Alt+Shift+O does not list all files in netbeans. - netbeans-8

Alt+Shift+O does not list all files in netbeans IDE.
I have deleted all projects and then recreate project. and
reset windows but listed only few files in dropdown.

my issue is fixed by
**Step 1** -> clearing cache
For windows: **%LOCALAPPDATA%\NetBeans\Cache**
**Step 2** Then restart netbeans
**Step 3** Create new Project
Reference link click here


Intellij Idea Can't add Selenium sources.jar file

I started to learn Selenium.
After creating the project I tried to add some jar files.
As you see all required jars were added. But
looks like Empty Project. Why this is happening?
Probably this happening because ...source.jar file has a multiple files.
Click Libraries from Project Settings
+and add this .jar file here first.
When you added turn back to Modules
After these steps "Empty library" error is gone.

Intellij IDEA - JavaFX packager : access denied

I'm trying to generate an artifact of my JavaFX application using Intellij but for some reason I always end up having JavaFX packager throwing an access denied error on my output directory.
Generating a simple jar works fine though.
I'm using it on Windows 8.1 with Java 8.
I had the same problem. I kind of solved it:
by ticking the "Build on make" box in the Project Structur Dialog
starting a Run of my Java App in Intellij Idea
Now the executable jar magically appeared in my build folder. God knows why.
I had this problem and solved it by deleting the Artifact from IntellIJ, then deleting the "out/artifact" previously created folder where it tried to build my jar and finally re created an artifact from scratch. For no specific reason it now worked.
I have encountered the same problem recently. I checked the permissions of the directory and can read and write. Later I deleted the artifact and re-created a new one to solve the problem. I hope to help people who have encountered this problem.
I had this problem. I ran into it because When I added artifact with + button in Project Settings->Artifacts, I selected JAR artifact , and change JAR to JavaFx Application from type drop down box on right side pane. Later, I removed this artifact and pressed + button, then selected JavaFx Application from drop down list, then it was builded successfully. My JDK version is 8.
When I call JavaVXPacker from the command line I get the following:
C:\Users\Ingo>javafxpackager -help
javafxpackager.exe has been renamed javapackager.exe.
The original file may be removed in a future release in lieu of javapackager.
Please update your scripts.
So I guess IntelliJ has to update it's script to re-enable the feature???
(using Windows 10 and JDK Liberica 15+36)
Go to File > Project Structure
Click on Artifacts on the left panel.
Thereafter click on the plus icon to add a Jar From modules with dependenciesโ€ฆ
A pop-up will be shown and there you would have to select for the startup class of your project.
Click on OK twice to save the changes.
Lastly go to Build > Build Artifacts... And select build action.
Now your jar will be generated in the out folder of your project.
For a more details guide, please refer to this post

