how do i handle security within my microservice architecture? - authentication

In my webapp architecture i have an api gateway which proxies requests to my microservices, also there is a a common microservice which other microservices can query via rest api. All of these run on node servers.
i want the microservices to only be approachable from the api gateway, besides the common server which can also be approachable from the other microservices. what is the best network architecture to make this happen and do i need to handle authentication between the servers in some way?

Security needs to be handled at multiple layers and as such its a really broad topic. I will however share some pointers which you can explore further.
First thing first any security comes at a cost. And it's a trade off that you need to do.
If you can ensure that services are available only to the other services and API gateway, then you can delegate application layer security to API gateway and strip the security headers at API gateway itself and continue to have free communication between services. It is like creating restricted zone with ip restrictions (or other means on from where can service be accessed), and api gateway or reverse proxy handling all the external traffic. This will allow you to concentrate on few services as far as security is concerned. Point that you should note here is that you will be losing on authorization part as well but you can retain it if you want to.
If you are using AWS you need to look into security groups and VPN etc to set up a secure layer.
A part of security is also to ensure the service is accessible all the time and is not susceptible to DDOS. API gateways do have a means of safeguarding against such threats.

For the ‘API gateway’ front-end authentication you could use OATH2 and for the back-end part you can use OpenID connect which will allow you to use a key value that is relevant to the user, like for example a uuid and use this to set access control at the Microservice level, behind the API Gateway.
You can find in the next link further information about OpenID connect authentication.


Should API gateway be coupled/uncoupled with the business logic

We are trying to build an API gateway in front of our application (we may split the application to micro services ASAP), and we meet some problems.
1 - different API types.
There are two kinds APIs in our application, most of them will be used by ourselves(user login/logout, news add/remove), we call them Self-used API here. And some of APIs will be allowed to used by third party, we call them Open API here.
Should all of them get through the gateway?
2 - different authentication
Self-used API may require the user login-ed or have related permissions, the Open API will require the third-party app take a key which we will use to identify and limit the request rate.
Should all kinds of authentication completed in the gateway? If yes, the Self-used api authentication is business related, does it mean that this api gateway can not be shared by other application?
Furthermore, the third-party developer will create their application and get a key back, they can also update/remove the apps(Something like Google API Console).
I am not sure if this should be put in the gateway or another micro-service. IMO, I prefer to put these features in a new service, but the validation and rate limit is done in gateway, that means for each request, gateway will have to query the user, rate limit and other information by the key from the service, this will make the gateway coupled with the business again.
There are quite a few ways of implementing an API Gateway. You can use different endpoints with a single API gateway. Here are a few links that are relevant
Serverless blog "How to deploy multiple micro-services under one API domain with Serverless"
Nginx "Do You Really Need Different Kinds of API Gateways? (Hint: No!)" "Amazon API Gateway types, use cases and performance"
AWS API Gateway FAQs
Think about the types of features you are trying to accomplish with your approach, and how API Gateway will help you address them.

APIs authentication and JWT token validation with KONG

I plan to use Kong in our project. I'm currently working on a POC to see how we can integrate it in our platform as the main API gateway. I also want to use the JWT plugin for authentication and authorisation. I know that all the API calls should go through the Kong gateway to be authenticated. Then, if the authentication is validated they can go to the API.
Clients ---> Kong gateway ----> Apis
The part that is not very clear in my mind is how the APIs and Kong fit together.
Imagine a scenario where a client try to call directly an API with a token (bypassing the Gateway). How can the API use Kong to validate this token ?
How does Kong authenticates the APIs (not the Client) ? In the examples I have seen so far, only the authentication of the clients is documented, not the authentication of the APIs that are "protected" by Kong.
When using kong as an API Gateway (or for that matter any gateway) we tend to put it at the point where external clients talk to your service. It is a means to discover the individual services. And kong can do good enough job to validate such request.
For the calls you make to other services from within your set of microservices, you may allow for the free passage by means of directly invoking the service. Challenge in that case will be how the services will discover each other. (One way is to rely on DNS entries. We used to do that but later moved to kubernetes and started using their service discovery), and restrict all the incoming traffic to a given service from outside world. So they can only get in via gateway (and thats where we have all the security)
The reason behind the above philosophy is that we trust the services we have created (This may or may not be true for you and if its not then you need to route all your traffic via an api gateway and consider your APIs as just another client and they need to get hold of access token to proceed further or may be have another service discovery for internal traffic)
Or you may write a custom plugin in kong that filters out all the traffic that originates from within your subnet and validates everything else.

