Access control JAX-RS application - jax-rs

I have a JAX-RS application deployed under tomcat and a mobile app.
I would like to know how to make the webservice usable only by the mobile application, in other words, allow access only for a given application

When a request comes in across the internet, there's not really a safe way to be sure what application sent the request. Applications can identify themselves however they want. You could, if you want, attempt to hide credentials in your application, somehow, and have it log in with those credentials. But if anyone discovers those credentials, they can write a program that uses them to pretend to the your application. The problem is that you cannot count on any control over the client system. The client system can always be altered to pretend to be something it is not.

From my perspective, you can add username/encrypted password in the invoke request, and then compare it with the ones saved in the server side

If you really want to, you could implement some form of cryptography. For example, the JAX-RS service can send a 401 forbidden and provide a nonce for the client to sign with its private key, and then send back to the server in the Authorization header. Otherwise, stick to HTTP authentication. If you are communicating via HTTPS, you should be fine with basic auth.


Limiting client application access to API from certain domains

I have created an API that should only be accessed by certain client applications.
The users of these applications do not (necessarily) have to log in to use the client application. I will hand out API keys, but these will be visible on the client app, so they can also be used by other applications (?).
Is there any way to make sure the requests are coming from a specific client application, for example because they are hosted on a certain domain? I guess origin headers can easily be spoofed.
API keys are typically used to authenticate applications to a server. You are not saying what type of client you are using (native, web app, JavaScript?) You're correct that the API key may be read by another application on the client if that client has the same permissions (running in the same security context) as your client.
You could use client certificates to have the application identify itself. But this may be a pretty heavy-handed solution depending on the security thread you're trying to mitigate. And even here an application in the same security context has access to the private key.
All other info in an HTTP request is easy to falsify.

WCF Security with Custom Basic Authentification

I've setup security in my RESTFUL WCF services using Custom Basic Authentification (thus desactivating the iis Basic Authentification and not using Windows Accounts Login at all; my service is hosted by iis) using the following link.
blog link
I understand the consumers have to implement a client to pass credentials in the request header.
It is 64bits based encoded and we can see credentials passing in firebug network tab while debugging (it is always the same string encoded <=> same credential .......)
So, in addition, to enforce security I will add SSL to encrypt the url :
Now the consumers ask me why we don't just put the login and password in the url request i.e
https: //
(also combined with SSL)
Thus the change requires to add login and password as parameters in my Operation Contract and call a method for authentification in my method "Method".. etc etc
My question is :
What is the difference (both scenarii will use ssl) between Custom Basic Authentification (credentials in request header) & simply passing credentials in url in param ?
I mean : I'm just asking myself why I do bother to implement Basic Authentification. Passing credentials in url or in header look similar : it's passing stuff in the request. But talking in term of security, it looks the same ?
Basic Authentification looks not more secure excepted the 64bits based encoding.
Correct me if i'm wrong.
I am just looking a reason why implementing Custom Basic Authentification.
Any idea/advise?
The main difference that comes to mind is to do with how visible the data is and how long it is likely to be retained.
For instance, assuming SSL is terminated at your application server, values in the get parameters are likely to be automatically logged to your file system (in request logs for instance). Having usernames and passwords in there is not ideal as it makes it much easier for them to be leaked.
If SSL is terminated at a loadbalancer or some similar proxy, then the usernames and passwords could be saved in request logs on servers you may not be thinking about and probably have less control over.
By contrast, the Authentication header is much less likely to be logged to places you're not expecting.
I thought about doind this myself and decided against it because i wanted the Restful URL's to focus only on the operations and keep security out of it, for example I might want to re-use the same code on a different application.
Also Im not sure but i think there could be a security implication concerning replay attacks, if someone obtained the link then they could execute it in any http client. If you used the authroisation attribute in the http header you could avoid this by putting an expiration on it. Also i think its better to hide this information from the html page body.
The dude who wrote this, which is taken from his book "Pro ASP.NET web Security". Gives a pretty decent example of creating a token which you could then use in the http header "Authorisation", like: Authorization: Basic d2FsaWRAGssSGZ21haWwuY29tOn236dhbGlk

How can a server authorize a client?

I am developing a web application that runs on Google App Engine. It has some HTTP GET methods to request data. I do not want any random web request to be able to receive data from the server. Only my web app (i.e., requests originating from my website) plus any mobile or desktop clients I develop should be able to request data from the server. How is this done? Note I am not talking about username/password authorization here. I am asking how to make sure that the client app who is making the request is authorized. Otherwise, anyone can make their client (e.g., a C# console app) and start using my data. I think the question is similar to this one: How to authenticate client application for trust of messages sent from it
Short answer is, you can't.
Long answer is, you can make it difficult for hackers. Usually this works by embedding a key in the application, obfuscating it, and obfuscating the code for getting the key. This doesn't make it impossible for someone to find the key, just harder.
One of the stronger consumer systems out there is Microsoft's Silverlight DRM, you might want to investigate how that work:
You can use 3scale. It provides authorization , stats, control of the requests made to your GAE application
Encrypt the request via your client. Decrypt at the server level. If decryption is successful and the request is well-formed, its authorized.
Otherwise, its an unauthorized client.
The catch?
Someone will be able to make an unauthorized client after they solve your method of encryption. This would most likely be after decompiling your program and trudging through obfuscated code, making it harder/time consuming, but it is still possible.

