Rename page/tab title of the page that renders PDF in Grails - pdf

I'm using Grails. I need to render a PDF in browser. Here is the working code:
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "inline;filename='${fileName}.pdf'")
response.outputStream << pdfFile.newInputStream()
PDF is rendered correctly, but the tab/page title is method name. E.g. for PDF rendering method pdfController/downloadPdf is used. Then the tab/page title is 'downloadPdf'. I'd like it to be the '${fileName}.pdf'. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance

You have to set content disposition as Attachment. My example also forces download in browser instead of opening it in tab.
Document documentInstance = Document.get(id) //get your document from somewhere
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment;Filename=\"${documentInstance.filename}\"")
def outputStream = response.getOutputStream()
outputStream << documentInstance.filedata outputStream.flush()
outputStream.close() }


how can I show the pdf file content inside from razor file

I created a document file from word and has exported as pdf . i want to show the pdf content inside the Div element in razor page. How can I show the pdf content from razor page. Please can you provide an example code how to show in blazor server side
If you stored your pdf file directly in your documents for example in the folder wwwroot/pdf.
You can display this PDF with this line of html bellow :
< embed src="pdf/test.pdf" style="width=100%; height=2100px;" />
It will provide you a pdf displayer with printing options !
If you want to go further, upload your file and then display it, I will recommend you to go check this explanation :
The upload for PDF files works the same as Img file, you need to go check IBrowserFile documentation.
You will see that it has a Size obj and a OpenReadStream() function that will help you get the display Url for your file (image or pdf)
If the site abow closes, this is the upload code that is shown on it :
List<string> imgUrls = new List<string>();
private async Task OnFileSelection(InputFileChangeEventArgs e)
foreach (IBrowserFile imgFile in e.GetMultipleFiles(5))
var buffers = new byte[imgFile.Size];
await imgFile.OpenReadStream().ReadAsync(buffers);
string imageType = imgFile.ContentType;
string imgUrl = $"data:{imageType};base64,{Convert.ToBase64String(buffers)}";
This code was written by Naveen Bommidi, author of the blog where I found this usefull code
If you want, as I said, upload a PDF and then display it.
You can use the same html line :
< embed src="#imgUrl" style="width=100%; height=2100px;" />
And your uploaded files will be displaying.

Generate PDF from gsp page

I am using grails 2.5.2.
I have created a table which shows all the data from database to gsp page and now i need to save that shown data in a pdf format with a button click.What will be the best way to show them into a PDF and save it to my directory. please Help
You can use itext for converting HTML into pdf using the code below:
public void createPdf(HttpServletResponse response, String args, String css, String pdfTitle) {
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=${pdfTitle}.pdf")
Document document = new Document()
Rectangle one = new Rectangle(900, 600)
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, response.getOutputStream())
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(args.toString().getBytes())
ByteArrayInputStream cis = new ByteArrayInputStream(css.toString().getBytes())
XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml(writer, document, bis, cis)
Though answering this question late,take a look at grails export plugin.It will be useful if you want to export your data to excel and pdf( useful only if there is no in pre-defined template to export).
Got idea from itext. Used itext 2.1.7 and posted all the values to pdf from a controller method. Used images as background and paragraph and phrase to show values from database.

