Where can I save the settings entered by the user? - vba

Step 1
The MS Project file is open;
The user starts the macro;
The form is opened;
The user enters the path;
The user clicks "Save";
The user closes the form;
The user closes the MS Project file.
Step 2
The user opens the MS Project file;
The user wins the macro;
The form is opened;
The form displays the path that the user has registered for "Stage 1";
How to make that when the user opens the form a second time (Step 2) in the form was displayed the path that was saved in (Step 1)?
In other words, after the form was closed (Step 1), the value of the textbox was retained?
Can this textbox value be saved in the MS Project file?
Or should I save it in a separate file?
How is this best done?

Add a custom file property to store information in the MS Project file. For example:
Sub StorePath(newPath As String)
Dim test As String
test = GetPath()
If Len(test) = 0 Then
ActiveProject.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="UserPath", LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:=newPath
ActiveProject.CustomDocumentProperties("UserPath") = newPath
End If
End Sub
Function GetPath() As String
On Error Resume Next
GetPath = ActiveProject.CustomDocumentProperties("UserPath")
End Function
The information will be stored in the file itself, different files can have different paths stored, and if opened on another computer, the path is still available.
To save a single value on a user's computer, regardless of which file is opened, use SaveSetting and GetSetting, as mentioned by Sam in the comments above. These are not stored with the file and would not be visible on other computers.

A project's task 0 (the project summary task) is rarely used, so its notes field can be a good place to store long data. Unlike ActiveProject.CustomDocumentProperties, task 0's notes isn't constrained by a 255 character limit.
Accessing task 0's notes is a little tricky. On any other task, you'd use
ActiveProject.Tasks(someTaskID).Notes = "really long strings"
'where someTaskID is an integer variable
but task 0's notes are accessed by
ActiveProject.Comments = "really long strings"

Further to Rachel's answer and in response to Jerred S.' comment, It is easy to overcome the 255 char limit of CustomDocumentProperties and to store War and Peace in there. Write a function such as function storeMyCDPstring(CDPNames as string, CDPVal as string). It will need to chop CDPVal into not-to-exceed 255 character packets and store these as indexed CustomDocumentProperties. Example, you want to store a 1000 char string in CustomDocumentProperty named "MyCDP". You adopt an arbitary naming convention - CDPs will be indexed by "#~#-n":
chars 1 to 255 will be stored as CustomDocumentProperty "myCDP#~#-1",
chars 256 to 510 will be stored as CustomDocumentProperty "myCDP#~#-2",
chars 511 to 765 will be stored as CustomDocumentProperty "myCDP#~#-3",
chars 766 to 1000 will be stored as CustomDocumentProperty "myCDP#~#-4"
You will need to write a function such as function getMyCDPstring(CDPNames as string) which must retrieve, concatenate and return all the substrings. You need also a managed delMyCDP function that will delete all the packets.


how to use environ function to avoid other from using my Access DB

I manage an Access DB (accdb) and it contains some information about my company that I don´t want others to access it out of my company´s server.
I thought to use Environ (5)=computername or Environ (12)=path to retrieve some references such as LEN(environ(path)). With this function, I could, for instance, make sure that the accdb file only works if LEN(environ(path))/2+15=55 (the lenght at my company´s server divided by 2 plus 15 = 80/2+15=55 = algorhytm).
So, on opening the db, it should prompt for a number/code. If the user inserts 55 and the filepath = 80, it will open. If filepath=100 (filepath out of my company´s server), must be prompted 100/2+15=65 to open the db.
Unfortunelly, I don't know how to programe it neither I know how to block the use of SHIFT (that breakes the VBA code on opening) because I'm a rookie.
So, if you please, can you help me to solve these huge problems (1. algorhytm using Environ, 2. avoid using SHIFT on opening).
Thanks in advance.
Add this code to your startup form. When the form opens it will check for the username and computername, and if both match the form will open.
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Not (Environ("username") = "santosh" And Environ("computername") = "ABC-CAP1-093") Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Avoid using shift key - I have already answered see this link

