how to implement alfresco custom login component - authentication

I'm Following This Tutorial On Alfresco's Platforme and I'm Stuck at this point
You would typically connect to the remote authentication mechanism
to verify username/pwd...
this link to the tuto : Authentication

This means you will authenticate your user from external sources like external database or from any other external rest api call which will give you response and based on that response you need to decide whether user is authenticated or not, if authenticated pass true else false.


How to Authenticate a user by recovering a token on their behalf - Azure AD

My I am trying to deploy azure AD to my application because I want to expose some of my APIs to users but I need to make sure only people that are authorized can use the resource.
I have never worked with azure AD before and I am a little lost in all the documentation.
What I need is to be able to recover a token on behalf of the user in order to authenticate them. The application does not have any webpages and I do not want to introduce any. I want to be able to grab the token, authenticate the user, and then release the resource. I expect that the endpoint will be accessed through python, java or postman.
Example of basic flow:
call security function/api in app
validate user cred (or any other type of validation)
return token if authenticated
validate token and return response
5.authentication allows user to call apis
I have just explored the authorization code pattern that azure AD offers but this requires an interactive step from what I was able to test so its no good.
I would like to be able to do something like the example flow
In case my question hasn't clued you in I am very new to this so any help is appreciated
Thanks in advance
I agree with #Gopal you can make use of client credentials flow that does not require user interaction to call an API.
You just need to enter Azure AD client application’s ID, Secret, scope to generate the access token and use that access token to call the API via Postman or in your code.
I created one core API in VS studio and used Azure Ad authentication to call the API.
I tried accessing this API via Postman App with different flows that you can try :-
Client Credentials flow:-
Results :-
API can be accessed by the Access token generated by the client app with its secret and scope.
Alternatively, you can make use of Implicit flow which will ask for user credentials via browser.
Implicit flow :-
Here, Your log in page pops up while asking for access token and you need to enter user credentials to get access token and fetch API.
Get the token and hit the token to fetch the API like below :-
Browser Pop up:-
Access Token:-
Now, copy our API URL from browser and try to access the API :-
Results :-
You can find the code samples below :-

Oauth 2.0 and OpenId Connect for REST API authentication and authorization

After having read books and watched videos on OAuth, OIDC, PKCE, JWT, etc. I still have no idea on how to use all of these for my app (a secured REST API).
My use case is fairly simple. I want my users to be able to login with Google, Amazon, Okta or whatever and the only info I want from them is the email address they used to login, nothing else. After their first login, their email will be added to a database and in a separate process I will grant them some permissions (what resources they can access).
So let's imagine a standard authorization code flow and let's fast forward to the access token part. The redirect URI has been called, we are in my client (somewhere is my backend/API) where I retrieve an access token. At this point the user has been successfully authenticated.
But what now ?
I don't care about Google anymore (do I still need the access token ?), but I still want to check if the user can use my API for each request and is able to access the API resources depending on his permissions.
How do I keep the user authenticated (for like 2h only) and check his permissions ? A session Cookie, a Token or something else with an expiration time ?
Do I need my own authorization server to check if the user has access to the resource he is requesting ?
Considering my requirements, do I need PKCE if the API is accessed from an SPA or a mobile app ? Wouldn't the authorization code flow be enough - the SPA or mobile app retrieve an authorization code, then call the callback endpoint from the API ?
And the more important question is, do I ask the right questions or am I completely off track and it's not how it's supposed to work ?
In terms of your questions:
Your API needs an access token on every request
A stateless session is managed by sending the access token on every request
It is recommended to use your own Authorization Server that manages redirecting to social providers - this will simplify your UIs and APIs which only need to handle one type of token - also this means you are in control of the tokens your apps use
Yes - use PKCE for public clients - the Authorization Server and UI security libraries will handle this for you
Your use case is not simple at all on a technical level and requires a lot of understanding. A good starting point is to understand these aspects:
Role of UI and what a coded solution looks like
Role of Authorization Server and its configuration
Role of API and what a coded solution looks like
Open Id Connect messages used
These links of mine may be useful for browsing:
Initial code sample and tutorial
Message Workflow including PKCE
Given an access token, both the UI and API can potentially get the email via step 12 in the second link to lookup user info.

In a REST API, handling authentication for multiple users

One of requirements for implementing a REST Api is that the client has to send the required state information every time to the server to handle a specific request. Assume authentication is in place and I'm successfully authenticating users to use the rest api, which means with every request i'm verifying that user has rights to access the api.
What if I have multiple users and each user has a different access right. So each user can only call a different set of webservices. I'm wondering how this is normally handled by the server. I figure the only way to do this is to check the authentication of each user(via a password hash code,etc) with each request to verify that he has access rights to the requested service. If that is correct then what are the recommended ways of handling authentication of multiple users in such a scenario?
I'm using flask to develop my api, so any specific suggestions will be much appreciated :)
Thanks in advance.
Authenticate a user first by username and password. Return back a token or hashcode.
Prior to any action you take on the servers api, check the users permission by using the token.
You always want to check permissions on the rest api. They can all make the call to the api. Their permissions is what will determine if they can or can't do the request.

Access Requested Client from IUserService

I have an existing database that holds user credentials as well a map of what applications those user credentials have access to. In identity server I have each application setup as a client and users can authenticate successful. However, any user gets authorized for any application. I am wondering if there is a way that I can access which client is being requested from my implementation of IUserService? This way I can check if they are authorized for that app.
IdentityServer allows for custom validation of the requests via the ICustomRequestValidator interface. You can implement this and return an error to prevent a user from getting a token for a client.
Let us know on the github issue tracker if you have more feedback on this.

Which is the better way to implement authentication using login/password AND other social networks?

I'm gonna try to explain my problem :
I'd like to allow users to connect to my api via their own accounts (login/password) or via a social network (Facebook at first).
Then, I would allow any application to use my api, with the user authenticated.
My first thought when to auth the user via his/her login/password and return a token used as the session for the next requests.
But OAuth would seems to be the better implementations, except I don't know how to do this :
One of my applications will have to connect via login/password, like twitter web (I have to implement an login/password auth somewhere if I wan't my user to login :p)
Will I also have to register my applications to the oauth system (did twitter added their web app to their oauth ?)
How to merge the auth via others social networks. Concretely, the user will have to OAuth to my api that will auth to the social network.
I'm a bit lost on how to do this, if someone could help me, I would really appreciate !
Update 1:
Flickr and Lastfm seems to not use OAuth but an alternative auth system that looks like this :
The user is redirected to Flickr/Lastfm
The user auth himself and accept to use the application
Flickr/Lastfm return to the Callback url with a temporary frob (for flickr) or token (for lastfm)
The app must call the provider with the temporary frob/token (among with the api_key and the api_sig, as always) and get in return the session token to use for the next calls.
Update 2:
In fact, StackApps is the concrete case of my problem : you can login through their login/password system OR openId, and you can use their API.
OAuth is only needed to make others use your API on other services, i.e. authorize services to use your API without users of the intermediary service explicitly having to log in into your service by giving user's login credentials to a third party.
What I think you need is OpenID, the cross-application authentication mechanism. You just need to implement an OpenID client, accepting third-party OpenIDs to authenticate users, to subsequently identify them, when they use your service's API. This would have to be supplemented with a normal 'local' user authentication mechanism (i.e. login/password entry page)
You will need OAuth to provide an ability to use your API on other sites, though.