Is there a way to convert a trait reference to an object of another unconnected type? [duplicate] - dynamic

This question already has answers here:
How to get a reference to a concrete type from a trait object?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a collection of interfaces that are loaded dynamically from shared libraries. I want to be able to convert those downcasted interfaces to their original type (trait).
struct A {}
fn abstract_a<'l>() -> &'l Any { return &A{} }
trait TargetTrait { fn some_method(); }
impl TargetTrait for A { fn some_method() { println!("HELLO"); } }
fn main() {
let x: &Any = abstract_a();
let y: &TargetTrait = magic_conversion<&TargetTrait> (x);
// question: does 'magic_conversion'(or 'dynamic_cast') exist? what is it?
While loading these is not a problem, I have no idea how to get target functionality with such interface. In other words:
/* simplified for readability */
// this part is known
let some_lib = loadlib("path/to/")
let some_interface: &Any = some_lib.loadfunc<&Any>("constructor_func")()
/* loader does not know what target type constructor has, so it presumes 'Any' */
// the problem:
let dependent_class = Some(class) = dynamic_cast<IGraphics>(some_interface)
In this example, dependent_class uses an extern interface and does not care about handling libloading and all of that complicated stuff.
If there is another way to achieve my goal, I would also be very happy to see it, but the only solution I came up with is 'dynamic_cast'

I think what you're looking for is downcast_ref::<A>:
let y: &TargetTrait = Any::downcast_ref::<A>(x).expect("Expected an A");
You have to specify the concrete type A. Any trait objects don't hold any information about what traits the underlying type implements, so you can't "cross-cast" from &Any to &TargetTrait directly; you have to know the underlying type.
The expect will panic if downcast_ref returns None; if that's not what you want, you have to decide what you want to happen when x is not an A and match against the result of downcast_ref instead.


str to object deserialisation lifetime related issue [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to fix lifetime error when function returns a serde Deserialize type?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 months ago.
struct S1<T>
pub data: T
impl<'a, T> S1<T> where T: Deserialize<'a> {
fn update() {
let str_json = String::new(); // let's assume read from file = serve_json::from_str(&str_json).unwrap();
this function will produce lifetime related issue due to incorrect specifier. What is the best way to overcome the problem?
Deserialize does not necessarily create a copy of the data in str_json. There might be large text sections in str_json that get referenced in the final T instead of being copied into it. That means, the lifetime of the final is identical to the one from str_json, as it might potentially borrow data from str_json. That is also the reason why you have to specify the lifetime 'a in the first place.
Now in your case, the problem is that gets stored in self, while str_json gets dropped at the end of update(). But might still reference data from str_json, so the compiler rightfully complains.
I think what you actually wanted to achieve is that the data from str_json gets copied into instead of just being referenced. For that behaviour, you have the wrong trait, and what you actually want is DeserializeOwned:
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
struct S1<T> {
pub data: T,
impl<T> S1<T>
T: DeserializeOwned,
fn update(&mut self) {
let str_json = String::new(); // let's assume read from file = serde_json::from_str(&str_json).unwrap();

How to use serde to serialize/deserialize a HashMap with enum keys that contain data? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Cant serialize when using enum as key in Hashmap
(2 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I need to serialize and deserialize a HashMap, h, with enum Foo as a key to and from JSON. Foo's variants contain data (here simplified to u32, but actually are enums themselves):
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use serde_json;
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum Foo {
// Tried several different things here! Just deriving the relevant traits doesn't work.
struct Bar {
h: HashMap<Foo, i32>, // The i32 value type is arbitrary
fn main() {
let mut bar = Bar { h: HashMap::new() };
bar.h.insert(Foo::A(0), 1);
// I want to be able to do this
let bar_string = serde_json::to_string(&bar).unwrap();
let bar_deser: Bar = serde_json::from_str(&bar_string).unwrap();
Since the JSON specification requires keys to be strings I know I need to customise the way serialization and deserialization are done for Foo when it is a key in h. I've tried the following:
Custom implementations of Serialize and Deserialize (e.g. in the accepted answer here)
Serde attributes e.g.: #[serde(into = "String", try_from = "String")] + implementing Into<String> for Foo and TryFrom<String> for Foo (described in the answers here)
Using the 'serde_with' crate (also described in the answers here).
Unfortunately none of these have worked - all eventually failed with different panics after compiling successfully.
What is a good way to achieve what I want in serde, if there is one? If not, I'd be very grateful for any workaround suggestions.
Bonus question: why doesn't serde/serde_json provide a default serialization to a String + deserialization of an enum like Foo when it is used as a key in a HashMap?
Here is a working solution with serde_as from the serde_with helper crate:
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json;
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum Foo {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Bar {
#[serde_as(as = "HashMap<serde_with::json::JsonString, _>")]
h: HashMap<Foo, i32>,
fn main() {
let mut bar = Bar { h: HashMap::new() };
bar.h.insert(Foo::A(0), 1);
let bar_string = serde_json::to_string(&bar).unwrap();
let bar_deser: Bar = serde_json::from_str(&bar_string).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", bar);
println!("{}", bar_string);
println!("{:?}", bar_deser);
Bar { h: {A(0): 1} }
Bar { h: {A(0): 1} }
Bonus question: why doesn't serde/serde_json provide a default serialization to a String + deserialization of an enum like Foo when it is used as a key in a HashMap?
If you noticed, most of those problems become runtime errors.
That is because serde actually does have a representation of a map that works with all Rust values. So serde itself has no power over this problem.
The problem comes when serde_json tries to feed the map into a json Serializer. And yes, this serializer could indeed convert any key into a JSON string and back if that was implemented.
I think it's more of a design decision why this isn't done. If JSON only supports string keys, so should the JSON serializer. If the user wants to use other types as keys, he should convert them to strings first as seen in the code example above.

