Query string gets chopped off using ImageResizer remotereader plugin - imageresizer

I'm working with URLs like:
When I build URLs like this, I lose the query string from the remote site, e.g. "?MediaID=..." gets chopped off:


Rendition report is not used when switching resolution on avplayer (safari 16.3)

I'm developing a LL-HLS feature.
When playing the LL-HLS that I developed in Safari, the EXT-X-RENDITION-REPORT tag does not seem to work when the resoution is changed by ABR.
When changing the resolution, the following request is made.
Request without _HLS_msn and _HLS_part query strings when calling chunklist.m3u8 of different resolutions.
Request including _HLS_msn and _HLS_part query strings after requesting chunklist.m3u8 of 1).
In a hls.js, when changing to a different resolution, it was confiremed that _HLS_msn and _HLS_part query strings were included immediately.
OS: macOS (Ventura 13.2.1)
Browser: Safari 16.3
EXT-X-SKIP tag is not used
This URL does not play as s sample.
Network in safari
First chunklist.m3u8 request with different resoltuion
_HLS_msn and _HLS_part query strings not found in URL
enter image description here
Second chunklist.m3u8 request
_HLS_msn=7&_HLS_part=1 query strings included in URL
enter image description here
I tried putting paths in various patterns such as absolute paths and relative paths in the URL property of the EXT-X-RENDITION-REPORT tag, but is didn't work.
Is this the behavior of the EXT-X-RENDITION-REPORT tag? If not, I would be grateful if you could let me know what part needs to be corrected.

Qlik Sense: how to specify path in Google Drive?

I have a Google drive account divided into some folders (say, Folder1, Folder2, etc.), with some subfolders in it.
I successfully managed to connect my Qlik Sense app to it.
I need to make it look for files only in a given subfolder.
At the moment, I read as follows ([...] is the location)
(URL IS [[...]connectorID=GoogleDriveConnector&table=ListSpreadsheets&appID=], qvx);
It works and reloads successfully, but I need it to filter the Spreadsheets properly. How could I get what I need?
To connect to Google Drive in fact you use web connector. Once web connector is installed it can be initialized as service or manually from its folder.
Once it i installed (recent version can be downloaded from https://qliksupport.force.com/apex/QS_Home_Page but it seems that you've got it as Google Drive is part of it ) it is much nicer to configure connection to online drives there.
You just go to http://localhost:5555/web and generate ready code.
In my implementation I used following options step by step to get data which I wanted:
1) CanAuthenticate to generate permanent token
2) ListSpreadsheets
3) ListWorksheets
4) GetWorksheet
You can't just specify path. But it's possible to retrieve the path from QWC services. Please use algorithm like that:
Use tables like ListFiles/ListWorksheets
Iter through every row with 'for' cycle:
FOR i=0 to (NoOfRows('Google_ListWorksheets')-1);
Let vWorksheetKey = Peek('worksheetKey', $(i), 'Google_ListWorksheets');
Let vTitle = left(Peek('title', $(i), 'Google_ListWorksheets'),3);
Using 'if' statement find desired folder id/worksheet key by its name (stored in vTitle variable) and use it:
load * FROM [$(vQwcConnectionName)]
(URL IS [http://localhost:5555/data?connectorID=GoogleDriveConnector&table=GetWorksheet&worksheetKey=$(vWorksheetKey)&appID=], qvx);
At the end you will get your files by their location.

Balanced Payments doesn't seem to work with Phonegap

We are not able to call balanced.card.create from a Phonegap application. This is reproduced in a stock Phonegap application here: https://github.com/kevg/phonegap-balanced. Full details are in the README.md on github, but the basic summary is:
For those not familiar with phonegap, the main page that loads is
index.html. This initializes phonegap in index.js. When the device is
ready, we will show a hidden DIV with a button named "Execute
Balanced." When you click this button, app.executeBalanced in index.js
will be called which prompts for the balanced marketplace URI, loads
balanced.js with $.getScript, and then calls balanced.card.create with
a test credit card.
The expected result is that callbackHandler is called or an exception
is caught. Instead, it seems the execution of the Javascript thread
disappears into balanced.card.create, never to return and without any
Alrighty, I found the bug in balanced.js. So, in Phonegap, window.location.href returns something like file:///.../index.html. Balanced.js creates an iframe to something like https://js.balancedpayments.com/proxy#file
var src = proxy + "#" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
In the script returned in proxy.html (which I can't find on github), it does:
The regex doesn't match because file: has three slashes. Now, at first, I thought I could just convert the regex to:
However, then there's another problem, because balanced does a security origin check on the match:
if (d.origin.toLowerCase() !== c.toLowerCase()) return !1;
However, the regex returns file:///firstcomponent, whereas event.origin does not include a host name for the file scheme, so these won't match even with a fixed regex.
I can't change anything in the script returned in the proxy response because if I load that from a domain other than balancedpayments.com, then the AJAX POST fails (return code 0 with a blank body). Therefore, the only thing I can control is the hash passed to the iframe.
However, since this regex is a replace, we can simply pass exactly what we know we need (we don't care that the regex is a no-op).
Therefore, the solution is to change L48 above to:
var src = proxy + "#" + encodeURIComponent("file://");
This works.

