Installing cordova plugin in MFPF 7.1 - ibm-mobilefirst

can we install Cordova plugin "cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine" in MFPF 7.1
If Yes, can someone please advise what steps we need to follow.

You can integrate cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine plugin in your MFP 7.1 Cordova Application by following this blog if the app is built using Mobilefirst Studio Plugin.
If it is MFP 7.1 pure cordova application, you can add wkwebview plugin by running following command in terminal.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine
Note : MobileFirst Features like Direct Update, Server Notifications might stop working if you are using wkwebview plugin.

cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine plugin needs cordova-ios >4.0.0.
where as MobileFirst CLI contains an instance of Cordova CLI v5.0.0, and iOS platform version 3.7.0.
for more details see here : link
So it may not work.Try below command if it works
mfp cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine


Camera and Geolocation plugin issue with cordova android 6.3.0

I'm facing a issue after upgrading cordova android project to version 6.3.0 in using Camera and Geolocation plugin. These both plugin uses Permission helper class which requires cordova-plugin-compat. But with cordova android version 6.3.0 release cordova-plugin-compat is no longer supported ( as it is included in the core. But I'm getting error on resolving org.apache.cordova.PermissionHelper and in org.apache.cordova.BuildHelper . How to solve this issue.
Update cordova-plugin-compat to v1.2, which contains a restriction preventing the plugin files being deployed to cordova-android#6.3.0+:
cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-compat --force
&& cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-compat#1.2

IBM MobileFirst 6.3 - Android Fingerprint Authentication

I want to implement finger print authentication in my IBM Mobilefirst 6.3 Hybrid Android application. I saw some examples in cordova -
Here How can I add cordova-plugin-android-fingerprint-auth plugin to my application? Is there any better way to implement this feature?
I was able to implement touch id in hybrid iOS application.
Need help to implement similar in Android.
Mobilefirst 7.0 and prior releases does not support Cordova plug-man to install Cordova plug-ins and Hence you can't add plugins directly to your applications using cordova command line.
You need to follow the manual installation instructions as explained in this blog post to add cordova-plugin-android-fingerprint-auth plugin in your application.

How to add browser platform to MFP cordova app?

I'm looking for a way to add browser platform to the current mfp cordova app for testing purpose. When I tried to run mfp cordova platform add browser, I got the error
Error: Hook not implemented yet for browser
By the looks of the commands, you're using 7.1. This release does not support the Web platform for Cordova apps.
Note that Mobile Foundation 8.0 supports standard Cordova apps, including the Web platform.

How to install IBM mobile first platform studio 8.0 in eclipse Mars?

I am new to IBM mobile first.I have installed eclipse Mars and also installed Mobile First platform 8.0 and Eclipse Hybrid Mobile (THyM) from Eclipse market place.Then installed node js.
Now I want to create a app and run in android device or emulator.But I am unable to do it.
Can anyone provide me the next steps I have to follow to work with IBM mobile first
System environment : Windows 7,Eclipse Mars, Java 1.8
You are missing the final piece - the MobileFirst CLI. Install the CLI from command line: npm install -g mfpdev-cli.
The MobileFirst CLI is required for the MobileFirst Eclipse plug-in to function. The plug-in exposes CLI commands in the Eclipse UI.
You can then create applications and register them in the MobileFirst Server and other actions. Learn more in the following tutorial:

MobileFirst 7.1 - Manage Cordova

With MFP 7.1 can I replace cordova ios 3.7 or android 3.6.4 with an even newer or older ones? Since MFP is now a Cordova Plugin, I should just take care about the plugin compliance between MFP and Cordova itself... Shouldn't I?
Thanks and regards.
As written in the tutorial for using Cordova in MobileFirst, currently you cannot.
Make sure to thoroughly read it.