Is there a Rust equivalent to `dynamic` in C#?

Can the following C# code be translated to Rust?
dynamic x = 109;
x = "Hi";
I'm asking for a general dynamic type to allow creating an array of dynamic values. For example:
var l = new dynamic[2];
l[0] = 102;
l[1] = "Hi";
One option is to use a vector of Any (link to beta because the stable docs is not showing the methods defined for Any, but they are stable):
use std::any::Any;
fn main() {
let mut v: Vec<Box<Any>> = vec![];
for item in &v {
// to do an operation, it is necessary to downcast to
// a concrete type
if let Some(x) = item.downcast_ref::<usize>() {
println!("num = {:?}", x)
Note that, contrary to dynamic in C#, that is assumed to support any operation, a value of type Any (Box<Any>) only support the operations defined in Any (Box<Any> and Any). A downcast is necessary to call any method of the concrete type.
I think that it is not possible to have a type like dynamic of C# in Rust. To support calling any method on a dynamic value, it is necessary to have (complete) runtime reflection support, and Rust does not provide it.
If you know the methods that will be called, then the best option is to define a trait and use Box<Trait> (Any is not necessary in this case).
Not directly. You can just create a new binding for x:
fn main() {
let x = 109;
let x = "Hi";
Depending on your use case, you might be able to use a generic bounded by a trait or a trait object to achieve similar goals:
use std::fmt::Display;
fn main() {
let mut x: Box<Display> = Box::new(109);
x = Box::new("Hi");
However, the C# docs state:
At compile time, an element that is typed as dynamic is assumed to support any operation.
This is not true for a trait object; a trait object only can be used for the explicit methods in the trait. I have not found this to be a significant hurdle in the code I have written. Generally, there's a fixed number of methods that I want to call so it's possible to map those to a trait. In other cases, I can provide a generic type to allow the user to specify a type that fits their case.

Providing an implementation when both trait and type are not in this crate [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I implement a trait I don't own for a type I don't own?
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I want to provide an implementation of a trait ToHex (not defined by me, from serialize) for a primitive type u8:
impl ToHex for u8 {
fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
The problem is I get this compiler error:
error: cannot provide an extension implementation where both trait and type are not defined in this crate
I understand the reason of this error and its logic, this is because both the trait and the primitive type are external to my code. But how can I handle this situation and provide an ToHex implementation for u8? And more generally how do you handle this kind of issue, it seems to me that this problem must be common and it should be possible and easy to extend types like this?
You should use a newtype struct to do this:
pub struct U8(pub u8)
impl ToHex for U8 {
fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
let U8(x) = *self;
This does mean, however, that you should wrap u8 into U8 where you need to perform this conversion:
let x: u8 = 127u8
// println!("{}", x.to_hex()); // does not compile
println!("{}", U8(x).to_hex());
This is absolutely free in terms of performance.
I realize this is almost a year old, but the answer was never accepted and I think I've found an alternate solution, that I thought would be good to document here.
In order to extend the functionality of the u8 through traits, instead of trying to extend ToHex, why not create a new trait?
trait MyToHex {
fn to_hex(&self) -> String;
impl MyToHex for u8 {
fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
format!("{:x}", *self)
then used like so
fn main() {
println!("{}", (16).to_hex());
This has the advantage that you don't have to wrap every u8 variable with a new and superfluous data type.
The disadvantage is that you still can't use a u8 in a external function (i.e std library, or one you have no control over) that requires the ToHex trait (Vladimir Matveev's solution works in this case), but from OP it sounds like all you want to do is extend u8 only inside your code.

