mat-select required validation not working - angular5

I have the following code
<form #createForm="ngForm">
<mat-select placeholder="Favorite food"
#food="ngModel" required>
<mat-option *ngFor="let food of foods" [value]="food.value">
{{ food.viewValue }}
<button [disabled]="!createForm.valid">submit</button>
Since I want the "selection" is a required field, the "submit" button should be disabled when the form is rendered. However, the "submit" button is enabled when the form is displayed. What is the problem?

This works for me when I (a) use a name attribute and (b) use the two-way ngModel binding syntax.
i.e. Instead of this
<mat-select placeholder="Favorite food" matInput [ngModel] food="food" #food="ngModel" required>
use this:
<mat-select name="food" placeholder="Favorite food" [(ngModel)]="food" required>

for validation in angular 5 use reactive forms. refer this
*** componenet.ts *******
import { FormControl, Validators, FormBuilder, FormGroup, ReactiveFormsModule, NgForm } from '#angular/forms';
export class Test implements OnInit{
ngOnInit() {
// create form group of controls
this.foodform = new FormGroup({
favoriteFood: new FormControl('', [Validators.required])
**** Component.html************
<form #createForm="ngForm" [formGroup]="foodform ">
<mat-select placeholder="Favorite food"
#food="ngModel" formControlName="favoriteFood">
<mat-option *ngFor="let food of foods" [value]="food.value" >
{{ food.viewValue }}
<mat-error *ngIf="foodform.controls['favoriteFood'].hasError('required') && foodform.controls['favoriteFood'].pristine">
Required Message
use [formGroup] and formControlName in your html form.

The only way required field validation works on a mat-select is by using reactive form validation. Just import the respective components in typescript file:
import {FormControl, Validators} from '#angular/forms';
HTML file :
Remove your ngModel reference
<mat-select placeholder="Favorite food"
matInput [formControl]="foodControl"
<mat-option *ngFor="let food of foods" [value]="food.value">
{{ food.viewValue }}
This works for the required field validation. If you wanted to validate more probably you will end up accessing the form in the typescript file. Its weird that there is no option to do form validation, this is the only way i found to make it work.

Look at danger89's comment under your original question.
You are missing the name attribute.
<form #createForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submitFunction(createForm)">
placeholder="Favorite food"
<mat-option *ngFor="let food of foods" [value]="food.value">
{{ food.viewValue }}
<button type="submit" [disabled]="!createForm.valid">submit</button>
Because of the name attribute, your food.value can now be found at when submitting the form.

This worked for me:
Import ReactiveFormsModule in you app module
import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '#angular/forms';
and add its dependency in #NgModule decorator

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't get any solution to work using Ang8 + Material8 and a multi-select while using a FormGroup and a FormControl. I ended up doing the following as a workaround.
First I added a tag to the mat-select, #thisselect
Then I tested the value of the tag for zero length in the submit button
<form [formGroup]="bypartForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<mat-form-field [hideRequiredMarker]="true">
<mat-select #thisselect placeholder="Brands" formControlName="brands"
(selectionChange)="selectChanged($event)" multiple required>
<mat-option *ngFor="let brand of brandList" [value]="">{{}}</mat-option>
<mat-form-field [hideRequiredMarker]="true">
<input matInput autocomplete="off" placeholder="Part#" formControlName="part" required>
<div class="form-buttons">
<button mat-raised-button color="primary" type="submit" [disabled]="!bypartForm.valid || (thisselect.value != undefined && thisselect.value.length == 0)">Submit</button>


bind v-model to the property which does not exist (Array) in Vue JS

I have some questions getting from the database, It has options also. Then rendering those on the webpage.
like This
<div v-for="(question,index) in questions">
<div class="interview__item-text interview__text-main m-b-20">
{{ index+1 }}. {{ question.question }}
<div v-for="(option,index) in question.options"
class="reg__form-radioitem" :key="index">
<input class="checkbox countable__input"
<label :for="">
{{ option.option }}
This is working fine for input type text and radio but for checkbox it does not work. It checks all the checkboxes in that loop.
question.answer does not exist on the data.i am trying to add new property answer using v-model
Maybe you can try to predefine the question.answer, should exist after this:
data: {
question: {
answer: null
Try this.
<input class="checkbox countable__input"
<label :for="">
{{ option.option }}

