MS Access XP record is #deleted special char - sql

I am upgrading old system that runs under Windows XP to Windows 10.
One of the application have been developped in MS Access XP linked to an Oracle Database (Oracle 9i - instant client ODBC driver 32bit).
My computer is in French, MS Access is in french.
When I run a SQL line :
I get the following result :
Summary Access vs SQL Explorer Windows 10 vs Windows XP
In Windows 10 (access), I get a #Deleted for each record with a special character (in this case "è" or "é"). I try with an homemade SQL Explorer and I get no #Deleted but I don't have the special character.
In my old system (Windows XP) with my SQL explorer, I get the complete recordset with special characters.
Anyone have an idea how to work this out? Most of post about #Deleted is suggesting each database corrupt or "needed for db compaction". In my case, I can get the records with my old system without a problem. There is users working with the database everyday. Hence, database is ok.
"Compacting database" makes no sense since I don't use a mdb (Access main db files).
I tried changing my windows keyboard and language feature. Didn't work.
Once last thing, I've done the same upgrade (Windows XP -> Windows 7) for some user under Windows 7. Worked like a charm. No #Deleted record. It seems to be related to how Windows 10 handles language.
This is the TNSNAMES.ORA File content.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = serveur-oracle)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = oracle6)
The ODBC information goes as follow :
ODBC Screenshot
Here is the part of code that call the SQL request :
VBA Code
Any ideas are welcomed.

To use passthrough queries instead of normal recordsets:
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Set qd = CurrentDb.CreateQuerydef("", "SELECT LIST_NAME FROM WZ_LISTS_HD WHERE LIST_REL1 = 'Produit'")
qd.Connect = CurrentDb.TableDefs("LIST_NAME").Connect 'Reuse the connect
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly) 'Minimal chance to see weird things with snapshots
When using passthrough queries, the SQL needs to be valid for Oracle (PL/SQL) and not for Access. They are executed directly on the backend database, limiting the opportunity for Access to do weird stuff. You do need to use UPPER instead of UCASE, for example.


Application that always worked well with MySql5xx crashes in MySql8

I'm from Brazil and this my first time here.
I've always used MySql5xx in my ERP in VB.NET using ODBC connection. It always worked very well but now I need to use the "With Recursive" clause in the query and isn't support in mySQL lower then 8.
The problem is that my app simply crashes after some few interactions with MySQL8, using the Odbc Driver, without any other messagem then just
"A problem caused your program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"
I've already tried to install mySql8 in Windows10, Srv2012, Srv2016 but the problem is always the same and I'm unabled to use it.
If someone has any tip, any sugestion, will be very welcome.
Above are the mySql8.ODBC connection strings I'm using
Dim sOdbcAnsi_MySql8_va As String = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 8.0 ANSI Driver};Server=DELLSRV-2016;Port=3308;DataBase=mydb;UID=root;PWD=xxxxx"
Dim sOdbcAnsi_MySql8_va As String = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver};Server=DELLSRV-2016;Port=3308;DataBase=mydb;UID=root;PWD=xxxxx"
And here is the CNN.String that works well with mySql5xxx
Dim sOdbc_MySql51_va As String = "DRIVER={MySQL Odbc 5.1 Driver};Server=LocalHost;DataBase=madepratico_va;UID=root;PWD=1q2w3e4r"
Thanks for now

How to read/fetch data from Oracle SQL database using PowerShell Core?