Constructors in Go

I have a struct and I would like it to be initialised with some sensible default values.
Typically, the thing to do here is to use a constructor but since go isn't really OOP in the traditional sense these aren't true objects and it has no constructors.
I have noticed the init method but that is at the package level. Is there something else similar that can be used at the struct level?
If not what is the accepted best practice for this type of thing in Go?
There are some equivalents of constructors for when the zero values can't make sensible default values or for when some parameter is necessary for the struct initialization.
Supposing you have a struct like this :
type Thing struct {
Name string
Num int
then, if the zero values aren't fitting, you would typically construct an instance with a NewThing function returning a pointer :
func NewThing(someParameter string) *Thing {
p := new(Thing)
p.Name = someParameter
p.Num = 33 // <- a very sensible default value
return p
When your struct is simple enough, you can use this condensed construct :
func NewThing(someParameter string) *Thing {
return &Thing{someParameter, 33}
If you don't want to return a pointer, then a practice is to call the function makeThing instead of NewThing :
func makeThing(name string) Thing {
return Thing{name, 33}
Reference : Allocation with new in Effective Go.
There are actually two accepted best practices:
Make the zero value of your struct a sensible default. (While this looks strange to most people coming from "traditional" oop it often works and is really convenient).
Provide a function func New() YourTyp or if you have several such types in your package functions func NewYourType1() YourType1 and so on.
Document if a zero value of your type is usable or not (in which case it has to be set up by one of the New... functions. (For the "traditionalist" oops: Someone who does not read the documentation won't be able to use your types properly, even if he cannot create objects in undefined states.)
Go has objects. Objects can have constructors (although not automatic constructors). And finally, Go is an OOP language (data types have methods attached, but admittedly there are endless definitions of what OOP is.)
Nevertheless, the accepted best practice is to write zero or more constructors for your types.
As #dystroy posted his answer before I finished this answer, let me just add an alternative version of his example constructor, which I would probably write instead as:
func NewThing(someParameter string) *Thing {
return &Thing{someParameter, 33} // <- 33: a very sensible default value
The reason I want to show you this version is that pretty often "inline" literals can be used instead of a "constructor" call.
a := NewThing("foo")
b := &Thing{"foo", 33}
Now *a == *b.
There are no default constructors in Go, but you can declare methods for any type. You could make it a habit to declare a method called "Init". Not sure if how this relates to best practices, but it helps keep names short without loosing clarity.
package main
import "fmt"
type Thing struct {
Name string
Num int
func (t *Thing) Init(name string, num int) {
t.Name = name
t.Num = num
func main() {
t := new(Thing)
t.Init("Hello", 5)
fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", t.Name, t.Num)
The result is:
Hello: 5
I like the explanation from this blog post:
The function New is a Go convention for packages that create a core type or different types for use by the application developer. Look at how New is defined and implemented in log.go, bufio.go and cypto.go:
// New creates a new Logger. The out variable sets the
// destination to which log data will be written.
// The prefix appears at the beginning of each generated log line.
// The flag argument defines the logging properties.
func New(out io.Writer, prefix string, flag int) * Logger {
return &Logger{out: out, prefix: prefix, flag: flag}
// NewReader returns a new Reader whose buffer has the default size.
func NewReader(rd io.Reader) * Reader {
return NewReaderSize(rd, defaultBufSize)
// New returns a new hash.Hash calculating the given hash function. New panics
// if the hash function is not linked into the binary.
func (h Hash) New() hash.Hash {
if h > 0 && h < maxHash {
f := hashes[h]
if f != nil {
return f()
panic("crypto: requested hash function is unavailable")
Since each package acts as a namespace, every package can have their own version of New. In bufio.go multiple types can be created, so there is no standalone New function. Here you will find functions like NewReader and NewWriter.
In Go, a constructor can be implemented using a function that returns a pointer to a modified structure.
type Colors struct {
R byte
G byte
B byte
// Constructor
func NewColors (r, g, b byte) *Colors {
return &Color{R:r, G:g, B:b}
For weak dependencies and better abstraction, the constructor does not return a pointer to a structure, but an interface that this structure implements.
type Painter interface {
paintMethod1() byte
paintMethod2(byte) byte
type Colors struct {
R byte
G byte
B byte
// Constructor return intreface
func NewColors(r, g, b byte) Painter {
return &Color{R: r, G: g, B: b}
func (c *Colors) paintMethod1() byte {
return c.R
func (c *Colors) paintMethod2(b byte) byte {
return c.B = b
another way is;
package person
type Person struct {
Name string
Old int
func New(name string, old int) *Person {
// set only specific field value with field key
return &Person{
Name: name,
If you want to force the factory function usage, name your struct (your class) with the first character in lowercase. Then, it won't be possible to instantiate directly the struct, the factory method will be required.
This visibility based on first character lower/upper case work also for struct field and for the function/method. If you don't want to allow external access, use lower case.
Golang is not OOP language in its official documents.
All fields of Golang struct has a determined value(not like c/c++), so constructor function is not so necessary as cpp.
If you need assign some fields some special values, use factory functions.
Golang's community suggest New.. pattern names.
I am new to go. I have a pattern taken from other languages, that have constructors. And will work in go.
Create an init method.
Make the init method an (object) once routine. It only runs the first time it is called (per object).
func (d *my_struct) Init (){
if !d.is_inited {
d.is_inited = true
d.value1 = 7
d.value2 = 6
Call init at the top of every method of this class.
This pattern is also useful, when you need late initialisation (constructor is too early).
Advantages: it hides all the complexity in the class, clients don't need to do anything.
Disadvantages: you must remember to call Init at the top of every method of the class.