Create an SSH key for other account on Google Cloud Platform - ssh

I have installed the Cloud SDK for Google Cloud. I've logged in using auth which redirected me to the gmail-login. Created the SSH key and even logged in by SFTP using Filezilla.
The problem is, when I log in using the gmail auth, SDK shell (or putty?) logs me into an account that is not admin. It has created another SSH user account (named 'Acer', after my pc) and logs me into it. Due to this, FTP starts at the /home/Acer folder. I want access to the /home/admin/web folder, but I don't have it now.
How can I create a SSH key for the admin account so that I can gain access to the folder mentioned above? Otherwise, is it possible to grant 'Acer' the permissions to access all the folders?

I have a few suggestions.
First a bit of background. If you run this command on your home workstation:
sudo find / -iname gcloud
You'll discover a gcloud configuration folder for each user on your home workstation. You'll probably see something like this:
If you change directory into /home/Acer/.config/gcloud/configurations you'll see a file named 'config_default'. This file will contain the default account to use for that user ('Acer').
Because you have performed gcloud auth login as that user, and during that process selected your gmail account, it will contain that gmail ID/account within the config file for that user. If you would like a user named 'admin' to log into your project, you could try adding a user named 'admin' to your home workstation, and then before attempting to use gcloud auth login, ensure you switch user on your home workstation to user 'admin'. This will generate a gcloud configuration on your home workstation for user admin, and propagate SSH keys etc.
If you want to create ssh keys manually there's some useful info here.
(For what it's worth, if you decide to use gcloud compute ssh to log into your instance home workstation, you can specify the user in the command you would like to log in as. For example gcloud compute ssh admin#INSTANCE_NAME).
I want access to the /home/admin/web folder, but I don't have it now.
Even if you are logged into the machine as a different user (in this case 'Acer'), the folder /home/admin/web should still exist on the instance if it existed previously. If you land in folder /home/Acer have you tried changing directory to the folder above and then listing the folders to see if /home/admin/ exists?
For example, from /home/Acer run:
$ cd ..
$ ls
You should be able to see /home/admin/.
Otherwise, is it possible to grant 'Acer' the permissions to access
all the folders?
Yes this is also possible. If you access the instance as the project owner (the easiest way would be to log into the Console as the owner of the project and use the SSH functionality in the console to access the instance). Now you can run this command:
$ sudo chown Acer.Acer -R /home/admin/web
This will make user 'Acer' owner of directory /home/admin/web and all files/directories below it (thanks to the -R switch).
Now when you next access the instance as user 'Acer' you'll be able to access /home/admin/web by running the following and you'll also have read/write capabilities:
$ cd /home/admin/web


why are the folders i created via 2 different ssh sessions not visible to each other on the same cloud instance in GCP?

I'm logging into a Google Cloud instance, via:
SSH from my local machine
SSH from the cloud console
the local machine username is erjan222 and after SSH shows this:
the gcloud username is erjcan and after SSH I see this:
I mkdir in both sessions.
I created two folders, names are 'created_from_erjan222', 'created_from_erjcan'.
However when I do ls in either sessions, I should see both but I don't see them!
Each SSH session only can see the folder that I created it on it.

gcloud compute ssh with local key & project restrictions

We have a user that is allowed to SSH into an VM on the Google Cloud Platform.
His key is added to the VM and he can SSH using
gcloud compute ssh name-of-vm
However connecting in this way will always have gcloud try to update project wide meta data
Updating project ssh metadata...failed
It fails because he only has rights for accessing & administrating this VM
However it's very annoying that every time he has to connect in this way he has to to wait for GCP trying to update metadata, which is not allowed and then check the sshkeys on the machine.
Is there a flag in the command to skip checking/updating project wide ssh keys?
Yes we can 'block project wide ssh keys' on the instance, but that would mean that other project admins cannot log in anymore.
I've also tried to minimise access to this user.
But, ideally, what rights should he have if he is allowed to SSH to the machine, start & stop the instance and store data into a bucket?
What you can do is to enable-oslogin for all the users you need including admins, enabling OS Login on instances disables metadata-based SSH key configurations on those instances.
The role to start, stop and connect via SSH to an instance would be roles/compute.instanceAdmin (take in account that this role is currently in beta) you can check here a list of the Compute Engine roles available so you can choose the one that better suits your needs.
To store data into a bucket, I think the most suitable role is roles/storage.objectCreator that allows users to create objects but not to delete or overwrite objects.
I found this solution very useful.
Create a file called config under ~/.ssh
Add the following to it. Change nickname to anything you prefer, $IP_OF_INSTANCE to the public IP of the instance, and $USER to your machine username.
Host nickname
Port 22
User $USER
CheckHostIP no
StrictHostKeyChecking no
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
Now, you can simply SSH using:
ssh nickname
Note that the path on Linux and Mac is ~/.ssh while the path on Windows is something like C:\Users\<user>\.ssh
Re: #1: There's no flag on the command to change this behavior on a per-command level instead of a per-instance level ('block-project-ssh-keys', as you mentioned) but you could file a FR at

