Bitnami WAMP Apache fails to start - apache

I went through many posts on the issue, however did not found a solution.
When I try to start the Apache Server on Bitnami WAMP it fails.
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its acces
s permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its acces
s permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
AH00451: no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs
When I try to the wampstackApache service from Windows Services I get below given error -
Windows - Error
Windows could not start the wampstackApache on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 1.
The options I tried are as under -
Changed the port 443 from httpd-ssl.conf to 543 - Didn't work.
Changed the port 80 from httpd.conf to 88 - Didn't work.
Checked the port using netstat -ano - No ports used above 543 or 88 found in the list*(those ports were free to use)*.
Uninstalled Skype completely - Didn't work.
Restarted Apache usinghttpd.exe -k restart, Unistalled and rebooted and re-installed using httpd.exe -k Uninstall, httpd.exe -k install - Didn't work.
Disable SSL mode by going to httpd.config file and commenting #LoadModule ssl_module modules/ and also commented Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf - Didn't work
Tried to run service using httpd.exe -k runservice - Didn't Work
Went to windows services-> Properties -> Log On ->This Account (Entered Admin username and password) - Didn't work.
Went to windows services-> Properties -> Log On ->Local System Account - Didn't Work
Did someone else also faced this and has a solution. Thanks

I finally found a solution that worked fine for me on Windows 7 machine.
Step 1 - Download TCView TCPView
Step 2 - Open Services and Locate "wampstackApache"
Step 3 - Run TCPView.Exe (as an Administrator)
Step 4 - Kill the process ntp. Kill the Process ntp
Step 5 - Start the "wampstackApache" from services. And the htttp.exe will start
HTTPd.Exe started
Hope this was helpful.


cKan Failed installation on restarting Apache service

I have installed ckan from this tutorial
until I came to part 4. Restart Apache and Nginx, I run "sudo service apache2 restart" and got this error:
Restarting web server apache2 (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8080
(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs
Action 'start' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
Can anyone help me with this out.
You're telling Apache to serve on port 8080 but get error 'Address already in use'. Sounds like you are running another server on your machine - port 8080 is a pretty common port to use for web apps.
You can see what is running on port 8080 like this:
sudo netstat -plnt | grep :8080
Now you need to move a server to another port number (e.g. 8081) - either the service you discover, or ckan.
To change CKAN's port, edit ckan's apache & nginx config files and replace '8080' everywhere with the new port number.

Error during Apache Installation

I am just integration all the three as mentioned here
While installing apache,
is added in httpd.conf It says
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its
access permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
AH00451: no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs
I just checked what process is using port 80
netstat -tna
shows pid 4 is using
When i check
it says SYSTEM process is using.
How do i make use of system port 80 for apache? How do i resolve this error?
Open a CMD prompt (as Admin) and type this iisreset /stop

