How to use v-if and v-else without any html tag or else - vue.js

List item
< v-if= "tree()"> //which tag I may use or any other process
< v-else> //which tag I may use or any other process
In the V-if which html tag i may use or any other vue.js process to work with this.

You can use template:
<template v-if="condition">
<template v-else>
Template will not be rendered in the browser. But it will parse the contents inside of this to the html.

you can sometimes use the <slot> element to make what you want. Have a look at the slot documentation here


Vue.js not compatible with CSS Grid tables [duplicate]

List item
< v-if= "tree()"> //which tag I may use or any other process
< v-else> //which tag I may use or any other process
In the V-if which html tag i may use or any other vue.js process to work with this.
You can use template:
<template v-if="condition">
<template v-else>
Template will not be rendered in the browser. But it will parse the contents inside of this to the html.
you can sometimes use the <slot> element to make what you want. Have a look at the slot documentation here

Not binding the IF to any element in Vue

This works:
<span v-if="name">
Hi there, {{ name }}
... but it forces me to use span for the whole text, I just want it on the name variable. In handlebars for example I could do:
{{#if name}}
Hi there, <span>{{ name }}</span>
You can use a template for that.
we can use v-if on a <template> element, which serves as an invisible
wrapper. The final rendered result will not include the <template>
For example:
<template v-if="name">
Hi there, <span>{{ name }}</span>

How do I use conditional rendering on template tag?

According to the Vue documentation I should be able to add the v-if condition to the <template> tag:
<template v-if="false">
<div>Invisible text</div>
But this will not hide the element, however it does work when added to the child element:
<div v-if="false">Invisible text</div>
Any suggestions?
I'm including the template in another .vue file:
<div id="app">
<H1 class= "main-title">Title</H1>
<span class="components">
The template tag of a single-file component is not rendered by Vue like normal <template> tags. It is simply one of the placeholders, along with <script> and <style> that vue-loader uses to build the component. The root element of that template is what will be the root in the component.
But, even if it worked the way you want, there would be no difference between your first and second example. Using v-if on the root will prevent the entire component's template from rendering if set to false.
Had this problem with VUE3. Using SFC just nest tag template inside another tag template :
<template v-if="false">
You won't see this

In Aurelia, can a slot be used in a repeat.for binding?

I'd like to create a custom element that loops through an array and applies the to each item in the array. For example, the view template of the custom element would contain something like:
<div repeat.for="i of items">
<div with.bind="i">
When I remove the repeat.for and with.bind attributes, the slot displays a single time. Is there a way to make it repeat for each item in the list?
No, you cannot use slots with repeat.for or bind today. To do this you have to use replaceable parts. For example:
<div repeat.for="i of items">
<div with.bind="i">
<template replaceable part="content"></template>
<template replace-part="content">Some Content - ${somePropertyOfI}</template>
Runnable example:

VueJs v-for how to check list undefined before continue

Refer to the template below, how to add condition to make sure the menu is not undefined inside the v-for attribute?
I've tried v-for="menu?item in menu.items:[]" and v-for="item in menu?.items" but neither works.
<div v-for="item in menu.items">{{item.text}}</div>
Put the div with the v-for directive within a <template> that checks for menu via v-if:
<template v-if="menu">
<div v-for="item in menu.items">{{ item.text }}</div>
This way, the div inside the template won't be rendered if menu does not exist.
If you really want the check within the v-for statement, like you are attempting, it would look like this:
<div v-for="item in (menu ? menu.items : [])">{{ item.text }}</div>