How to interpret zigzag training loss? - tensorflow

My training data consists of about ~700 unique samples (this is for a regression problem). The data is not shuffled, so the first N samples have the same label (say, the value 1.25), then the next M samples have a the same label (say, 2.99), etc. In total there's around 15 unique labels.
I'm using a simple CNN, as the input is an image (64x64x3). Even with no dropout or any other form of regularization, I can't get the training loss to stabilize close to zero.
What is this pattern of the learning loss an indication of? (gray line is the training loss, orange line is the validation loss).

The only indication you can get from such pattern is that the learning rate is too large, you should decrease it until the loss starts to decrease.

It seems that your learning rate is
too large, making your parameters oscillate wildly.
Things that I recommend at that point would be to:
Decrease your initial learning rate
Try another optimizer with some sort of learning rate decay (e.g. ADAM which worked good for me in such cases)


Unstable loss in binary classification for time-series data - extremely imbalanced dataset

I am working on deep learning model to detect regions of timesteps with anomalies. This model should classify each timestep as possessing the anomaly or not.
My labels are something like this:
labels = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...]
The 0s represent 'normal' timesteps and the 1s represent the existence of an anomaly. In reality, my dataset is very very imbalanced:
My training set consists of over 7000 samples, where only 1400 samples = 20% of those contain at least 1 anomaly (timestep = 1)
I am feeding samples with 4096 timesteps each. The average number of anomalies, in the samples that contain them, is around 2. So, assuming there is an anomaly, the % of anomalous timesteps ranges from 0.02% to 0.04% for each sample.
With that said, I do need to shift from the standard binary cross entropy to something that highlights the anomalous timesteps from the anomaly free timesteps.
So, I experimented adding weights to the anomalous class in such a way that the model is forced to learn from the anomalies and not just reduce its loss from the anomaly-free timesteps. It actually worked well and the model seems to learn to detect anomalous timesteps. One problem however is that training can become quite unstable (and unpredictable), with sudden loss spikes appearing and affecting the learning process. Below, you can see the effects on the loss and metrics charts for two of my trainings:
After going through a debugging process for the trainings, I am confident that the problem comes from ocasional predictions given for the anomalous timesteps. That is, in some samples of a certain epoch, and in some anomalous timesteps, the model is giving a very low prediction, e.g. 0.01, for the 1s label (should be close to 1 ofc). Considering the very high (but supposedly necessary) weights given to the anomalous timesteps, the penaly is really extreme and the loss just skyrockets.
Going deeper, if I inspect the losses of the sample where the jump happened and look for the batch right before the loss jumped, I see that the losses are all around 10^-2 - 0.0053, 0.004, 0.0041... - not a single sample with a loss over those values. Overall, an average loss of 0.005. However, if I inspect the loss of the following batch, in that same sample, the avg. loss of the batch is already 3.6, with a part of the samples with a low loss but another part with a very high loss - e.g. 9.2, 7.7, 8.9... I can confirm that all the high losses come from the penalties given at predicting the 1s timesteps. The following batches of the same sample and some of the batches of the next epoch get affected and take some time to start decreasing again and going back to a stable learning process.
With this said, I am having this problem for some weeks already and really need some guidance in what I could try to deal with the spikes, which I assume that arise on the gradient updates associated with anomalous timesteps that are harder to learn.
I am currently using a simple 2-layer keras LSTM model with 64 units each and a dense as the last layer with a 1 unit dense layer with sigmoid activation. As for the optimizer I am using Adam. I am training with batch size 128. Some things to consider also:
I have tried changes in weights and other loss functions. Ultimately, if I reduce the weights given to the anomalous timesteps the model doesn't give so much importance to them and the loss reduces by considering only the anomalous free timesteps. I have also considered focal binary cross entropy loss but it doesn't seem to do anything that could avoid those jumps as, in the end, it is all about adding or reducing weights for certain timesteps.
My current learning rate is the Adam's default, 10⁻3. I have tried reducing the learning rate which leads to less impactful spikes (they're still there though) but the model also takes much more time or gets stuck. Not sure if it would be the way to go in this case, as the training seems to go well except for these cases. Decaying learning rate might also not make too much sense as the spikes can happen earlier in the training and not only on later epochs. Not sure if this is the way to go.
I am still investigating gradient clipping as a solution. I am still not sure on what values to use and if it is actually an effective solution for my case, but from what I understood of it, it should allow to counter those jumps resulting from those 'almost' exploding gradients.
The spikes could originate from sample noise / bad samples. However, since I am already using batch size 128 and I have already tested training with simple synthetic samples I have created and the spikes were still there, I guess it is not a problem with specific samples.
The imbalance obviously plays the bigger role here. Not sure if undersampling the majority class of samples of 4096 timesteps (like increasing from 20% to 50% the amount of samples with at least an anomalous timestep) would make a big difference here since each sample of timesteps is by itself very imbalanced as it contains around 2 timesteps with anomalies. It is a problem with the imbalance within each sample.
I know it might be quite some context but honestly I am already into my limit of trying stuff for weeks.
The solutions I am inclined to go for next are either gradient clipping or just changing my samples to be more centered around the anomalous timesteps, in such a way that it contains less anomaly free timesteps and hopefully allows for convergence without having to apply such drastic weights to anomalous timesteps. This last option is more difficult for me to opt for due to some restrictions, but I might look at it if I have nothing else available.
What do you think? I am able to provide more information if needed.

[MXNet]Periodic Loss Value when training with "step" learning rate policy

When training deep CNN, a common way is to use SGD with momentum with a "step" learning rate policy (e.g. learning rate set to be 0.1,0.01,0.001.. at different stages of training).But I encounter an unexpected phenomenon when training with this strategy under MXNet.
That is the periodic training loss value
The above is the training loss at a fixed learning rate 0.01, where the loss is decreasing normally
However, at the second stage of training (with lr 0.001) , the loss goes up and down periodically, and the period is exactly an epoch
So I thought it might be the problem of data shuffling, but it cannot explain why it doesn't happen in the first stage. Actually I used ImageRecordIter as the DataIter and reset it after every epoch, is there anything I missed or set mistakenly?
train_iter =
The codes for training and loss evaluation:
while True:
for i,databatch in enumerate(train_iter):
globalIter += 1
if globalIter % 100 == 0:
loss = metric.get()[1]
Actually the loss can converge, but it takes too long.
I've suffered from this problem for a long period of time, on different network and different datasets.
I didn't have this problem when using Caffe. Is this due to the implementation difference?
Your loss/learning curves look suspiciously smooth, and I believe you can observe the same oscillation in the loss even when the learning rate is set to 0.01 just at a smaller relative scale (i.e. if you 'zoomed in' to the chart you'd see the same pattern). You may have an issue with your data iterator passing the same batch for example. And your training loop looks wrong but this could be due to formatting (e.g. mod.update() only performed every 100 batches isn't correct).
You can observe periodicity in your loss when you're traveling across a valley in the loss surface, up and down the sides rather than down the valley. Choosing a lower learning rate can help fix this, and make sure you are using momentum too.

Multi GPU architecture, gradient averaging - less accurate model?

When I execute the cifar10 model as described at I achieve 86% accuracy after approx 4 hours using a single GPU , when I utilize 2 GPU's the accuracy drops to 84% but reaching 84% accuracy is faster on 2 GPU's than 1.
My intuition is
that average_gradients function as defined at returns a less accurate gradient value as an average of gradients will be less accurate than the actual gradient value.
If the gradients are less accurate then the parameters than control the function that is learned as part of training is less accurate. Looking at the code ( why is averaging the gradients over multiple GPU's less accurate than computing the gradient on a single GPU ?
Is my intuition of averaging the gradients producing a less accurate value correct ?
Randomness in the model is described as :
The images are processed as follows:
They are cropped to 24 x 24 pixels, centrally for evaluation or randomly for training.
They are approximately whitened to make the model insensitive to dynamic range.
For training, we additionally apply a series of random distortions to artificially increase the data set size:
Randomly flip the image from left to right.
Randomly distort the image brightness.
Randomly distort the image contrast.
src :
Does this have an effect on training accuracy ?
Update :
Attempting to investigate this further, the loss function value training with different number of GPU's.
Training with 1 GPU : loss value : .7 , Accuracy : 86%
Training with 2 GPU's : loss value : .5 , Accuracy : 84%
Shouldn't the loss value be lower for higher for higher accuracy, not vice versa ?
In the code you linked, using the function average_gradient with 2 GPUs is exactly equivalent (1) to simply using 1 GPU with twice the batch size.
You can see it in the definition:
grad = tf.concat(axis=0, values=grads)
grad = tf.reduce_mean(grad, 0)
Using a larger batch size (given the same number of epochs) can have any kind of effect on your results.
Therefore, if you want to do exactly equivalent (1) calculations in 1-GPU or 2-GPU cases, you may want to halve the batch size in the latter case. (People sometimes avoid doing it, because smaller batch sizes may also make the computation on each GPU slower, in some cases)
Additionally, one needs to be careful with learning rate decay here. If you use it, you want to make sure the learning rate is the same in the nth epoch in both 1-GPU and 2-GPU cases -- I'm not entirely sure this code is doing the right thing here. I tend to print the learning rate in the logs, something like
should work here.
(1) Ignoring issues related to pseudo-random numbers, finite precision or data set sizes not divisible by the batch size.
There is a decent discussion of this here (not my content). Basically when you distribute SGD, you have to communicate gradients back and forth somehow between workers. This is inherently imperfect, and so your distributed SGD typically diverges from a sequential, single-worker SGD at least to some degree. It is also typically faster, so there is a trade off.
[Zhang et. al., 2015] proposes one method for distributed SGD called elastic-averaged SGD. The paper goes through a stability analysis characterizing the behavior of the gradients under different communication constraints. It gets a little heavy, but it might shed some light on why you see this behavior.
Edit: regarding whether the loss should be lower for the higher accuracy, it is going to depend on a couple of things. First, I am assuming that you are using softmax cross-entropy for your loss (as stated in the deep_cnn tutorial you linked), and assuming accuracy is the total number of correct predictions divided by the total number of samples. In this case, a lower loss on the same dataset should correlate to a higher accuracy. The emphasis is important.
If you are reporting loss during training but then report accuracy on your validation (or testing) dataset, it is possible for these two to be only loosely correlated. This is because the model is fitting (minimizing loss) to a certain subset of your total samples throughout the training process, and then tests against new samples that it has never seen before to verify that it generalizes well. The loss against this testing/validation set could be (and probably is) higher than the loss against the training set, so if the two numbers are being reported from different sets, you may not be able to draw comparisons like "loss for 1 GPU case should be lower since its accuracy is lower".
Second, if you are distributing the training then you are calculating losses across multiple workers (I believe), but only one accuracy at the end, again against a testing or validation set. Maybe the loss being reported is the best loss seen by any one worker, but overall the average losses were higher.
Basically I do not think we have enough information to decisively say why the loss and accuracy do not seem to correlate the way you expect, but there are a number of ways this could be happening, so I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.
I've also encountered this issue.
See Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour from Facebook which addresses the same issue. The suggested solution is simply to scale up the learning rate by k (after some reasonable warm-up epochs) for k GPUs.
In practice I've found out that simply summing up the gradients from the GPUs (rather than averaging them) and using the original learning rate sometimes does the job as well.