Port 443 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4

I have a very strange problem with my Apache 2.4 working with Xampp 1.8.2 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
When I tried to start Apache server in XAMPP, an error message is shown:
[Apache] Problem detected!
[Apache] Port 443 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4!
[Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
[Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
[Apache] or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port
However, the process with PID 4 is system! I've tried to restart my computer and it doesn't work.
I have installed Apache 2.4 via a tar.gz file sereral days ago, and uninstalled it. So, I don't think this behavior will cause the problem.
And here's the result using commond netstat -a -n -o | findstr 443
C:\Users\Administrator>netstat -a -n -o | findstr 443
TCP [::]:443 [::]:0 LISTENING 4
Can you tell me what to do?
Just change the sll port in httpd-ssl.conf file. It would be under C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra.
Find "443" and replace it with other values(e.g 8181), then start your apache again
I had the same problem: port-443-in-use-by-unable-to-open-process-with-pid-4
First I disabled the weather tile in Win* that apparently phones home to Redmond for updates after this showed on netstat list.
This didn't solve the problem. I looked at the post already here which mentioned VPNs, so
I went to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center and clicked on Change adapter settings
I clicked on Incoming Connections and right clicked on properties
The VPN click box at the bottom of the General tab was on, so I unchecked it
Under Users, I also unchecked a previous user I had allowed to copy some data weeks before
Then I clicked okay
Closed the control panel and restarted the XAMPP control panel
It fired right up without a problem.
Similarly, I experienced this:
Port 443 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 6012!
When starting XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.1 for the first time.
In Task Manager I found that PID 6012 was Apache web server.
A copy of it was running in the background without the GUI,
and when I invoked the GUI it was trying to start another copy.
Killed the phantom copy and then XAMPP started up fine.
I didn't have to change any port settings.
Modify this
LocalDisk **>>** xampp **>>** apache **>>** conf **>>** httpd.conf
Line 58: Listen **80**
for this
Line 58: Listen **8080**
Modify this:
Line 220: ServerName localhost: **80**
for this
Line 220: ServerName localhost: **8080**
Modify this:
LocalDisk **>>** xampp **>>** apache **>>** conf >> extra **>>** httpd-ssl.conf
Line 36: Listen **443**
for this
Line 36: Listen **444**
Modify this:
Line 121: <VirtualHost _default_:**443**>
Line 125: ServerName**443**
For this
Line 121: <VirtualHost _default_:**444**>
Line 125: ServerName**444**
Simply run as Administrtor "xampp-control.exe"
I had the same problem. Another way to solve this problem when running XAMPP on Windows:
Open a CMD prompt and type in command:
net stop was /y
Run Dialog Box (press keys Win+R)
.. then type: services.msc
I then scrolled down to:
World Wide Web Publishing Service
Double clicked on it and clicked STOP (if this service status is Started)
3.Start Apache again with XAMPP :)
Link Ref:
Some process is using this port, so you can change the port that is used by xampp, to be able to use it.
For this job you have to do this:
1- Open httpd-ssl.conf in xampp\apache\conf\extra
2- Look for the line containing Listen 443
3- Change port number to anything you want. I use 4430. ex. Listen 4430.
4- Replace every 443 strings in that file with 4430.
5- Save the file.
Probably some process is using that port, i would guess you have another webserver running with ssl/tls already. You must trac down what process is using the port and shut it down. The fact that it does not help to restart your computer makes me think that you may find what you are looking for in msconfig. Try to have a look there, open prompt and write msconfig
post 443 is normaly used by secure http, => https
I have never used windows server but there could be some built in webserver that autostarts, have you ever installed another webserver?
Try use the command Netstat -a -n -o to see what process that is blocking. you can the process pid from the output.
Routing and RAS - service is your problem i guess look at this post
it does this, thats why its blocking:
SSTP tunneling protocol
Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) is a new form of virtual private networking (VPN) tunnel with features that allow traffic to pass through firewalls that block PPTP and L2TP/IPsec traffic. SSTP provides a mechanism to encapsulate PPP traffic over the SSL channel of the HTTPS protocol. The use of PPP allows support for strong authentication methods, such as EAP-TLS. The use of HTTPS means traffic will flow through TCP port 443, a port commonly used for Web access. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) provides transport-level security with enhanced key negotiation, encryption, and integrity checking.
Below steps by sztupy worked for me
I went to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center and clicked on Change adapter settings
I clicked on Incoming Connections and right clicked on properties
The VPN click box at the bottom of the General tab was on, so I unchecked it
Under Users, I also unchecked a previous user I had allowed to copy some data weeks before
Then I clicked okay
Closed the control panel and restarted the XAMPP control panel
I simply went to the XAMMP config button in the XAMPP control panel GUI and clicked on Server and Port settings and I changed the SSL port value.
I had the same problem when I installed xampp on Windows 7. I installed Windows server and Web Deployment Agent Service (MsDepSvc.exe) which uses port 80. So I had an error PID 4 listening to port 80 when I ran apache.
Open task manager: (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) then find "MsDepSvc.exe" and disable it. Finally restart xampp
Here it was the "Work Folders" feature having been added on a Server 2012 R2. By default it is listening for HTTPS client requests on port 443 via the "System" process.
There is a Technet blog post explaining how to change that port number. Don't forget to add a corresponding firewall rule for your custom port and disable the existing one for port 443 though.
I got this same error and managed to fix it by closing Skype and running XAMP as Administrator, works perfectly now. So right click THE XAMP icon and click run as admin.
The port is being used by another process,
PID 4 means it is Windows System, you can open a cmd window with "super user/administrator" priviledges and write "net stop http", it will stop all the web services. Then check if it freed the port.
I had the same problem and it happened to be the "Routing and Remote Access Service". You open Services in the windows search, and then look for the specific service name. Change the startup of it to manual or automatic (whatever you decide).
Use some app like TCPView to help what port each App PID is using.
The origin of the problem seems to be Microsoft not knowing what the word disable Microsoft VPN means...
I ran task manager and looked for httpd.exe in process. Their were two of them running. I stopped one of them gone back to xampp control pannel and started apache. It worked.
I had the same problem and solved by doing following.
Go to Task Manager, click on services tab, order by pid's than if you find the related process, kill it otherwise, right click and click on show details, the process should be shown now. order by pid's than kill the related process.
I had this same problem with port 443, process id 4 and everything. For me it was not the VPN using the port, it was IIS. To fix this I opened up IIS and right clicked on my instance and stopped it. Then IIS Express(Or apache if you're using that) was able to use port 443. Hope this helps someone else.
I had a similar issue where port 443 was blocked by PID 4. After breaking my head for several hours I found the command netsh show urlacl which gave me an idea of the system process blocking the port.
To run command run cmd or windows shell in administrator mode.
show urlacl
I got response a which showed 443 was blocked by NT Service SSTPSvc Reserved URL
User: NT SERVICE\SstpSvc
Listen: Yes
Delegate: Yes
User: BUILTIN\Administrators
Listen: No
Delegate: No
Listen: Yes
Delegate: Yes
With this information I followed the microsoft link to change the listening port for SSTP based vpn.
This resolved my port issue.
A simple way to fix this is to change the XAMP port to a random number.
The solution by "Mark Seagoe" worked for me too.
I got a message that "Port 443 in use by Unable to open process with PID 14508".
So i opened task manager and killed this process 14508. This was used by my previous xampp version and it was orphaned.
so no need to change any ports or anything, this is a simple two step process and it worked .
Un-install apache(xampp) software from your windows.
Delete the xampp folder from c folder.
Delete the folder from recycle-bin to permanently delete the xampp folder
Restart your computer.
Finally install a clean copy of apache(xampp) software.
(By Engineer Rafiq Ahmad Qureshi)

