VS2017 Bootstrapper: Engine/setup.bin missing - wix

I have moved to a new machine and upgraded with this MSVC 2015 to MSVC2017. Now I wanted to build a new (WiX) installer for our project. But I don't find current Bootstrapper location.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\ClickOnce Bootstrapper does not include Engine/setup.bin, which WiX will have.
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.16299) is installed.
Any idea which software I have to install to obtain required setup.bin? (Searched my whole PC for a setup.bin, but not a single setup.bin exists, so it's not just on a "wrong" oath)

OK, not sure why you refer to ClickOnce and WiX together - I am not aware of any connections here - they are different technologies - but maybe there are connections I am not aware of (something relating to AppX maybe).
The file you refer to: setup.bin is installed via two MSI files on my system:
Microsoft.ClickOnce.BootStrapper.Msi.msi (installed from source at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.ClickOnce.BootStrapper.Msi,version=15.0.27005.2)
Microsoft.ClickOnce.SignTool.Msi.msi (installed from source at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.ClickOnce.SignTool.Msi,version=15.0.27005.2)
Did you go to Tools => Get Tools and Features => Individual Components and select "ClickOnce Publishing"? I would try that first. There is no clear match between the actual MSI names and these "Individual Components" that I can see.
I believe "Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects", "WiX Toolset Visual Studio 2017 Extensions" and "IsWiX" (front end for WiX) can be installed from the Tools => Extension and Updates. Or you can install the WiX 2017 extension from here.
You also obviously need to install the WiX toolkit itself to be able to make WiX installers. Here is the download location: http://wixtoolset.org/releases/ (and a WiX quick start suggestion answer).


How to find the Windows Installer XML node in Visual Studio 2019 after toolset and extension installation?

I am trying to create an installer with Wix and Visual Studio 2019. I am a Wix newbie so I just started to get something really simple working, from scratch. Therefore, I read this explanation. I use Windows 10 build 19042.
Creating the winforms project does work fine for me but the next project does not. This is because of this step.
Choose the Windows Installer XML node in the Project types tree,
then select Setup Project
I can find Wix projects.
And I installed the Wix toolset.
So creating a very simple installer should be very simple. But in fact, it is not as I fail to do one tutorial step referring to a project type I cannot find.
You can help in these ways:
Tell me what to do the make sure the Windows Installer XML node
becomes visible.
Provide the step to do the same without the Windows Installer XML node.
And logically, I double checked if the Windows Installer XML node is really not there. And it really is not.
VS2017 vs VS2019: I guess that explanation was written for Visual Studio 2017 - which is quite different for the "New Project" dialog. You can select "WiX" in the drop down button that says "All languages" in that dialog
WiX Project Types: Just double click the "Setup Project for WiX v3" - this is the project type that creates an MSI. The "Bootstrapper Project for WiX v3" is for making setup.exe bundles.
WiX Downloads: For the record, make sure you have installed both WiX itself and the WiX Visual Studio Extension. It looks like you already have (just mentioned for others who see this).
WiX Training: I have a few answers on WiX crash course and training material:
Short WiX sample links
Long WiX Tips and Tricks and samples links
A few selected examples from github (there are more WiX projects at the root level):

WiX toolset: How to execute multiple exe files with MSI package

I am working on my first MSI builder with WiX. I am hoping that I can receive some help on what I am trying to achieve.
For my app, the user has to have Visual Studio Code (latest) and a couple of other applications on the local machine. Therefore, I included .exe file in the MSI package like the screenshot below.
I am wondering if there is a way to run those execution files as a part of Microsoft Installer download...?
I am using Visual Studio 2017 and WiX toolset to build a Microsoft installer.
I appreciate any comments or resource that I can look into.
Best regards,
You'll need a bootstrapper (setup.exe) to properly get them preinstalled along with installing your app's MSI. You can generate a bootstrapper using a WiX bundle.

Creating New Wix Project In Visual Studio 2017 throws an error

I have installed Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. Installed it without any specific things selected like C++ development or Windows development etc. After that I have installed Wix through wixtoolset, which downloaded and installed wix tool set components. After that I have installed the Wix ToolSet extension for Visual Studio 2017. Restarted the Visual Studio and trying to create a new project through File -> New -> Project - WiX Toolset -> Setup Project.
It gives the error and does not let me create the project. I am totally new to WiX and have just a little knowledge about Visual Studio.
Initially, I did not select any of the Installation workloads for VS17 and installed it just to make the installation faster.
Through the comments from Azaz, I came to know that NuGet Package Manager is required to install the packages on demand. But since I could not see the NuGet option at all, I tried to install it with Extensions and updates but it did not work. I did a bit of research and found that at least one .Net development workload is required at a time of VS17 installation which will make the NuGet install automatically in VS17.
So I uninstalled the VS17, WiX at all and removed them from the system. Then Installed VS17 with certain workload packages as shown in the below screenshot.
After that I installed WiX and an extension for the same in VS17. i.e. Votive2017.vsix.
I restart the VS17 and now I am able to create project for WiX.
Looks like there is something I missed somewhere in installing which did not let me install required DLLs and GUID feature, which were important for creating project templates.
Sharing the steps I followed in order to fix the same issue that I found with Visual Studio 2019, as I also installed it without any workload. I was also looking at a reduced installation.
The steps I did in order to fix the template error, install the following individual components:
.NET 5.0 Runtime
.Net Core 3.1 Runtime
C# and Visual Baisc Roslyn compilers
ClickOnce Publishing
Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects
Hope it helps someone else. I have to point out that the comments before helped me understand the issue. But, for example, I couldn't even open the NuGet command line.

Wix Toolset install C++ 2010 Redistributable

Can I integrate installation of Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 redistributable together with my installation package through the Wix Toolset?
I tried this with a custom action, but it does not install if another installation is in progress. Would someone have any suggestions on how to do this?
Also, another question: can I call an MSI installer within this MSI installer that I am creating?
You can't do recursive MSI installs - at the risk of stating the obvious, when you get that error "another install is in progress" that other install is you.
If you use merge modules to install VC Runtimes AND you have a C++ service that is dependent on them that you start with StartServices (WiX ServiceControl) then you may find that the service won't start. This is because the SxS versions of the C++ Runtimes are not available until InstallFinalize, which is after the StartServices action. Possible solutions to this are:
Have the service built with static links to the C++ runtimes, but then updates to the VC++ runtime Dlls won't be applied to your built binary, in case that's an issue.
Use a bootstrapper like Burn to run the VC++ redist exe before you install your own MSI file.
Copy the runtime Dlls to your app folder as private copies that will be used only by your app. This kind of thing, old but still applicable I believe:
Another issue you may run into with using the merge modules is that they require a per machine install. If you include them in a per User install then the install will fail.
You can install the C++ runtime files using the C++ runtime merge module:
How To: Install the Visual C++ Redistributable with your installer
And to your second question: No - this is not possible.

Where can I find the .NET bootstrapper files?

I have created a setup project with VS2008 for a .NET Windows Forms application using .NET Framework 3.5.
But I want to create an installation with WiX 3.5. Since I have VS2008 installed, I expected I can use the instructions in the help section How To: Install the .NET Framework Using a Bootstrapper. Unfortunately this includes a reference to the directory
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bootstrapper\
that I cannot find on my PC although this should be present if VS2008 is installed. Should I find it somewhere on my PC or do I have to install this manually? Why should this be necessary?
What are other opportunities to automatically install the .NET framework when required?
The WiX documentation describes the path for VS2005 on a 32 bit operating system. I found the boostrapper at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bootstrapper
There are a few related questions to yours, check out WiX: Where can I download the bootstrapper?