behavior of select when MAX() is present - sql

Get other columns that correspond with MAX value of one column?
I know that when SELECT, sql usually gives all rows from the table(without WHERE condition).
but why this time sql gives data of only the first row for other columns(video_category, url, ...)?
does MAX() changes the behavior of SELECT?
if so, why the rest of columns are not derived from row of MAX(id)?

If you want all columns from the record having the max id, then you will have to use a subquery:
FROM yourTable
WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM yourTable);
Your current output is only one record because when say take the max over the entire table, you are no longer speaking of individual records. I am guessing that you are using MySQL, in which case the values you see for the other columns were chosen by the database. But there is no guarantee about which record was chosen.
Some versions of SQL (e.g. MySQL, SQL Server), support LIMIT/TOP functionality which might simplify things. For example, on SQL Server we can just write:
FROM yourTable


Does Snowflake preserve retrieval order?

Posting two questions:
Let's say there is a query:
SELECT C1, C2, C3 from TABLE;
When this query is fired for the first time,it retrieves all the values in a certain order.
Next time, when the same query is fired, will the previous order be retained?
There are 2 tables, TABLE1 and TABLE2, both of them have identical data.
Will (SELECT * from TABLE1) and (SELECT * from TABLE1) retrieve the same order of rows?
SQL tables represent unordered sets. Period. There is no ordering in a result set unless you explicitly include an ORDER BY.
It is that simple. If you want data in a particular order, then you need to use ORDER BY. That is how relational databases work.
The same query can return results in different orders each time the query is executed. There are no guarantees about the order -- unless the query has an ORDER BY for the outermost SELECT.
No, unless you are fetching data from result cache!
No, unless they are very small tables and your query runs with low parallelism.
Sorry for extra answer, but I see Tim claims that the query will return same result as long as the underlying table(s) is not modified, and the query has same execution plan.
Snowflake executes the queries in parallel, therefore the order of data is not predictable unless ORDER BY is used.
Let's create a table (big enough to be processed in parallel), and run a simple test case:
-- running on medium warehouse
create or replace table my_test_table ( id number, name varchar ) as
select seq4(), 'gokhan' || seq4() from table(generator(rowcount=>1000000000));
alter session set USE_CACHED_RESULT = false;
select * from my_test_table limit 10;
You will see that it will return different rows every time you run.
To answer both questions short: No.
If your query has no ORDER BY-clause, the SELECT statement always returns an unordered set. This means: Even if you query the same table twice and the data didnt change, SELECT without ORDER BY can retrieve different row-orders.

