Going through day, month and year on VBA DTPicker using TAB - vba

On my userform with a calendar users can quickly navigate through all inputfields with the TAB order. That also works for the DTPicker insofar that the focus is set on the DTPicker first element = Day (I have format dd/MM/yyyy). However, after entering the day and pressing TAB the focus is on the next TextBox instead of the Month of the DTPicker.
Is there a way to use keyboard to set focus on MM after entering dd and on yyyy after entering MM? Or that after entering the day the cursos automatically moves to month and then to year?
Thanks a lot!


Access VBA for command button

when I debug in the editor I don't get syntax errors, but when I click the button on my form nothing happens. Trying to add 6 months to the field with a click of the button. Does anyone know if this code is wrong or incomplete?
Private Sub Ctl6mosBtn_Click()
End Sub
Thanks for you any insight
I have two fields on my form
1-AUTO POLICIES.EFFECTIVE DATE which is the effective date of a policy.
2-EXPIRATIONDATE which is the expiration date of the policy.
I have a button labeled 6 Mos which when clicked should fill the EXPIRATIONDATE 6 months after the Effective Date. Nothing happens, no errors, fields doesn't fill!

VB .net datetimepicker reporting wrong value

Ok, so I'm experiencing some strange behavior in datetimepicker fields in my program. I use Short format usually, and use a pair of them for date range selections.
The problem i'm experiencing is if a user is using the keyboard for input. they can tab and arrow through the field like normal to key in a date. However if the date part they are entering doesn't fill it's section of the mask and then they press enter to activate the formdefault without shifting focus away from that portion of the date, then the value of the DTP when the ok_button.click event is run is whatever value it had in it BEFORE they typed their change.
to give a specific example:
A user tabs into the date field. the default date in the field is today's date, 4/14/2015. They type in 1, arrow to the day, put in 1, then arrow to the year and type 14, then press enter. The reported value of the DTP is going to be 1/1/2015. Had they instead actually typed out 2015, or used the arrow to move to another date part or tab to shift focus to another control, the DTP will auto update to fill in the rest of the year.
The same problem would exist if they had typed in a 1 for the month and then hit enter, but would NOT happen if they put in a 12 for the month.
The only solution I can think of, and I haven't yet tried to implement it because it sounds like a real kludge and would require me to go through at TON of forms in the project, would be to change the keypress event for enter to shift focus to the OK button, and THEN invoke the formdefault.
I will say that most of the datetimepicker fields on my forms are actually contained within a user control, so if this is a property that can be changed in the control or tied to an event in the control, it would make updating much, MUCH easier.

Restrict entries in Calendar on F4 on date field, to get only year and month?

My requirement is, I have one select-options of type sy-datum on the selection screen.
Whenever a user presses F4 or uses the input help it will show a calendar. After double clicking the calendar, I should get the date in YYYYMM format that means only 6 digit date.
Use data element KMONTH instead, and make a custom F4 in your program, that uses function module POPUP_TO_SELECT_MONTH.

How to select date from datepicker in selenium

I want to select date from datepicker, below things i tried
Identify the text box in which selected date gets entered.
Identify the datepicker ICON and click on that so that it gets open with current
date highlighted.
Here if I pass required date directly to date text box through sendkeys, it works. But i want to select the date from datepicker which is very old like "10/2/1895", then how to do..?
Html Code:
<img src="/img/default/extjs/s.gif?hash=797058701" class="x-form-trigger x-form-date-trigger " id="ext-gen7">
Clicking on the image which opens dataPickerCalendar
Here i am not able to proceed. How to select the date[10-2-1952] from the calendar..?
If manual then we will go back to 1952, then select 2nd month and 10th Date. But with automation how to do this...?

How to set click event for datepicker in android

I've just created default datepicker from the link http://www.androidpeople.com/android-datepicker-dialog-example .Its working fine.But my problem is when i click date button.,it shown up..and i change the date and click cancel button on date alert.Again when i click date button.,it should shown current date..not previously changed date. i.e.i just need to get current date at each click whatever the date change.
my solve method may be not the better:when you call OnDateSetListener(),you should save the first date,so when you chick the cancen button,you shululd recover it