I am looking for a way to return the type of bill rate with the highest reimbursement rate.
Of the three variables that I am searching against, I'd like to store the name of the variable returned to the table so that users can determine which billing type was used.
This code pulls the billing rates from the database.
CenterAllRate = DLookup("CenterBillRateAllVendors", "Centers", "CenterID = " & Chr(34) & CenterID & Chr(34))
CenterHospitalRate = DLookup("CenterBillRateHospitalOnly", "Centers", "CenterID = " & Chr(34) & CenterID & Chr(34))
VendorRate = DLookup("VendorReimbRate", "Vendors", "VendorID = " & Chr(34) & Me.Parent.VendorID & Chr(34))
ReimbursementRate = MaxOfList(CenterAllRate, CenterHospitalRate, VendorRate)
I am using this prebuilt function that I found online to find the highest reimbursement rate of the three options.
Function MaxOfList(ParamArray varValues()) As Variant
Dim i As Integer 'Loop controller.
Dim varMax As Variant 'Largest value found so far.
varMax = Null 'Initialize to null
For i = LBound(varValues) To UBound(varValues)
If IsNumeric(varValues(i)) Or IsDate(varValues(i)) Then
If varMax >= varValues(i) Then
'do nothing
varMax = varValues(i)
End If
End If
MaxOfList = varMax
End Function
How can I return either the name of the variable with the highest value, or give them aliases to use when creating the record?
Since you are a coding newbie, it's a good opportunity to dig a bit deeper. :)
I would create an object to wrap the Name and Rate properties and pass this to my function.
An example:
A simple Reimbursement Class:
Option Explicit
Private name_ As String
Private rate_ As Variant
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = name_
End Property
Public Property Let Name(Value As String)
name_ = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Rate() As Variant
Rate = rate_
End Property
Public Property Let Rate(Value As Variant)
rate_ = Value
End Property
Your method with a few minor changes:
Function MaxOfList(varValues As Variant) As Reimbursement
Dim i As Integer 'Loop controller.
Dim varMax As Reimbursement 'Largest value found so far.
Set varMax = New Reimbursement
For i = LBound(varValues) To UBound(varValues)
If IsNumeric(varValues(i).Rate) Or IsDate(varValues(i).Rate) Then
If varMax.Rate < varValues(i).Rate Then
With varMax
.Name = varValues(i).Name
.Rate = varValues(i).Rate
End With
End If
End If
Set MaxOfList = varMax
End Function
Lastly, to call and test it:
Sub T()
Dim centerAll As New Reimbursement
Dim centerHospital As New Reimbursement
Dim vendor As New Reimbursement
Dim maxReimbursement As New Reimbursement
With centerAll
.Name = "centerAll"
'.Rate = DLookup("CenterBillRateAllVendors", "Centers", "CenterID = " & Chr(34) & CenterID & Chr(34))
.Rate = 3
End With
With centerHospital
.Name = "centerHospital"
'.Rate = DLookup("CenterBillRateHospitalOnly", "Centers", "CenterID = " & Chr(34) & CenterID & Chr(34))
.Rate = 8
End With
With vendor
.Name = "vendor"
'.Rate = DLookup("VendorReimbRate", "Vendors", "VendorID = " & Chr(34) & Me.Parent.VendorID & Chr(34))
.Rate = 5
End With
Set maxReimbursement = MaxOfList(Array(centerAll, centerHospital, vendor))
Debug.Print maxReimbursement.Name, maxReimbursement.Rate
End Sub
'centerHospital 8
Welcome to SO.
I designed a poor solution that may work fork you, but it works under some specific conditions:
You must call always your function using same order as your example, this means you must invoke always typing MaxOfList(CenterAllRate, CenterHospitalRate, VendorRate)
My solution just stores in a variable the name of your variable used when you call your function. If you use it with another variables, it will not update. This means that, if your example, you invoke the function with other variables, like MaxOfList(AnotherAllRate, DifferentAllRate, ExampleRate) my solution won't return the right name. It just works with CenterAllRate, CenterHospitalRate, VendorRate
Ok, after this here is my poor solution. I declared a Public String var to store the name of the Highest of the list called HighestVar. This var updates every time you call function MaxofList
Option Explicit
Public HighestVar As String 'We declare the public Var to store name of max rate
Function MaxOfList(ParamArray varValues()) As Variant
Dim i As Integer 'Loop controller.
