Import EDI file into Access line by line - vba

I need to import into Access table this EDI text file ( ' as line terminator):
NAD+DP+0017309707++NameStreet 22+Rome++00100+IT'
NAD+SU+DE++BRAND Systems+Rome+Rome++00100+IT'
This is the result I need:
0089430043 05/02/2018 46550705 AL7B009435
0089430043 05/02/2018 46550705 AL7B009438
and this is what I tried:
Public Function import1()
Dim strFilename As String: strFilename = "C:\despatch.txt"
Dim strTextLine, CodProd, DataDoc As String
Dim SNarray() As String
Dim NumDoc As Long
Dim nPAC, NumRig, intCount As Integer
Dim iFile As Integer: iFile = FreeFile
Open strFilename For Input As #iFile
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strTextLine
strTextLine = Replace(strTextLine, "'", "")
If Left(strTextLine, 3) = "BGM" Then
NumDoc = Mid(strTextLine, 9, 10)
End If
If Left(strTextLine, 6) = "DTM+11" Then
DataDoc = Mid(strTextLine, 14, 2) & "/" & Mid(strTextLine, 12, 2) & "/" & Mid(strTextLine, 8, 4)
End If
'CPS = numero record
If Left(strTextLine, 3) = "CPS" Then
NumRig = Val(Mid(strTextLine, 5, 3))
End If
'PAC = numero di matricole da estrarre
If Left(strTextLine, 3) = "PAC" Then
nPAC = Val(Mid(strTextLine, 5, 3))
End If
If Left(strTextLine, 3) = "GIN" Then
End If
If Left(strTextLine, 3) = "LIN" Then
CodProd = Mid(strTextLine, 8, 8)
End If
SNarray = Split(Mid(strTextLine, 8), "+")
For intCount = LBound(SNarray) To UBound(SNarray)
Debug.Print NumDoc & " " & DataDoc & " " & NumRig & " " & CodProd & " " & SNarray(intCount)
Close #iFile
End Function
Before to import GIN record with serial numbers, I need to achieve the LIN record with che product code, and then pass them to variables.
I've tried with .MoveNext and then with two .MovePrevious but it gives me error: object needed.
Any help would be appreciated.

This is an example of a function that parses an EDIFACT segment, it's not debugged but it shows the algorithm to read the EDI data. It can be easily adapted to read ANSI X12.
Function GetLine() as String()
Dim Elements as String(99,3)
Do Until EOF(1)
mychar = Input(1, #1) ' Get one character
If mychar = vbCr Or \
mychar = vbLf Then ' Skip Line Breaks
Else If mychar = "?" Then ' Process Escape
If EOF(1) Then Exit Do ' Reached end of file
mychar = Input(1, #1)
data = data & mychar ' Treat next char as regular
Else If mychar = "'" Then ' End of Segment
Exit Do
Else If mychar = "+" Then ' Element separator
Elements(Elem,Comp) = data
data = ""
Comp = 1
Elem = Elem + 1
Else If mychar = ":" Then ' Composite separator
Elements(Elem,Comp) = data
data = ""
Comp = Comp + 1
Else ' Regular data
data = data & mychar
End If
Elements(Elem,Comp) = data
GetLine = Elements
End Function
Example use
If Elements(0,0) = "BGM" Then
NumDoc = Elements(2,1)
End If

Finally I solved (I really don't know how I did), here my code:
Function GetLine() As String()
Dim FSO As Object, objFile, objFolderIN, objFolderOUT As Object
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolderIN = FSO.GetFolder("C:\IN")
Set objFolderOUT = FSO.GetFolder("C:\Archivio")
Dim data, elem, comp
Dim i As Integer
Dim iFile As Integer: iFile = FreeFile
Dim Elements(99, 3) As String
Dim mychar As String
Dim NumDoc As Long
i = 1
For Each objFile In objFolderIN.Files
Open objFile For Input As #iFile
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, data
'Debug.Print data
mychar = Input(1, #1) ' Get one character.
If mychar = "'" Then Exit Do ' End of Segment
If mychar = vbCr Or _
mychar = vbLf Then
ElseIf mychar = "?" Then
mychar = Input(1, #1) ' Skip Line Breaks and Escape
data = data & mychar
ElseIf mychar = "'" Then
Exit Do
ElseIf mychar = "+" Then ' Element separator
Elements(elem, comp) = data
data = ""
comp = 1
elem = elem + 1
ElseIf mychar = ":" Then ' Composite separator
Elements(elem, comp) = data
data = ""
comp = comp + 1
Else ' Regular data
data = data & mychar
End If
Elements(elem, comp) = data
GetLine = Elements
Close #iFile
i = i + 1
Next objFile
If Elements(0, 0) = "BGM" Then
NumDoc = Elements(2, 1)
Debug.Print NumDoc
End If
End Function