I have been researching on this for a couple of days but have been going in circles here.
I need to write a script that fetches the data from Oracle db and do something with the data. In my script I will have to fetch data multiple times.
My machine has the SQLDeveloper-21.4.3 which I got from installing InstantClient-Basic-Windows-21.3.0. I use the SQL Developer to connect to the db which is on another machine; this is how I can look into tables, views etc. of the db.
Secondly, this script will be hosted on another server that runs Windows-Server-2012-R2. I am just using my machine to write the script because I cannot use the server to do this. Therefore, I am looking for a solution that requires minimum amount of installing.
Thirdly, we do not have Oracle commercial license. This Oracle db I am trying to access is on the machine installed by a third party that installed some instruments. This company uses Oracle as they collect data on the instruments installed.
I was hoping the solution would be something similar to invoking connection to MS SQL where I downloaded module that gave cmdlets to connect to the MS SQL.
Oracle does have Oracle Modules for PowerShell but neither have I found information on how to use them nor have I understood the little information provided by Oracle on this. For this to work one of the requirement is:
A configuration file and key pair used for signing API requests, with
the public key uploaded to Oracle Cloud using Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Console. Only the user calling the API should possess
the private key.
I don't know the heck Oracle is talking about here. Like, what is this configuration file, where is it? Where would I get the key pair from for signing API request. What is Oracle Infrastructure Console, where do I get it from? You get the idea.
Therefore, I went the .DLL route.
This is what I have done so far:
I installed Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core -Version 3.21.61 from NuGet.
Unzipped the package and moved the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll to the location of my script.
The code is:
$OracleDLLPath = "C:\Users\Desktop\CNC_File_Transfer_VSCode\Fastems_NicNet\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll"
$datasource = " (DESCRIPTION =
(HOST = = 1521))
(RETRIES = 180)
(DELAY = 5))))"
$username = "username"
$password = "password"
#Load Required Types and modules
Add-Type -Path $OracleDLLPath
Import-Module SqlServer
Write-Host $queryStatment
#Create the connection string
$connectionstring = 'User Id=' + $username + ';Password=' + $password + ';Data Source=' + $datasource
#Creates a data adapter for the command
$da = New-Object Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleDataAdapter($cmd);
#The Data adapter will fill this DataTable
$resultSet = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
#Only here the query is sent and executed in Oracle
#Close the connection
WRITE-HOST $resultSet
This gives an error though:
Add-Type : Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve
the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
I am new to programming in general. I would really appreciate if someone could provide detailed steps on resolving this. Thanks in advance.

How to Connect to SQL from R Studio

I use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio on Windows 10 to connect to the following database and this is what the login screen looks like:
Server Type: Database Engine
Server Name:
Authentication: SQL Server Authentication
Login: my_user_id
Password: my_password
This recent R Studio article offers an easy way to connect to SQL Servers from R Studio using the following:
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = "[your driver's name]",
Server = "[your server's path]",
Database = "[your database's name]",
UID = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database user"),
PWD = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database password"),
Port = 1433)
I have two questions
What should I use as "[your driver's name]"?
What should I use as "[your database's name]"?
The server path I'll use is (from above) and I'll leave the port at 1433. If that's wrong please let me know.
From #Zaynul's comment and my own experience, the driver field is a text string with the name of the ODBC driver. This answer contains more details on this.
You probably want someting like:
Driver = 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' (from #Zaynul's comment)
Driver = 'ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server' (from my own context)
The default database you want to connect to. Roughly equivalent to starting an SQL script with
USE my_database
If all your work will be within a single database then puts its name here.
In some contexts you should be able to leave this blank, but you then have to use the in_schema command to add the database name every time you connect to a table.
If you are working across multiple databases, I recommend putting the name of one database in, and then using the in_schema command to specify the database at every point of connection.
Example using the in_schema command (more details):
df = tbl(con, from = in_schema('database.schema', 'table'))
Though I have not tried it, if you do not have a schema then
df = tbl(con, from = in_schema('database', 'table'))
Should also work (I've been using this hack without issue for a while).

