How To find a single value from a cell - vba

A Cell has range of values separated by commas. How to find a single value from that cell?
The below code is not working
Public Sub Search_ChangeInitiator()
Dim Company As String
Company = GazelleValidation1.Company2.Value
Company = Replace(Company, "AZ ", " ")
Company = Replace(Company, "EXT ", " ")
Company = Replace(Company, "AZB EXT ", " ")
Company = Trim(Company)
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Validate")
Dim ans As Range
Dim InitiatorValue As Range
Set InitiatorValue = Worksheet("Validate").Range("H2").Select
Set ans = InitiatorValue.Find(what:=Company, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If ans Is Nothing Then
Gazellevalidation2.Pchnageinitiator.Value = "Not Added"
Gazellevalidation2.Pchnageinitiator.Value = "Added"
End If
End Sub

If your text is split into items by a deliminator character (in this case commas) then you can use Split to turn it into an array:
Sub TestingTheSplitFunction()
Dim ValueArray() As String 'Create an array variable
ValueArray = Split("A,B,C,D", ",") 'Populate it with the items in your list (here "A", "B", "C" and "D")
'Everything except the last line is just to make the example more visual
Dim lReturn As Long, sTest As String
sTest = "X"
While Not IsNumeric(sTest)
sTest = InputBox("Which item in the list would you like to retrieve?", Default:="1")
If sTest = "" Then Exit Sub 'If you click cancel then stop.
Wend 'Keep trying until we get a number or Cancel
lReturn = CLng(sTest) + LBound(ValueArray) - 1 'If the Array starts at 0 then the first item is at position 0
If lReturn < LBound(ValueArray) Then '0 or negative
MsgBox "That's not a real position", vbCritical
ElseIf lReturn > UBound(ValueArray) Then 'Larget than list size
MsgBox "There are not that many items in the list!", vbCritical
MsgBox ValueArray(lReturn) 'Tells you the value
End If
Erase ValueArray 'Free up the Array Memory
End Sub