Dim varMax As Variant 'Largest value found so far.
HighestVar = "" 'We Reset the var
varMax = Null 'Initialize to null
For i = LBound(varValues) To UBound(varValues)
If IsNumeric(varValues(i)) Or IsDate(varValues(i)) Then
If varMax >= varValues(i) Then
'do nothing
varMax = varValues(i)
Select Case i 'We use select Case to store in HighestVar the name of highest rate
Case 0
HighestVar = "CenterAllRate"
Case 1
HighestVar = "CenterHospitalRate"
Case 2
HighestVar = "VendorRate"
End Select
End If
End If
MaxOfList = varMax
End Function
Every time you call function MaxofList then you'll have in var HighestVar the name of the highest rate. Just use it where you want it. For example:
CenterAllRate = DLookup("CenterBillRateAllVendors", "Centers", "CenterID = " & Chr(34) & CenterID & Chr(34))
CenterHospitalRate = DLookup("CenterBillRateHospitalOnly", "Centers", "CenterID = " & Chr(34) & CenterID & Chr(34))
VendorRate = DLookup("VendorReimbRate", "Vendors", "VendorID = " & Chr(34) & Me.Parent.VendorID & Chr(34))
ReimbursementRate = MaxOfList(CenterAllRate, CenterHospitalRate, VendorRate)
Msgbox HighestVar & " is the highest rate" 'We show in Msgbox highest rate
Hope this can help you. Let me know.
I'm trying to filter Outlook's Deleted Items folder then loop through all the items that fit the criteria.
I'm using late binding. There's a problem with the way I'm declaring.
Here are my variables
Public OutlApp As Object
Public OutlNameSpace As Object
Public OutlMail As Object
Public OutlAttach As Object
Public OutlFolder As Object
Public OutlItem As Object
Public OutlMailItem As Object
Public OutlSenderLogin As String
Public OutlSenderName As String
Public OutlSenderEMail As String
Public OutlDateReceived As String
Public OutlDateSent As String
Public OutlSubject As String
Public OutlMsgBody As String
Public OutlSubjectCriteria1 As String
Public OutlSubjectCriteria2 As String
Public OutlSubjectCriteria3 As String
Public OutlSubjectCriteria4 As String
Public OutlFilter As String
Public OutlStartDate As String
Public OutlEndDate As String
Public OutlSentBy As String
Public OutlSentBy2 As String
Public OutlSentBy3 As String
I get an error at "If TypeOf OutlFolder.Items(i) Is MailItem Then", the bolded part is highlighted.
The error is "User-defined Type Not Defined".
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Const OutlFolderInbox As Integer = 6
Const OutlFolderIDeletedItems As Integer = 3
Public Function OutlookDeletedItems()
CurPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\"
Dim i, CountOfItems As Long
Dim EmailContTD, EmailContNew As String
Set OutlApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.application")
Set OutlNameSpace = OutlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set OutlFolder = OutlNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(OutlFolderIDeletedItems)
Set OutlMail = GetObject(, "Outlook.MailItem")
OutlMyUTC = 7
OutlStartDate = Format(DateAdd("h", -OutlMyUTC, Date), "\'m/d/yyyy\") & " 12:00 AM'"
OutlSentBy = "hhh, fff" '
OutlSentBy2 = "fffff#service-now.com" '/
OutlSubjectCriteria1 = "blah *"
OutlSubjectCriteria2 = "blah"
OutlSubjectCriteria3 = "blah"
OutlFilter = "#SQL= ((urn:schemas:httpmail:sendername = '" & OutlSentBy & "' OR urn:schemas:httpmail:sendername = '" & OutlSentBy2 & "') And urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived >= " & OutlStartDate & _
") AND (urn:schemas:httpmail:subject = '" & OutlSubjectCriteria3 & "' OR urn:schemas:httpmail:subject = '" & OutlSubjectCriteria2 & "' OR urn:schemas:httpmail:subject Like '" & OutlSubjectCriteria1 & "') "
CountOfItems = OutlFolder.Items.Restrict(OutlFilter).Count