Splitting large table into 2 dataframes via JDBC connection in RStudio

Through R I connect to a remotely held database. The issue I have is my hardware isn't so great and the dataset contains tens of millions of rows with about 10 columns per table. When I run the below code, at the df step, I get a "Not enough RAM" error from R:
conn <- connect(connectionDetails)
df <- querySql(conn,"SELECT * FROM Table1")
What I thought about doing was splitting the tables into two parts any filter/analyse/combine as needed going forward. I think because I use the conn JDBC conection I have to use SQL syntax to make it work. With SQL, I start with the below code:
df <- querySql(conn,"SELECT TOP 5000000 FROM Table1")
And then where I get stuck is how do I create a second dataframe starting with n - 5000000 rows and ending at the final row, retrieved from Table1.
I'm open to suggestions but I think there are two potential answers to this question. The first is to work within the querySql to get it working. The second is to use an R function other than querySql (no idea what this would look like). I'm limited to R due to work environment.
The SQL statement
SELECT TOP 5000000 * from Table1
is not doing what you think it's doing.
Relational tables are conceptually unordered.
A relation is defined as a set of n-tuples. In both mathematics and the relational database model, a set is an unordered collection of unique, non-duplicated items, although some DBMSs impose an order to their data.
Selecting from a table produces a result-set. Result-sets are also conceptually unordered unless and until you explicitly specify an order for them, which is generally done using an order by clause.
When you use a top (or limit, depending on the DBMS) clause to reduce the number of records to be returned by a query (let's call these the "returned records") below the number of records that could be returned by that query (let's call these the "selected records") and if you have not specified an order by clause, then it is conceptually unpredictable and random which of the selected records will be chosen as the returned records.
Since you have not specified an order by clause in your query, you are effectively getting 5,000,000 unpredictable and random records from your table. Every single time you run the query you might get a different set of 5,000,000 records (conceptually, at least).
Therefore, it doesn't make sense to ask about how to get a second result-set "starting with n - 5000000 and ending at the final row". There is no n, and there is no final row. The choice of returned records was not deterministic, and the DBMS does not remember such choices of past queries. The only conceivable way such information could be incorporated into a subsequent query would be to explicitly include it in the SQL, such as by using a not in condition on an id column and embedding id values from the first query as literals, or doing some kind of negative join, again, involving the embedding of id values as literals. But obviously that's unreasonable.
There are two possible solutions here.
1: order by with limit and offset
Take a look at the PostgreSQL documentation on limit and offset. First, just to reinforce the point about lack of order, take note of the following paragraphs:
When using LIMIT, it is important to use an ORDER BY clause that constrains the result rows into a unique order. Otherwise you will get an unpredictable subset of the query's rows. You might be asking for the tenth through twentieth rows, but tenth through twentieth in what ordering? The ordering is unknown, unless you specified ORDER BY.
The query optimizer takes LIMIT into account when generating query plans, so you are very likely to get different plans (yielding different row orders) depending on what you give for LIMIT and OFFSET. Thus, using different LIMIT/OFFSET values to select different subsets of a query result will give inconsistent results unless you enforce a predictable result ordering with ORDER BY. This is not a bug; it is an inherent consequence of the fact that SQL does not promise to deliver the results of a query in any particular order unless ORDER BY is used to constrain the order.
Now, this solution requires that you specify an order by clause that fully orders the result-set. An order by clause that only partially orders the result-set will not be enough, since it will still leave room for some unpredictability and randomness.
Once you have the order by clause, you can then repeat the query with the same limit value and increasing offset values.
Something like this:
select * from table1 order by id1, id2, ... limit 5000000 offset 0;
select * from table1 order by id1, id2, ... limit 5000000 offset 5000000;
select * from table1 order by id1, id2, ... limit 5000000 offset 10000000;
2: synthesize a numbering column and filter on it
It is possible to add a column to the select clause which will provide a full order for the result-set. By wrapping this SQL in a subquery, you can then filter on the new column and thereby achieve your own pagination of the data. In fact, this solution is potentially slightly more powerful, since you could theoretically select discontinuous subsets of records, although I've never seen anyone actually do that.
To compute the ordering column, you can use the row_number() partition function.
Importantly, you will still have to specify id columns by which to order the partition. This is unavoidable under any conceivable solution; there always must be some deterministic, predictable record order to guide stateless paging through data.
Something like this:
select * from (select *, row_number() over (id1, id2, ...) rn from table1) t1 where rn>0 and rn<=5000000;
select * from (select *, row_number() over (id1, id2, ...) rn from table1) t1 where rn>5000000 and rn<=10000000;
select * from (select *, row_number() over (id1, id2, ...) rn from table1) t1 where rn>10000000 and rn<=15000000;
Obviously, this solution is more complicated and verbose than the previous one. And the previous solution might allow for performance optimizations not possible under the more manual approach of partitioning and filtering. Hence I would recommend the previous solution.
My above discussion focuses on PostgreSQL, but other DBMSs should provide equivalent features. For example, for SQL Server, see Equivalent of LIMIT and OFFSET for SQL Server?, which shows an example of the synthetic numbering solution, and also indicates that (at least as of SQL Server 2012) you can use OFFSET {offset} ROWS and FETCH NEXT {limit} ROWS ONLY to achieve limit/offset functionality.


I have a database, database1, with two tables (Table 1, Table2) in it.
There are 3 rows in Table1 and 2 rows in Table2. Now if I execute the following SQL query SELECT COUNT(*); on database1, then the output is "1".
Does anyone has the idea, what this "1" signifies?
The definition of the two tables is as below.
Normally all selects are of the form SELECT [columns, scalar computations on columns, grouped computations on columns, or scalar computations] FROM [table or joins of tables, etc]
Because this allows plain scalar computations we can do something like SELECT 1 + 1 FROM SomeTable and it will return a recordset with the value 2 for every row in the table SomeTable.
Now, if we didn't care about any table, but just wanted to do our scalar computed we might want to do something like SELECT 1 + 1. This isn't allowed by the standard, but it is useful and most databases allow it (Oracle doesn't unless it's changed recently, at least it used to not).
Hence such bare SELECTs are treated as if they had a from clause which specified a table with one row and no column (impossible of course, but it does the trick). Hence SELECT 1 + 1 becomes SELECT 1 + 1 FROM ImaginaryTableWithOneRow which returns a single row with a single column with the value 2.
Mostly we don't think about this, we just get used to the fact that bare SELECTs give results and don't even think about the fact that there must be some one-row thing selected to return one row.
In doing SELECT COUNT(*) you did the equivalent of SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ImaginaryTableWithOneRow which of course returns 1.
Along similar lines the following also returns a result.
SELECT 'test'
The explanation for that behavior (from this Connect item) also applies to your question.
In ANSI SQL, a SELECT statement without FROM clause is not permitted -
you need to specify a table source. So the statement "SELECT 'test'
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT *)" should give syntax error. This is the correct
With respect to the SQL Server implementation, the FROM
clause is optional and it has always worked this way. So you can do
"SELECT 1" or "SELECT #v" and so on without requiring a table. In
other database systems, there is a dummy table called "DUAL" with one
row that is used to do such SELECT statements like "SELECT 1 FROM
dual;" or "SELECT #v FROM dual;". Now, coming to the EXISTS clause -
the project list doesn't matter in terms of the syntax or result of
the query and SELECT * is valid in a sub-query. Couple this with the
fact that we allow SELECT without FROM, you get the behavior that you
see. We could fix it but there is not much value in doing it and it
might break existing application code.
It's because you have executed select count(*) without specifying a table.
The count function returns the number of rows in the specified dataset. If you don't specify a table to select from, a single select will only ever return a single row - therefore count(*) will return 1. (In some versions of SQL, such as Oracle, you have to specify a table or similar database object; Oracle includes a dummy table (called DUAL) which can be selected from when no specific table is required.)
you wouldn't normally execute a select count(*) without specifying a table to query against. Your database server is probably giving you a count of "1" based on default system table it is querying.
Try using
select count(*) from Table1
Without a table name it makes no sense.
without table name it always return 1 whether it any database....
Since this is tagged SQL server, the MSDN states.
COUNT always returns an int data type value.
COUNT(*) returns the number of items in a group. This includes NULL
values and duplicates.
Thus, since you didn't provide a table to do a COUNT from, the default (assumption) is that it returns a 1.
COUNT function returns the number of rows as result. If you don't specify any table, it returns 1 by default. ie., COUNT(*), COUNT(1), COUNT(2), ... will return 1 always.
Select *
without a from clause is "Select ALL from the Universe" since you have filtered out nothing.
In your case, you are asking "How many universe?"
This is exactly how I would teach it. I would write on the board on the first day,
Select * and ask what it means. Answer: Give me the world.
And from there I would teach how to filter the universe down to something meaningful.
I must admit, I never thought of Select Count(*), which would make it more interesting but still brings back a true answer. We have only one world.
Without consulting Steven Hawking, SQL will have to contend with only 1.
The results of the query is correct.

