MAVEN: No plugin found for prefix 'dependency' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] - maven-2

[ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'dependency' in the current project
and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo]
available from the repositories [local
(C:\Users\mdhore.m2\repository), central
(] -> [Help 1]
<!-- configure the plugin here -->

according to this you have to provide group and artifact id. I run mvn dependencies:tree like the following and it worked.
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:tree -Dverbose=true

I got this error when I forgot to add this parameter. I have to add to each of my Maven comamnds to autheticate with my Maven remote repository. If you don't normally add a parameter like this you probably have another issue.

I have also encountered the same issue. I typed the wrong command mvn dependences:resolve, the correct one is mvn dependency:resolve.

I got the same error and in my case I didn't have the POM file in the same directory I was in.

make sure there is no import error anywhere in your code then run mvn dependency:tree the error will be gone. I assume you are using mvn and you have some import issue somewhere in your project.


How to skip install phase in Maven build if I already have this version installed in repo

I have a project that consist of 3 different libraries. When I run install script it takes all libraries from repo and run mvn clean install on them. But this version of library already installed in repo. Is there a way to skip install phase if version in pom.xml equal version in my local repo.
I know that I can use local repo and just set dependencies. But my boss want that our project can build only with public repos and without any our repos.
You can bypass like this
Last week Olivier Lamy patched this jira.
Most maven plugins can be skipped by specifying something like:
you can also set up build profiles to set properties and use that to determine the value. for example, running the command: mvn -Pexample would select the "example" profile. The POM would then contain:
Using these POM additions, the default behavior for the install plugin will be to perform its default goal, but if the example profile is selected, then the install plugin will skip its goal.
Using what I learned from the other answers, this was the cleanest result for me.
In my super pom I added a pluginManagement/plugin to disable default-install and default-test phases when the property deployOnly is set.
So on the command line, I can disable install and test phases by adding -DdeployOnly.
mvn clean install #build and test everything
mvn deploy -DdeployOnly #just deploy it
I know that I can use local repo and just set dependencies. But my boss want that our project can build only with public repos and without any our repos.
Are you sure you understood correctly what you boss meant? I interpret the above as "don't install third party libraries in your local repository, use only libraries available in public repositories". This is different from "don't use your local repository" which is basically impossible, that's just not how maven works. I'd try to clarify this point.
Apart from that, I don't get the question which is very confusing (what repo are you talking about? What is the install script doing? Why do you call clean install on libraries? etc).
Extending the other answers, from the future.
Maven plugins have a surprisingly high freedom, how do they run. If they want, they can ignore/override the typical pom.xml settings. Furthermore, also the <configuration><skip>true</skip></configuration> is only a convention, nothing obligates a plugin to follow it, except that most of them is developed so.
My experiments with the recent problem show, that both #Cemo's and #MiloshBoroyevich solution should be utilized, also the plugin requires both to really let us in peace. More concretely, the only working configuration by me was this:
One of your options is to put the deployment to another module. I.e. have one pom.xml build the artifact and install it to the local repo, and another pom.xml to deploy it. This separation is quite common in larger projects, where the testsuite is sometimes a separate module or even a project, the packaging happens in several stages, etc.
- pom.xml - myProject-root - type=pom
- pom.xml - myProject-artifact - type=jar
- pom.xml - myProject-deploy - type=pom, does the deployment, skips it's own `install` goal

Get name of maven pom file

I am running a Maven (2) release build with with: mvn -f release.xml clean deploy
and want to get the currently running pom file name (release.xml) into a property or mojo.
Is it possible?
well you can use the property
in your pom or a filtered resource, which will expand to something like
clean install -Paxis -Dmaven.test.skip -f mypom.xml -pl util
however, if you just want the mypom.xml part, you're going to have to do some scripting, which is not supported out of the box in maven. Common solutions are either maven antrun plugin or gmaven (groovy) plugin. Here's a way to do it in gmaven:
.replaceFirst( /.*\-f\s+(\S+).*/ , 'POM File: $1')
Edit: as you want it in a property, either use System.setProperty or write directly to

Copy dependencies maven war

When I try to use the plugin "maven-war-plugin", it copies all libraries to / WEB-INF/lib, how to copy to another directory? Example: "/ libtest"
I'm not sure to understand why you need to do this but I see two points here:
Avoiding dependencies to get copied into WEB-INF/lib (if not, then just skip the part related to 1.)
Getting them copied to another directory.
For 1. I'm assuming you need the dependencies (because you want to compile against them) but if you don't want the Maven War Plugin to copy them in WEB-INF/lib, you'll have to play with their scope, for example by declaring them as provided.
For 2. the Maven Dependency Plugin will be helpful here and I think you could use dependency:copy-dependencies, for example during the pre-package phase. Use it like this:
<!-- configure the plugin here -->
And configure the outputDirectory (and other parameters you could need).
Use the maven-dependency-plugin.

Checkstyle not working

I am new to maven and chekstyle, so need to ask some question... I want to use checkstyle in my maven based project, so in my pom.xml I have add the dependency
and also I have added the entry in plugin tag:
But when I run my maven build with command mvn clean install, checkstyle doesn't do anything. And as I dont have any checkstyle.xml in my system yet, shouldn't it complains me about the error?
What else configuration am I missing?
I want to use checkstyle in my maven based project, so in my pom.xml I've add the dependency (...)
You don't need to add this dependency, you just need to declare the plugin (a plugin declares its own dependencies).
(...) But when I run my maven build with command mvn clean install, checkstyle doesn't do anything.
Yes because you only declared the plugin, you did not bind the check goal to a lifecycle phase, so a normal build doesn't trigger the checkstyle plugin. If you want checkstyle:check to be triggered as part of your build, you need to declare the check goal inside an execution (it binds itself by default to the verify phase). Something like this:
<!-- Lock down plugin version for build reproducibility -->
Now, calling any phase including verify will invoke checkstyle.
And as I don't have any checkstyle.xml in my system yet, shouldn't it complains me about the error?
It will... when called (either explicitly by mvn checkstyle:check or as part of the build if you modify your setup as suggested).

Maven2: How to stage JXR plugin result when using mvn site?

I have a multi-module project and I want to deploy on the project's site an HTML version of my source code using the JXR maven plugin.
The problem is that the JXR plugin runs well, the XREF folder is properly generated for each of my module, but when I use the mvn site:stage command in order to retrieve all the project's site content and to have all link properly generated it does not retrieve the XREF folders.
Here is an extract of my POM file where the JXR plugin is configured:
Here is the command I use to create and stage my site:
mvn site site:stage
Do you guys have any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure this is relevant, but your command is running the site twice, mvn site will generate the site, and site:stage will also run the site, perhaps this is causing problems but I honestly can't see why.
Looking at the JXR documentation, it only mentions the site:site goal, I can't see why it wouldn't be run properly for the site:stage goal as it extends it. If you run the site goal, then copy the output to another directory, run the site:stage goal and compare the output it might give some insight into the problem.
Update: I tried this myself and the xref was included and aggregated nicely in c:\test\stage with the cross references correctly managed. I've included the configuration I used.
In my parent pom I defined the site configuration like this:
The distributionManagement section was configured with the site information (not really needed as I set the stagingDirectory above, but the goal won't run without it).
<name>Mojo Website</name>
My JXR configuration in the parent pom was as follows:
The commandline run was mvn clean site:stage
Edit: Per the comments, there is a codehaus jxr plugin with slightly different semantics. Be sure to use the org.apache.maven.plugins version rather than the org.codehaus.mojo version.