If CountOfItems = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
Set OutlMailItem = OutlFolder.Items.Restrict(OutlFilter)
With OutlItem
For i = CountOfItems To 1 Step -1
If TypeOf OutlFolder.Items(i) Is MailItem Then
Set OutlMailItem = OutlFolder.Items(i)
OutlDateReceived = OutlMailItem.ReceivedTime
OutlSubject = OutlMailItem.Subject
OutlMsgBody = OutlMailItem.Body
If OutlSubject Like OutlSubjectCriteria1 Then
EmailContTD = Replace(OutlMsgBody, Chr(34), "")
End If
If OutlSubject = OutlSubjectCriteria2 Then
EmailContNew = Replace(OutlMsgBody, Chr(34), "")
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO SNNew ( Contents ) SELECT """ & EmailContNew & """ AS Expr1 FROM DUAL;"
End If
If OutlSubject = OutlSubjectCriteria3 Then
For Each OutlAttach In OutlItem.Attachments
OutlAttach.SaveAsFile CurPath & "_Load\MyTickets.xlsx"
Next OutlAttach
End If
End If
EmailContTD = ""
EmailContNew = ""
End With
End Function
If TypeOf OutlFolder.Items(i) Is MailItem Then
The MailItem class isn't defined, the compiler isn't lying - you would need to reference the Outlook library (or otherwise define a MailItem class) for that code to compile.
You can use the TypeName function for late-bound type checks (note, it's less robust than the compile-time check):
If TypeName(OutlFolder.Items(i)) = "MailItem" Then
Make sure Option Explicit is at the top of every module, too: late binding (explicit or not) already makes a lot of typos blow things up at run-time (error 438; prefer early binding whenever possible, the compiler is then able to pick up problems much earlier). With this option on typos won't become on-the-fly Variant values that can produce weird unexpected bugs.
I have a sub which creates a recordset. A function is called with values from the recordset. The goal is to use multiple values from the recordset, however, there is a possibility that a recordset value is null, then the function call will result in an error: "Invalid use of Null". To handle this error, each time the recordset value is checked for null values, if it is null, it will be replaced with an empty string. However, the way I have programmed this feels very inefficient, even more when later on more than ten parameters should be checked. Is there a way to do this more efficiently?
I have skipped the last part off the code as this is not necessary to understand my question. I've replaced it with ......... If needed, I will edit and provide full code.
Sub CallFunctionWithArray()
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim arrValues(1 To 3) As Variant
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Open "provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & CurrentProject.Path & "\Northwind.mdb"
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM CustomersCopy", conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If Not (rst.EOF And rst.BOF) Then
Do Until rst.EOF = True
If IsNull(rst![CompanyName]) Then
arrValues(1) = ""
arrValues(1) = rst![CompanyName]
End If
If IsNull(rst![DateTest]) Then
arrValues(2) = ""
arrValues(2) = rst![DateTest]
End If
If IsNull(rst![INTTest]) Then
arrValues(3) = ""
arrValues(3) = rst![INTTest]
End If
Call ReturnValuesOfArray(arrValues(1), arrValues(2), arrValues(3))
End Sub
Function ReturnValuesOfArray(ByVal ValueOne As String, ByVal ValueTwo As String, ByVal ValueThree As String)
Debug.Print "Waarde variabele 1: " & ValueOne
Debug.Print "Waarde variabele 2: " & ValueTwo
Debug.Print "Waarde variabele 3: " & ValueThree
End Function
There is no problem with the code, it does what it's supposed to do. However, I will be passing many more parameters to the function when this is going to be really used.
