Take json value in sql without JSON_VALUE - sql

i want to take value (In SQL Server) in json object without JSON_VALUE
The json value :
"Url": "****",
"Token": "",
"Data": {
"role_id": 1001,
"data": {
"stringvalue": [
"minage": "21"
"maxage": "55"
what i trying to do is to take "primary_identity_file" value
the result should be :
** NOTE primary_identity_file value is more than 10K character

I'd try something like that:
select substring(vlv3, 1, charindex('"', vlv3)-1) as vlv4
from (
select substring(vlv2, charindex('"', vlv2)+1, len(vlv2)) as vlv3
from (
select substring(vlv, charindex('"primary_identity_file"', vlv)+23, len(vlv)) as vlv2
from test
) as test2
) as test3
You can rewrite in more readable way as stored procedure
Sample fiddle http://sqlfiddle.com/#!18/a122b/7


How to Extract the Fields in Bigquery in Nested JSON

I have the following BigQuery :
select JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(payload, "$.payload") from mytable
It returns this result :
"productInfo": {
"productId": "123",
"productType": "Dolls"
"storefrontPricingList": [
"currentPrice": {
"unitValue": {
"currencyAmount": 10,
"currencyUnit": "USD"
"currentValue": {
"currencyAmount": 10,
"currencyUnit": "USD"
"variableUnitValue": {
"currencyAmount": 10,
"currencyUnit": "USD"
"sellValue": {
"currencyAmount": 10,
"currencyUnit": "USD"
"type": "EA"
"currentPriceType": "OKAY"
Now i want to access theses attributes productInfo.productId , currentPrice.unitValue.currencyAmount.
How we can access these elements i tries couple of things but all giving me null :
select JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(payload, "$.payload[0].productInfo.productId") from mytable
select JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(payload, "$.payload[0].storefrontPricingList[0]. currentPrice. unitValue. currencyAmount") from mytable
Can you try this ?
-- Declaring a bigQuery variable
DECLARE json_data JSON DEFAULT (SELECT PARSE_JSON('{"payload": [{"productInfo": {"productId": "123","productType": "Dolls" },"storefrontPricingList": [{"currentPrice": {"unitValue": {"currencyAmount": 10,"currencyUnit": "USD"},"currentValue": {"currencyAmount": 10,"currencyUnit": "USD"},"variableUnitValue": {"currencyAmount": 10,"currencyUnit": "USD"},"sellValue": {"currencyAmount": 10,"currencyUnit": "USD"},"type": "EA"},"currentPriceType": "OKAY"}]}]}'));
-- Select statement for extraction
select ARRAY(
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(payload, '$.productInfo.productId') from UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(json_data,"$.payload"))payload
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(payload, '$.storefrontPricingList[0].currentPrice.unitValue.currencyAmount') from UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(json_data,"$.payload"))payload
Used combination of Array function and Json function for BQ.

I want to combine json rows in t-sql into single json row

I have a table
I want to combine these into a single statement where the output is :
"graphs": [
"id": "1",
"json": [
"url": "url1"
"id": "2",
"json": [
"url": "url2"
I am using T-SQL, I've notice there is some stuff in postgres but can't find much on tsql.
Any help would be greatly appreciated..
You need to use JSON_QUERY on the json column to ensure it is not escaped.
JSON_QUERY('[' + json + ']')
FROM YourTable t
FOR JSON PATH, ROOT('graphs');

How to update value in nested json Postgres

I have following JSON stored in "Info" column
"customConfig": {
"isCustomGoods": 1
"new_addfields": {
"data": [
"val": {
"items": [
"Code": "calorie",
"Value": "365.76"
"Code": "protein",
"Value": "29.02"
"Code": "fat",
"Value": "23.55"
"Code": "carbohydrate",
"Value": "6.02"
"Code": "spirit",
"Value": "1.95"
"storageConditions": "",
"outQuantity": "100"
"parameterType": "Nutrition",
"name": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
"label": "1"
"name": "b4589168-5235-4ec5-bcc7-07d4431d14d6_Для ресторанов",
"val": "true"
I want to update value of nested json
"name": "b4589168-5235-4ec5-bcc7-07d4431d14d6_Для ресторанов",
"val": "true"
and set "val"to "Yes" str so the result should be like
"name": "b4589168-5235-4ec5-bcc7-07d4431d14d6_Для ресторанов",
"val": "Yes"
How can i do that ? Assuming that i need to update this value in json for many records in database
Considering you have a constant JSON Structure and a primary key in your table. Idea is to get the exact path of element val having value true (which can be at any index in the array) then replace it with desired value. So you can write your query like below:
with cte as (
('{new_addfields,data,'||index-1||',val}')::text[] as json_path
with ordinality arr(vals,index)
arr.vals->>'val' ilike 'true'
update test
set info = jsonb_set(info,cte.json_path,'"Yes"',false)
from cte
where test.id=cte.id;
We can use jsonb_set() which is available from Postgres 9.5+
From Docs:
jsonb_set(target jsonb, path text[], new_value jsonb [, create_missing boolean])
Query to update the nested object:
UPDATE temp t
SET info = jsonb_set(t.info,'{new_addfields,data,1,val}', jsonb '"Yes"')
where id = 1;
It can also be used in select query:
jsonb_set(t.info,'{new_addfields,data,1,val}', jsonb '"Yes"')
FROM temp t