VBA Reading From a UCS-2 Little Endian Encoded Text File

I have a whole bunch of text files that are exported from Photoshop that I need to import into an Excel document. I wrote a macro to get the job done and it seemed to work just fine for my test document but when I tried loading in some of the actual files produced by Photoshop Excel started putting all the data in a separate column except for the first line.
My code that reads the text file:
Open currentDocPath For Input As stream
Do Until EOF(stream)
Input #stream, currentLine
columnContents = Split(currentLine, vbTab)
For n = 0 To UBound(columnContents)
ActiveSheet.Cells(row, Chr(64 + colum + n)).Value = columnContents(n)
Next n
row = row + 1
Close stream
The text files I am reading look like this, only with much more data:
"Name" "Data" "Info" "blah"
"Name1" "Data1" "Info1" "blah1"
"Name2" "Data2" "Info2" "blah2"
The problem seemed pretty trivial, but when I load it into excel, instaed of looking like it does above it looks like this:
ÿþ"Name" "Data" "Info" "blah"
Now I am not sure why this is happening. It seems like the first two characters in the first row are there because those bytes declare the text encoding. Somehow those characters keep the first row formatted correctly while the remaining rows lose their quotation marks and all get moved to new lines.
Could someone who understands UCS-2 Little Endian text encoding explain how I can work around this? When I convert the files to ASCII it works fine.
edit: Okay so I understand now that the encoding is UTF-16 (I don't know a whole lot about character encoding). My main issue is that it's formatting strangely and I don't understand why or how to fix it. Thanks!
As I mentioned in my comment, it appears the file you're trying to import is encoded in UTF-16.
In this vbaexpress.com article, someone suggested that the following should work:
Dim GetOpenFile As String
Dim MyData As String
Dim r As Long
GetOpenFile = Application.GetOpenFilename
r = 1
Open GetOpenFile For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, MyData
Cells(r, 1).Value = MyData
r = r + 1
Close #1
Obviously I can't test it myself, but maybe it'll help you.
Why not just tell excel to import the file. MS has probably put hundreds of thousands of person hours into that code. Record the importation to get easy code.
Remember Excel is a tool for non programmers to do programming things. Use it instead of trying to replace it.
These are the replacement file functions that you use for new code. Add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime.
Opens a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from, write to, or append to the file.
object.OpenTextFile(filename[, iomode[, create[, format]]])
Required. Object is always the name of a FileSystemObject.
Required. String expression that identifies the file to open.
Optional. Can be one of three constants: ForReading, ForWriting, or ForAppending.
Optional. Boolean value that indicates whether a new file can be created if the specified filename doesn't exist. The value is True if a new file is created, False if it isn't created. If omitted, a new file isn't created.
Optional. One of three Tristate values used to indicate the format of the opened file. If omitted, the file is opened as ASCII.
The format argument can have any of the following settings:
Constant Value Description
Opens the file using the system default.
Opens the file as Unicode.
Opens the file as ASCII.

How to search data in a txt file through Visual Basic

I have this txt file with the following information:
National_Insurence_Number;Name;Surname;Hours_Worked;Price_Per_Hour so:
eg.: aa-12-34-56-a;Peter;Smith;36;12
This data has been inputed to the txt file through a VB form which works totally fine, the problem comes when, on another form. This is what I expect it to do:
The user will input into a text box the employees NI Number.
The program will then search through the file that NI Number and, if found;
It will fill in the appropriate text boxes with its data.
(Then the program calculates tax and national insurance which i got working fine)
So basically the problem comes telling the program to search that NI number and introduce each ";" delimited field into its corresponding text box.
Thanks for all.
You just need to parse the file like a csv, you can use Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser to do this or you can use CSVHelper - https://github.com/JoshClose/CsvHelper
I've used csv helper in the past and it works great, it allows you to create a class with the structure of the records in your data file then imports the data into a list of these for searching.
You can look here for more info on TextFieldParser if you want to go that way -
Parse Delimited CSV in .NET
Dim afile As FileIO.TextFieldParser = New FileIO.TextFieldParser(FileName)
Dim CurrentRecord As String() ' this array will hold each line of data
afile.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
afile.Delimiters = New String() {";"}
afile.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = True
' parse the actual file
Do While Not afile.EndOfData
CurrentRecord = afile.ReadFields
Catch ex As FileIO.MalformedLineException
End Try
I'd recommend using CsvHelper though, the documentation is pretty good and working with objects is much easier opposed to the raw string data.
Once you have found the record you can then manually set the text of each text box on your form or use a bindingsource.