You could loop through the fields of your Recordset instead of hard coding for every field. Using your code as a starting point, it could look something like this:
Private Sub Test()
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
If Not (rst.EOF And rst.BOF) Then
Do Until rst.EOF = True
For i = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1
If IsNull(rst.Fields(i).Value) Then
arrValues(i) = ""
arrValues(i) = rst.Fields(i).Value
End If
End If
End Sub
Incorporating the ideas presented by #HansUp and #Mathieu Guindon, the code is even shorter:
Private Sub Test()
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Do Until rst.EOF
For i = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1
arrValues(i + 1) = Nz(rst.Fields(i).Value, "")
End Sub
The rest of your code can be simplified, too, while allowing for any number of parameters:
Function ReturnValuesOfArray(ByVal Values As Variant)
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(Values) To UBound(Values)
Debug.Print "Waarde variabele " & i & ": " & Values(i)
End Function
The Nz Function does what I think you want.
arrValues(1) = Nz(rst![CompanyName], "")
arrValues(2) = Nz(rst![DateTest], "")
arrValues(3) = Nz(rst![INTTest], "")
So I get this error when trying to run my code "System.IndexOutOfRangeException: 'Index was outside the bounds of the array.'" I am not exactly sure what the issue is. The user should be able to enter 3 assignment grades and then see the averages
I marked the line where I get the error with 'THIS IS THE ERROR'
Public Class GradeBook
Dim grade(9, 2) As Integer 'Store 10 student grades on 3 tests'
Dim studentCount As Integer = 0 'Number of students entered'
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
GradeListBox.Items.Add(vbTab & vbTab & "Test 1" & vbTab & "Test 2" & vbTab & "Test 3" & vbTab & "Average")
End Sub
Private Sub SubmitButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SubmitButton.Click
grade(studentCount, 0) = Convert.ToInt32(Assignment1TextBox.Text)
grade(studentCount, 1) = Convert.ToInt32(Assignment2TextBox.Text)
grade(studentCount, 2) = Convert.ToInt32(Assignment3TextBox.Text)
Dim output As String = "Student " & studentCount & vbTab
For column = 0 To grade.GetUpperBound(1)
If LetterRadioButton.Checked = True Then
output &= vbTab & LetterGrade(grade(studentCount, column))
output &= vbTab & grade(studentCount, column)
End If
output &= vbTab & CalculateStudentAverage(studentCount)
studentCount += 1
AverageLabel.Text = CalculateClassAverage()
End Sub
Function LetterGrade(ByVal grade As Double) As String
Dim output As String = ""
Select Case grade
Case Is >= 90
output = "A"
Case Is >= 80
output = "B"
Case Is >= 70
output = "C"
Case Is >= 60
output = "D"
Case Is >= 50
output = "E"
End Select
Return output
End Function
Function CalculateStudentAverage(ByVal row As Integer) As String
Dim gradeTotal As Integer = 0
For column = 0 To grade.GetUpperBound(1)
gradeTotal += grade(row, column) 'THIS IS THE ERROR'
Dim studentAverage As String = String.Empty
If LetterRadioButton.Checked = True Then
studentAverage = LetterGrade(gradeTotal / (grade.GetUpperBound(1) + 1))
studentAverage = String.Format("{0:F}", (gradeTotal / grade.GetUpperBound(1) + 1))
End If
Return studentAverage
End Function
Function CalculateClassAverage() As String
Dim classTotal As Integer = 0
For row = 0 To studentCount - 1
For column = 0 To grade.GetUpperBound(1)
classTotal += grade(row, column)
Dim classAverage As String = String.Empty
If LetterRadioButton.Checked = True Then
classAverage = LetterGrade(classTotal / (studentCount * (grade.GetUpperBound(1) + 1)))
classAverage = String.Format("{0:F}", (classTotal / (studentCount * (grade.GetUpperBound(1) + 1))))
End If
Return classAverage
End Function
Sub displayBarChart()
GradeListBox.Items.Add(vbTab & vbTab & "Test 1" & vbTab & "Test 2" & vbTab & "Test 3" & vbTab & "Average")
For row = 0 To studentCount - 1
Dim output As String = "Student " & row & vbTab
For column = 0 To grade.GetUpperBound(1)
If LetterRadioButton.Checked = True Then
output &= vbTab & LetterGrade(grade(row, column))
output &= vbTab & (grade(row, column))
End If
output &= vbTab & CalculateStudentAverage(studentCount)
studentCount += 1
AverageLabel.Text = CalculateClassAverage()
If studentCount = grade.GetUpperBound(0) + 1 Then
InputGradeGroupBox.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
End Class
To be honest, I suspect you're going about it in a way not suited to OOP. Using arrays for multiple peices of data is prone to error and harder to maintain later.
