Apache Nutch 2.3.1 Website home page handling - apache

I have configured Nutch 2.3.1 to crawl some news websites. As websites homepages are going to change after one day that why I want to handle home page in some different way so that for homepage, only main categories are crawled instead of text as text will change after sometime ( I have observed similar things in Google).
For rest of pages, its working fine ( crawling text etc.)

At the moment Nutch doesn't offer any special treatment for homepages, it is just one more URL to crawl. If you want to do this you'll probably need to customise some portions of Nutch.
If you're collecting a fixed set of URLs (that you usually put in the seed file) you can attach some metadata to these URLs and use a different strategy for these URLs. For instance setting a really high score & short fetch interval (https://github.com/apache/nutch/blob/release-2.3.1/src/java/org/apache/nutch/crawl/InjectorJob.java#L56-L59).
Since the generator job will sort the URLs by score, this should work as long as all other URLs have a score lower than the value that you use for the seed URLs. Keep in mind that this will cause Nutch to crawl this URLs every time that a new cycle starts (since the seed URLs are going to be on the top all the time).
If you discover new homepages during your normal craw cycle, then it is tricky because Nutch doesn't have any way of detecting if a given URL is a homepage or not. For this case you'll need to check if the current URL is a homepage, if it is indeed a homepage then, you'll need to modify the score/fetch interval to ensure that this URL ends up in the top ranking URLs.
This workaround could potentially cause some issues: Nutch could end up crawling always only the homepages and not the rest of the URLs, which is not a good case.
You could also write your own generator, this way you have more control and don't rely only on the score, fetch interval alone.
Full disclosure: Although I've used a similar approach in the past we ended up changing this system to use StormCrawler (we were building a news search engine) so we needed more control over when the pages were being fetched (the batch nature of Nutch it is not a great fit for this use case), and some other business cases that needed a more NRT approach.


Force a page to be re-downloaded, rather than fetched from browser cache - Apache Server

Ive made a minor text change to our website, the change is minor in that its a couple of words, but the meaning is quite significant.
I want all users (both new and returning) to the site to see the new text rather than any cached versions, is there a way i can force a user (new or returning) to re download the page, rather than fetch it from their browser cache ?
The site is a static html site hosted on a LAMP server.
This depends totally on how your webserver has caching set up but, in short, if it's already cached then you cannot force a download again until the cache expires. So you'll need to look at your cache headers in your browsers developer tools to see how long it's been set for.
Caching gives huge performance benefits and, in my opinion, really should be used. However that does mean you've a difficulty in forcing a refresh as you've discovered.
In case you're interested in how to handle this in the future, there are various cache busting methods, all of which basically involve changing the URL to fool the browser into thinking its a different resource and forcing the download.
For example you can add a version number to a resource so you ask for so instead of requesting index.html the browser asks for index2.html, but that could mean renaming the file and all references to it each time.
You can also set up rewrites in Apache using regular expressions so that index[0-9]*.html actually loads index.html so you don't need multiple copies of the file but can refer to it as index2.html or index3.html or even index5274.html and Apache will always serve the contents of index.html.
These methods, though a little complicated to maintain unless you have an automated build process, work very well for resources that users don't see. For example css style sheets or JavaScript.
Cache busting techniques work less well for HTML pages themselves for a number of reasons: 1) they create unfriendly urls, 2) they cannot be used for default files where the file name itself is not specified (e.g. the home page) and 3) without changing the source page, your browser can't pick up the new URLs. For this reason some sites turn off caching for the HTML pages, so they are always reloaded.
Personally I think not caching HTML pages is a lost opportunity. For example visitors often visit a site's home page, and then try a few pages, going back to the home page in between. If you have no caching then the pages will be reloaded each time despite the fact it's likely not to have changed in between. So I prefer to have a short expiry and just live with the fact I can't force a refresh during that time.

scrapy CrawlSpider: crawl policy / queue questions

I started with scrapy some days ago, learned about scraping particular sites, ie the dmoz.org example; so far it's fine and i like it. As I want to learn about search engine development I aim to build a crawler (and storage, indexer etc) for large amount of websites of any "color" and content.
So far I also tried the depth-first-order and bredth-first-order crawling.
I use at the moment just one Rule, I set some path to skip and some domains.
Rule(SgmlLinkExtractor(deny=path_deny_base, deny_domains=deny_domains),
callback='save_page', follow=True),
I have one pipeline, a mysql storage to store url, body and headers of the downloaded pages, done via a PageItem with these fields.
My questions for now are:
Is it fine to use item for simple storing of pages ?
How does it work that the spider checks the database if a page is already crawled (in the last six months ie), it's builtin somehow?
Is there something like a blacklist for useless domains, ie. placeholder domains, link farms etc.?
There are many other issues like storage but I guess I stop here, just one more general search engine question
Is there a way to obtain crawl result data from other professional crawlers, of course it must be done by sending harddisks otherwise the data volume would be the same if I crawl them myself, (compressing left aside).
I will try to answer only two of your questions:
Is it fine to use item for simple storing of pages ?
AFAIK, scrapy doesn't care what you put into an Item's Field. Only your pipeline will dealing be with them.
How does it work that the spider checks the database if a page is already crawled (in the last six months ie), it's builtin somehow?
Scrapy has duplicates middleware, but it filters duplicates only in current session. You have to manually prevent scrapy to not crawl sites you've crawled six months ago.
As for question 3 and 4 - you don't understand them.