Succeeded installing but could not start apache 2.4 on my windows 7 system

I am attempting to install and run apache 2.4 on my windows 7 system
I went to the apache 2.4 bin directory and ran the following:
Note: I opened the cmd window as administrator.
C:\Apache24\bin>httpd.exe -k install
Its output was as follows:
Installing the Apache2.4 service
The Apache2.4 service is successfully installed.
Testing httpd.conf....
Errors reported here must be corrected before the service can be started.
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its acces
s permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its acces
s permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
AH00451: no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open log
So it installed apache 2.4 as a service but it could not be started. It seems like the localhost port 80 is being used. Is this what "[::]:80" means?
I then stopped both the the apache 2.0 service which I had left running and the mysql service, hoping stopping one of them might free up localhost port 80.
I also run netstat -o to see if port 80 is being used. It was not.
But, I then found that a process was using the above socket it is a process that is listening on the above socket
TCP [::]:80 User-PC:0 LISTENING 4
I then ran tasklist and found out that System is using pid 4. 4 is under the pid column
System 4 Services 0 544 K
Finally, from the failed attempt to start the service
I got an error which was recorded in windows systems events.
Log Name: System
Source: Service Control Manager
Date: 2/21/2013 1:58:03 PM
Event ID: 7024
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: User-PC
The Apache2.4 service terminated with service-specific error Incorrect function.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Service Control Manager" Guid="{555908d1-a6d7-4695-8e1e-26931d2012f4}" EventSourceName="Service Control Manager" />
<EventID Qualifiers="49152">7024</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-02-21T18:58:03.723988900Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="560" ThreadID="7596" />
<Security />
<Data Name="param1">Apache2.4</Data>
<Data Name="param2">%%1</Data>
The error from the attempt to start says that beacause of lack of access, make-sock could not bind to sockets which to me looked like localhost port 80. For example,
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its acces
s permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
Can anyone tell what I am doing wrong?
Sorry for the belabored question. To solve my problem I just told apache 2.4 to listen to a different port in httpd.conf. Since System was using pid 4 which was listening on port 80, I did not want to explore this any further.
I put the following into httpd.conf.
The most likely culprit is Microsoft Internet Information Server. You can stop the service from the command line on Windows 7/Vista:
net stop was /y
or XP:
net stop iisadmin /y
read this
I have the same problem too, after upgrading win7 to win10.
then I check services.msc and found "World Wide Web Publishing Service" was running automatically by default.
So then I disabled it, and running the Apache service again.
Port 80 maybe used by Microsoft HTTPAPI
Try to stop the following service:
Web Deployment Agent Service
SQL Server Reporting Service
SQL Server VSS Writer
I solved this issue finally, it was because of some systems like skype and system processes take that port 80, you can make check using netstat -ao for port 80
Kindly find the following steps
After installing your Apache HTTP go to the bin folder using cmd
Install it as a service using httpd.exe -k install even when you see the error never mind
Now make sure the service is installed (even if not started) according to your os
Restart the system, then you will find the Apache service will be the first one to take the 80 port,
Congratulations the issue is solved.
In my case, it was due to an IP address that Apache is listening to. Previously I have set it to and recently Apache service is not running. I noticed that due to My laptop wifi changed recently and new IP is different. After fixing the wifi IP to laptop previous IP, Apache service is running again without any error.
Also if you don't want to change wifi IP then remove/comment that hardcode IP in httpd.conf file to resolve conflict.
if you are using windows os and believe that skype is not the suspect, then you might want to check the task manager and check the "Show processes from all users" and make sure that there is NO entry for httpd.exe. Otherwise, end its process. That solves my problem.
So, that is why i do a two (or more) post.
I was having the same problem when starting the service (logs can not be opened).
I thought it was because i was trying to have htdocs inside a VeraCrypt encripted container, absurd since i hace such contained mounted and i use a juntion to not affect paths.
The i read the cause could be low ram: after some tests i get to the next conclusion.
Windows is not sending pages to virtual ram to free enough ram if it is a service, for applications it is doing it, i have more than 200GiB of pagefile ready to be used as virtual ram in a 4GiB 64 Bit windows 10.
My solution:
Run a free utility that free ram (512MiB in my test)
Inmediatly after start the service, it starts with no errors
Real Cause:
I was using a virtual machine that uses 1/2 physical free ram (1.5GiB)
Hope this help others.
I was also facing the same issue, then i tried restarting my system after every change and it worked for me:
Uninstall Apache2.4 in cmd prompt (run administrator) with the command:
httpd -k uninstall.
Restart the system.
open cmd prompt (run administrator) with the command:
httpd -k install.
Then httpd -k install.
Hope you find useful.
you can solve it
sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
and changed Listen to 8080
This may be because of shortage in physical RAM.
Check minimum system requirements in the docs and try to close unnecessary programs if possible.

Apache on Windows not releasing port 80 on service stop, and will not restart

When I try to restart Apache it throws the following error:
Apache 2 is starting ...
(OS 10048)Normalerweise darf jede Socketadresse (Protokoll, Netzwerkadresse oder Anschluss) nur jeweils einmal verwendet werden.
: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
I used netstat, and found that the PID holding port 80 was the same PID that Apache was previously using. This PID does not show up in task manager, and it is not found when taskkill is attempted on it.
It seems that Apache is somehow holding onto the port on exit. The only way I can restart the Apache service is by changing the Listen port each time, or by restarting the server itself.
Has anyone come across this before, and if so, is there anything I can do to fix it?
If this is a windows machine then apps like apache usually are lanuched as a service.
You can close it with
CMD+R -> services.msc , search for
apache and press stop
cmd -> net stop apache
cmd -> net stop apache2