RunTime Error 13, Type Mismatch MsgBox Cancel

Getting a Run-Time Error 13 type mistmatch error when clicking cancel on a message box.
I tried making the following script to handle if a message box is empty, however upon bug checking, clicking cancel on the message box throws it all out.
Any ideas?
Private Sub ChangeDebtAmounts_Click()
Dim Debt1 As Integer, Debt2 As Integer, Debt3 As Integer, Debt4 As Integer
Dim D1Range As String, D2Range As String, D3Range As String, D4Range As String
D1Range = ActiveSheet.Range("Y15")
D2Range = ActiveSheet.Range("Y16")
D3Range = ActiveSheet.Range("Y17")
D4Range = ActiveSheet.Range("Y18")
Debt1 = InputBox("Please Enter in the account limit for " & D1Range)
If Debt1 = "" Then
MsgBox ("Setting " & D1Range & " to Zero, No Value Entered")
Range("AA15").Value = Debt1 - Range("S58")
End If
End Sub
The type mismatch is with the InputBox rather than the MsgBox. To fix it, it is enough to change Dim Debt1 As Integer to Dim Debt1 As Variant. Also, you are using MsgBox as a sub rather than a function so the correct syntax should be
MsgBox "Setting " & D1Range & " to Zero, No Value Entered"
rather than
MsgBox ("Setting " & D1Range & " to Zero, No Value Entered")
In this case the parentheses are harmless, but if you try to give additional arguments to MsgBox while using it as a sub then you will get a syntax error.
Here's a slightly different take on your question. See my comments within the code.
(It's longer just because of the comments; optionally, you can remove any lines of comments, as well as any other blank lines.)
Private Sub ChangeDebtAmounts_Click()
Dim Debt1, Debt2, Debt3, Debt4 'data type "Variant" is assumed
Dim D1Range As String,D2Range As String,D3Range As String,D4Range As String
'by using a "With" statement, you can use "." instead of "ActiveSheet."
With ActiveSheet
D1Range = .Range("Y15")
D2Range = .Range("Y16")
D3Range = .Range("Y17")
D4Range = .Range("Y18")
'I added a title to the dialog and a default value of zero
Debt1=InputBox("Enter the account limit for " & D1Range, "Limit?" ,0)
'Check user response:
If Debt1 = "" Or Debt1 = 0 Then
'User clicked cancel or entered zero.
MsgBox "Setting " & D1Range & " to Zero, No Value Entered"
'I assume your next step is to set the input value to zero:
Debt1 = 0
'you don't need to specify ".Value" in most cases (it's assumed)
'also:by using the "." we're referring to ActiveSheet again.
.Range("AA15") = Debt1 - .Range("S58")
End If
End With '(the end of "With ActiveSheet")
End Sub
A couple other thoughts:
it appears like you're going to use different variables for each InputBox but this is not necessary: you can re-use the same variable in this case, without issue.
ActiveSheet just refers to "whichever worksheet (tab) happens to be open when the code is run". It's a good idea to explicitly refer to a specific worksheet, to prevent potential problems in the future.
For example if your cells such as Y15 are on worksheet Sheet1, you could replace ActiveSheet with Sheets("Sheet1").
Alternate method (loop through all 4 cells)
These methods are for demonstration only - if you already have your solution figured out, stick with that, there's no point in wasting time! These are just to show other ways to do the same thing.
Just for fun, here's another alternate method, that loops through all 4 cells Y15:Y18 and repeats the same MsgBox's.
I wasn't sure what happens with the other 3 values the user enters, so I left those blank.
Private Sub demo_Alternate()
Dim userInput As Variant, arr As Variant, myCell
With Sheets("Sheet1") '<<<<<< change this to actual worksheet name
arr = .Range("Y15:Y18") ' arr(1) to arr(4) are now cell references
For Each myCell In arr
userInput = InputBox("Enter account limit for " & myCell, "Limit?", 0)
If userInput = "" Or userInput = 0 Then 'Cancelled or 0 entered
MsgBox "Setting " & myCell & " to Zero, No Value Entered"
userInput = 0
Select Case Split(myCell.Address, "$")(2)
Case 15 'do what you need to for cell Y15
Range("AA15") = userInput - Range("S58")
Case 16
'do what you need to for cell Y16
Case 17
'do what you need to for cell Y16
Case 18
'do what you need to for cell Y16
End Select
End If
Next myCell 'loop to next cell
End With
End Sub
OR, if all four cells are getting from S58 and put into column AA of the same row, like:
...if your end-goal is the pattern:
AA15 = {Y15 or UserEntry} - S58
AA16 = {Y16 or UserEntry} - S58
AA17 = {Y17 or UserEntry} - S58
AA18 = {Y18 or UserEntry} - S58
...then something like this could work (and is even more compact).
Private Sub demo_Alternate2()
Dim userInput As Variant, arr As Variant, myCell, rowNum As Long
With Sheets("Sheet1") '<<<<<<<<<<<<< change this to actual worksheet name
arr = .Range("Y15:Y18") ' arr(1) to arr(4) are now cell references
For Each myCell In arr
userInput = InputBox("Enter account limit for " & myCell, "Limit?", 0)
If userInput = "" Or userInput = 0 Then 'Cancelled or 0 entered
MsgBox "Setting " & myCell & " to Zero, No Value Entered"
rowNum = Split(myCell.Address, "$")(2)
Range("AA" & rowNum) = userInput - Range("S58")
End If
Next myCell
End With
End Sub
One noteworthy technique used here is the use of an array (arr) to read multiple cell values at once instead of a separate line for each cell input.
arr = .Range("Y15:Y18")
...assigns the four cells to the array so you can refer to the array as if:
arr(1) = Y15
arr(2) = Y16
arr(3) = Y17
arr(4) = Y18