Rackspace Cloud Files PHP get_objects at the "Root level"

I have been trying to figure out how to get files that are at the Root level, meaning get all files that don't have a path attached to their file name.
I have a container that looks like this
image.png image/png
ui application/directory
ui/css application/directory
ui/css/test.css text/css
ui/image2.jpg image/jpg
I'm using the call
Container->get_objects(0, null, null, 'ui/');
which returns 2 CF_Objects:
This is the desired output
but if I request the files at the "root level"
Container->get_objects(0, null, null, '/');
returns an empty array.
Container->get_objects(0, null, null, '');
returns all the files in the container.
Ideally It would return two CF_Objects image.png, and ui.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you!
The Cloud Files Developer guide of Nov 15 2011 page 20 says:
You can also use a delimiter parameter to represent a nested directory
hierarchy without the need for the directory marker objects. You can
use any single character as a delimiter. The listings can return
virtual directories - they are virtual in that they don't actually
represent real objects. like the directory markers, though, they will
have a content-type of application/directory and be in a subdir
section of json and xml results.
If you have the following objects—photos/photo1, photos/photo2,
movieobject, videos/ movieobj4—in a container, your delimiter
parameter query using slash (/) would give you
The parameter "delimiter" is not supported by the get_objects in the PHP SDK, and using it seems to be the only way to get the base directory files.
There is currently a merge request in github [this request has since been approved] adding this particular parameter to the get_objects method.
Other users of the Rackspace Cloud Files API PHP SDK have also added support for this parameter.
See if the original php-cloudfiles repo gets updated or just create a fork of the original and add your own code, if you don't feel comfortable adding your own changes, clone a fork that has added the delimiter parameter like
The merge request referenced in the answer was approved on May 09, 2012
An optional parameter for get_objects was added for $delimiter ...
However, there was an error introduced into the code at some other point which falsely reports the Container name is not set if one tries to use any of the optional parameters.
A request has been put in to correct this error.

Using sub-repo with hgwebdir difficulties in mercurial

Allright I got myself in a deadlock with Mercurial and sub-repos... Here's what happenend:
I had a large mercurial repo that I server via apache and hgweb.cgi.
Due to the size of the repo I decided to move to sub-repositories and share these with hgwebdir.cgi.
Using the convert tool with the filemap option I created several sub-repositories:
Nicely created an entry for the sub-repositories in .hgsub:
foo = foo
bar = bar
And set hgwebdir.cgi up to show $/** as the root folder.
Now when I went to my site (foo.com/hg) I saw my sub-repositories with one empty reposory among them (no name, no content), but I could not download it (archive location unknown):
empty_repo http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/8237/emptysubrepo.png
That was allright until I added a new sub-repository.
I could not push the new .hgsub file to foo.com/hg, since that page is served by hgwebdir.
The only method I can work currently is switch from hgwebdir to hgweb, commit .hgsubste and switch back to hgwebdir.
Does someone have a good setup for such a mess?
On the webserver your main and its subrepos should appear as siblings -- not with the subrepos inside main.
And the URLs in your .hgsub should look like:
AlignDistribute = ../AlignDsitribute
Then you'll be able to push/pull to http://foo.com/hg/Main and when you clone it the clone/update will automatically attach and clone down the separate subrepos.
From what I've read on https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/PublishingRepositories#multiple
The keys (on the left) and the values (on the right) are both filesystem paths
The keys should be prefixes of the values and are "subtracted" from the values in order to generate the URL paths to each repository
What I'm guessing happened is that in your hgweb(dir) configuration you're specifying the same value for a collection possibly as the key, so during subtraction it ends up with a blank name and no way to get to it.
When I use [collections] to set /a/full/path = /a/full/path directly to a repo, it'll end up blank too, because it's reading that folder as a repo because it is a repo, instead of each sub-directory being an individual repo, after I removed the .hg folder and .hgsubs and everything from the root of my collection entry, all the subfolders started showing up properly.
I originally used in [paths], /path/to/my/project = /path/to/my/project, and since that is a single referenced repository, it'll subtract the value from the key, leaving you once again with '', instead I used project = /path/to/my/project and it came out as 'project'.
Hopefully that URL or these descriptions will get you out of your pickle!