How to modify file line by line

I have a txt file in this syntax:
'foo','foo bar'
bar bar'
'bar', 'foo'
I want to find each line that doens't start with ' and correct them. I want to end with:
'foo','foo bar'
'foo','foo bar bar'
'bar', 'foo'
The new line must be removed and added to the end of the previous line with a leading space.
My code cicles through a file line by line and checks, if the first character is unequal to 'already.
I thought about adding every line to an array and do the correction within that array.
I'd use
Open myFile For Output As #1
Write #1, lineOfArray
Close #1
to update the file.
My current code:
Sub Update_File(fileToUpdate As String, fileSys As Variant)
Set File = fileSys.OpenTextFile(fileToUpdate)
Do Until File.AtEndOfStream
currentLine = File.ReadLine
If Left(currentFile, 1) <> "'" Then
'Magic here
End If
End Sub
I am struggeling with what is best practice and what is lean and quick code because the script should run over many 1000 files at the end.
I don't know if it is possible to store the current and the next line and if next line doesn't start with ' then currentLine = currentLine & " " & nextLine and somehow update the the file, decrease the loop value by one and go ahead.
Based on TinMan's wonderful code, try this vserion
Sub Test_UpdateFile()
UpdateFile ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Sample.txt", CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
End Sub
Sub UpdateFile(ByVal filePath As String, ByRef fso As Object)
Const forReading = 1
Dim lines() As String
Dim dirty As Boolean
Dim r As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim k As Long
With fso.OpenTextFile(filePath, forReading)
lines = Split(.ReadAll, vbNewLine)
End With
For r = 1 To UBound(lines)
If Left(lines(r), 1) <> "'" Then
lines(r - 1) = lines(r - 1) & " " & lines(r)
lines(r) = Empty
dirty = True
x = x + 1
End If
Next r
If dirty Then
ReDim nLines(0 To UBound(lines) - x + 1)
For r = 0 To UBound(lines)
If lines(r) <> Empty Then
nLines(k) = lines(r)
k = k + 1
End If
Next r
With fso.CreateTextFile(filePath, True)
.Write Join(nLines, vbNewLine)
End With
End If
End Sub
Here is how I would do it.
Sub Update_File(ByVal FilePath As String, ByRef fso As Object)
Const ForReading = 1
Dim lines() As String
Dim r As Long
Dim Dirty As Boolean
With fso.OpenTextFile(FilePath, ForReading)
lines = Split(.ReadAll, vbNewLine)
End With
For r = 0 To UBound(lines)
If Left(lines(r), 1) <> "'" Then
lines(r) = "'" & lines(r)
Dirty = True
End If
If Dirty Then
With fso.CreateTextFile(FilePath, True)
.Write Join(lines, vbNewLine)
End With
End If
End Sub
What about this:
currentline = File.ReadLine
NextLine = vbNullString
If Not File.AtEndOfStream Then
NextLine = File.ReadLine
Do While Left$(NextLine, 1) <> "'"
If Len(currentline) > 0 Then currentline = Trim(currentline) & " "
currentline = currentline & Trim(NextLine)
NextLine = File.ReadLine
End If
Write #1, currentline
currentline = NextLine
Loop Until File.AtEndOfStream