Lets have a think about how you want to represent your data. You have a bunch of students. In a more complete example each student would have a name, personal details such as address, a list of the courses they're taking and for each course, a list of assignments and scores for each assignment which can also be represented as a grade.
So in essence you have a class called Student and the various bits of information are properties of that student.
Finally you have a list of these students
In your code, you simply have a student number and three assignment scores.
Your basic student class should have the properties of Number, Test1Score, Test2Score and Test3Score. You would also want to be able to get the grade from each score, the average of all the scores and the average of all the grades.
The code below defines the Student class with that information in mind
Friend Class Student
Public Property Number As Integer
Public Property Test1Score As Integer
Public Property Test2Score As Integer
Public Property Test3Score As Integer
Public Function Test1Grade() As String
Return LetterGrade(Test1Score)
End Function
Public Function Test2Grade() As String
Return LetterGrade(Test2Score)
End Function
Public Function Test3Grade() As String
Return LetterGrade(Test3Score)
End Function
Friend Shared Function LetterGrade(ByVal grade As Double) As String
Dim output As String = ""
Select Case grade
Case Is >= 90
output = "A"
Case Is >= 80
output = "B"
Case Is >= 70
output = "C"
Case Is >= 60
output = "D"
Case Is >= 50
output = "E"
Case Else
output = "F"
End Select
Return output
End Function
Friend Function AverageScore() As Double
Return (Test1Score + Test2Score + Test3Score) / 3
End Function
Friend Function AverageGrade() As String
Dim avgscore As Double = AverageScore()
Return LetterGrade(avgscore)
End Function
End Class
The function LetterGrade is Shared so that it can be used in your main form to calculate the average grade for the entire class.
OK Next think about how you want your program to work. You'll need a list of students, so at the beginning of your form class , you'll need this..
Public Class Form1
Private Students As New List(Of Student)
This way, instead of trying to keep track of your variable studentCount you can just use the .Count property of the List e.g Students.Count. You wont need to any adding to it as the Students list keeps track of it automatically.
Next, you'll want the function that calculates the average score/grade of the class..
Function CalculateClassAverage() As String
Dim classTotal As Integer = 0
For Each tmpStudent As Student In Students
With tmpStudent
classTotal += .Test1Score + .Test2Score + .Test3Score
End With
Dim classAverage As String = String.Empty
If LetterRadioButton.Checked = True Then
classAverage = Student.LetterGrade((classTotal / Students.Count) / 3)
classAverage = String.Format("{0:F}", (classTotal / (Students.Count)) / 3)
End If
Return classAverage
End Function
As you can see, there are a number of differences here because of the way your data is stored, but you should be able to follow it. One difference is the With statement, this allows you to save on typing. inside the With.. End With block, instead of typing tmpstudent.Test1Score etc, you can just type .Test1Score
The other thing of note is this line ..
classAverage = Student.LetterGrade( ... etc
You may think that there has been no declaration of a variable called Student. There IS a class, but not a variable. What this is actually doing is calling the LetterGrade function that is shared in the Student class definition.. Have a look at shared functions.
Next is the code to display the information in the ListBox. I haven't changed the name even though it is misleading btw.
Sub displayBarChart()
GradeListBox.Items.Add(vbTab & vbTab & "Test 1" & vbTab & "Test 2" & vbTab & "Test 3" & vbTab & "Average")
For Each tmpstudent As Student In Students
Dim output As String = "Student " & tmpstudent.Number & vbTab
With tmpstudent
If LetterRadioButton.Checked = True Then
output &= .Test1Grade & vbTab & .Test2Grade & vbTab & .Test3Grade & vbTab & .AverageGrade
output &= .Test1Score & vbTab & .Test2Score & vbTab & .Test3Score & vbTab & .AverageScore
End If
End With
AverageLabel.Text = CalculateClassAverage()
If Students.Count = 10 Then
InputGradeGroupBox.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
More use of the With..End With statements again, but the rest should be straighforward to follow.