Combining several message boxes in one msgbox for each event occurrence

I am trying to output specific error messages in my BeforeSave event. Here is the example message box:
For every use case the part has to be replaced by the defined error message from the specific test case. If there are multiple issues, all error messages should be printed in one message box. Here are the possible error messages:
1.Missing ID for the blockTemplate
2.The Parameter “ID” must be defined
3.The cell B2 is not allowed to be empty
4.Cell A2 contains an invalid value: “Ids”
5.Font Size must be an integer from 6 till 72
6.Paragraph Spacing Before must be an integer from 6 till 72
Font Size must be an integer from 6 till 72
Table "Column Variants":
7.The Variant IDs QINTRO_VAR1, QINTRO_VAR2 are not compatible with the global ID QUINTRO
8.The Cell C6 is not allowed to be empty. To define null for this value use the minus sign (-).
Here is the code I`ve written so far:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim cell As Range
Dim j As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim cellVal As Integer
Dim cellVal2 As Integer
Dim sCellVal As String
Dim a As Variant
Dim Target As Range
Dim arr As Range
Dim rngcheck As Range
Dim rngcheck2 As Range
sCellVal = Range("A2").Value
cellVal = Range("B3").Value
cellVal2 = Range("B4").Value
If Not IsNumeric(cellVal) Then
MsgBox "Only numeric values allowed."
End If
'If Sheets("General Info").Range("A2").Value = "" Then
'Cancel = True
'MsgBox "Save cancelled"
'End If
If Not sCellVal = "ID" Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "The Parameter “ID” must be defined"
End If
If sCellVal = "" Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Missing ID for the blockTemplate"
End If
If sCellVal = "IDs" Then
'Cancel = True
MsgBox "Cell A2 contains an invalid value: “Ids”"
End If
If Not cellVal = (6 < 72) Then
MsgBox "Font Size must be an integer from 6 till 72"
End If
If Not cellVal2 = (6 < 72) Then
MsgBox "Paragraph Spacing Before must be an integer from 6 till 72"
End If
'Set arr = Range("C6:C7")
'If the columns is the eighth
'For Each a In arr
'If Target.Column = 2 And (Target.Row > 5 And Target.Row < 8) Then
Set rngcheck2 = Range("C6:C7")
For Each cell In rngcheck2
If IsEmpty(cell) Then
MsgBox (" The cell" + Target.Address(0, 0)) + "is not allowed to be empty. To define null for this value use the minus sign (-)."
'The Cell C6 is not allowed to be empty. To define null for this value use the minus sign (-).
End If
Next cell
'Next a:
MsgBox (" The Variant IDs QINTRO_VAR1, QINTRO_VAR2 are not compatible with the global ID QUINTRO")
Set rngcheck = Range("B2:B4")
i = 0
For Each cell In rngcheck
If IsEmpty(cell) Then
i = i + 1
j = j & cell.Address & vbNewLine
End If
Next cell
If i = 0 Then Exit Sub
MsgBox "Sorry, you must enter a value in: " & vbNewLine & j
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
I would build a message and then output it only once. Like:
Sub whatever()
Dim mess As String
mess = ""
If Not sCellVal = "ID" Then
Cancel = True
mess = mess & vbCrLf & "The Parameter “ID” must be defined"
End If
If sCellVal = "" Then
Cancel = True
mess = mess & vbCrLf & "Missing ID for the blockTemplate"
End If
' more code
If mess <> "" Then MsgBox mess
End Sub
Create a String called errorString.
Replace your existing "MsgBox " with "errorString=errorString & vbCrLf"
At the end of your routine check to see if there has been any errors (errorString contains something ) and then just msgbx errorString
If len(errorString)>0 Then
errorString = "Please correct the following Errors before continuing" & errorString (or whatever)
Okay... this is not pretty, and it's partly because VBA wants to go line by line... so each error message needs to have its own block, such as:
Dim as as string, b as string, c as string
If sCellVal = "ID" Then a = "The Parameter “ID” must be defined."
If sCellVal = "" Then b = " Missing ID for the blockTemplate."
If sCellVal = "IDs" Then c = " Cell A2 contains an invalid value: “Ids.”"
MsgBox a & b & c 'Note that I put 2 spaces in front of the text above
You will want to group actions that use Cancel = True into one single grouping, and the non Cancel = True blocks into their own grouping. I would recommend the Cancel = True block appear second, so you can collect all possible error messages.

How to make multiple pivotitem invisible in Excel Vba

I have a Pivot table in sheet"EX". In pivot "Report Filter" field i have "Country Code" which contain 200 countries. I want to remove (Making invisible) more than 1 countries from that filter using InputBox. I used the code below and it is not working. It is not coming to "If InStr" line. Help me
Sub Removecountries()
Dim str1 As Variant
Dim Data As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Ex")
str1 = Application.InputBox("Enter the Country - comma separated")
If str1 = False Then
MsgBox "Please Enter one Country", , "Filter Country"
Exit Sub
If InStr(1, str1, ",") > 0 Then
Data = Split(str1, ",")
With ws.PivotTables("RemoveTable").PivotFields("Country Code").PivotItems(Data(0)).Visible = False
End With
End If
End If
End Sub
I've just tested the following and it seems to work, the issue seems to be when you only enter one item in the inputbox: (Before you try make sure you edit the "ws.PivotTable" as I changed the name when testing it)
Sub Removecountries()
Dim str1 As Variant
Dim Data As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Ex")
str1 = Application.InputBox("Enter the Country - comma separated")
If str1 = False Then
MsgBox "Please Enter one Country", , "Filter Country"
Exit Sub
If InStr(1, str1, ",") > 0 Then
Data = Split(str1, ",")
For i = LBound(Data) To UBound(Data)
ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("CountryCode").PivotItems(Data(i)).Visible = False
Next i
ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("CountryCode").PivotItems(str1).Visible = False
End If
End If
End Sub