SPSS Script from version 15 to version 20 in BASIC

The below script is written in 'Winwrap basic' which is almost identical to VBA.
I would like this script to work on SPSS 20, the script works fine on SPSS15 (by changing the file extension from STT to TLO as that is what the tablelook file was back then).
However, whenever I run this script in SPSS 20 the wwb processor crashes with a generic error message 'WWBProcessor has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
The script is well commented, but the purpose of the script is to change the tablelook of every table in the output viewer window, by activating each table in turn and setting the table look to one specified by the user, rotating the inner column labels, closing the table and activating the next table.
The loop continues until every table has been set to the new tablelook and rotation.
Manually setting the rotation of a few hundred tables is arduous and very time consuming not to mention numbingly boring. This script used to perform this task in seconds back in version 15, but ever evolving needs and lack of support for the older version has meant that I've been forced to use the newer version.
I'd be grateful for any assistance.
Option Explicit
Sub Main
'This script changes all tabs to the same 'Tablelook' style. You will be prompted to choose the tablelook file.
'Old description
'This script assumes that objSpssApp ist the currently running
'SPSS-Application and assigns every existing Pivot Table
'in the Output Navigator a new TableLook which can be selected
'from a Dialog box. Hidden tables will also be affected.
'Originally Created by SPSS Germany. Author: Arnd Winter.
'This script is written in the BASIC revision 'WinWrap Basic' code copied from VB or other basic languages may have to be modified to function properly.
On Error GoTo Bye
' Variable Declaration
' For an undertermined reason scripts cannot be executed throught the Utilites -> Run scripts menu,
' Instead they must be opened like a syntax file and ran from the SPSS 19 Scripting page.
' Functionality on SPSS 20 is now completely gone, error message only reads 'WWB processor has encountered a problem and needs to close'.
Dim objOutputDoc As ISpssOutputDoc 'Declares the Output variable
Set objOutputDoc = objSpssApp.GetDesignatedOutputDoc 'Assigns currently active output to Output variable
Dim strAppPath As String
Dim objOutputItems As ISpssItems 'variable defining every item in the current output window
Dim objOutputItem As ISpssItem 'variable defining the current item
Dim objPivotTable As PivotTable
Dim intCount As Integer 'declare the variable that will store the number of instances
Dim varStrLook As String
Set objOutputItems=objOutputDoc.Items
Dim i As Integer 'for loops we need an INT variable that will be counted against the number of instances 'i' is standard notation
' Find out SPSS Directory
strAppPath = objSpssApp.GetSPSSPath
' Select TableLook
'The Parametres you must enter into the GetFilePath() function are as follows:
'(Optional)Firstly you enter the initial file name (if none is required use an asterisk * and the file extention, or *.*)
'(Optional)The second part is the file extention expected, you can choose multiple filetypes if you seperate them with a semi-colon ;
'(Optional)The third parametre is the directory where the file should be opened.(default - Current path)
'The fourth parametre is the Title of the prompt, which should be enclosed in speech marks.
'The Final parametre is the 'Option'
'0 Only allow the user to select a file that exists.
'1 Confirm creation when the user selects a file that does not exist.
'2 Allow the user to select any file whether it exists or not.
'3 Confirm overwrite when the user selects a file that exists.
'+4 Selecting a different directory changes the application's current directory.
'For more detailed information visit the WWB website.
' http://www.winwrap.com/web/basic/language/?p=doc_getfilepath__func.htm
varStrLook = GetFilePath$("*.stt","stt",strAppPath,"Select Tablelook and confirm with Save.",4)
' Tested re-applying the dollar sign, cofusingly removing or adding the Dollar sign ($)
' seems to have no effect.
' If user presses Cancel or selected a file with the wrong file type then exit script
If (Len(varStrLook)= 0) Or (Right(varStrLook,3)<>"stt") Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Loop which assigns a new TableLook to all existing Tables.
intCount = objOutputItems.Count 'Assigns the total number of output items to the count-marker
For i = 0 To intCount-1 'Start loop
Set objOutputItem=objOutputItems.GetItem(i) 'Get current item
If objOutputItem.SPSSType=SPSSPivot Then 'If the item is a pivot table then...
Set objPivotTable=objOutputItem.ActivateTable 'Activate the table for editing
objPivotTable.TableLook = varStrLook 'Apply the earlier selected table look.
objPivotTable.RotateColumnLabels=True 'Rotate collumn lables
objOutputItem.Deactivate 'Confirm changes and deactivate the table
End If
Next 'End loop
'Updated script from Version 15 ->
'Script now includes inner column label rotation
'Script has been modified and adapted to improve performance
'and to help people who wish to use/adapt the script
'in future endeavours.
End Sub
The first thing to try is to replace the activate/deactivate calls with
This is much more efficient and does not require the pivot table editor, but you can do all the things that you could do on an activated table.
If you don't have the current fixpack for V20, fixpack2, installing that would be a good idea, too.