Invalid JDK configuration found, while importing a project via Gradle

I have installed IntelliJ and I need to import a Gradle project.
I have build the gradle project using command prompt with the gradlew build command.
At the IntelliJ welcome page, I have proceeded with proper instructions, and when I choose "Finish". I get the following error:
Invalid Gradle JDK configuration found. Open Gradle Settings JAVA_HOME ennvironment variable not set.
When I click on "Open Gradle Settings" it pop up with error of Not found with a path under IntelliJ directory in Program files and searching in jre/jre/bin/....etc.
Deleting .gradle and .idea will likely solve the problem.
Close the project
Go to the project dir and delete .gradle and .idea
Get back and re-open the project using the IDE
These two must be generated locally on your PC (Some content of .idea might be version controlled though) and not pulled from a remote or somewhere else (Also they should be in .gitignore).
In my case the reason was that these two folders were generated on another computer and I had opened a project with these two folders existing before.
Just found the solution :
Create an empty Gradle project, then go to "Project Structure" and check the path to JDK (it should be valid, if it isn't you can add your own path).
Then build this empty project, wait and once done, close IntelliJ.
Relaunch it and try to import/open your Gradle project, now it should work.
You don't need to create a new project to fix this. You can do it from the main window (Configure -> Project Defaults -> Project Structure):
Then, on SDKs, set the appropriate JDK home path:
If you are on a Mac, click on the button with 3 dots and select the folder /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_141.jdk/Contents/Home.
I've found this here:
Mac OS X Solution:
I had the same issue and fixed it by setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable using the command:
launchctl setenv JAVA_HOME /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/
Refer to this answer on how to set environment variables in Mac OS X:
Setting environment variables in OS X?
Close the project
Go to the project dir and delete
Get back and re-open the project using the IDE
I recently had the same problem while importing a Gradle project. The trick was the remove the quotes from the JAVA_HOME variable. So instead of "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_66" my path now contains only the plain path C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_66.
To add to the previous responses, if you want to prevent this problem when cloning a repository in Git, you can simply remove .idea/misc.xml from your .gitignore file. This contains information about the project jar. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel="JDK_10" default="false" project-jdk-name="1.8" project-jdk-type="JavaSDK" />
For my case, I just restart the IDE and it works. It automatically download Gradle to suit the project version.
I had the same problem on the fresh installed Windows OS.
I did not have a JDK at all and forgot to check it invalid JDK configuration .
By default, you can check the Project configuration. If it is empty NO_SDK_ProjectStructure try to download JDK from Oracle web site and configure your project structure
I have faced same problem for tomcat 9 with my project based on Gradle.
You can easily rectify the problem by configuring the file with the following code.
location - src/main/resources/
server.port = 9090 admin password
My issue was not addressed by the above solution, instead root cause was that I've imported settings from my old system and internal Intellij configuration was invalid because first jdk that it had in the list in jdk.table.xml pointed to a wrong path.
To fix this you should find this file in the intellij config folder and then simply open it with an editor and remove whole block related to the bad jdk version.
Close the project you are working on and then create another new project and build it and then close it and go back to your old project and it will work.
Comment this code on, the Issue was gone.
I was getting:
Invalid JDK: /home/sz97/idea-IC-223.7571.182/jbr/bin/jlink is not a file!
Ensure JAVA_HOME or buildSettings.javaHome is set to JDK 15 or newer
As mentioned by Mahdi-Malv, delete .gradle & .idea folders from the project directory.
Then delete other SDKs from File > Project Structure > Platform Settings > SDKs keeping the only required one.
Finally change the SDK version from Project Structure > Project Settings > Project.
This may solve the problem.

Beginner cucumber query-How to create a feature file after installing cucumber eclipse plugin

After installing cucumber eclipse plugin from the link, I have restarted eclipse and have been trying to create a cucumber feature file .
I am trying to create my first feature. But when I select File - New - Project or File - New - Other, I cannot see cucumber feature listed so that I can select and create a feature file.
Please help me with the steps to create a cucumber feature file in eclipse.
I don't use that plugin, but a feature file is just a text file, why don't you create one of those?
Install latest version of Eclipse in which "Install New Software" (Help->Install New Software..) option is available. In that do the following steps:
Help->Install New Software..
Install window will open, in that window click Add button
Add Repository window will open, in that type the following
Name : Cucumber
Location :
Click OK
After restarting the eclipse you can create feature files.

How to open and edit multiple projects in the same window?