Best way to protect a REST service that will be accessed by mobile and desktop applications

I have REST services that I was planning on protecting with Windows Integrated Authentication (NTLM), as it should only be accessible to those internal to the company, and it will end up being on a website that is accessible by the public.
But, then I thought about mobile applications and I realized that Android, for example, won't be able to pass the credentials needed, so now I am stuck on how to protect it.
This is written in WCF 4.0, and my thought was to get the credentials, then determine who the user is and then check if they can use the GET request and see the data.
I don't want to force the user to pass passwords, as this will then be in the IIS log, and so is a security hole.
My present concern is for the GET request, as POST will be handled by the same method I expect.
One solution, which I don't think is a good option, would be to have them log into Sharepoint, then accept only forwarded reqests from Sharepoint.
Another approach would be to put my SSO solution in front of these services, which would then force people to log in if they don't have credentials, so the authentication would be done by SSO, and since the web service directory could be a subdirectory of the main SSO page, then I could decrypt the cookie and get the username that way, but, that would be annoying for the mobile users, which would include the senior management.
So, what is a way to secure a REST service so that it is known whom is making the request so that authorization decisions can be made, and will work for iphones, android and blackberry smartphones.
I have the same problem so let me give you the details and would also appreciate feedback. Since you are using an internal system you have one extra option that I have listed.
My first option isn't perfect, yes it could be hacked but still - better than nothing. With each request you pass the device's unique identifier along with a hash. You generate the hash using a salt embedded in the application along with the id. On the server you match the incoming hash with one you generate at the server, with the passed unique identifier. If someone "roots" their device, and is smart enough they could find the salt - you can obscure it further but ultimately it could be stolen. Also, I keep all requests on SSL to just help hide the process. My "enhancement" to this process is to pass back new salts after each request. New devices get 1 chance to obtain the next salt or get locked out ... not sure about that step yet.
Now another approach, is to have the user enter a "salt" or username and password only an internal user would know - the device obtains a token and then passes it (on SSL) with each request. Nobody outside your company could obtain that so this is probably best. I can't use this since my app is in the app store.
Hope that helps! Let us all know if you ever found a good solution.
My current solution, in order to protect data in the system, is to force people to first log in to the application that the REST services support (our learning management system), as I have written an SSO solution that will write out a cookie with encrypted data.
Then, the REST service will look for that cookie, which disappears when you close the browser, and I don't care if the cookie is expired, I just need the username from it, then I can look in a config file to see if that user is allowed to use that REST service.
This isn't ideal, and what I want to do is redirect through the SSO code, and have it then send the person back to the REST service, but that is not as simple as I hoped.
My SSO code has lots of redirects, and will redirect someone to a spot they pick in the learning management system, I just need to get it to work with the other application.

Enabling authentication between applications

I have a set of .NET applications running in a public web environment which connect to a centralized component made up of web pages and web services.
Is there any way to implement a security feature to make the centralized web pages be sure of the caller applications identity? Making a post and supplying a querystring parameter stating the caller application is a naive solution, someone can manually change it.
Any ideas? Tks in advance.
Assign secret keys to each client-server pair and use them to sign messages passed between client and server (using HMAC for example).
TLS/SSL/HTTP. You just need to enable client authentication. SSL is usually only used in the scenario where the server needs to be authenticated. But the server end can be configured to authenticate the client also. Digital certs need to be installed on both ends. This then uses all the appropriate crypto to do the job, ie. public authentication, establishment of secure channel, using Diffie-Hellman, RSA, AES/3DES, whatever you configure.
Take a look at this post. Good place to start.
Another option, perhaps have you look at OpenID?
The current situation:
Servers A, B, and C are trusted and controlled by you. A visitor comes to site A and views a page that sends data to site C, and the data contains something like "origin=A". We're concerned that the user will change that to "origin=B".
A simple fix:
You control all three servers, so let them communicate to verify incoming data. For example, A will change "origin=A" to "origin=A&token=12345", where the token value is random. The user tries to tamper with it and sends "origin=B&token=12345" to server C. C makes a trusted connection to B, saying "Did you send someone to me with token 12345?" B says "Nope" and C knows to reject the request.
This can be arbitrarily elaborate, depending on your needs and whether you're using https. Maybe tokens expire after a certain time period. Maybe they're tied to IP address. The point is that server C verifies any information that comes from the end user with servers A and B.
Are you asking about single-sign-on? (i.e. someone authenticated on AppA should also be able to use AppB and AppC without re-authenticating)
You can do this by configuring the machineKey for your apps so they can share authentication tokens.
The company I work for currently uses shared forms authentication cookies across the enterprise by using the same machine keys on each web server. However, this is not ideal if you wish to SSO across different domains and it's not very neat for windows app that need to come into the web farm to use the web service methods...
So, where we have to do this we are using SAML
But to clean this all up and make it more unified and more secure we are beginning to implement Geneva
If you communicate with the web services and web pages using http post, you avoid putting the info in a query string.
Send the data over https so that it cannot be tappered with.
You then need to make sure that the call is coming from your public web environment. One way of doing this is to use windows authentication, based on the identity of the application pool.
Take a look at this link:
It shows how to set up windows authentication for WCF basic http binding.
Maybe look at the HTTP REFERER field. Under certain conditions this may be treated as reliable. In particular: An A mimic site won't send users from A to C according to HTTP REFERER.