Count the number of pages in a site

I'd like to know how many public pages there are in a site, say for example, smashingmagzine.com. Is there are way to count the number of pages?
You can query Google's index using the site operator. e.g:
This will return a list of the pages from the site that are currently indexed by Google. Other search engines provide similar functionality but I don't know the syntax off hand.
Of course not all pages may be indexed, and the index may contain pages which no longer exist.
You need to basically crawl the site. Your process would be something like:
Start at root domain / homepage
Look for all links that point within the same domain
For each of those links, repeat the steps
Your loop terminates when there are no more links to crawl that are pointing in the same domain. Remember to stay in the site otherwise you'll start crawling external sites.
You can also try parsing the sitemap if they provide one.
One tool that might prove useful if using Java is JSpider or Sphider in PHP.
You'll need to recursively scan the markup of each page, starting with your top level page, looking for any kind of links to other pages, and recursively crawl through them. You'll also need to keep track of what has been scanned as to not get caught in an infinate loop.

Should a sitemap have *every* url

I have a site with a huge number (well, thousands or tens of thousands) of dynamic URLs, plus a few static URLs.
In theory, due to some cunning SEO linkage on the homepage, it should be possible for any spider to crawl the site and discover all the dynamic urls via a spider-friendly search.
Given this, do I really need to worry about expending the effort to produce a dynamic sitemap index that includes all these URLs, or should I simply ensure that all the main static URLs are in there?
That actual way in which I would generate this isn't a concern - I'm just questioning the need to actually do it.
Indeed, the Google FAQ (and yes, I know they're not the only search engine!) about this recommends including URLs in the sitemap that might not be discovered by a crawl; based on that fact, then, if every URL in your site is reachable from another, surely the only URL you really need as a baseline in your sitemap for a well-designed site is your homepage?
If there is more than one way to get to a page, you should pick a main URL for each page that contains the actual content, and put those URLs in the site map. I.e. the site map should contain links to the actual content, not every possible URL to get to the same content.
Also consider putting canonical meta tags in the pages with this main URL, so that spiders can recognise a page even if it's reachable through different dynamical URLs.
Spiders only spend a limited time searching each site, so you should make it easy to find the actual content as soon as possible. A site map can be a great help as you can use it to point directly to the actual content so that the spider doesn't have to look for it.
We have had a pretty good results using these methods, and Google now indexes 80-90% of our dynamic content. :)
In an SO podcast they talked about limitations on the number of links you could include/submit in a sitemap (around 500 per page with a page limit based on pagerank?) and how you would need to break them over multiple pages.
Given this, do I really need to worry
about expending the effort to produce
a dynamic sitemap index that includes
all these URLs, or should I simply
ensure that all the main static URLs
are in there?
I was under the impression that the sitemap wasn't necessarily about disconnected pages but rather about increasing the crawling of existing pages. In my experience when a site includes a sitemap, minor pages even when prominently linked to are more likely to appear on Google results. Depending on the pagerank/inbound links etc. of your site this may be less of an issue.

Google Page Rank - New Domain / Link Structure Migration

i've been tasked with re-organizing a pure HTML site into a CMS. if all goes well, the new site will eventually become the main URL, and the old domain will be phased out. the old domain has a decent enough page rank, and the company wishes to mitigate any loss of page rank for that. in looking over the options available, i've discovered a few things:
it's better to use a 301 redirect when you're ready to make the switch (source).
the current site does not have a sitemap, so adding one and submitting it may help their future page rank.
i'll need to suggest to them that they contact people currently linking to them to update their links.
the process for regaining an old page rank takes awhile, so plan on rebuilding links while we see if the new site is flexible enough to warrant switching over completely.
my question is: as a result of a move to a CMS driven site, the links to various pages will change to accommodate the new structure. will this be an issue for trying to maintain (or improve) the current page rank? what sort of methods are available to mitigate the issue of changing individual page URL's? is there a preferable method beyond mapping individual pages to their new locations with 301 redirects? (the site has literally hundreds of pages, ugh...)
http://domain.com/Messy_HTML_page_with_little_categorization.html ->
i realize this isn't strictly a programming question, however i felt the information could be useful to developers who are tasked with handling this sort of thing in addition to development of the site.
edit: additions in italics
If you really truly want to ensure that page rank is not lost, you will want to replace the old content with something that performs a proper 301 redirect to the new location. With a 301 redirect the search spiders will know that the content is moved and the page rank typically carries over. It also helps external links.
However, the down side is that after a certain period of time you just have to get rid of the old domains.
You can make a handler for HTML files and map the old pages to the new structure with a 301 redirect.