Openfire plugin CallbackOnOffline Not sending call to the web server - openfire

I'm trying to use CallbackOnOffline OpenFire plugin to send calls for offline users.
But my web server where I need to receive calls didn't receive it (checked on log)
This is a debug log of plugin:
2018.03.08 17:38:28 com.fotsum.CallbackOnOffline - intercepted message from to, recipient is available
2018.03.08 17:38:28 com.fotsum.CallbackOnOffline - sending request to url='JerseyWebTarget { }'
If I touch this web from the OpenFire server by lynx it's working and I see the call on web server log.
openfire version 4.2.2
CallbackOnOffline version 1.2
OS Debian 8 with Java JRE version 8
Thank you!

I have encountered the same problem almost at the same time of this post.
Do you see the debug log after sending request to? If you see
com.fotsum.CallbackOnOffline - can't get response status
url='JerseyWebTarget { }'
MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json,
type=class com.fotsum.MessageData, genericType=class
just like me, maybe I could help.
I resolve this by use maven to build CallbackOnOffline plugin manually.
# git clone
# cd Openfire/src/plugins/callbackOnOffline
# mvn package
Then the callbackOnOffline.jar located at ./target directory. Upload to your openfire server by admin console and it will work.


OpenAM's WebAgent failing to install

I am trying to setup Forge rock(OpenAM13.0) with OpenDJ 3.0,
deployed Open Am in tomcat and Installed opendj successfully. setup where I end up with an error .
- OpenAM(V 13.0).war with Tomcat (8.5.27)
- OpenDJ 3.0.0 for External Identity perupose.
-AS part of the process deployed the OpenAM war and on tomcat and could
able to login in with amadmin.
-Created policy set and policy and reqeust patterns as well.(followed
the forgerock getting started guide:
-Here I installed apache 2.4 webserver could able to see the home page.
Error: when i try to configure the WEb agent I endup with below
error,could not able to proceed further.
But I could able to login from the openam login screen but end up with some session invalid exception in session.log and no session in access.csv log file.I could not able to understand and go on this regard is greatly appreciated.
Attached the screen shot of different logs i got .
[WEbagent_insall_Log][1] - Log during web agent installation
[Session-Log][2] - Log at the server openam side
[OpenaM_access.csv_log][3] log for open am side about the access
[WEbagent Installation][1] screen when I try to install webagent
Please help on this.

Cannot POST api/system/sessions of Graylog2 on CentOS 7

I have an working installation of Graylog 2.1 on Debian 8, but I had to install Graylog on CentOS 7 because my datacenter uses this distribution and I want to have same environment to avoid problems when I need to ask changes in production.
I follow guideline of Graylog for CentOS 7 available in and installed Graylog 2.1.2. MongoDB, ElasticSearch e Graylog are running and answer to local requests via terminal. However, web interface is not available. Login page is presented, but when I try to connect using admin user, I receive this answer:
Error - the server returned: 404 - cannot POST http://mydomain:9000/api/system/sessions (404)
Below are lines that I changed into server.conf of Graylog (I replaced real IP address here):
rest_listen_url =
rest_transport_uri =
web_listen_uri =
I have searched for references about this fail and created a graylog-settings.json file based on suggestion of Graylog github issues, with this content:
"custom_attributes": {
"graylog-server": {
"rest_transport_url": false
But event after restarting server, the problem continues. Graylog log only shows INFO records, then it seems to me that requests are not reaching server. I would like to know if this is due to network configuration or can be solved by an adjustment of Graylog.
Your rest_transport_uri looks odd in comparison with rest_listen_uri. Make sure that you actually need to set rest_transport_uri at all and that it is the correct setting.
I don't know where you found information about graylog-settings.json, but that file is only being used in the official Omnibus package (i. e. the OVA and AMIs).