Form with radio buttons not submitted

I have a form with two radio buttons which is enabled only when a checkbox is checked.
My problem is when I check the checkbox and click the submit button, the radio value is not getting posted. But after I click on the checkbox and then click on one of the radio buttons then the value is posted.
How to fix this issue?
This is the code I have tried:
<form [formGroup]="filterProductTargetForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmitFilterDataList(filterProductTargetForm.value)">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">
<input type="checkbox" [ngModel]="isProductTypeChecked" formControlName="checkProductType" (change)="onProductTypeChange($event)" />
<label>Select A or B</label>
<div class="row">
<label class="col-md-2 uni-label"></label>
<div class="col-md-10 prduct-type-radio">
<fieldset [disabled]="!isProductTypeChecked">
<input type="radio" [checked]="isProductTypeChecked == true" value="A" formControlName="productTypeSelected" [(ngModel)]="productTypeSelected">
<input type="radio" value="B" formControlName="productTypeSelected" [(ngModel)]="productTypeSelected">
<button class="uni-button def" [disabled]="!filterProductTargetForm.valid">OK</button>
ngOnInit() {
this.filterProductTargetForm ={
'checkProductType': '',
'productTypeSelected': ''
public filterProductTargetForm: FormGroup;
public isProductTypeChecked = false;
onProductTypeChange(event: any) {
this.isProductTypeChecked = !this.isProductTypeChecked;
First remove all ngModel from your template when using reactive forms.
When the checkbox value changes, in your onProductTypeChange function set the productTypeSelected value
Working StackBlitz DEMO

MatFormFieldControl implement is not working

On dev brach,I have implemented MatFormFieldControl then use it inside mat-form-field . I also pack it (tgz) to use as lib.
On main site there is error said "mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl." even though it work perfectly on dev.
PS. I'm not english native. Pardon me if I make you confused
how i use it
this is template
<div [formGroup]="parts">
<input matInput type="number" >
<input matInput type="number" >
<input matInput type="number">
<input matInput type="text">
this is typescript
selector: 'ax-mat-time-picker',
exportAs: 'axMatTimePicker',
templateUrl: './time-picker.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./time-picker.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
preserveWhitespaces: false,
providers: [
{ provide: MatFormFieldControl, useExisting: AxMatTimePicker },
host: {
'class': 'ax-mat-time-picker',
'[class.floating]': 'shouldLabelFloat',
'[id]': 'id',
'[attr.aria-describedby]': 'describedBy'
export class AxMatTimePicker implements MatFormFieldControl<Time>, OnDestroy {...}
I believe your issue is that each of the fields in your form is not bound to data in the TS.
You should change your template to actually use a form and create a formGroup with values that your form values can bind to. You do this with the "formControlName" directive in the HTML and a "FormGroup" object containing "FormControl" elements in the TS.
Don't forget to import "ReactiveFormsModule" in your module.ts and "AbstractControl, FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup, FormArray" in your component.ts.
<form [formGroup]="form">
<input matInput formControlName="name" placeholder="Name">
<input matInput formControlName="email" placeholder="Email">
form = new FormGroup({
name: new FormControl(),
email: new FormControl()

v-model property doesn't show inside tinymce

I have v-model property, my problem is property doesn't show in tinymce even I can see it in inspect element.
<label>Nama : #{{ adDetailOrder.gajah }}</label>
<input type="text" name="nama" v-model="adDetailOrder.gajah" style="margin-bottom:0px" class="form-control" v-validate.initial="'required|alpha_spaces'" placeholder="Full Name">
<label>#{{ adDetailOrder.gajah }} ... ...</label>
<textarea id="description" class="form-control" rows="3" name="description">... #{{ adDetailOrder.gajah }} ...
Here is my vue
data: {
adDetailOrder: {
gajah: '',
Here is picture
this is someone is adDetailOrder.gajah
Where I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Vue Validator only after change / blur / submit

I'm using Vue for the first time, with Vue Validator. Here is an example of my code:
<label for="first_name">First name:
<span v-if="$validation1.first_name.required" class="invalid">Enter your first name.</span>
<input id="first_name" placeholder="e.g. Christopher" class="" v-validate:first_name="['required']" v-model="first_name" name="first_name" type="text">
The only issue at the moment is that when I land on the page with my form, the whole thing is covered in errors. Is there a way I can suppress the errors and only show them on input blur / form submit?
Argh, the Google-able word isn't about blur, or on submit – its about timing and initial:
<input id="first_name" initial="off" placeholder="e.g. Christopher" class="" v-validate:first_name="['required']" v-model="first_name" name="first_name" type="text">
you need to add .dirty or .touched to your validation
<label for="first_name">First name:
<span v-if="$validation1.first_name.required && $validation1.first_name.touched" class="invalid">Enter your first name.</span>
<input id="first_name" placeholder="e.g. Christopher" class="" v-validate:first_name="['required']" v-model="first_name" name="first_name" type="text">
I was dealing with a similar problem. I had to have an initialized variable for the input name: "" but I also wanted to have a required attribute in element.
So I add required when the event onblur occurs.
<input name="name" type="number" v-model="name" #blur="addRequired" />
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
name: ""
addRequired: function(event){"required", true);