How to disable Google compute engine from resetting SFTP folder permissions when using SSH-Key

Currently running a Google compute engine instance and using SFTP on the server.
Followed details to lock a user to the SFTP path using steps listed here:
To lock the user to a directory, the home directory of that user needs to be owned by root. Initially, the setup worked correctly but found that Google compute engine sporadically "auto-resets" the permissions back to the user.
I am using an SSH key that is set in the Google Cloud Console and that key is associated with the username. My guess is that Google Compute Engine is using this "meta-data" and reconfiguring the folder permissions to match that of the user associated with the SSH key.
Is there any way to disable this "auto-reset"? Or, rather, is there a better method to hosting SFTP and locking a single user to a SFTP path without having to change the home folder ownership to root?
Set your sshd rule to apply to the google-sudoers group.
The tool that manages user accounts is accounts daemon. You can turn it off temporarily but it's not recommended. The tool syncs the instance metadata's SSH keys with the linux accounts on the VM. If you do this any account changes won't be picked up, SSH from Cloud Console will probably stop working.
sudo systemctl stop google-accounts-daemon.service
That said it may be what you want if you ultimately want to block SSH access to the VM.

Plone 4 newbie can't create a web site - no username/password

I am a new Plone user. I have installed Plone from docker image eeacms/plone:4.3.7. But I can't create a web site because I have no username/password.
I have not used this Docker image. But the standard that I expect is: username admin and password admin.
When I look at the config in this seems to be correct. See the 'user' option in the 'plone.recipe.zope2instance' recipe on that page.
Note that this username and password in the config file is only used once when there is no initial user yet. When you have started the site at least once, changing the user option will have no effect anymore. You can change the password later in the UI.
Follow the next instructions
cd data1/parts/zope2/utilities/
data1/parts/zope2/utilities/ is a path to utilities folder, that contains script Note: data1 is not the default name of folder in a plone/zope installtion, find
./ -u <user> -p <password> access
where <user> is an emergency user login name you are creating, <password> - password for this user to log in.
You will get a file access created in the utilities folder.
Move this access file into your instance (data1/parts/instance) folder with the following command
mv access ../../instance/
Now change your location form data1/parts/zope2/utilities to data1/bin, and restart your instance
cd ../../../bin
./instance restart
Login to ZMI with newly created emergency user login
Create usual Zope admin user and login with it to do all the necessary stuff in ZMI.
for more information see tutorial

Can't add files to the website using Filezilla

I've been working with the server only for 2 days so I am sorry if that is simple question. I looked everywhere, but didn't find an answer.
So I have a Google compute engine account and I have owner privileges. When I run
gcloud compute ssh instance --zone us-central1-a
it works, but it creates a key with username that it takes from my computer account.
So when I am in google shell I can add or remove files using sudo. But when I go to Filezilla I have to use ssh file key and username from that key. And the only folder that accessible with that username is it's own folder. I am not sure what is the problem so I gave all the facts I could.
I'm not entirely sure I'm answering the right question, but I'll take a stab at it. The ssh keys created by/used by gcloud are specific to a particular linux user on your VM. As you note, you can use sudo when ssh'd in to edit files/directories owned by different users---the way this works is that you (roughly speaking) temporarily switch users to root when doing the file edit.
An scp client like Filezilla isn't going to be able to switch users that way. So you'll need a different technique to edit files with Filezilla.
I suggest ssh-ing in to your vm and using chmod or chown to change the ownership of files/directories that you want to use with Filezilla. Alternatively you could you use useradd -G to add you username to a group that can edit the files you care about.
Exactly what you'll do depends on the security policy you want to enforce for your files, but there a lots of decent options. The key test to run---can you get to a state where you can edit the files when logged in with SSH, but not using sudo? If so then you should be able to edit the files with Filezilla.