RestComm build and run on MAC OS from source

I am new to restcomm two days ago i start following getting start guide and build restcomm from source. I am able to build successfully on my Mac machine but when i am trying to run JBoss server to run the application it is giving me some errors which i am not sure why. So my question is can i run restcomm application on MAC OS ?as mostly i see there are lot of answers are about linux OS.
MacBook-Pro:restcomm bilal$ ./
BASEDIR: /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm
RESTCOMM_HOME: /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2
Looking for the appropriate interface
Looking for the IP Address, subnet, network and broadcast_address
Use of uninitialized value $ARGV[0] in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/bin/ipcalc line 136.
RestComm automatic configuration started:
Executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/
Configuring Dialogic XMS...MS_MODE: mms
...activated Dialogic XMS...
...finished configuring Dialogic XMS!
Finished executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/!
Executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/
Configuring JBoss AS...
...disabled JBoss splash screen...
Finished configuring JBoss AS!
Finished executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/!
Executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/
Deactivated Load Balancer on SIP stack configuration file
Finished executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/!
Executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/
Configured UDP Manager
Updated log configuration
Finished configuring Mobicents Media Server!
Finished executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/!
Executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/
Configuring RestComm...
Updated mobicents-dar properties
Updated RestComm configuration
Configured Fax Service credentials
Configured Sms Aggregator using OUTBOUND PROXY
Configured the Speech Recognizer
Configured Acapela Speech Synthesizer
Configured VoiceRSS Speech Synthesizer
Disabled TeleStax Proxy
sed: 1: "/Users/muhammadbilal/Re ...": invalid command code m
Configured SMPP Account Details
Configured RestComm!
Finished executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/!
Executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/
Configuring Application Server...
Configured SIP Connectors and Bindings
sed: 1: "/Users/muhammadbilal/Re ...": invalid command code m
Configured gather-statistics
Finished configuring Application Server!
Finished executing configuration file /Users/muhammadbilal/Restcomm-Connect/release/Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.0.2/bin/restcomm/autoconfig.d/!
RestComm automatic configuration finished!
./ line 182: ${MS_EXTERNAL^^}: bad substitution
TelScale RestComm started running on standalone mode. Screen session: restcomm.
Using IP Address:
Yes you can run Restcomm on Mac OSX, the main difference is that you need to do some more configuration manually since the auto configuration scripts don't work there as well as they do for GNU/Linux.
Please check this guide:
If you still have issues after trying such configuration, please post back here.
Best regards,
Antonis Tsakiridis

Unable to access glassfish served content when using localhost

I created this simple dynamic web project (glassfish 4.1.1 latest atm) using eclipse java ee Mars.2 that I installed 2 days ago.
Checking on the admin, the app is deployed and running fine. I could not access the web app using the localhost:8080 url but it works when I use <computername>:8080.
I could access the admin using localhost:4848.
I tried disabling the firewall but the problem persists. What could be the problem?
The error is:
404 Not Found
No context found for request
In eclipse I see the log int he console that says: Automatic timeout occurred
As I pointed out in comments, you can configure listeners in Configuration -> needed configuration -> Network Config -> Network Listeners. However, it is still rather strange that your localhost doesn't work with IP address, since it is a special address which means "listen on all available IPs on given port". Perhaps your network is somehow misconfigured.

Cannot open URL. Please check this URL is correct: http://localhost:8080/

I am using IntelliJ Ideea 13.1.4 and I encountered this error - after I Run / Debug my project, after "Artifact portal-webapp:war exploded: Artifact is deployed successfully"
I get this error but it has been working util now...
Do you Have any idea what should it be?
It appears Idea is trying to wait for your page to return 200 response and then open the external web browser. If this does not happen (e.g. your application returns a redirect due to authentication filters), Idea is just spamming your application with requests and then complains about not being able to open the web page.
I was on production profile but I don't know how I was building until now automatic on dev profile. Now I put a -Pdev to the mvn clean install command I had in a .bat file and all is ok.