Getting an invalid token on an interpolated string sent from python/jinga2 backend - vue.js

I'm sending a variable called apiID from a tornado/jinja2 python file to my vuejs template like this:
class SmartAPIUIHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self, yourApiID):
doc_file = "smartapi-ui.html"
dashboard_template = templateEnv.get_template(doc_file)
dashboard_output = dashboard_template.render(apiID = yourApiID )
then in vuejs I'm interpolating the variable with no problem except it gives me an error
it says: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
I checked on the python handler file and apipID is a string, so I don't see the problem. I'm quite new to python so maybe the answer is more obvious to one of you. I appreciate the help!!

Because of dashboard_output = dashboard_template.render(apiID = yourApiID ), you must have, in your template, something around the code:
this.apiID = {{ apiID }};
Due to the value being not a number but a string, add the 's:
this.apiID = '{{ apiID }}';


Karate : dynamic test data using scenario outline is not working in some cases

I was tryiny to solve dynamic test data problem using dynamic scenario outline as mentioned in the documentation
It worked perfectly fine when I passed something like this in Example section
But I tried to generate this json object programatically , I am getting aa strange error
WARN - ignoring dynamic expression, did not evaluate to list: users - [type: MAP, value:]
Code to generate json object
* def user =
entity_type_ids =[]
var entityTypes = response.entityTypes
for(var i =0;i<entityTypes.length;i++ ){
object = {}
object['entity'] = entityTypes[i].id
return JSON.stringify(entity_type_ids)

Changes in lua language cause error in ai script

When I run script in game, I got an error message like this:
.\AI\haick.lua:104: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nill)
local haick = {}
haick.type = type
haick.tostring = tostring
haick.require = require
haick.error = error
haick.getmetatable = getmetatable
haick.setmetatable = setmetatable
haick.ipairs = ipairs
haick.rawset = rawset
haick.pcall = pcall
haick.len = string.len
haick.sub = string.sub
haick.find = string.find
haick.seed = math.randomseed
haick.max = math.max
haick.abs = math.abs =
haick.rename = os.rename
haick.remove = os.remove =
haick.exit = os.exit
haick.time = GetTick
haick.actors = GetActors
haick.var = GetV
--> General > Seeding Random:
--> General > Finding Script Location:
local scriptLocation = haick.sub(_REQUIREDNAME, 1, haick.find(_REQUIREDNAME,'/[^\/:*?"<>|]+$'))
Last line (104 in file) causes error and I don`t know how to fix it.
There are links to .lua files below:
Help, pls!
When you use a function in Lua, you are expected to pass valid arguments for the function.
To use a variable, you must first define it, _REQUIREDNAME in this case is not available, haick.lua file is incomplete. The fault is of the author of the file.
Lua has a very useful reference you can use if you need help, see here

Maximo REST API : MXAPIMeter Create Meter Failed

I tried to create Meter using HTTP POST olscmeter and mxapimeter.
My python code is
postReq = mxURL + "/maximo/oslc/os/oslcmeter"
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'maxauth' : maxAuth}
body = {'METERNAME' : meterName, 'METERTYPE' : meterType, 'DESCRIPTION' : description, 'READINGTYPE' : 'ACTUAL', 'MEASUREUNITID' : ''}
print(postReq, headers, body)
r = = postReq, headers = headers, json = body)
print(r.status_code, r.text)
And I kept encountering the under-mentioned error.
"oslc:message":"BMXAA4195E - A value is required for the Meter field on the METER object.",
Any advice on what I have missed?
Thank you.
BMXAA4195E is just a generic error that means a required field is missing.
I have never generated MBOs this way, but I think the issue is that JSON keys are case sensitive. In all the examples I've seen online, the attributes in the body are always lowercase. This also makes sense with the error message.
Try using all lowercase keys in your body.

warning use of undefined constant.. this will throw an error in future version of php

This should be enough for someone to correct my issue - I'm very much a newbie at this.
It's a short bit of code to strip spaces from the ends of strings submitted in forms.
The warning message is saying "Use of undefined constant mystriptag - assumed 'mystriptag' (this will throw an error..."
How should I change this?
function mystriptag($item)
$item = strip_tags($item);
array_walk($_POST, mystriptag);
function t_area($str){
$order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
$replace = ', ';
$newstr = str_replace($order, $replace, $str);
return $newstr;
You must use single quote in order for PHP to understand your parameter mystriptag.
So the correct line would be :
array_walk($_POST, 'mystriptag');

grails internationalization (i18n)

i work on grails project
def result = "customer"
//(this value is according to returned method parameter,
//it may be customer, company,... & so on)
def messages = "${message(code: 'default.result.${result}', default:'${result}')}"
i need to send a variable inside message code as i mention above
problem: this code appears as
that there is no code in refer to these code
there is default.result.customer ....$ so on
Question: how can i send variable inside message Code?
Try omitting the double quotes (GString) and it should work like the following:
def xxx = "bar"
def m = message(code: "foo.${xxx}", args: ['hello world'])
Results in following message-code
def messages = message(code: 'default.result.' + result, default: result)
If you want to pass in some values, e.g. a string, you can define your message like this:
default.result.success = Action {0} was successfull.
And resolve your code like this:
def m = message(code: 'default.result.' + result, args: ['delete User'])