Linked SQL table in Access 2003 (!) not updatable

I'm working in a legacy app for the moment, upgrading Access 2003 to link to SQL Server tables (2008 R2 or later). With tables linked by code, I can insert, but not update or delete. I've tried everything on the web, no dice. Details below.
Being terse so not tl;dr.
Tables first created using upsizing wizard. In use, app has to connect to different ones in same schema, so can't just set and forget. Can't do local DSN's, many installs, though DSN file is possible. But problems there too, DSN not found. Details later.
Before the rest: Soon I'm further updating this app to Access 2016 or so. If this is different enough / easier there, I'll wait a few days. Maybe someone could suggest the best refsite for that.
* problem details follow *
Using a DSN and the UI to link a table, I get an editable table. Hurray.
But when I use the code below (found on every refsite), link is made but only selecting and inserting work. Everything else fails fails fails, no matter what.
Public Function LinkToSqlTable(sqlInstance As String, sqlDb As String,
sqlTableName As String, localTableName As String)
Dim linked As New TableDef
' ***factored-out functionality, known to work: reader can ignore*** '
DeleteTable localTableName
' connection-string steps, placeholders replaced by args '
Dim sCnx As String
sCnx = "ODBC;Driver=SQL Server;Server=_instance_;" & _
"Database=_db_;Integrated Security=SSPI"
sCnx = Replace(sCnx, "_instance_", sqlInstance)
sCnx = Replace(sCnx, "_db_", sqlDb)
' linked-table steps '
Set linked = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(localTableName)
linked.Connect = sCnx
linked.SourceTableName = sqlTableName
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append linked
' ui '
End Function
* ID column or permissions? *
I thought the problem was lack of identity column originally, I added one, but no change. At least now I have a PK field like I should. ;-)
When I manually link table, UI demands to know the ID column. So could it still be it? Fine, but how do I set that in code? Searches revealed nothing.
I assume then it's permissions as sites etc. say. I also took all the steps I could think of to fix that. No dice.
* things I've tried *
Aside from the ID-column stuff I said before, these things (not in order):
Since DSN saved as a file, tried using it as exampled, in cnx string. Fail.
Used DSN contents, carefully winnowed & translated, in cnx string. Fail.
Used connection string from the table that I had connected manually with DSN. Fail.
Changed driver in cnx string across all major options, even omitted it. Fail.
Changed security in cnx to Integrated Security=SSPI and other options, and omitted entirely. Fail.
I added my actual local user as exampled, with and without password. Fail.
(Previous few options tried across earlier options, though not 100% coverage.)
In SQL Server, using SSMS, I tried security power:
Added SQS-authentication login to the instance
Matching user to the default db seen here
Gave that login-user read and write permissions in db here (plus others, sometimes)
Added matching id & pw to the cnx string. Fail.
I tried setting up this db in SQS to have let-everyone-do-everything "security" temporarily. Fail.
This, that, and the other thing. Everything fail!!
So a permissions issue? Some way to use DSN file after all? Mismatched permission settings in my cnx string? Boneheaded oversight? Something else that I've missed? I'm pretty good at both SQL Server and Access, but only at a basic level in their security stuff and connection strings are the devil.
* retrieved table properties *
Just in case they help, I retrieved these (after objects added to TableDefs collection).
** This one, done in UI and with DSN and this-is-ID-field, worked with editing: **
Name = dbo_tblSendTo
Updatable = False
DateCreated = 4/19/2016 11:11:40 AM
LastUpdated = 4/19/2016 11:11:42 AM
Connect = ODBC;Description=SQL Server tables for TeleSales 5;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 10.0;SERVER=(local)\sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft Office 2003;WSID=CMSERVER;DATABASE=TS5_General;
Attributes = 536870912
SourceTableName = dbo.tblSendTo
RecordCount = -1
ValidationRule =
ValidationText =
ConflictTable =
ReplicaFilter =
** And this one, from table linked via code, didn't: **
Name = tblSendTo
Updatable = False
DateCreated = 4/19/2016 11:17:51 AM
LastUpdated = 4/19/2016 11:17:51 AM
Connect = ODBC;Description=SQL Server tables for TeleSales 5;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client
> 10.0;SERVER=(local)\sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft Office 2003;WSID=CMSERVER;DATABASE=TS5_General;
Attributes = 536870912
SourceTableName = dbo.tblSendTo
RecordCount = -1
ValidationRule =
ValidationText =
ConflictTable =
ReplicaFilter =
* my plea *
So..... Please someone help me out. I don't like feeling stupid like this, and regrettably I need to do this instead of replacing it with .NET code or similar.
Thanks, anyone who can...
Alas, I am able to answer my own question.
edited a little since first posted in reply to HansUp's comments
I had added an identity column to the table that I couldn't edit. However, I had not set it up as a primary key. It turns out that using identity doesn't make something a primary key automatically.
But the latter, making it primary key using either of the 2 possible DDL syntaxes, is crucial. Since I thought I had dealt with the no edits without unique key problem, I focused on permissions.
All of the permissions things here, then, are just a sideshow.
The upshot of this is to be sure to add an identity column and make it a primary key if for some reason your original table schema didn't have that.
If I have the time, I will be trimming the question to reflect what I've discovered.

oracle connection string not working

On a different oracle 11g server, this variant of connection string format works:
Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=MyHost)(PORT=MyPort))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=MyOracleSID))); User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
but when I use this on another oracle 11g server with similar configuration, it doesn't work anymore.
When I use tnsping , the result comes out similar to the connection string above except the service name is blank.
Used EZCONNECT adapter to resolve the alias
OK (20 msec)
The DB is also reachable using the SQL Developer. What's wrong with my connection string? I'm working with a web service made in .NET that needs to connect to the oracle DB.
I think you missed out on this part SERVER = DEDICATED