A little extra bit of code.. When you click on the LetterRadioButton, the data in the listBox and ClassAveragelabel are refreshed with the appropriate letters/grades
Private Sub LetterRadioButton_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LetterRadioButton.CheckedChanged
AverageLabel.Text = CalculateClassAverage()
End Sub
Finally, to bring it all together, you have the code for the button click..
Private Sub SubmitButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SubmitButton.Click
Dim tmpStudent As New Student With {.Number = Students.Count + 1,
.Test1Score = Convert.ToDouble(Assignment1TextBox.Text),
.Test2Score = Convert.ToDouble(Assignment2TextBox.Text),
.Test3Score = Convert.ToDouble(Assignment3TextBox.Text)}
Dim output As String = "Student " & tmpStudent.Number & vbTab
With tmpStudent
If LetterRadioButton.Checked = True Then
output &= vbTab & .Test1Grade & vbTab & .Test2Grade & vbTab & .Test3Grade
output &= vbTab & .Test1Score & vbTab & .Test2Score & vbTab & .Test3Score
End If
End With
If LetterRadioButton.Checked Then
output &= vbTab & tmpStudent.AverageGrade
output &= vbTab & tmpStudent.AverageScore
End If
AverageLabel.Text = CalculateClassAverage()
End Sub
Hopefully in addition to my comment to your question, this provides a slightly better insight of OOP.
Greetings to the well of knowledge...
I've been reading the numerous posts on this particular error and have not found anything that resolves my particular issue.
I have some VBA code within an Access 2010 front-end. Sometimes, but not always, I get a "Object variable or With block variable not set." error. My code is as follows:
Public Sub ValidateAddress(PassedAddress As Object, PassedCity As Object, PassedState As Object, _
PassedZIP As Object, PassedCongressionalDistrict As Object, PassedValidated As Object, HomeForm As Form)
On Error GoTo ShowMeError
Dim strUrl As String ' Our URL which will include the authentication info
Dim strReq As String ' The body of the POST request
Dim xmlHttp As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim xmlDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Dim dbs As Database
Dim candidates As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode, candidate As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
Dim components As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode, metadata As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode, analysis As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
Dim AddressToCheck As Variant, CityToCheck As Variant, StateToCheck As Variant, ZIPToCheck As Variant
Dim Validated As Boolean, District As Variant, MatchCode As Variant, Footnotes As Variant
Dim candidate_count As Long, SQLCommand As String, Start, Finish
' This URL will execute the search request and return the resulting matches to the search in XML.
strUrl = "https://api.smartystreets.com/street-address/?auth-id=<my_auth_id>" & _
AddressToCheck = PassedAddress.Value
CityToCheck = PassedCity.Value
StateToCheck = PassedState.Value
If Len(PassedZIP) = 6 Then ZIPToCheck = Left(PassedZIP.Value, 5) Else ZIPToCheck = PassedZIP.Value
' Body of the POST request
strReq = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & "<request>" & "<address>" & _
" <street>" & AddressToCheck & "</street>" & " <city>" & CityToCheck & "</city>" & _
" <state>" & StateToCheck & "</state>" & " <zipcode>" & ZIPToCheck & "</zipcode>" & _
" <candidates>5</candidates>" & "</address>" & "</request>"
With xmlHttp
.Open "POST", strUrl, False ' Prepare POST request
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml" ' Sending XML ...
.setRequestHeader "Accept", "text/xml" ' ... expect XML in return.
.send strReq ' Send request body
End With
' The request has been saved into xmlHttp.responseText and is
' now ready to be parsed. Remember that fields in our XML response may
' change or be added to later, so make sure your method of parsing accepts that.
' Google and Stack Overflow are replete with helpful examples.