Array insertion of Duplicated and not duplicated data to different column in VBA

Good day! in my worksheet i have (1) textbox as TextBox1 and 1 button for submit button. I have here sample code that gives splitted text as an output. I just want that if there's duplicated word in textbox1 and the user enters the submit button it will saves to worksheet(DatabaseStorage) and categorize the output from No Duplicated Word and With duplicated Word. Because this two different fields will be needed for some function of the system.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call SplitText
End Sub
Sub SplitText()
Dim WArray As Variant
Dim TextString As String
TextString = TextBox1
WArray = Split(TextBox1, " ")
If (TextString = "") Then
MsgBox ("Error: Pls Enter your data")
With Sheets("DatabaseStorage")
.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Resize(UBound(WArray) + IIf(LBound(WArray) = 0, 1, 0)) = Application.Transpose(WArray)
End With
MsgBox ("Successfully inserted")
End If
End Sub
This should accomplish what you need. I loop through the array to check if the given value exists in the "No Duplicates" column. If not, don't print it there.
Any time I encounter a situation where I need to check a single value against a list (ex. check for duplicates, GT/LT, etc.), I consider looping.
Sub SplitText()
Dim WArray As Variant
Dim TextString As String
Dim col_no_dup As Long
Dim col_dup As Long
Dim counter As Integer
Dim sht_database As Worksheet
With ThisWorkbook
Set sht_database = .Sheets("DatabaseStorage")
TextString = LCase(.Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Textbox1").DrawingObject.Text)
End With
WArray = Split(TextString, " ") 'load array
If (TextString = "") Then
MsgBox ("Error: Pls Enter your data")
Else: End If
'set column locations for duplicates/no duplicates
col_no_dup = 1
col_dup = 2
With sht_database
.Range("A2:B10000").ClearContents 'clear existing data. Change this as needed
'Print whole array into duplicates column
.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, col_dup).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Resize(UBound(WArray) + IIf(LBound(WArray) = 0, 1, 0)) = Application.Transpose(WArray)
'Loop through array
For i = LBound(WArray) To UBound(WArray)
counter = 0
lrow_no_dup = .Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, col_no_dup).End(xlUp).Row
For n = 1 To lrow_no_dup 'loop through and check each existing value in the no dup column
If .Cells(n, col_no_dup).Value = WArray(i) Then
counter = counter + 1 'account for each occurence
Else: End If
Next n
If counter = 0 Then 'counter = 0 implies the value doesn't exist in the "No Duplicates" column
.Cells(lrow_no_dup + 1, col_no_dup).Value = WArray(i)
Else: End If
Next i
End With
MsgBox ("Successfully inserted")
End Sub

Check if a cell from a selected range is visible

I have a VBA function in Excel returns a concatenated string of text from cells selected by users.
This works as I require, however if there are hidden cells in the selection, the value of the hidden cell is included, which is undesirable. An example of when this issue occurs is when a table is filtered.
Is there a way to amend my function to check if the cell that is being read is visible?
Sub ConcatEmialAddresses()
Dim EmailAddresses As String
ActiveSheet.Range("C3").Value = combineSelected()
Call MsgBox("The email address string from cell ""C3"" has been copied to your clipboard.", vbOKOnly, "Sit back, relax, it's all been taken care of...")
End Sub
Function combineSelected(Optional ByVal separator As String = "; ", _
Optional ByVal copyText As Boolean = True) As String
Dim cellValue As Range
Dim outputText As String
For Each cellValue In Selection
outputText = outputText & cellValue & separator
Next cellValue
If Right(outputText, 2) = separator Then outputText = Left(outputText, Len(outputText) - 2)
combineSelected = outputText
End Function
To determine if a Range has an hidden cell, I would check that the height/width of each row/column is different from zero:
Function HasHiddenCell(source As Range) As Boolean
Dim rg As Range
'check the columns
If VBA.IsNull(source.ColumnWidth) Then
For Each rg In source.Columns
If rg.ColumnWidth = 0 Then
HasHiddenCell = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
' check the rows
If VBA.IsNull(source.RowHeight) Then
For Each rg In source.rows
If rg.RowHeight = 0 Then
HasHiddenCell = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
Sub UsageExample()
If HasHiddenCell(selection) Then
Debug.Print "A cell is hidden"
Debug.Print "all cells are visible"
End If
End Sub
I used this
Function areCellsHidden(Target As Range)
areCellsHidden = False
If (Target.Rows.Hidden = True) Then
areCellsHidden = True
ElseIf (Target.Columns.Hidden = True) Then
areCellsHidden = True
ElseIf (Target.Count > 1) Then
If _
Target.Count <> Target.Columns.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count _
Or Target.Count <> Target.Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count _
areCellsHidden = True
End If
End If
End Function