Advice on using OPENJSON to parse a nested array

I am hoping somebody can help point me in the right direction as I’m trying to parse a json file into sql using OPENJSON. I have a structure which looks like this:
"id": "78",
"Version": {
"Value": "12"
"Names": [{
"NameId": {
"Value": "8516365"
"id": "328787",
"NameLinkType": {
"Value": "A"
"CommsChains": {
"Value": [[{
"com_primary": {
"Value": "Y"
"com_recd": {
"Value": "2020-07-07 00:00:00.000"
"com_ack": {
"Value": "2020-07-09 00:00:00.000"
), },
I am able to parse the majority of the JSON correctly, so for each ID I can return values such as Version or NameId. However, I am unable to return any dates in respect of com_recd or com_ack, which sit under CommsChains [Object] – Value [Array] – [0] [Array]
It looks like there are some syntactic errors in your JSON. After having them fixed, I was able to try and find the JSON paths to the date expressions to the date values. This is the SQL:
"id": "78",
"Version": {
"Value": "12"
"Names": [{
"NameId": {
"Value": "8516365"
"id": "328787",
"NameLinkType": {
"Value": "A",
"CommsChains": {
"Value": [[{
"com_primary": {
"Value": "Y"
"com_recd": {
"Value": "2020-07-07 00:00:00.000"
"com_ack": {
"Value": "2020-07-09 00:00:00.000"
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Version');--Value 12 1
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Names');
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Names[0]');
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Names[0].NameLinkType');
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Names[0].NameLinkType.CommsChains');
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Names[0].NameLinkType.CommsChains.Value');
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Names[0].NameLinkType.CommsChains.Value[0]');
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Names[0].NameLinkType.CommsChains.Value[0][0]');
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Names[0].NameLinkType.CommsChains.Value[0][0].com_recd'); --selecting path for com_recd
select * from openjson(#json, '$[0].Names[0].NameLinkType.CommsChains.Value[0][0].com_ack'); --selecting path for com_ack
Herein I show the selects to the different parts of your JSON. The arrays'content are always referenced as [0] as its always the first index to select here.
For more information on JSON paths on the SQL server look here

Postgres JSONB query about nested/recursive elements

I have a nested and hierarchical structure expressed in JSON e.g.:
"children": [
{ "id":2 },
{ "id": 3, "children": [
{ "id": 4 }
Can postgres answer a query whether the record contains "id": 4 in any part of the document?
If yes, are such queries backed by JSONB indexing added in version 9.4?
UPDATE: Thanks to therealgaxbo on reddit, we started with my original code and developed something more concise:
with recursive deconstruct (jsonlevel) as(
values ('{"id":1,"children":[{"id":2},{"id":3,"children":[{"id":4}]}]}'::json)
union all
case left(jsonlevel::text, 1)
when '{' then (json_each(jsonlevel)).value
when '[' then json_array_elements(jsonlevel)
end as jsonlevel
left(jsonlevel::text, 1) in ('{', '[')
select * from deconstruct where case when left(jsonlevel::text, 1) = '{' then jsonlevel->>'id' = '4' else false end;
My original response below:
I experimented like crazy and finally came up with something like this:
with recursive ret(jsondata) as
(select row_to_json(col)::text jsondata from
"children": [
{ "id":2 },
{ "id": 3, "children": [
{ "id": 4 }
}'::json) col
select case when left(jsondata::text,1)='[' then row_to_json(json_each(json_array_elements(jsondata)))::text
when left((jsondata->>'value'),2)='{}' then null::text
when left((jsondata->>'value')::text,1)='[' then row_to_json(json_each(json_array_elements(jsondata->'value')))::text
else ('{"key":'||(jsondata->'key')||', "value":'||(jsondata->'value')||'}')::json::text end jsondata
from (
select row_to_json(json_each(ret.jsondata::json)) jsondata
from ret) xyz
select max(1) from ret
where jsondata::json->>'key'='id'
and jsondata::json->>'value'='1'