VBA File Dialog .FileName removing .1 from end of file name

I am using visual basic to write a Macro for Autodesk Inventor. I created a macro that calls a file dialog, see code below. Everything works fine except when a user puts a file name in with a period and a number greater than zero following it.
For example, if a user puts testfile.test in the box and hits ok. When I ask for what they put in there using .FileName, I get "testfile.test". Just like I should.
However, if the user puts testfile.1 or testfile.10 or testfile.1mdksj or anything as long as a number greater than zero directly follows the period I get back "testfile". For some reason, everything after the period and the period gets removed.
What is the reason for this? Is this a bug in visual basic or am I doing something wrong?
'Set up the file dialog
Dim oFileDlg As FileDialog
' Create a new FileDialog object.
Call ThisApplication.CreateFileDialog(oFileDlg)
'Define the filter to select part and assembly files or any file.
oFileDlg.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*"
'Define the part and assembly files filter to be the default filter.
oFileDlg.FilterIndex = 1
'Set the title for the dialog.
oFileDlg.DialogTitle = "Save File As"
'Tell the dialog box to throw up and error when cancel is hit by user
oFileDlg.CancelError = True
'Show the file dialog
On Error Resume Next
'save the user specified file
Dim newFileName As String
newFileName = oFileDlg.FileName
I ended up doing the following "hack" to make things still work while dealing with a period:
oFileDlg.fileName = sFname & "."
fullName = Left$(oFileDlg.fileName, Len(oFileDlg.fileName) - 1)
That worked fine for quite a while on Windows 7 and then Windows 10. Unfortunately, the Windows 10 Creative update seems to have changed how the file dialog works. With the above code, fullName would come back blank if there were no periods in the name and would truncate everything from the FIRST period from the left if there was a period in the name.
I'm not really sure what changed in Windows 10, but it pretty much destroyed my hack. Windows 7 still works fine and Windows 10 before the creative update works. I ended up doing the following to make everything work again in the version of Windows I mentioned above.
oFileDlg.fileName = sFname & ".00"
fullName = Left$(oFileDlg.fileName, Len(oFileDlg.fileName) - 3)
This is a VB property, but it may extend to VBA as well. Have you tried setting the save settings to support multidotted extensions? Try something like this:
SupportMultiDottedExtensions = True
This setting is intended permit the use dotted extensions - meaning the use of periods in the file name. See this MSDN reference for documentation and information: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.filedialog.supportmultidottedextensions.aspx#Y129
This SO article may also shed further light: SaveAs Dialog with a period in the filename does not return extension
After checking the autodesk documentation - a difficult and unpleasant task, in my opinion - there does indeed appear to be no support for MultidottedExtensions. I did, however, find a function on VBAExpress that I have very closely adapted. The function can be used to filter strings with contain unacceptable characters. Jimmy Pena's blog has an excellent function for just such a purpose: http://www.jpsoftwaretech.com/excel-vba/validate-filenames/. I have only substantively added a period and a replace to the code:
'A function for filtering strings, with a focus on filenames.
Function FilterFileNameString(stringToScrub As String) As String
'Filters a filename string - or any string for that matter.
Dim FilteredString As String
'A highly nested replace function.
FilteredString = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(stringToScrub, ".","|", ""), ">", ""), "<", ""), Chr(34), ""), "?", ""), "*", ""), ":", ""), "/", ""), "\", "")
'Returns filtered string.
FilterFileNameString = FilteredString
End Function
Jimmy Pena's blog also contains a recursive version as well, although he does not recommend it.
You can filter any strings to be used as filenames with another character - a space in this case. You could use an underscore, however, or any other character you deemed pleasant.
In general, if you are trying to use periods for versioning or a similar purpose, and inventor will not let you, I would strongly advise going to another character or set of characters that can provide such an indication, such an underscore "_", a numbering system, "001", "002", a lettering system, "AAA", "AAB", or whatever makes sense for your focus.
If you are just making the application user-friendly, I would suggest filtering the strings entered before saving them in the desired filetype, and separate the filtering of the strings from the save dialog if the period filtering gives you grief. It may add an extra step, but it may be the best and easiest way to filter out pesky invalid characters without creating unnecessary extra hassles for your users.