How to interpret increase in both loss and accuracy

I have run deep learning models(CNN's) using tensorflow. Many times during the epoch, i have observed that both loss and accuracy have increased, or both have decreased. My understanding was that both are always inversely related. What could be scenario where both increase or decrease simultaneously.
The loss decreases as the training process goes on, except for some fluctuation introduced by the mini-batch gradient descent and/or regularization techniques like dropout (that introduces random noise).
If the loss decreases, the training process is going well.
The (validation I suppose) accuracy, instead, it's a measure of how good the predictions of your model are.
If the model is learning, the accuracy increases. If the model is overfitting, instead, the accuracy stops to increase and can even start to decrease.
If the loss decreases and the accuracy decreases, your model is overfitting.
If the loss increases and the accuracy increase too is because your regularization techniques are working well and you're fighting the overfitting problem. This is true only if the loss, then, starts to decrease whilst the accuracy continues to increase.
Otherwise, if the loss keep growing your model is diverging and you should look for the cause (usually you're using a too high learning rate value).
I think the top-rated answer is incorrect.
I will assume you are talking about cross-entropy loss, which can be thought of as a measure of 'surprise'.
Loss and accuracy increasing/decreasing simultaneously on the training data tells you nothing about whether your model is overfitting. This can only be determined by comparing loss/accuracy on the validation vs. training data.
If loss and accuracy are both decreasing, it means your model is becoming more confident on its correct predictions, or less confident on its incorrect predictions, or both, hence decreased loss. However, it is also making more incorrect predictions overall, hence the drop in accuracy. Vice versa if both are increasing. That is all we can say.
I'd like to add a possible option here for all those who struggle with a model training right now.
If your validation data is a bit dirty, you might experience that in the beginning of the training the validation loss is low as well as the accuracy, and the more you train your network, the accuracy increases with the loss side by side. The reason why it happens, because it finds the possible outliers of your dirty data and gets a super high loss there. Therefore, your accuracy will grow as it guesses more data right, but the loss grows with it.
This is just what I think based on the math behind the loss and the accuracy,
Note :-
I expect your data is categorical
Your models output :-
[0.1,0.9,0.9009,0.8] (used to calculate loss)
Maxed output :-
[0,0,1,0] (used to calculate acc )
Expected output :-
Lets clarify what loss and acc calculates :
Loss :- The overall error of y and ypred
Acc :- Just if y and maxed(ypred) is equal
So in a overall our model almost nailed it , resulting in a low loss
But in maxed output no overall is seen its just that they should completely match ,
If they completely match :-
Thus resulting in a low accuracy too
Try to check mae of the model
remove regularization
check if your are using correct loss
You should check your class index (both train and valid) in training process. It might be sorted in different ways. I have this problem in colab.

How to interpret the strange training curve for RNN?

I use the tensorflow to train a simple two-layer RNN on my data set. The training curve is shown as follows:
where, the x-axis is the steps(in one step, a batch_size number of samples is used to update the net parameters), the y-axis is the accuracy. The red, green, blue line is the accuracy in training set, validation set, and the test set, respectively. It seems the training curve is not smooth and have some corrupt change. Is it reasonable?
Have you tried gradient clipping, Adam optimizer and learning rate decay?
From my experience, gradient clipping can prevent exploding gradients, Adam optimizer can converge faster, and learning rate decay can improve generalization.
Have you shuffled the training data?
In addition, visualizing the distribution of weights also helps debugging the model.
It's absolutely OK since you are using SGD. General trend is that your accuracy increases as number of used minibatches increases, however, some minibatches could significantly 'differ' from most of the others, therefore accuracy could be poor on them.
The fact that your test and validation accuracy drops horribly at times 13 and 21 is suspicious. E.g. 13 drops the test score below epoch 1.
This implies your learning rate is probably too large: a single mini-batch shouldn't cause that amount of weight change.