Microservices - IPC authentication/authorization

We're trying to figure out a best practice for IPC authentication and authorization. I'll explain.
We have a micro-services based architecture SaaS with a dedicated service for authentication. This service is responsible for doing the authentication and managing auth tokens (JWTs).
Everything works perfectly good with users that login and start to consume resources from the different services.
The question now is how to authentication and authorize requests which being initiated by other services (without the context of a specific user)?
Should we generate a dedicated user per service and treat it like
any other user in the system (with appropriate permissions)?
we have a "hard coded"/dynamic token deployed among the services?
Any other ideas?
Our biggest concern is such tokens/passwords will be compromised at some point since requests from one service to another is treated with high level of permissions.
I'm not a microservices expert, just started to get my feet wet in the microservices world. From what I've read until now, this could be handled in many ways, one of which as you mentioned is hard coding api-keys so that services recognise one another. But I never liked this idea personally - also using a user per service like you mentioned. A solution I really liked is using Oauth2 for handling these scenarios - an interesting implementation I found is Gluu Server and I think client credentials grant type is what you're looking for - refer
Have fun :)
Normally, API Gateway is integral part of any MS system.
All the services encapsulated and should be not accessible without API Gateway.
Such encapsulation allows direct communication between the services, without providing the requester payload, which should be required if the request comes straight from API Gateway.
In that case the request threated as something different, and follows different logic/middleware pipeline. No additional special users needed.

Microservices - how to solve security and user authentication?

