Error: Module administration/tfasettings not found - cumulocity

I'm busy working on developing some plugins and apps, and when i am running c8y server locally and i try to enter Administration, i keep getting the following error:
Error: Module administration/tfasettings not found
Any ideas?

We have already fixed the issue for versions >= 9.1.0. Please try to install version 9.1.0 (or higher) with c8y install command. If administration/tfasettings
is still missing use npm cache clean --force and then once again try to install version 9.1.0 (or higher) with c8y install command.
Best regards


Shopify CLI seems unable to find Ruby on Mac

I installed shopify-cli using homebrew on my Mac and tried verifying the installation by running shopify version, but I get an error:
/usr/local/bin/shopify: line 2: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/ruby/3.0.1/bin/ruby: No such file or directory
Any idea what needs to be fixed?
Try running brew install ruby#3.0. It worked for me!
It appears that shopify-cli was installed when your Homebrew ruby was at version 3.0.1. This can be fixed by running the following command:
brew reinstall shopify-cli
(Ideally, the shopify-cli formula should be updated by its maintainers to replace hardcoded ruby paths to the version-agnostic /opt/homebrew/opt/ruby. Alternatively, they could track the Homebrew ruby version and bump the revision of shopify-cli whenever an update occurs. This will prompt end-users to run brew upgrade, which will automatically reinstall shopify-cli.)

What is phantomjs --wd command alternative for slimerjs?

I was using Phantomjs with Phoenix framework for test, and the package I use in phoenix is hound.
I previously installed phantomjs with apt-get which was giving problems (this github comment said the installation method was the culprit), so I downloaded the latest binary from the official website but that was giving permissions denied error, so I had to build it from the source, but to my surprise the which is mentioned in the official guide wasn't avaialble, so I even failed to build it that way.
I also failed to install through npm, so I gave up on phantomjs.
Now I installed slimerjs, but I don't know what is slimerjs's alternative command to phantomjs --wd.

How do I uninstall NodeSource NSolid from my computer?

I installed NodeSource's NSolid on my computer and it took over my node binary. How do I uninstall it?
NSolid provide an uninstall script. On a Mac, simply run:
sudo /usr/local/nsolid/uninstall
N|Solid replace node binary to ensure that all your apps are getting the additional features of N|Solid. The best way to return to Node.js again is reinstalling it.
N|Solid is shipped with a specific npm version that guarantee total harmony on the ecosystem. Reinstalling Node.js also replace the npm version avoiding issues about version miss matching.
Also you should remove manually the nsolid binary. You can get the installed path running which nsolid

Appium does not start with non sudo installation

Platform: Ubuntu 14.10
Appium - 1.3.7
One similar question I had come across -
How to setup Appium in Ubuntu for android
and following suggestion, I install npm via HomeBrew
And eventually, appium execution fails with error -
error: Appium will not work if used or installed with sudo. Please rerun/install as a non-root user. If you had to install Appium using `sudo npm install -g appium`, the solution is to reinstall Node using a method (Homebrew, for example) that doesn't require sudo to install global npm packages.
Is there anything I missed?
Appium allows to run under sudo since 1.2.3: source
apparently I was on wrong directory when invoking invoking appium. I should be in /node-v0.12.2-linux-x64/bin$ and invoke appium.
even though I was in wrong directory, the error message I received was so descriptive (and misleading) that it made me believe that I installed appium in wrong way.

Using lessc on Windows

I've been trying to work out how to install on Windows 7 so I can use it from a cygwin command line interface and also using Maven.
We have SASS running in this way but there is a requirement to use LESS in a new project.
My Steps so far...
Checked Ruby is installed, I have it installed at C:\Ruby193
Downloaded the Ruby DevKit and followed this to install it.
At CMD.exe, execute gem install less - 1 gem installed ... less-2.2.1
CMD.exe, run lessc - This gives [WARNING] Please install gem 'therubyracer' to use Less.
So at CMD.exe I try gem install therubyracer which gives this error...
Error installing therubyracer: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
Full error is here
6. And this is where I'm stuck because lessc is still complaining therubyracer is not installed. I've also installed Python27 and added it to the Path variable as that came up in a previous error.
I can confirm I have this path C:\Ruby193\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\therubyracer-0.10.1 which looks like a project to me but something is obviously wrong.
I've also found this as a potential answer to getting LESS on Windows but that would indicate we can't get the native 'real' version to run so both Macs, Windows and Ubuntu can use the same switches/ environment?
As the others mentioned, this is now easily done with node:
npm install -g less
This will install less as a global module that you can use from anywhere on the command line by typing:
lessc input-file.less output-file.css
An even easer way to do this is to just use a tool like SimpleLess that will automagically compile and minify your LESS for you:
Happy Coding!
Perhaps you had the same problem I did where you successfully installed the node module via:
npm install -g less
but when trying to run lessc, you were getting the error:
[WARNING] Please install gem 'therubyracer' to use Less.
I think this is because, though you've installed the node module, the lessc command is still tied to the ruby gem. Try uninstalling the less gem:
gem uninstall less
And then try running lessc again.