VBA System.Collections.Queue - vba

I just discovered here the 'built-in' Stacks and Queues available from VBA. The way it's written, I can't see the properties and methods of the Queue object.
Dim queue As Object
Set queue = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue") 'Create the Queue
queue.Enqueue "Hello" 'VBE does not show the available properties and methods
So my question is: is there a reference I can use that will allow me to have early binding and benefit from the VBE autocomplete ? Something like:
Dim queue As System.Collections.Queue 'not working

The Stack and Queue are COM objects from the .Net framework, they cannot be used with early binding. (as mentioned by #Florent B. in the comments).
However, if you need to see the properties of the COM object, you can always take a look at the MSDN site (it is quite explicit there): https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.collections.queue(v=vs.110).aspx
Or open a Visual Studio and check from there, the IntelliSense. Pretty much anything written there works:
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim myArr As Variant
With CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue")
.Enqueue (1)
.Enqueue (2)
myArr = .toArray
End With
Debug.Print myArr(1)
End Sub


VB6 map string to integer for headers

I'm trying to parse a CSV File into a VB6 application in order to update multiple records on a table on SQL with existing single record updating code already in the form. The CSV Files will have a header row whixh can be used to validate the information going into the correct place in the ADODB recordset. In C++ you can use a map to say like
map<String s, int x> column
column<"First Name", -1>
column<"Last Name",-1>
Then create a counter across the comma delimited values where if the third value is Last Name then the code could be written to change
column<"Last Name",-1> to column<"Last Name",3> and if x != -1 in any of the maps the file is valid for use, I would then loop through the remaining records and parse into a container using something similar to
strLastName = Array<column[3]>
to assign the record values to the correct variables. I am still very new to VB6, how can I accomplish something similar in VB6 and what containers should be used? So far I have
Public Sub GetImportValues()
On Error GoTo GetImportValues_Error:
Dim intFileNum As Integer
Open Path For Input As #intFileNum
Do Until EOF(intFileNum)
Line Input #intFileNum, vbCrLf
Close #intFileNum
Exit Sub
Err.Source = "frmMemberAdd.GetImportValues" & " | " & Err.Source
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
with a dialog box returning the path as a string using App.path in a separate Function
*****************************************************Slight change to answer
The collection was on track for what I had asked but I did have to change it to dictionary because you cannot return items on a collection which kept me from comparing the items and changing the keys but dictionary can. Make sure if you use dictionary you switch the item and key.
If I understand your question correctly, you're trying to create a map (Dictionary<string, int> in C#). In VB6, you can use Collection for this purpose - it's roughly equivalent to C#'s Dictionary<string, object>. It uses String keys and stores all values as Variant. For example:
Dim oColl As Collection
Set oColl = New Collection
oColl.Add -1, "ColumnName"
Dim nColumnIndex As Long
'Get column index for column name.
nColumnIndex = oColl.Item("ColumnName")
If nColumnIndex = -1 Then
nColumnIndex = ...
'When you want to update a column index in the collection, you
'first have to remove the item and then add it back with the right
oColl.Remove "ColumnName"
oColl.Add nColumnIndex, "ColumnName"
End If
Edit 1:
One word of warning regarding VB6: you'll see many samples doing this:
Dim oObj As New SomeClass
It's ok to do this in VB.Net but don't ever do this in VB6. Declare and instantiate the object on separate statements because the single-statement form generates code where oObj is checked for Nothing and set to an instance before each use. This slows down your code (unnecessary checks) and creates hard-to-find bugs if you're using an instance that's supposed to be gone.
Always do this instead:
Dim oObj As SomeClass
Set oObj = New SomeClass
'Clean up the object when you're done with it. Remember, there's
'no garbage collection in COM / VB6, you have to manage object
Set oObj = Nothing
Also, use Long instead of Integer as much as you can - Long is a 32-bit integer, while Integer is only 16-bits. VB6 type names can be misleading frequently. Here's an old answer of mine with a bit more detail (not strictly related to your question but useful).
Alternatively, you can create a simplified wrapper around the .NET Dictionary class and expose it as a COM object: this would allow you to call it from VB6. This would likely be (somewhat) slower than Collection and it'd require the .NET Framework for your VB6 project to run.
Edit 2:
As #CMaster commented, Dictionary is available from the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library - you need to add a reference to it to use it (this is why I prefer Collection - it has no dependency). This answer has details about how to use it.