SQL Query: Which one should i use? count("columnname") or count(1)

In my SQL query I just need to check whether data exists for a particular userid.
I always only want one row that will be returned when data exist.
I have two options
1. select count(columnname) from table where userid=:userid
2. select count(1) from tablename where userid=:userid
I am thinking second one is the one I should use because it may have a better response time as compared with first one.
There can be differences between count(*) and count(column). count(*) is often fastest for reasons discussed here. Basically, with count(column) the database has to check if column is null or not in each row. With count(column) it just returns the total number of rows in the table which is probably has on hand. The exact details may depend on the database and the version of the database.
Short answer: use count(*) or count(1). Hell, forget the count and select userid.
You should also make sure the where clause is performing well and that its using an index. Look into EXPLAIN.
I'd like to point out that this:
select count(*) from tablename where userid=:userid
has the same effect as your second solution, with th advantage that count(*) it unambigously means "count all rows".
The * in COUNT(*) will not expand into all columns - that is to say, the * in SELECT COUNT(*) is not the same as in SELECT *. So you need not worry about performance when writing COUNT(*)
The disadvantage of writing COUNT(1) is that it is less clear: what did you mean? A literal one (1) may look like a lower case L (this: l) in some fonts.
Will give different results if columnname can be NULL, otherwise identical performance.
The optimiser (SQL Server at least) realises COUNT(1) is trivial. You can also use COUNT(1/0)
It depends what you want to do.
The first one counts rows with non-null values of columnname. The second one counts ALL rows.
Which behaviour do you want? From the way your question is worded, I guess that you want the second one.
To count the number of records you should use the second option, or rather:
select count(*) from tablename where userid=:userid
You could also use the exists() function:
select case when exists(select * from tablename where userid=:userid) then 1 else 0 end
It might be possible for the database to do the latter more efficiently in some cases, as it can stop looking as soon as a match is found instead of comparing all records.
Hey how about Select count(userid) from tablename where userid=:userid ? That way the query looks more friendly.

Getting additional info on the result of a SQL max query

Say I want to do this with SQL (Sybase): Find all fields of the record with the latest timestamp.
One way to write that is like this:
select * from data where timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from data)
This is a bit silly because it causes two queries - first to find the max timestamp, and then to find all the data for that timestamp (assume it's unique, and yes - i do have an index on timestamp). More so it just seems unnecessary because max() has already found the row that I am interested in so looking for it again is wasteful.
Is there a way to directly access fields of the row that max() returns?
Edit: All answers I see are basically clever hacks - I was looking for a syntactic way of doing something like max(field1).field2 to access field2 of the row with max field1
SELECT TOP 1 * from data ORDER BY timestamp DESC
No, using an aggregate means that you are automatically grouping, so there isn't a single row to get data from even if the group happens to contain a single row.
You can order by the field and get the first row:
set rowcount 1
select * from data order by timestamp desc
(Note that you shouldn't use select *, but rather specify the fields that you want from the query. That makes the query less sensetive to changes in the database layout.)
Can you try this
FROm data
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
You're making assumptions about how Sybase optimizes queries. For all you know, it may do precisely what you want it to do - it may notice both queries are from "data" and that the condition is "where =", and may optimize as you suggest.
I know in the case of SQL Server, it's possible to configure indexes to include fields from the indexed row. Doing a select through such an index leaves those fields available.
This is SQL server, but you'll get the idea.
ORDER BY timestamp DESC;