Check Google Play Services version in React Native app - react-native

How can I programmatically check which version of Google Play Services is installed in a React Native app?


Can I use Three.js in React Native for Desktop?

As I understand, React Three Fiber(R3F) supports React Native, but not sure if it works in the React Native for Desktop App. (R3F).
They uses expo-gl library, and the offical document of expo says that it supports android, ios, and web.
Does this mean that I cannot use R3F in React Native for Desktop (Windows, macOS)?
I've tried to initiate the React Native for Desktop app and tried to install three, R3F, and, expo-gl and run, but it didn't work.

how to make react native and pwa app together

I have developed one mobile application in react native and its working in android and ios both.
Now I was thinking to make a web application for that. Someone suggested about PWA "Progressive Web Apps". Is possible to make react native app into PWA . Or do I have to start from scratch?
Is native bridging availabe in PWA? Please suggest me the correct path. Is it possible to make react native and pwa combine?

How to add "App Open Ads" of admob in react native android app?

How to add "App Open Ads" in react native app android?
Thank you.
There is a library from GreedyGame for react native apps. This currently has app open ads integrated. The documentation is also updated.You can check out the docs here . You will need to sign up and get an appId to work. You can sign up here
I work at GreedyGame.

Is there any way I can play videos with Third-Party Video players in my mobile using React-Native?

I am storing my videos in Firebase Storage. I want to give an option to play the videos i am retrieving from Firebase in a Third-Party player.
If you are using Expo, yes there is:
Expo is a free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android projects using JavaScript and React - Expo Website
The Expo SDK, which include components and many more cool stuff, come built-in with create-react-native-app has the Video Component
It is a component that displays a video inline with the other React Native UI elements in your app. The display dimensions and position of the video on screen can be set using usual React Native styling.
You can use that to play the videos hosted on firebase

LIbrary for Zendesk or Freshdesk in React Native?

Is there any library for installing Zendesk or Freshdesk in React Native ? Or if there is another provider who provide their React Native SDK ?
You can install this plugin:
Or you can refer to WebView with this SDK for integration:
The mobile SDKs will not work in a React Native app. You could look at building a custom experience via a webview using the Web SDK: