Publishing .vue to npm for use with browserify - npm

How can a .vue file (as a parent component with child .vue files) be published to npm so that you can install, require, and use it as a component with browserify as
let component = require('published-vue-component');
I only use browserify; I don't use webpack at all. I thus bundle all .vue files into a single build.js using a vueify transform. All of the information I see currently about this either a.) reads that you should export your main .vue file (doesn't work) or b.) involves webpack.
If you go ahead and bundle the component with a vueify transform and set "main": "the/bundle/path/index.js", it seems that a vueify transform can't work without a template rendering function and thus isn't intended for single components.
If you simply export the parent .vue file, when you require the component you're going to get a syntax error from the first character of the <template> tag.

If you bundle your component as a umd module, then you can import it into browserify or webpack. Use rollup and this plugin:
I ran into this issue with my vue-autosuggest library, where browserify users were experiencing issues importing my module.
Check out this example rollup config for inspiration:
Hope this helps!


Bake SCSS variables into reusable single component files Vue

I would like to create a npm repo containing a folder with Vue single file components from which I can import then easily:
import { Button } from "#user/design-system"
the problem I have is that the Button.vue contains variables coming from a global .scss file that is handled by Webpack.
How can I bake the variables into each component when I build for the npm release?
So essentially I want a dev environment which I run by npm run serve and I want a npm run build which copies all components and bakes the CSS variables into it to have stand-alone components.
You should have this variables in a dedicated file (for example _variables.scss), in your project where you want to import your component. Then you should make this variables accessible to all the components. I suggest you to use style-resouces-loader, that will import your variable in every component. Vue ClI wrapper - vue-cli-plugin-style-resources-loader.
To export your UI library with already inlined CSS, you should build your UI library through vue-cli-service build. And then you can import your builded component with builded CSS styles, which was built from SCSS.

Creating a single Vue component inside a larger project

I have a PHP project that uses Kirby CMS. I also use Gulp for building my assets. Now, I need to add a calculator on the homepage that is complex enough to justify the usage of Vue. How would I incorporate Vue in my project without introducing a ton of new tooling? All I want is a simple Single File Component basically. I have:
<div id="calculator"></div>
and I want the component to be rendered there. Nothing more.
After some consideration, I came up with the following options but found issues with each of them:
Use the Vue CLI for instant prototyping. That's the closest solution for my use case, but I can't easily develop the component. If I use vue serve, I get to see the component isolated in a new page. The issue lies in the fact the component isn't a part of my project's page. It's not affected by its stylesheets, layout, and other scripts. I can't know if it'll work properly once I build it and view it in my project. Running vue build on each change would be pretty painful and time consuming. Sadly, vue watch isn't a thing, which leads me to:
Creating a project and using Vue CLI Service. If I create a project, I'd be able to run vue-cli-service build --watch and have my component automatically refresh on each change of its source file. While developing the component, I simply make a change, wait for it to compile, and refresh my project in the browser to see the modified component in action. While that would work, it introduces a bunch of node_modules inside my project, along with a package.json. I feel that's too much for just a single component. It would pollute the project more than I'd like:
node_modules/ # modules here
public/ # I don't need that
package.json # package here
node_modules/ # modules here as well
package.json # package here as well
I would basically have a project within a project.
Use vueify to compile the component with Browserify and Gulp (which I already use). While this appears OK, vueify is deprecated and not supported. Besides, I'd have to add a bunch of stuff to my gulpfile.js in order to use Babel + ESLint for the component.
How do I set up Vue in such a way that I'm able to develop a very simple component as a part of a larger project with as little friction as possible?
If anyone has dealt with a similar problem, how did they solve it?
I ended up using the second approach I mentioned in my question with one small twist - I initialized the Vue project in my main project. I merged them.
I opened the parent folder of my project in a terminal.
I ran vue create my-project where my-project was the actual folder name of my project. The CLI asked if it should overwrite the project or merge it. I chose merge.
After the project was created, my old package.json was overwritten and only had the Vue dependencies listed in it.
I reverted my old package.json and installed these packages: #vue/cli-plugin-babel, #vue/cli-service, vue-template-compiler, and vue.
I added the following npm script in my package.json:
"scripts": {
"calculator": "vue-cli-service build assets/js/calculator/main.js --watch --dest assets/js/calculator/build"
My project's folder structure remained the same, except for a few new packages in node_modules. I put my component files in assets/js/calculator/. There, I have main.js which is the main component script, and build which is a folder containing the processed component.
I have:
<div id="calculator"></div>
in my page, and:
<script src="/assets/js/calculator/build/app.js"></script>
in the footer. When I open the page, the component is rendered correctly.
To modify the component, I simply run npm run calculator in a terminal, which spins up the CLI service. It monitors the main.js file and builds the component on each change. Once the build is complete (which happens in under a second), I refresh the page and the updated component is there.
I believe that's the smoothest way to handle this use case. It didn't bloat the project, all dependencies were listed, and the development experience is great. The part where my package.json got overwritten was a bit concerning, but other than that - it worked perfectly. If there's a better way to do this, please leave an answer!
This is probably not the answer you're looking for but if I were you I'd look into inline templates and x-templates as they seem well suited to your use case.
Also have a look at this blog post. It offers a nice write up about the different template authoring methods in Vue and their pros/cons.