Convert text with unicode to HTML entities

In VBA, how do you convert text containing Unicode to HTML entities?
Eg. Test chars: èéâ👍 would be converted to Test chars: èéâ👍
In Excel, characters are stored using Unicode UTF-16. The "Thumbs up" character (👍) corresponds to the Unicode character U+1F44D, encoded as follows:
in UTF-16 (hex) : 0xD83D 0xDC4D (d83ddc4d)
in UTF-16 (decimal) : 55357 , 56397
The following function (and test procedure) should convert as expected:
Sub test()
txt = String2Html("Test chars: èéâ" & ChrW(&HD83D) & ChrW(&HDC4D))
debug.print txt ' -> Test chars: èéâ👍
End Sub
Function String2Html(strText As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strOut As String
Dim char As String
Dim char2 As String
Dim intCharCode As Integer
Dim intChar2Code As Integer
Dim unicode_cp As Long
For i = 1 To Len(strText)
char = Mid(strText, i, 1)
intCharCode = AscW(char)
If (intCharCode And &HD800) = &HD800 Then
i = i + 1
char2 = Mid(strText, i, 1)
intChar2Code = AscW(char2)
unicode_cp = (intCharCode And &H3FF) * (2 ^ 10) + (intChar2Code And &H3FF)
strOut = strOut & "&#x" & CStr((intCharCode And &H3C0) + 1) & Hex(unicode_cp) & ";"
ElseIf intCharCode > 127 Then
strOut = strOut & "&#x" & Hex(intCharCode) & ";"
ElseIf intCharCode < 0 Then
strOut = strOut & "&#x" & Hex(65536 + intCharCode) & ";"
strOut = strOut & char
End If
String2Html = strOut
End Function
To convert Unicode to Asci (eg:  æ  to   æ)
Public Function UnicodeToAscii(sText As String) As String
Dim x As Long, sAscii As String, ascval As Long
If Len(sText) = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
sAscii = ""
For x = 1 To Len(sText)
ascval = AscW(Mid(sText, x, 1))
If (ascval < 0) Then
ascval = 65536 + ascval '
End If
sAscii = sAscii & "&#" & ascval & ";"
UnicodeToAscii = sAscii
End Function
To convert Asci to Unicode (eg:  æ  to   æ)
Public Function AsciiToUnicode(sText As String) As String
Dim saText() As String, sChar As String
Dim sFinal As String, saFinal() As String
Dim x As Long, lPos As Long
If Len(sText) = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
saText = Split(sText, ";") 'Unicode Chars are semicolon separated
If UBound(saText) = 0 And InStr(1, sText, "&#") = 0 Then
AsciiToUnicode = sText
Exit Function
End If
ReDim saFinal(UBound(saText))
For x = 0 To UBound(saText)
lPos = InStr(1, saText(x), "&#", vbTextCompare)
If lPos > 0 Then
sChar = Mid$(saText(x), lPos + 2, Len(saText(x)) - (lPos + 1))
If IsNumeric(sChar) Then
If CLng(sChar) > 255 Then
sChar = ChrW$(sChar)
sChar = Chr$(sChar)
End If
End If
saFinal(x) = Left$(saText(x), lPos - 1) & sChar
ElseIf x < UBound(saText) Then
saFinal(x) = saText(x) & ";" 'This Semicolon wasn't a Unicode Character
saFinal(x) = saText(x)
End If
sFinal = Join(saFinal, "")
AsciiToUnicode = sFinal
Erase saText
Erase saFinal
End Function
I hope this would be help someone,
I got this code from here