Missing VBA compiler message for wrong method name

Consider the following code:
Public Sub VBACompilerIsMad()
Dim Ap As Application
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Debug.Print Ap.XXX ' No compile error
Debug.Print Wb.XXX ' No compile error
Debug.Print Ws.XXX ' Compile error
End Sub
When I compile this, I get a compiler error for referring to an inexisting member of Worksheet. However, if I comment out the last line, there is no compiler error, even though neither Application nor Workbook have a method or property XXX. It is as if I declared Ap and Wb as Object variables.
Why does the compiler treat Application / Workbook differently from Worksheet?
Are there any other classes like this, that the compiler seems to treat as if they were Object?
As I have been explained (kudos go respectively), this is a COM feature.
By default COM assumes an interface is extensible, that is, it allows adding members at run time. If that is not the desired behaviour, one can apply the [nonextensible] attribute to the interface definition, which declares the interface only accepts methods explicitly defined in the type library.
dispinterface _Application and dispinterface _Workbook do not have this flag set in the Excel type library, dispinterface _Worksheet does.
Similarly, ADO's dispinterface _Connection does not have [nonextensible], dispinterface _Command does.
To learn which are extensible, add a reference to TypeLib Info in the project's References and run:
Dim t As tli.TLIApplication
Set t = New tli.TLIApplication
Dim ti As tli.TypeLibInfo
Set ti = t.TypeLibInfoFromFile("excel.exe")
Dim i As tli.InterfaceInfo
For Each i In ti.Interfaces
Debug.Print i.Name
End If
You will see that almost all interfaces are extensible here, so most of them get pushed out of the debug window and you will only see the last ones. Change the <> to = to print those that are not extensible, there are much less of them.
A bit of a hypothesis:
You can call a stored procedure on an ADODB.Connection object like a native method (at the bottom).
(The examples for this on several msdn sites look oddly messed up).
So there is some mechanism like 'anonymous/dynamic methods' in VBS/VBA.
It may be a similar mechanism activated here for Application and Workbook classes - although I don't see where and how exactly.
A test supports the basic idea:
I have tested this with a reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library:
Public Sub testCompiler()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Debug.Print cn.XXX
Debug.Print cmd.XXX
End Sub
cn.XXX does not throw a compile error, cmd.XXX does.
GSerg's answer is indeed outstanding, I love the whole COM type library IDL and how some attributes there can govern the behaviour in the Excel VBA IDE. Long may this arcane knowledge of COM be handed down! And, I realise this question has been bountied to give that answer more rep but when a bounty is set it appears on my radar and I have a view on this matter.
So although GSerg's answer gives the mechanism it does not give the rationale, i.e. it gives the how but not the why. I'll attempt to answer the why.
Some of the answer why is already given by Martin Roller (OP) in his comments about Application and WorksheetFunction. This, to me, is a convincing reason to keep Application extensible and I'll not consider Application further.
Let us turn to Workbook and Worksheet and we best start with some code to demonstrate, so you will need to begin with two fresh workbooks, call them MyWorkbook.xlsm and OtherWorkbook.xlsm. So some instructions:
In OtherWorkbook.xlsm go the code module ThisWorkbook and paste the code
Option Explicit
Public Function SomeFunctionExportedOffOtherWorkbook() As String
SomeFunctionExportedOffOtherWorkbook = "Hello Matt's Mug!"
End Function
In MyWorkbook.xlsm go the Sheet1 code module and paste the code
Option Explicit
Public Function SomeFunctionExportedOffCodeBehindSheet1() As String
SomeFunctionExportedOffCodeBehindSheet1 = "Hello Martin Roller!"
End Function
Now, in the VBA IDE change the codename of Sheet1 to codebehindSheet1
Now, in a new standard module in MyWorkbook.xlsm add the following code
Sub TestingObjectLikeInterfacesOfWorkbookAndCodeBehindWorksheet_RunMany()
'* For this example please rename the 'CodeName' for Sheet1 to be "codebehindSheet1" using the IDE
Debug.Assert ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1").CodeName = "codebehindSheet1"
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Application.Workbooks.Item("OtherWorkbook")
'* Workbook dispinterface needs to not marked with nonextensible attribute
'* so that it doesn't trip up over exported function in another workbook
'* below SomeFunctionExportedOffOtherWorkbook is defined in the ThisWorkbook module of the workbook "OtherWorkbook.xlsm"
Debug.Print wb.SomeFunctionExportedOffOtherWorkbook
'*Not allowed --> Dim foo As Sheet1
'*have to call by the 'code behind' name which is usually Sheet1 but which we changed to illustrate the point
Debug.Print codebehindSheet1.SomeFunctionExportedOffCodeBehindSheet1
End Sub
Now run this code above.
You've probably read the code and hopefully understood the point I'm making but let me spell it out. We need Workbook to remain extensible because it may contain a reference to another workbook which may be exporting a method or function and we'd like no compile errors.
However, for the Worksheet, to do a similar export we again add code to the code behind module but there is a difference in referencing the module: one grabs a reference to that code behind module by using its VBA code name, most people do not change this from Sheet1 (that is why you were invited to change it above).
So the interface obtained by the code behind module name needs to extensible and not the Excel.Worksheet interface.
P.S. Anyone got a copy of TLI.dll?
As a workaround it could still be possible to create your own interface and implement this interface. Then declare a variable as INewInterface and all the compiler messages will be there :). Here simple example with custom interface for a UserForm. HTH
Public CancelButton As MSForms.CommandButton
Public DataList As MSForms.ListBox
Public CommandBox As MSForms.TextBox
Implements IMyForm
Private Property Set IMyForm_CancelButton(ByVal RHS As MSForms.ICommandButton)
End Property
Private Property Get IMyForm_CancelButton() As MSForms.ICommandButton
End Property
Private Property Set IMyForm_CommandBox(ByVal RHS As MSForms.IMdcText)
End Property
Private Property Get IMyForm_CommandBox() As MSForms.IMdcText
End Property
Private Property Set IMyForm_DataList(ByVal RHS As MSForms.IMdcList)
End Property
Private Property Get IMyForm_DataList() As MSForms.IMdcList
End Property
Note: MyForm is existing VBA Form which has been added to the project.

