Admob No ads to show - react-native

I’m using react-native-admob package for show ads. This package working properly in android. But iOS version mostly my ads doesn’t showing. Someone can help me ?


How to configure react native app for SKAdNetwork FB/IG ads?

It is my first time deplying FB/IG ads to increase app installs. As part of the process, the Ads Manager, however, is prompting me to "Update the Facebook SDK for iOS" which I assume to mean integrate it into my react native app. Given that FB dropped support for react-native-fbsdk back in 2021, I'm wondering how I should be configuring my react native app in this case? — there doesn't seem to be much documentation online for whatever reason ...
Would appreciate any help and guidance from folks who have deployed FB/IG ads for app installs with a react native app!

Screenshot Lock not working in React native app on iOS devices

We want to lock screenshot on app screens in React Native app so that user is not allowed to take the screenshot. The feature is implemented successfully in android version of the same React Native app. But it is not working in iOS app which is published to app store. I have also tried react-native-prevent-screenshot plugin but that is also not locking screenshot in iOS version. I even implemented blurred view on appDelegate.m file to prevent screenshot capture in app, but even this did not have any impact. Can someone tell if Apple has banned this feature completely or there is possibility of some issue in coding. But I rule that out because it is working successfully in android apk. Please help

React Native (Expo) Asyncstorage not working on Google Play version of the app

Title pretty much explains it. I have a Asyncstorage system that stores test results. It works fine on emulator and from Expo app, yet it doesnt work when app is downloaded from Google Play store. I don't get any errors on the playstore version.
Picture of the results tab on Expo app
Picture of the results tab on Google Play version

Android Intent Redirection Vulnerability on my React Native app

Im 'new' developing in react-native. I uploaded a new version of my app, and i recieved an email from android saying that i have an intent redirection vuln on my app. But i dont know what is producing it. Can you help me to find it and fix it?
(I upgraded all my npm packages and the error was the same)
please check your 3rd party libraries. in my case, the problem is in react native intercom

How can I fix enterprise app distribution for React Native on iOS13?

I have a React Native application and I use Expo. It's distributed to enterprise through a download link and not through the app store. The ipa works on iOS13 devices, and the download works for ios12 and below, but stopped working from ios13. If anyone encountered and knows why would be thankful.
We have found out that the reason the link is not causing the download is a JavaScript animation we had at the web page where people download the app from. This animation allowed downloading the app on iOS12 and below, on all browsers, and prevented downloading in iOS13 on all browsers.