Automate PDF to Text

I'm currently using the below code in a VB.Net console app that takes the contents of a text file and extracts certain info and then exports it to a CSV.
All seems to work well but the problem is the file originally comes through as a PDF (only option possible) and i have to manually open the file in Adobe and 'Save as Text'.
Is there a way of either automating the conversion of PDF to text file or reading the PDF in place of the text file.
Any guidance or options would be appreciated
Dim iLine, iEnd, c, iField As Integer
Dim iSecs, iMax As Long
Dim sText, sTemp, sSchema As String
Dim sHotel, sEndDate, sMon, sPLU, sTots, sValue, sDept, sFile, sOutFile, sDesc As String
Dim tdate As Date
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=C:\temp\TX.accdb;")
Dim LUse As Boolean
sHotel = "Unknown Hotel"
sEndDate = "01/01/2015"
sMon = "MAR"
sPLU = ""
sTots = "0"
sValue = "0"
sDept = "Unknown Dept"
sDesc = ""
LUse = True
sTemp = ""
iField = 0
sSchema = "Chester"
'Open input file
sFile = "c:\temp\input.txt"
Dim InFile As New System.IO.StreamReader(sFile)
'Open lookup data table
Dim dbAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter( _
"SELECT * FROM Plookup", con)
Dim dsTX As DataSet = New DataSet()
Dim changes As DataTable
Dim cmdbuilder As OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(dbAdapter)
dbAdapter.FillSchema(dsTX, SchemaType.Source, "Plookup")
dbAdapter.Fill(dsTX, "Plookup")
Dim rstx As DataTable = dsTX.Tables(0)
iMax = rstx.Rows.Count
Dim productrow() As Data.DataRow
'Open Output file
iSecs = Timer
sOutFile = "c:\temp\TX" & Format$(Now, "yymmdd") & Trim$(Str$(iSecs)) & ".csv"
FileCopy(sFile, "c:\temp\TX" & Format$(Now, "yymmdd") & Trim$(Str$(iSecs)) & ".txt")
Dim OutFile As New System.IO.StreamWriter(sOutFile)
'Write header
OutFile.WriteLine("outlet,dept,epos,tots sold,total price,date of sales")
iLine = 0
Do While InFile.Peek() <> -1
'Read in text
iLine = iLine + 1
sText = InFile.ReadLine
sText = sText.Replace(",", "")
If Len(sText) > 2 And Len(sText) < 9 Then
If Mid$(sText, 3, 1) = "-" Then ' Department Name
sText = sText & Space(9 - Len(sText))
End If
End If
'Process all rows except header row - read data into array
If Len(sText) > 8 Then
Select Case Left(sText, 7)
Case "Consoli" ' Ignore
Case "Quanti " ' Ignore
Case "Group b" ' Ignore - but next row is the Hotel Name
iLine = iLine + 1
sText = InFile.ReadLine
sText = sText.Replace(",", "")
sHotel = Trim$(Left(sText, 20)) 'The username follows so we may truncate the hotel name
Case "Date ra" ' End date
sEndDate = Mid$(sText, 29, 2) & "/" & Mid$(sText, 32, 2) & "/" & Mid$(sText, 35, 4)
tdate = CDate(sEndDate).AddDays(-1)
sEndDate = tdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
Case Else 'Possible Code
If Mid$(sText, 3, 1) = "-" Then ' Department Name
sDept = Trim(sText)
If IsNumeric(Left(sText, 7)) Then 'Got a code
sPLU = Trim(Str(Val(Left(sText, 7))))
'We don't know where the description ends as it contains spaces
'So best way is to start at the end and work back...
iEnd = Len(sText)
iField = 0
For c = iEnd To 9 Step -1
If Not (Mid(sText, c, 1) = " ") Or iField > 10 Then
sTemp = Mid(sText, c, 1) & sTemp
iField = iField + 1
If iField = 9 Then
sValue = sTemp
ElseIf iField = 11 Then
sTots = sTemp
End If
sTemp = ""
End If
If iField = 10 Then
sTots = Trim(sTemp)
sDesc = ""
sDesc = Trim$(sTemp)
End If
'lookup code
productrow = rstx.Select("FileID = 'Chester' and PLU = '" & sPLU & "'")
If productrow.Length = 0 Then ' product not found
iMax = iMax + 1
rstx.Rows.Add(sSchema, sPLU, sDesc, False)
LUse = True
LUse = Not productrow(0)("Exclude")
End If
If (Val(sTots) + Val(sValue) > 0) And LUse Then ' We have a non-zero sale or value and it is not excluded
OutFile.WriteLine(sHotel & "," & sDept & "," & sPLU & "," & sTots & "," & sValue & "," & sEndDate)
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End If
'Close input / output csv files
'rstx.Rows.Add("303030", "Another Test", False)
dbAdapter.UpdateCommand = cmdbuilder.GetUpdateCommand(True)
dbAdapter.InsertCommand = cmdbuilder.GetInsertCommand(True)
dbAdapter.DeleteCommand = cmdbuilder.GetDeleteCommand()
changes = rstx.GetChanges()
If changes IsNot Nothing Then dbAdapter.Update(changes)
Try itextSharp. itextSharp is a .NET DLL with the help of which you can extract content from PDF. Click here for reference & sample code(although code is in c#, its just a reference to give you an idea).