VBA: Access to registry while preprocessing

I want to conditionally compile code in one VBAproject, with a condition that depends on some registry-entry. Is this somehow possible in VBA?
I know that there are some simple preprocessing possibilites in VBA, but I can not see if it is possible to somehow access the registry while preprocessing. Or Maybe some other possibility to check the registry before compiling.
Since I get a compile error because of some missing reference(and thus missing class object), I aim to check the registry before compiling.
P.s. I only want to read registry-entries.
As an example. How to reach debug.print in the following, i.e. avoiding compile errors.
sub sub1()
dim testobj as new nonexistingobject
sub2 testobj
debug.print "Arrived at this point"
end sub
sub sub2( byref testobj as nonexistingobject)
*do some stuff with testobj*
end sub
Instead of using early binding (Dim obj as myObject), use late bindings with CreateObject. This way you will be able to handle the case where the object doesn't exists:
Sub test()
Dim obj As Object
On Error Resume Next
obj = CreateObject("myObject")
if Err then Exit Sub 'if the object wasn't found exit the function
on error goto 0 'set back the error handling to its previous state
'rest of the code
End Sub
VBA does not directly provide access to the entire Windows Registry, but you can use a workaround.
Dim RegObj as Object
Set RegObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegObj.RegDelete RegKeyString
RegObj.RegWrite RegKeyString
Str = RegObj.RegRead RegKeyString
Set RegObj = Nothing
If the RegKeyString is not found, it'll throw an error, so you need some OnError -> Key Doesn't Exist kind of code.
Not sure of the preprocessing part, but you could run your code in the Workbook_Open event handler to make sure this part runs before anything else.
It is not feasible. All the symbols and conditions that are tested by VBA Directives are build from literals or expressions that include only operators (excepting the Is operator, I think).
Function calls are not allowed when declaring directive symbols and conditions, and the only way to access registry in VBA is via API (like WScript.Shell for example), which means function call.
Further reading: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/tx6yas69.aspx

Can I use late binding to check the existence of a library before using it via early binding?

