons to scroll the scroll view. Since this is a work around only for the emulator, I have used #ifndef to hide the buttons while building for the device.