VBA Code Finding number of items in an Array

Is there a way to find the number of items in an array?
My list of txt files is:
With the code below I aggregated the txt files for have output only one txt file (output.txt).
But I need aggregate the files txt only when all four txt files are presents in the path of server else I need alert message in the code.
Can you help me?
Thank you in advance.
Option Compare Database
Dim path
Function go()
Dim ArrTest() As Variant
Dim I As Integer
Dim StrFileName As String
path = CurrentProject.Path
ArrTest = Array("C", "D", "G", "H")
file_global = "" & path & "\Output.txt"
fn = FreeFile
Open file_global For Output As fn
For I = 0 To UBound(ArrTest)
StrFileName = "" & path & "\Output_" & ArrTest(I) & ".txt"
fn = FreeFile
Open StrFileName For Input As fn
Open file_global For Append As fn + 1
Line Input #fn, datum
Do While Not EOF(fn)
Line Input #fn, datum
datums = Split(datum, Chr(9))
For d = 0 To UBound(datums)
If d = 0 Then
datum = Trim(datums(d))
datum = datum & ";" & Trim(datums(d))
End If
Print #fn + 1, datum
Next I
End Function
Try this (different than your method, but tried and tested, Assuming All text files including calling workbook reside in same folder) :
Option Explicit
Private Sub AppendTxtfilesConditional()
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Const TristateUseDefault = -2, TristateTrue = -1, TristateFalse = 0
Dim path As String, xp, J As Integer, I As Integer, K As Integer
Dim FSOStream As Object, FSOStream1 As Object, FSO As Object, fol As Object, fil As Object
Dim srcFile As Object, desFile As Object
Dim ArrTest() As Variant
ArrTest = Array("C", "D", "G", "H")
J = 0
path = ThisWorkbook.path
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fol = FSO.GetFolder(path)
For I = 0 To UBound(ArrTest)
K = 0
For Each fil In fol.Files
If ArrTest(I) & ".txt" = fil.Name Then
MsgBox (ArrTest(I) & ".txt" & " is found")
J = J + 1
If J > UBound(ArrTest) Then GoTo L12
K = J
End If
If K = 0 Then MsgBox ArrTest(I) & ".txt" & " not found"
MsgBox "aborted"
GoTo final
For I = 0 To UBound(ArrTest)
Set srcFile = FSO.GetFile(path & "\" & ArrTest(I) & ".txt")
On Error GoTo erLabel
Set desFile = FSO.GetFile(path & "\Output.txt")
On Error GoTo 0
Set FSOStream = srcFile.OpenAsTextStream(iomode:=ForReading, Format:=TristateUseDefault)
Set FSOStream1 = desFile.OpenAsTextStream(iomode:=ForAppending, Format:=TristateUseDefault)
Do While Not FSOStream.AtEndOfStream
xp = FSOStream.ReadLine
FSOStream1.Write vbCrLf & xp ' vbCrLf & xp or 'xp & vbCrLf
If Err.Number = 53 Then
MsgBox "Aborted : destination file not found"
GoTo final
End If
Set FSOStream = Nothing: Set FSOStream1 = Nothing: Set FSO = Nothing: Set fol = Nothing
Set fil = Nothing: Set srcFile = Nothing: Set desFile = Nothing
End Sub
N.B If works for you then mark as answer else comment end if