Set xmlDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
If Not xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlHttp.ResponseText) Then
Err.Raise xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode, , xmlDoc.parseError.reason
Exit Sub
End If
' According to the schema (http://smartystreets.com/kb/liveaddress-api/parsing-the-response#xml),
' <candidates> is a top-level node with each <candidate> below it. Let's obtain each one.
Set candidates = xmlDoc.documentElement
' First, get a count of all the search results.
candidate_count = 0
For Each candidate In candidates.childNodes
candidate_count = candidate_count + 1
Set candidates = xmlDoc.documentElement
Select Case candidate_count
Case 0 ' Bad address cannot be corrected. Try again.
MsgBox "The address supplied does not match a valid address in the USPS database. Please correct this.", _
vbOKOnly, "Warning"
PassedAddress.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
PassedCity.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
PassedState.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
PassedZIP.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Exit Sub
Case 1 ' Only one candidate address...use it and return.
For Each candidate In candidates.childNodes
Set analysis = candidate.selectSingleNode("analysis")
PassedAddress.Value = candidate.selectSingleNode("delivery_line_1").nodeTypedValue
Set components = candidate.selectSingleNode("components")
PassedCity.Value = components.selectSingleNode("city_name").nodeTypedValue
PassedState.Value = components.selectSingleNode("state_abbreviation").nodeTypedValue
PassedZIP.Value = components.selectSingleNode("zipcode").nodeTypedValue & "-" & _
Set metadata = candidate.selectSingleNode("metadata")
PassedCongressionalDistrict.Value = CInt(metadata.selectSingleNode("congressional_district").nodeTypedValue)
PassedValidated.Value = True
Exit Sub
Case Else ' Multiple candidate addresses...post them and allow the user to select.
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Set dbs = CurrentDb
If IsTableQuery("temptbl") Then dbs.Execute "DROP TABLE temptbl"
dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE temptbl (Selected BIT, CandidateAddress CHAR(50), CandidateCity CHAR(25), _
CandidateState CHAR(2), CandidateZIP CHAR(10), CandidateCongressionalDistrict INTEGER, _
MatchCode CHAR(1), Footnotes CHAR(30));"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + 1
For Each candidate In candidates.childNodes
Set components = candidate.selectSingleNode("components")
AddressToCheck = candidate.selectSingleNode("delivery_line_1").nodeTypedValue
CityToCheck = components.selectSingleNode("city_name").nodeTypedValue
StateToCheck = components.selectSingleNode("state_abbreviation").nodeTypedValue
ZIPToCheck = components.selectSingleNode("zipcode").nodeTypedValue & "-" & _
Set metadata = candidate.selectSingleNode("metadata")
District = metadata.selectSingleNode("congressional_district").nodeTypedValue
Set analysis = candidate.selectSingleNode("analysis")
MatchCode = analysis.selectSingleNode("dpv_match_code").nodeTypedValue
Footnotes = analysis.selectSingleNode("dpv_footnotes").nodeTypedValue
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO temptbl ( CandidateAddress, CandidateCity, CandidateState, CandidateZIP, _
CandidateCongressionalDistrict, MatchCode, Footnotes ) " & vbCrLf & "SELECT """ & AddressToCheck & _
""" AS Expr1, """ & CityToCheck & """ AS Expr2, """ & StateToCheck & """ AS Expr3, """ & _
ZIPToCheck & """ AS Expr4, " & District & " AS Expr5, """ & MatchCode & """ AS Expr6, """ & _
Footnotes & """ AS Expr7;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPeopleAddressMaintenance"
Do Until CurrentProject.AllForms("frmPeopleAddressMaintenance").IsLoaded = False
If IsTableQuery("temptbl") Then dbs.Execute "DROP TABLE temptbl"
End Select
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ERROR!"
End Sub
The error occurs in two specific places:
Under the "Case 1": The error happens immediately after...
PassedCongressionalDistrict.Value = CInt(metadata.selectSingleNode("congressional_district").nodeTypedValue)
...is executed. I have debugged this and verified that the statement executed properly and that the value of the "PassedCongressionalDistrict" object is correct.