I build in maven multiple projects (let's name them A,B,C). Project A uses .jar of project B which uses .jar of project C.
I am modifying the code of all A/B/C projects, (A is MVC app, B are business services and C is some shared layer).
The thing is, in Eclipse/NetBeans I can see all of them at once and it's comfortable to modify them. In IDEA though, I have to open 3 instances (or n instances) of IntelliJ IDEA.
Am I missing something? Is there better approach when using IntelliJ? This is the biggest downside of IntelliJ for me atm.
I think this has improved with recent versions of IntelliJ. In my current version (12.0.2), you can add any number of separate Maven projects to the same "workspace".
The simplest way I've found to do this is to click the little + icon in the "Maven Projects" window (View > Tool Windows > Maven Projects) and then select the additional pom file you want to import.
Step 1: open "Maven Projects"
Step 2: select the project you want to import:
Having all the related projects in the same root directory
can be helpful.
1) First you create a new Empty project
2) Then you select the root directory of all your projects.
This will create a empty project, with a .idea directory that will simply remember the module organisation we are about to do in the next step
3) Then, in the next window, you import the different projects as modules
4) In the next window, to import each project, simply double click on the build.gradle, or pom.xml
The project will be imported as a new module.
5) Done, you now have all your projects as modules, opened on the same IntelliJ project
Yes, your intuition was good. You shouldn't use three instances of intellij. You can open one Project and add other 'parts' of application as Modules. Add them via project browser, default hotkey is alt+1
In IntelliJ 14.1.2, I did it like following:
Select File->Project Structure->Modules.
Select + and Import Module and select the directory of your project(or directory where pom exists) and click OK.
Follow through the next flow of screens and after you click Finish, you should see the project alongside your existing one.
None of the solutions worked for me, since I am not working on Maven projects. There is a simpler solution. Go to:
File->Project Structure->Modules.
Instead of adding module, simply click the third option (copy). Browse your local directory and select the project you would like to add. Module name will resolve automatically. That's it.
Update: When you want to reopen to project with multiple sub-projects, in order to avoid re-doing steps as described above, just go to
File->Open Recent->'Your Big Project'.
Since macOS Big Sur and IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.2 you can use "open projects in tabs on macOS Big Sur" feature. To use it, you have to enable this feature in your system settings:
System Preferences -> General -> Prefer tabs [always] when opening documents
After this step, when you will try to open second project in IntelliJ, choose New Window (yes, New Window, not This Window).
It should result with opening new project in same window, but in the new card:
To expand #Neo answer:
after choosing your directory. select import module from external model and choose your model (maven in this case).
Then check keep project files option from next dialog. It will keep all files in original directory.
Your final project structure would be something like this.
Now you can add your module as dependency to other module's pom.xml and if you change the source code of your dependencies, Intellij takes care of updating your project (there is no need to run mvn build manually for dependencies)
new empty project
File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources
For who uses Gradle can also avail the same:
Go to:
1. View --> Tool Windows --> Gradle
2. Click on the + button and add your build.gradle file
Open preference -> appearance & behaviour -> System settings -> select (open project in new window) then apply.
Then you could open and edit multiple projects.
You can use Armory plugin which makes switching between projects comfortable. The default shortcut for Project List is Alt + A.
By default currently opened projects are displayed at the top of this list (with bold style).
Use the button for the add maven projects and go inside the folder of the project. Then, select the pom.xml file and add them in the IntelliJ.
Press "F4" on windows which will open up "Project Structure" and then click "+" icon or "Alt + Insert" to select a new project to be imported; then click OK button...
To Intellij IDEA 2019.2, F4 + click on module, click to + for add any project from your HDD, above this menu yo can edit the IDE with you create the project and more options, very easy
For people not using maven to build and wanting to add a new project (I am using intellij 14.1.3):
Right click the top level folder in the project view, select new ->
Name the module the same name as the project to be added
From the top menu select File->New->Project. Enter the same name as
the new module, same folder locations as well.
Open the Project, and wait for intellij to create the project
Close this new project, and open the original project the module was
added to in step 2
Depending on your builder, additional steps will be needed to add it to the build process.
For SBT, and in the top level project I modified the Build.scala file to aggregate the new project, and added the project in the SBT projects window. More info on SBT multiproject builds:
"IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.1 (Community Edition)" you have to navigate
To Add Exiting Module to same window navigate "File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources" then it will allow you to select pom.xml and then click "Create" button next window then project will be added to your current workspace.
Note :: Who ever switches from Eclipse to Intellij this is the first problem
Assuming they are under the same folder, click File-Open File or Project-<parent folder>.
you can use import module option which will open it just like eclipse in the same navigator.
For IntelliJ Idea 2021.3.3 users, The below solution didn't work for me, although I was selecting my project main folder, I've gotten only the main and test folders imported!
Peoject Structure => Modules => Import module
The solution is:
view => tool Windows => Maven => click the + icon => add the project POM.xml file
I am new to maven and did not understand how I could work with local maven project added through Viktor Nordling's answer and still have a proper dependency in pom.xml file. The answer is simple: intellij first looks at your locally added module and if it doesn't find one it goes to get the project remotely. You can check this by looking at "external libraries" under your project browser when you add or remove maven module.
Hope this helps anyone.
As of release 2019.2, this is as easy as File->Attach Project.
After importing project into IntelliJ, Go to pom.xml of each module -> right click -> Click on Add as Moven Project. It will add the module as Moven project, do this for all the modules in the Project. Refer this