Fabric Crashlytics for Unity : how can i get line num in Stacktrace with c# on Android? - crashlytics

I am using Fabric Crashlytics for Unity, now i get the Stacktrace for c#, but i cannot get the line number.
Unity version:5.5.1p4
Fabric Crashlytics version:1.2.5
Android Configuration of Scripting Backend is IL2CPP.
This is the Stacktrace :
Please help me.

Mike from Fabric here. Currently, our Unity exception reporting does not include line numbers.

You can get Line Numbers in C# Exceptions with IL2CPP when using Sentry to capture errors and crashes. Works on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS and Linux builds.


Fabric issue App not showing after following instruction

I have carefully followed the instruction from fabric (https://fabric.io/kits/ios/crashlytics/manual-install) to install crashlytics in my app. However I cannot select my app after the instruction since my app is not showing. I have tried most of the solution that has been given in this question here (Crashlytics in iOS won't proceed past "Build Your Project" in Fabric app)
But I still failed to get my app in fabric.
I am using react native to develop my app and using Xcode Version 10.2.1
Fabric/Firebaser here - If you've gone through all the necessary instructions, try cleaning your project first before building and running again to try to get your app up on your dashboard. And if you haven't seen it, here are some instructions specifically for setting up react native apps with Crashlytics: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-fabric#crashlytics-usage). And make sure that if you haven't, set the Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM file for both debug and release as specified in that SO post you linked.
You can also see more debug information about Fabric if you set Fabric to debug mode in your initialization statement: https://docs.fabric.io/apple/fabric/advanced-settings/debugging.html. Check to see if the settings requests are being made to Fabric or if there is anything unusual.
If you're still having trouble, reach out to support(at)fabric(dot)io with your app's bundle ID and support will be able to help you out more.

How to integrate Crashlytics with Sentry?

Can you help us please with these great tools integration.
Our React Native iOS project has been using Crashlytics for several months and it works well in case of native crashes but in case of JS exceptions it required some customization of react-native logging (this Medium articles helped a lot to reach as verbose JS output as possible). In the end we didn't have as good JS errors output as we would like to have.
So we decided to integrate Sentry as well.
It was done successfully, but it seems that Sentry outpaces Crashlytics catching crashes before it: we can see crashes in Sentry dashboard but no in Crashlytics' one.
My question is the next: is it possible to integrate both Crashlytics and Sentry for both case - native crashes AND JS exceptions?
Thank you in advance.
UPD 06.03.2019
Finally, we've come to the usage of only Sentry because of the next reasons:
first of all, it doesn't require any special code for the JS events & errors well-formated output, whereas Crashlytics does;
second, it doesn't require any manipulation with dSym files released (and probably encrypted) via Testflight;
third, it also catches native crashes and provides a verbose output as well.
Sentry has support to React Native which includes the JS and Native errors (both iOS and Android).
I'm totally biased as I work for Sentry but it seems to me, based on your requirements and the two options you listed, Sentry is the one which has the support you need.
Mike from Fabric here. On iOS, only one uncaught exception handler can be safely installed and there will be conflicts, like you're seeing if multiple handlers are installed.

Can I use Crashlytics only for C++ crash reporting?

I have an app with Java and C++ code. Is it possible for me to only use Crashlytics to catch C++ crashes and not Java crashes? I tried using
Fabric.with(this, new CrashlyticsNdk());
but that gives me an error about Crashlytics needing to be initialized.
Edit: I don't mind using Crashlytics for Java crashes, but management is hard to convince. As far as they're concerned, our existing crash reporting solution works for Java crashes (but it doesn't work too well for native crashes) so the 'ideal' solution is to use Crashlytics only for C++ crashes.
Mike from Firebase here. No, the NDK SDK needs to have Crashlytics present in order to report everything correctly.

Appcelerator Titanium does not run with sample application KitchenSink

I've installed Appcelerator Titanium Studio on a PC and I was not able to run the android simulator on it, so I was saying to myself "it should work on Mac at least"... and I installed a new Mac with Titanium on it, downloaded the SDK, then I imported the Kitchen Sink example and configured the run configuration with the default settings... and I'm getting exactly the same problem which is an infinite loop with the 'audio_flinged died' problem! So the best I can do is to view the Android simulator with the black window and "Android..." written on it.
What can I do to finally launch that example that is supposed to run? The best I did with my Windows 7 setup was to get the screen of an android cellphone WITHOUT any app on it (default apps), so it's pretty unuseful.
I'd really like to see what Titanium is capable to do.
The Mac ends (after a few mins) with "Launching New_configuration" has encountered a problem. Session initialization failed. "Session initialization failed Failed to get version"
The problem of the infinite loop with "AudioFlinger" still persist in the two cases (PC/Mac).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I helped someone with a similar question. He was getting a error which you don't seem to be but my answer walked him through checking the configuration was ok etc.
might help you:
Error running Android emulator from Titanium Studio

detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone

Im using x-code 3.2.4 and I'm using the ios4.1 sdk.
I'm getting the following error when I try to call "ExtAudioFileOpenURL" from the audio toolbox.
Detected an attempt to call a symbol
in system libraries that is not
present on the iPhone:
_Unwind_Resume called from function _ZN15ID3ParserHandleC2EPvPFlS0_mmmPS0_PmE
in image AudioToolbox.
Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
In addition when running on a 4.1 device I get this error "error: 805297555"
What the hell?
The exact line of code causing the problem is this.
// Open an audio file and associate it with the extended audio file object.
OSStatus result= ExtAudioFileOpenURL (sourceURLArray[audioFile], &audioFileObject);
It's straight out of a sample code project. That sample code project runs fine.
I don't understand why if I start a new project with the same code I get errors.
This means that ExtAudioFileOpenURL is an unsupported API on the iPhone. ExtAudioFileOpenURL probably makes use of some exception handling API that is not available on the iPhone, which is why you are seing this sympton of the underlying error.
What I had to do in the end was completely uninstall the developer tools from my machine.
Then download the latest versions of xcode & ios SDK.
Everything works ok now.
Sadly I still don't exactly know what the problem was but at least things are running.