I like to use early binding in my VBA projects, since I like the auto-complete of method names, etc. during development. I also like the confidence of knowing that the compiler will warn me if I've mis-spelled a method name.
However, to use early binding I need to add a reference to the relevant library (for example, the "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"). That's fine for "standard" libraries like that, but sometimes I want to use a library that may or may not be present on the user's machine.
Ideally, I'd like to display a useful message if the library is not present (such as "xyz is not installed on this computer, and so this feature cannot be used"). If I was using only late binding, then I could do this:
Dim o As Object
Set o = CreateObject("foo", "bar")
If o Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "nope"
End If
But, if I've added a reference to the library in order to use early binding, then if the library is not present I get a compile error when my VBA project is loaded. Thus, none of the code runs (including the code to detect the non-existence of the library).
Is there any way around this catch-22?
You could create a class module as a proxy for an object library --- wrap all the methods, properties, and constants needed by your other procedures.
All those procedures would use the proxy class the same way, so you wouldn't need to revise those procedures to switch between early and late binding. And Intellisense would show you everything you expose with the proxy class.
The class would be a single point of control to switch between early and late binding. You mentioned Excel as one example:
#Const DevStatus = "PROD"
#If DevStatus = "DEV" Then
Private objApp As Excel.Application
Private objBook As Excel.Workbook
Private objSheet As Excel.Worksheet
#Else 'assume PROD
Private objApp As Object
Private objBook As Object
Private objSheet As Object
#End If
If there is a possibility Excel may not be installed on any users' machines, you can check its availability during class initialize.
Dim blnExcelAvailable As Boolean
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
blnExcelAvailable = IsExcelAvailable()
End Sub
Private Function IsExcelAvailable() As Boolean
Dim blnReturn As Boolean
Dim objTest As Object
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objTest = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
blnReturn = True
On Error GoTo 0
Set objTest = Nothing
IsExcelAvailable = blnReturn
Exit Function
blnReturn = False
GoTo ExitHere
End Function
Then your procedures which use the proxy class could check a property to see whether Excel is available.
Public Property Get ExcelAvailable() As Boolean
ExcelAvailable = blnExcelAvailable
End Property
I think this approach is possible, and it satisfies your requirements AFAICT. However, I'm unsure whether it's reasonable. Back to the example of Excel, you could do something like this for a manageable subset of its object model. But if you need all or most of its methods, properties, and constants, the proxy class would be a huge undertaking.
Personally I wouldn't use this approach. It's less work for me to manage early/late binding as mwolfe02 and JP. described. However my impression is this is more burdensome in your situation, so perhaps you're willing to invest more effort than I am in something like this.
Not really.
However, one way I've dealt with this in development is to have two separate declaration lines. I comment one or the other depending on whether I am doing dev work or releasing to production. You can leave everything else alone (including the CreateObject line) and then you just need to remember to switch the commented line and add/remove the reference itself.
For example:
Dim o As foo.bar 'Comment out for production'
'Dim o As Object ''Comment out for dev work'
Set o = CreateObject("foo", "bar")
If o Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "nope"
End If

Excel VBA object constructor and destructor

I need to make some custom objects in VBA that will need to reference each other and I have a some issues.
First - how do object constructors work in VBA? Are there constructors?
Second - are there destructors? How does VBA handle the end of the object lifecycle? If I have an object that references others (and this is their only reference), then can I set it to Nothing and be done with it or could that produce memory leaks?
This quasi-OO stuff is just a little bit irritating.
VBA supports Class Modules. They have a Class_Initialize event that is the constructor and a Class_Terminate that is the destructor. You can define properties and methods.
I believe VBA uses reference counting for object lifecycle. Which is why you see a lot of Set whatever = Nothing in that type of code. In your example case I think it will not leak any memory. But you need to be careful of circular references.
If you are making a class module in VBA, for the constructor, you can use:
Private Sub class_initialize()
End Sub
There are no destructors, since VBA is garbage collected. Just make sure to clean up any circular references, and you should avoid any possible memory leaks.
It's been a while since I've used them, but I don't think you can pass parameters into the constructors. I think that was one of the problems I ran into, but I was running into so many issues of how thse classes worked and how I expected them to work that I may be misremembering.
There exists Class_Terminate which is pretty much the same as destructor.
I confirme that class_initialize and class_terminate.
You can check it by writting this TestClass:
Public testVar As Integer
Private Sub class_initialize()
Debug.Print "Class init"
testVar = 10
End Sub
Private Sub class_terminate()
Debug.Print "Class terminate"
End Sub
And write this code in a module :
Sub test()
Dim myTestClass As New TestClass
Debug.Print myTestClass.testVar
End Sub
And then you will see logs in Debug window. But with this test, we can see that class_initialize isn't called when you create the instance (with new) but only at the first call of a methode in the instance or getting a var value.
The class_terminate seems to be called at the end of the testModule (If an instance is maked on Thisworkbook object, terminate is "never" called... probably only when the workbook is closed or when Excel is closed)