Print PDF in Website

I have been searching for days for a solution to this problem.
Description : I have a website which loads a PDF dynamically via an iFrame. The PDF is saved on the server and the user of the website can view the pdf on the website.
Problem : Introduce a Print button on website which prints the PDF which was created dynamically and saved on the server.
Is this even possible ? I am looking at a cross-browser implementation as well to make things worse. I have tried n number of JS options from the web but none of them seem to work. I can not seem to get the PDF printed in the same way as it looks. To put it short, I am trying to emulate the print button which appears on the PDF when it is loaded. Is there an option to pass the pdf document from the server to the print dialog box ?
Description : I have a website which loads a PDF dynamically via an iFrame. The PDF is saved on the server and the user of the website can view the pdf on the website.
Problem : Introduce a Print button on website which prints the PDF which was created dynamically and saved on the server.
Solution : I could not find an exact solution to this problem, but here is how I solved the problem -
Create the 'Print' as per req and redirect that to another page which has only the PDF.
Copy the previous PDF & Create new PDF with JS - this.print() such that when it opens up, the print dialog pops up directly to the user.
In the new page -
if ("Location of PDF " != null)
sPdf = "Location of PDF ";
PdfReader pReader = new PdfReader(sPdf);
Document document = new Document
int n = pReader.NumberOfPages;
FileStream fs = new FileStream
("New PDF location",
FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
PdfCopy copy = new PdfCopy(document, fs);
// Write to pdf
for (int i = ApplicationConstants.INDEX_ONE; i <= n; i++)
PdfImportedPage page = copy.GetImportedPage(pReader, i);
copy.AddJavaScript("this.print(true);", true);
inStr = File.OpenRead("New PDF location");
while ((bytecnt = inStr.Read
(buffer, ApplicationConstants.INDEX_ZERO, buffer.Length))
> ApplicationConstants.INDEX_ZERO)
if (Context.Response.IsClientConnected)
Context.Response.ContentType = "application/PDF";
ApplicationConstants.INDEX_ZERO, buffer.Length);
Please note that I am using itextsharp to inject the JS script into the new PDF. Hope this helps someone else. I am trying to find another solution without the usage of itextsharp or any other dll but this will have to do for now.
I am not sure if this will work, but you could try launching a popup window with a special version of your PDF file that opens the print dialog when opened. Then close the popup afterwards. This last part might be tricky since I think there is no clean way to know if the print dialog has been closed.

Primefaces generate pdf and display on click of button

I have a requirement in which I have to generate a pdf and then on click of button "SHOW PDF", I have to display on another window.
I have been able to generate a pdf using IText and stored in my machine. I get a object as my return value from my backend library which needs to be displayed on the screen. Can someone please guide me how to do this?
My xhtml file has the following code snippet:
<h:commandLink action="PdfDisplayRedirect.xhtml" target="_blank">show PDF</h:commandLink>
my PdfDisplayRedirect.xhtml has the following code:
<p:media value="#{pdfGenerationAction.fileName}" width="100%" height="300px">
Your browser can't display pdf, <h:outputLink value="InitialExamination33.pdf">click</h:outputLink> to download pdf instead.
My backing bean has the following code:
private File initialExaminationFile;
private generateFile(){
this.initialExaminationFile = backendService.generateFile();
On clicking, I get a new window opened but the pdf file is not displayed.. Instead my screen from where I had invoked the command gets displayed there.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks for the response and no response.
I have found a solution myself which I would like to post so that those looking for a solution can use it.
My xhtml file included a commandlink
<p:commandLink actionListener="#{pdfGenerationAction.generatePDF(initialExaminationEMRAction.patientID)}" oncomplete="'PdfDisplayRedirect.xhtml')">broadcast Msg</p:commandLink>
My pdfGenerationAction bean file had the following lines of code:
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(this.initialExaminationFile);
//System.out.println(file.exists() + "!!");
//InputStream in = resource.openStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
try {
for (int readNum; (readNum = != -1;) {
bos.write(buf, 0, readNum); //no doubt here is 0
//Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this byte array output stream.
System.out.println("read " + readNum + " bytes,");
this.reportBytes = buf;
I converted my file into bytearraystream and made it available in my session. Then I followed the suggestion given by BalusC at Unable to show PDF in p:media generated from streamed content in Primefaces

Java Image to PDF

How can an image file be converted into a PDF file using java? I am taking output from a graphic library. the output that I am able to export is in image formats like JPEG and PNG.
I want to convert that image file to PDF file.
You can use Itext to add an Image to a PDF.
Use IText PDF API for Java you must first download the IText JAR file from the IText website
First a Document instance is created.
Second, a PDFWriter is created, passing the Document instance and an OutputStream to its constructor. The Document instance is the document we are currently adding content to. The OutputStream is where the generated PDF document is written to.
OutputStream file = newFileOutputStream(newFile("/path/JavaGeneratedPDF.pdf"));
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, file);
Here make sure that you handle DocumentException
Inserting Image in PDF
Image image = Image.getInstance ("/Image.jpg");
image.scaleAbsolute(200f, 100f); //image width,height
Here make sure that you handle MalformedURLException
Now Open PDF document, add image and close document instance;