Then, under "Case Else": The For loop processes the first item list correctly, but fails with the identified error when beginning processing the second item, even though there is good and legitimate data in the second item.
I hope I've explained this well enough. I just can't seem to figure out (1) how to more fully debug this and (2) why the error occurs as it seems that I have all of my object variables defined properly.
It's almost definitely because (on occasion) there is no child node member named "metadata" in the XML body - so when you try to bind your "metadata" object to the .selectSingleNode() method it returns Nothing. You can always check to make sure that it's actually bound...
'// ...start code snippet...
Set metadata = candidate.selectSingleNode("metadata")
If Not metadata is Nothing Then
PassedCongressionalDistrict.Value = CInt(metadata.selectSingleNode("congressional_district").nodeTypedValue)
End If
PassedValidated.Value = True
'// ...end code snippet...
I am hopeing someone can help me here with a recursive function I have that is not returning either true or false as I would have espected it to. The function loops through a Active Directory group for its members and then calls itself if it encounters any groups within the membership in order to gets its members as well. I am trying to return either true or false based on if any errors were encountered but not haveing any luck at all. It appears to just hang and never return back to the primary calling sub that starts the recursive function. Below is my code I am using:
Private Sub StartAnalysis(ByVal grp As String, ByVal grpdn As String, ByVal reqid As String)
Dim searchedGroups As New Hashtable
'prior work before calling sub
searchedGroups.Add(grp, 1)
Dim iserror As Boolean = GetGroupMembers(grpdn, searchedGroups, reqid)
If iserror = False Then
'do stuff
'do stuff
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetGroupMembers(ByVal groupSearch As String, ByVal searchedGroups As Hashtable, ByVal requestID As String) As Boolean
Dim iserror As Boolean = False
Dim lastQuery As Boolean = False
Dim endLoop As Boolean = False
Dim rangeStep As Integer = 999
Dim rangeLow As Integer = 0
Dim rangeHigh As Integer = rangeLow + rangeStep
Dim range As String = "member"
If lastQuery = False Then
range = String.Format("member;range={0}-{1}", rangeLow, rangeHigh)
range = String.Format("member;range={0}-*", rangeLow)
endLoop = True
End If
Dim group As SearchResult = QueryObject(groupSearch, range)
Dim groupCN As String = group.Properties("cn")(0).ToString
If group.Properties.Contains(range) Then
For Each member As Object In group.Properties(range)
Dim user As SearchResult = QueryObject(member.ToString, "member")
Dim userCN = user.Properties("cn")(0).ToString
If Not user.Properties.Contains("member") Then
Dim userMail = String.Empty
If user.Properties.Contains("mail") Then
userMail = user.Properties("mail")(0).ToString
End If
userCN = userCN.Replace("'", "''")
Dim qry As String = _
"INSERT INTO group_analysis_details (request_id, member_name, member_email, member_group) " & _
"values ('" & requestID & "', '" & userCN & "', '" & userMail & "', '" & groupCN & "')"
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(cs)
Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(qry, sqlConn)
If Not searchedGroups.ContainsKey(userCN) Then
searchedGroups.Add(userCN, 1)
iserror = GetGroupMembers(user.Properties("distinguishedname")(0).ToString, searchedGroups, requestID)
If iserror = True Then Return iserror
searchedGroups(userCN) += 1
End If
End If
lastQuery = True
End If
If lastQuery = False Then
rangeLow = rangeHigh + 1
rangeHigh = rangeLow + rangeStep
End If
Loop While endLoop = False
Return iserror
Catch ex As Exception
myEvents.WriteEntry("Error while analyzing the following group: " & groupSearch & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Details of the error are as follows: " & ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error)
Return True
End Try
End Function
Hopefully someone can point out where I might be making my error is this.
Generally if you're using a 'Do...Loop While' and manually setting the exit condition inside the loop it's very easy to get stuck in an infinite loop which is what causes the program to hang.
It looks like you're not setting endloop = True in all circumstances. Try changing it to an Exit Do and adding one to each of the various conditions you have. A bit of trial and error will be required to get it just right.
Also to make your life easier extract the database insert code into a seperate function and call it when needed.