Getting "Command not found" when using pscp command - ssh

I am transferring a project folder to AWS instance using PuTTY pscp.
I am able to connect using .ppk public keys file and ssh command opened successfully and logged-in.
Here I am using command to transfer folder:
pscp -r -i C:\path-to-my-keys\converted-pem-keys.ppk d:\MyDevelopment\myproj
It shows:
pscp: Command not found.
Path to PuTTY folder is set in Environment variables. Any idea?

"Command not found" is a common *nix shell error message. What indicates that you probably type the pscp command in PuTTY (remote) terminal.
But pscp is Windows application. You have to type your pscp command in (local) Windows console (cmd.exe or PowerShell).


ssh execute command remotely that not exist locally

Something like
ssh root#host "ls -l"
works fine
But when I'm trying
ssh root#host "showrgst"
I'm getting "command not found". And yes, I don't have showrgst command on the host I'm connected from.
How to solve this?
you need to install showrgst in the remote server and make sure the PATH env variable has the path to showrgst.
firstly, you can locate what executable is for this command
$ which showrgst
for example, it is executable script from $HOME/bin/showrgst.
So, you need to copy this file to server by means of scp -
$ scp ~/bin/showrgst
if this command is executable of some package existing in repositories linux disto, you can install this on your server

Getting PSEXEC to run a local .vbs file on a remote machine without copying it over

I would like to get PSEXEC to run a .vbs file on a remote machine for me, however I currently have to have the .vbs located on the remote machine.
Below is an example of my script which does work.
psexec \\<\i.pAddress\> -u <\User\> -p <\Password\> -w c:\ -h cscript.exe "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\test.vbs"
Is there any solution which saves me having to place the test.vbs file on the remote machine before hand?
Use the -c option (
-c Copy the specified program to the remote system for execution. If you omit this option the application must be in the system path on the remote system.

In command line, putty remote shell doesn't work, but in GUI, it does work

Using the GUI putty.exe, I can connect to my windows server and once it is connected, i can type any command like rename file or mkdir folder and they all work
However, using command line such as
putty -load test -m C:\users\test.txt
or using the GUI putty, but add 1 command to remote command in SSH under Connection, then the command doesn't get executed.
Can anyone explain to me why this is happening or how can i fix this? I am using FreeSSHd on windows 2008 server.
Not sure if this helps, but try adding the /bin/bash directly after your command in the text file. It will keep the window open and you can see what the output of the shell would be if you ran it from the gui.
; /bin/bash
For example if test.txt is running a script
bash; /bin/bash
This is assuming bash.

Passing shell script file

I have a linux shell script file which collects various data from linux server. (Services, Process, FreeSpace etc.).
From windows to collect the data we are using Plink to connect to linux Boxes and run the shell script
plink root#servername -pw Password -noagent -m Batch-File.
and using pscp to copy the file to windows location.
Now when I try to do the same for Esxi the plink command fails with the error below.
FATAL ERROR: Server unexpectedly closed network connection
though If i give a direct command as below.
plink root#servername -pw Password -noagent ls /etc
works out.
Let me know how to use the plink for esxi .. if possible.
After seeing the messages log it looks like that the issue is with esxi's limitation to read long character string. The message log fails in the session with String Too Long and then post a message of closing the connection.
Thus the approach was to copy the shell script as a pscp connection, run the file with executable permission and collect the data gathered and delete the file from system.

Cannot execute commands on Windows server over SSH session with Plink

I am trying to use Plink for running commands on remote server. Both, local & remote machine are Windows. Though I am able to connect to the remote machine using Plink, i am not able to use the '-m file' option. I tried the following three ways but to no avail:
Try 1:
plink.exe -ssh -pw mypwd john.doe#server -m file.txt
Could not chdir to home directory /home/john.doe: No such file or directory
dir: not found
'file.txt' only contains one command i.e., dir
Try 2:
plink.exe -ssh -pw mypwd john.doe#server dir
Could not chdir to home directory /home/john.doe: No such file or directory
dir: not found
Try 3:
plink.exe -ssh -pw mypwd john.doe#server < file.txt
In this case, I get the following output:
Using username "john.doe".
This is a private computer system. This computer system, including all
..... including personal information, placed or sent over this system
may be monitored.
Use of this computer system, authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent
... constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes.
dirCould not chdir to home directory /home/john.doe: No such file or directory
Microsoft Windows [Version]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Program Files\OpenSSH>
After I get the above prompt, it hangs. Any help in this regard?
It seems like plink -m is working fine: the commands from file.txt are being sent to the server.
However, your SSH server is running a shell (probably bash because OpenSSH for Windows uses Cygwin) that does not understand the commands you are using, like move and dir. Because bash implements its own versions of those commands (mv and ls, respectively). As you discovered, you need to run cmd.exe /C out of the Windows directory for your SSH server to correctly interpret the meaning of your commands. The other option is to use the bash versions of the commands directly.
This is working now.
plink -ssh -pw xxx john.doe#server cmd.exe /c move c://sample//jd//file.txt c://test//
You are using OpenSSH over Cygwin on your Windows server.
The Cygwin emulates Unix environment on Windows.
So you have to use Unix, not Windows commands (e.g. mv not move or rename)
And you need to use Unix-like paths, not Windows paths (forward slashes in particular).
Moreover, your server seems wrongly configured.
Could not chdir to home directory /home/john.doe: No such file or directory
This is likely an incorrectly configured account. The error is not related to the commands you are executing.