There is a lot of discussion about microservice architecture. What I am missing - or maybe what I did not yet understand is, how to solve the issue of security and user authentication?
For example: I develop a microservice which provides a Rest Service interface to a workflow engine. The engine is based on JEE and runs on application servers like GlassFish or Wildfly.
One of the core concepts of the workflow engine is, that each call is user centric. This means depending of the role and access level of the current user, the workflow engine produces individual results (e.g. a user-centric tasklist or processing an open task which depends on the users role in the process).
In my eyes, thus a service is not accessible from everywhere. For example if someone plans to implement a modern Ajax based JavaScript application which should use the workflow microservice there are two problems:
1) to avoid the cross-scripting problem from JavaScript/Ajax the JavaScript Web application needs to be deployed under the same domain as the microservice runs
2) if the microservice forces a user authentication (which is the case in my scenario) the application need to provide a transparent authentication mechanism.
The situation becomes more complex if the client need to access more than one user-centric microservices forcing user authentication.
I always end up with an architecture where all services and the client application running on the same application server under the same domain.
How can these problems be solved? What is the best practice for such an architecture?
Short answer: check OAUTH, and manage caches of credentials in each microservice that needs to access other microservices. By "manage" I mean, be careful with security. Specially, mind who can access those credentials and let the network topology be your friend. Create a DMZ layer and other internal layers reflecting the dependency graph of your microservices.
Long answer, keep reading. Your question is a good one because there is no simple silver bullet to do what you need although your problem is quite recurrent.
As with everything related with microservices that I saw so far, nothing is really new. Whenever you need to have a distributed system doing things on behalf of a certain user, you need distributed credentials to enable such solution. This is true since mainframe times. There is no way to violate that.
Auto SSH is, in a sense, such a thing. Perhaps it may sound like a glorified way to describe something simple, but in the end, it enables processes in one machine to use services in another machine.
In the Grid world, the Globus Toolkit, for instance, bases its distributed security using the following:
X.509 certificates;
MyProxy - manages a repository of credentials and helps you define a chain of certificate authorities up to finding the root one, which should be trusted by default;
An extension of OpenSSH, which is the de facto standard SSH implementation for Linux distributions.
OAUTH is perhaps what you need. It is a way provide authorization with extra restrictions. For instance, imagine that a certain user has read and write permission on a certain service. When you issue an OAUTH authorization you do not necessarily give full user powers to the third party. You may only give read access.
CORS, mentioned in another answer, is useful when the end client (typically a web browser) needs single-sign-on across web sites. But it seems that your problem is closer to a cluster in which you have many microservices that are managed by you. Nevertheless, you can take advantage of solutions developed by the Grid field to ensure security in a cluster distributed across sites (for high availability reasons, for instance).
Complete security is something unattainable. So all this is of no use if credentials are valid forever or if you do not take enough care to keep them secret to whatever received them. For such purpose, I would recommend partitioning your network using layers. Each layer with a different degree of secrecy and exposure to the outside world.
If you do not want the burden to have the required infrastructure to allow for OAUTH, you can either use basic HTTP or create your own tokens.
When using basic HTTP authentication, the client needs to send credentials on each request, therefore eliminating the need to keep session state on the server side for the purpose of authorization.
If you want to create your own mechanism, then change your login requests such that a token is returned as the response to a successful login. Subsequent requests having the same token will act as the basic HTTP authentication with the advantage that this takes place at the application level (in contrast with the framework or app server level in basic HTTP authentication).
Your question is about two independent issues.
Making your service accessible from another origin is easily solved by implementing CORS. For non-browser clients, cross-origin is not an issue at all.
The second problem about service authentication is typically solved using token based authentication.
Any caller of one of your microservices would get an access token from the authorization server or STS for that specific service.
Your client authenticates with the authorization server or STS either through an established session (cookies) or by sending a valid token along with the request.

What is the best suited authentication technique for this scenario?

Please suggest me the best authentication way to implement in the scenario mentioned below:
The requirement is I have to deploy a WCF web service in multiple countries across the world.
NOTE : All the machines on which the service is deployed are on the same domain.
1.The clients that access this service should fall in the same domain else the authentication should fail.
Currently I am using Message Security mode using "Windows"
I am curous why you would want the domain to be the same if it needs to be deployed in different countries around the world. Unless you are talking about hosting the service on an internal network that is not publicly exposed, enforcing the same domain name might be difficult. Different countries have different domain standards. America has a much richer set of domain roots to choose from. Other countries often have a country specific root, possibly with a regional subroot.
I would not couple your service to the domain that hosts it, nor would I recommend using the domain as a factor in authentication. If your service needs to be publicly exposed on the internet in each of these countries, I would recommend using something other than Windows security. A Claims-based security mechanism might work best. Internally inside the service implementation, claims can be checked, and if necessary, the windows identity can be authenticated separately from WCF authentication. Claims also allow you to utilize more than just a username/password or certificate to fully authenticate and authorize a client request. You can request the callers domain, country, region, and other evidence be included in the claim, allowing you to verify that calls are being made from the appropriate location and by the appropriate clients with much more flexibility than with Windows authentication (and if you publicly expose your service, Windows authentication will likely not be available anyway.)
Since you are running on an intranet and assuming that your Windows application will connect directly to the service, I would go with Transport Security using Windows authentication.
For some guidance consult patterns & practices Improving Web Services Security Guide.
I still question whether or not you need authorization. If you go with Windows authentication without any authorization it will simplify your service but will allow any domain user to access your service whether or not they are using the Windows application. Granted, they would have to have knowledge of the endpoint and the message structure but it would still be possible for them to do.
If Windows authentication is really all that is required, I would still raise the authorization issue and document it (and get sign off if applicable). On the one hand this covers you but also makes people explicitly aware of the decision and the possible risks.