String to abbreviation

I'm a graphic artist, new to Excel and VBA but trying to use it to process mountains of data in excel to be used as variable data in Illustrator.
If I want to convert cells with product names for signs like "Budwieser, Bud Light & Bud Black Crown" to an abbreviation following the format "Budweiser_BL_BBC"
I have written a function that I thought would accomplish my task but it returns #VALUE!
To explain the logic: my idea was to take the string, split it on " & " and then split the first position of the resulting array on ", " then adding what was after the "&" to the end of the second array - this array, sProd, has the products separated into different positions of the array.
Then looping through that array and splitting each product at the spaces creating a jagged array.
Then loop through that array again creating a string taking only the first letter of each word in each product, separating products with an underscore. The exception being that the first word of the first product is spelled out and set in proper case. (Just saw an error in my logic and added the code for the first word exception).
Edit #2
The function should return a string with the first word of the original string set in proper case with all other words abbreviated to their first letter and products separated by underscores. So "Budweiser, Bud Light & Bud Light Lime" returns "Budweiser_BL_BLL", "All Coke & Dr Pepper Products" would return "AllC_DPP" and "Gatorade" returns "Gatorade".
This is my first bout with Excel and VBA.
Function Abbrev(p As String) As String
Dim sAmpersand() As Variant
Dim sProd() As Variant
sAmpersand = Split(p, " & ")
sProd = Split(sAmpersand(0), ", ")
sProd(UBound(sProd)) = sAmpersand(1)
Dim ProductCount As Integer
Dim ProductEnd As Integer
ProductEnd = UBound(sProd) - 1
For ProductCount = 0 To ProductEnd
sProd(ProductCount) = Split(sProd(ProductCount), " ")
ProductCount = ProductCount + 1
Next ProductCount
Dim WordCount As Integer
Dim WordEnd As Integer
WordEnd = UBound(sProd(ProductCount)) - 1
Abbrev = StrConv(sProd(0)(0), vbProperCase)
For ProductCount = 0 To ProductEnd
For WordCount = 0 To WordEnd
If ProductCount = 0 Then
WordCount = 1
End If
Abbrev = Abbrev & Left(sProd(ProductCount)(WordCount), 1)
WordCount = WordCount + 1
Next WordCount
If ProductCount + 1 < ProductEnd Then
Abbrev = Abbrev & "_"
End If
ProductCount = ProductCount + 1
Next ProductCount
End Function
Working code:
Function Abbrev(p As String) As String
Dim res As String, w1, w2
res = Split(Split(p, ",")(0), " ")(0)
If res = Split(p, ",")(0) Then res = res & "_"
For Each w1 In Split(Mid(Replace(p, " &", ","), Len(res) + 1), ",")
For Each w2 In Split(w1, " ")
res = res & Left(w2, 1)
Next w2
res = res & "_"
Next w1
Abbrev = IIf(Right(res, 1) <> "_", res, Left(res, Len(res) - 1))
End Function
Here's a better abbreviate function:
Function Abbreviate(Name As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim sResult As String
Dim sTemp As String
I = InStr(Name, " ")
If I < 1 Then
Abbreviate = Name
Exit Function
End If
sResult = Left$(Name, I)
sTemp = Name
Do While I > 0
sTemp = Right$(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - I)
If Left$(sTemp, 1) = "(" Then
If Mid$(sTemp & "***", 3, 1) = ")" Then
sResult = sResult & " " & Left$(sTemp, 3)
sResult = sResult & " " & Left$(sTemp, 1)
End If
sResult = sResult & " " & Left(sTemp, 1)
End If
I = InStr(sTemp, " ")
Abbreviate = sResult
End Function
This is from user al_b_cnu on
Here is a modified version to shorten up the result a bit:
Function Abbreviate(Name As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim sResult As String
Dim sTemp As String
I = InStr(Name, " ")
If I < 1 Then
Abbreviate = Name
Exit Function
End If
sResult = Left$(Name, I)
sTemp = Name
Do While I > 0
sTemp = Right$(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - I)
If Left$(sTemp, 1) = "(" Then
If Mid$(sTemp & "***", 3, 1) = ")" Then
sResult = sResult & Left$(sTemp, 3)
sResult = sResult & Left$(sTemp, 1)
End If
sResult = sResult & Left(sTemp, 1)
End If
I = InStr(sTemp, " ")
Abbreviate = sResult
End Function