Awk: I want to use the input filename to generate an output file with same name different extension - awk

I have a script that looks like this:
#! /bin/awk -f
BEGIN { print "start" }
{ print $0 }
END { print "end" }
Call the script like this: ./myscript.awk test.txt
Pretty simple - takes a file and adds "start" to the start and "end" to the end.
Now I want to take the input filename, lets call it test.txt, and print the output to a file called test.out.
So I tried to print the input filename:
BEGIN { print "fname: '" FILENAME "'" }
But that printed: fname: '' :(
The rest I can figure out I think, I have this following to print to a hard-coded filename:
#! /bin/awk -f
BEGIN { print "start" > "test.out" }
{ print $0 >> "test.out" }
END { print "end" >> "test.out" }
And that works great.
So the questions are:
how do I get the input filename?
Assuming somehow I get the input file name in a variable, e.g. FILENAME which contains "test.txt" how would I make another variable, e.g. OUTFILE, which contains "test.out"?
Note: I will be doing much more awk processing so please don't suggest to use sed or other languages :))

Try something like this:
#! /bin/awk -f
file = gensub(".txt",".out","g",ARGV[1])
print "start" > file
{ print $0 >> file }
print "end" >> file
I'd suggest to close() the file too in the END{} statement. Good call to Sundeep for pointing out that FILENAME is empty in BEGIN.

$ echo 'foo' > ip.txt
$ awk 'NR==1{op=FILENAME; sub(/\.[^.]+$/, ".log", op); print "start" > op}
{print > op}
END{print "end" > op}' ip.txt
$ cat ip.log
Save FILENAME to a variable, change the extension using sub and then print as required
From gawk manual
Inside a BEGIN rule, the value of FILENAME is "", because there are no input files being processed yet

If you're using GNU awk (gawk), you can use the patterns BEGINFILE and ENDFILE
print "start" > outfile
print "stop" >outfile
}' file1.txt file2.txt
You can then use the variable outfile your the main {...} loop.
Doing so will allow you to process more that 1 file in a single awk command.


I have three text file and I want to merge (print) them in one file. using awk programme

I have three text file and I want to merge (print) them in one file. using awk programme. I used the following code to print or call two different text file, and it is work perfectly. but if I have three or four text file it does not work. any idea, help
BEGIN { #1 text file
} # This line is closing the BEGIN
if (FNR != NR)
print $0
print ""
} # Closing END
BEGIN { # 2 text file
} # This line is closing the BEGIN
if (FNR == NR)
print $0
you don't need awk for this, cat is the right tool
$ cat file1 file2 file3 > mergedfile
but, of course awk will do as well
$ awk 1 file1 file2 file3 > mergedfile

How to rewrite a Awk script to process several files instead of one

I am writing a report tool which processes the source files of some application and produce a report table with two columns, one containing the name of the file and the other containing the word TODO if the file contains a call to some deprecated function deprecated_function and DONE otherwise.
I used awk to prepare this report and my shell script looks like
find . -type f -name '*.c' \
| xargs -n 1 awk -v deprecated="$1" '
BEGIN { status = "DONE" }
$0 ~ deprecated{ status = "TODO" }
printf("%s|%s\n", FILENAME, status)
report "deprecated_function"
The output of this script looks like
This works well but I would like to rewrite the awk script so that it supports several input files instead of just one — so that I can remove the -n 1 argument to xargs. The only solutions I could figure out involve a lot of bookkeeping, because we need to track the changes of FILENAME and the END event to catch each end of file event.
awk -v deprecated="$1" '
BEGIN { status = "DONE" }
oldfilename && (oldfilename != FILENAME) {
printf("%s|%s\n", oldfilename, status);
status = DONE;
oldfilename = FILENAME;
$0 ~ deprecated{ status = "TODO" }
printf("%s|%s\n", FILENAME, status)
Maybe there is a cleaner and shorter way to handle this.
I am using FreeBSD's awk and am looking for solutions compatible with this tool.
This will work in any modern awk:
awk -v deprecated="$1" -v OFS='|' '
$0 ~ deprecated{ dep[FILENAME] }
for (i=1;i<ARGC;i++)
print ARGV[i], (ARGV[i] in dep ? "TODO" : "DONE")
' file1 file2 ...
Any time you need to produce a report for all files and don't have GNU awk for ENDFILE, you MUST loop through ARGV[] in the END section (or loop through it in BEGIN and populate a different array for END section processing). Anything else will fail if you have empty files.
Your awk script could be something like this:
awk -v deprecated="$1" '
FNR==1 {if(file) print file "|" (f?"TODO":"DONE"); file=FILENAME; f=0}
$0 ~ deprecated {f=1}
END {print file "|" (f?"TODO":"DONE")}' file1.c file2.c # etc.
The logic is fairly similar to your program so hopefully it's all clear. FNR is the record number of the current file, which I'm using to detect the start of a new file. Admittedly there's some repetition in the END block but I don't think it's a big deal. You could always use a function if you wanted to.
Testing it out:
$ cat f1.c
int deprecated_function()
// some deprecated stuff
$ cat f2.c
int good_function()
// some good stuff
$ find -name "f?.c" -print0 | xargs -0 awk -v deprecated="deprecated" 'FNR==1 {if(file) print file "|" (f?"TODO":"DONE"); file=FILENAME; f=0} $0 ~ deprecated {f=1} END {print file "|" (f?"TODO":"DONE")}'
I have used -print0 and the -0 switch to xargs so that both programs with work file names separated by null bytes "\0" rather than spaces. This means that you won't run into problems with spaces in file names.

How to append lines to a new file with AWK

I am trying to append lines to some new files with awk in this way:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
FS = "[ \t|]"; }
print $5 "\t" $13 "\t" $14 >> "./bed/" $5 ".bed";
New file is created with filename derived from a field of awk input file (5th field). I am unable to execute this script since it fails with
awk: ./blast2bed.awk:6: (FILENAME=blastout000 FNR=1) fatal: can't redirect to `./bed/AY517392.1.bed' (No such file or directory)
Any hints?
The directory bed has to exist so create it first with mkdir bed either before you run your script or in the BEGIN block. You should also add brackets around the output file:
print $5"\t"$13"\t"$14 >> ("./bed/"$5".bed")
Notes: You don't need to end lines with ; if you have a single statement per line and the BEGIN and END blocks are optional.

awk: non-terminated string

I'm trying to run the command below, and its giving me the error. Thoughts on how to fix? I would rather have this be a one line command than a script.
grep "id\": \"" failed_events.txt |
head -n1217 |
awk -F/ ' { print $7 } ' |
awk -F\" ' { print "url \= \"http\:\/\/room\.event\.assist\.com\/event\/room\/event\/'{ print $1 }'\?schema\=1\.3\.0\&form\=json\&pretty\=true\&token\=582EVTY78-03iBkTAf0JAhwOBx\&account\=room_event\"" } '
awk: non-terminated string url = "ht... at source line 1
context is
>>> <<<
awk: giving up
source line number 2
The line below exports out a single column of ID's:
grep "id\": \"" failed_events.txt |
head -n1217 |
awk -F/ ' { print $7 } '
I'm looking to get the ID's above into a string like so:
" url = "string...'ID'string"
take a look what you have in last awk :
awk -F\"
' #single start here
{ print " #double starts for print, no ends
url \= \"http\:\/\/room\.event\.assist\.com\/event\/room\/event\/
' #single ends here???
{ print $1 }'..... #single again??? ...
(rest codes)
and you want to print exact {print } out? i don't think so. why you were nesting print ?
Most of the elements of your pipe can be expressed right inside awk.
I can't tell exactly what you want to do with the last awk script, but here are some points:
Your "grep" is really just looking for a string of text, not a
You can save time and simplify things if you use awk's
index() function instead of a RE. Output formats are almost always
best handled using printf().
Since you haven't provided your input data, I can't test this code, so you'll need to adapt it if it doesn't work. But here goes:
awk -F/ '
string="id\": \"";
fmt="url =\n";
count == 1217 { nextfile; }
index($0, string) {
split($7, a, "\"");
printf(fmt, a[0]);
}' failed_events.txt
If you like, you can use awk's -v option to pass in the string variable from a shell script calling this awk script. Or if this is a stand-alone awk script (using #! shebang), you could refer to command line options with ARGV.

Reading from file -- awk

I would like to read a file like this
into a variable, or array to use it somewhere in the main {} code.
But I would like to use it if this file exists. How can I check if it already exists or not, and if not, then do not use that variable or array?
I don't understand completely what you want to achieve, but perhaps something like this can be useful to you:
It process the file line by line and saves each one in an array, the key is the line number so you keep the order. In the END section check how many lines were processed and get if the file had content.
awk '{ line[ FNR ] = $0 } END { if ( FNR > 0 ) { print "File" } else { print "NO file" } }' infile
EDIT to comment:
But in awk you can process many files from command line.
## Processing of first file in command line.
FNR == NR {
a[ FNR ] = $0
## Processing of second file in command line
FNR < NR {
## Check if array 'a' has the values you want and use them
## 'for(...)variable += a[i]' or whatever.
Run script like:
awk -f script.awk first_file.txt second_file.txt
But if first_file.txt doesn't exists, awk will complain with an error.