how webpack builds vue.js project

My question is related to webpack. Let's say I'm using webpack and vue.js project. How does webpack build the project when I run the npm run build. I know that there's a build folder where config files have to be added and there'll be output folder dist which will save my final project.
Question 1) WHat does webpack do? Does it search entry point in config file so that it knows where to start building process from? for vue.js it's src/main.js. AM I right?
QUestion 2) when it finds main.js, what does it do? does it go from main.js to top so that to find all the dependencies ?
QUestion 3) Let's say IT found a .vue file. what does it do? does it seperate js code - put it into some other js file, then seperate css and put it into some other css file? or just take the whole .vue code and puts it into js file(with all its html and so on)?
QUestion 4) Just need that line of code what it looks to show me QUestion 3) answer.
Yes, webpack has an entry point (entry section from config). It's not src/main.js exactly, it's configurable.
It builds a dependency tree starting from an entry point.
It will be handled with loaders in the sequence you provided. Usually, it's vue-loader which transforms vue files to js, next it goes to babel-loader which transpiles your js dialect (Flow/ES6/ES2017/TS) to ES5, next ot js-loader which can finally split all the code to dependencies and continue loading.
CSS separation can be done with webpack plugins like ExtractTextWebpackPlugin and then your css dialect (LESS/SASS/PostCSS, etc) will be transformed with loaders, i.e. sass-loader, css-loader, style-loader.
When styles extraction plugin is not present, it will distribute css along with js and put it to the head styles.

How to publish a vue js plugin that modifies an existing plugin

I am trying to create a plugin that utilizes components from another Vuejs plugin (Vuetify). Basically, I have some common components I want to share across multiple applications with our company.
I thought it would just be a matter of:
Create a github repo for the shared components
Author the plugin
Reference the repo in consuming apps via npm install
Here is the gist of the plugin:
// src/index.js <-- package.json/main is set to "src"
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.vue";
import * as api from "./api";
export default function install(Vue) {
Vue.component("myComponent", MyComponent );
Vue.prototype.$myApi = api;
At the moment, the behavior I'm seeing is:
plugin install function is being executed
functions from api attached to Vue.prototype are available in app components
my-component is available in the app and renders markup
$myApi and Vuetify components are not available in an application instance of of my-component
If I copy the same files into the app and change my import, all works as expected. So, I now wonder if I'm missing something regarding sharing code via external modules.
I've tried these alternatives with the same issue:
use npm link to link the plugin module to the app
manually, use mklink (Windows sym link) to link plugin module to node_modules in the app folder
use a long relative path reference to the plugin module: import MyPlugin from "../../../my-plugin"
I've put this issue off for a while, but for anyone wondering, the issue is with using Single File Components and webpack not compiling those in external modules.
The 2 options I have are:
Don't use Single File Components. I.e.: Just use .js instead of .vue. I've seen some libs like Vuetify.js take this approach
Compile the .vue files in the library module and include them in the source such as ./dist folder.

How to write a multi-file NPM package with Brunch

I have a multi-file project, with ES6 style exports and imports.
I'm using Brunch to concatenate these files into 1 main.js file that will serve as the main for an NPM package.
To specify the API of my package, I need to have exports in main.js. But when Brunch concatenates my js files, I am worried that (1) exports that are meant for internal imports and (2) exports meant for my API will both look the same.
Looking at the generated main.js file it seems like the exports I write in my source code get wrapped into modules, but none of these are top-level exports like the ones needed for NPM packages.
How can I let NPM distinguish between these two types of exports? Specifically, how can I have exports in the main.js file generated by Brunch concatenation?
Brunch is not designed for writing libraries, but rather for building apps.
I don't need to concatenate files at all to publish them to NPM, so instead I have used Babel with React and ES6 presets to transform my ES6 .jsx files to ES5 .js files.
I then make one file (eg. main.js) where I export my library and set that as the main in package.json.
I can then use Brunch to create an app with the React skeleton (brunch new -s brunch/with-react), npm install <my-package>, and import my library within my app.