Running multiple services in a Fargate cluster - aws-fargate

In fargate, I am deploying different applications in same cluster. Each application is running in different service and they have their own task.
Say, Service1 --> 2 task running in port 8080
Service2 --> 2 task running in port 8080.
I get an error "Container is excited" and task is not started.


Mule Standalone Group issue

When I try to deploy a sample application 1 which runs on port 1001 using a Global Configurations properties file, the application deploys to both the servers.
I can test the application on 1001 port and 8086 port.
Subsequently, when I try to deploy Application 2 on 1002 port. I can see that the application gets partially deployed to Server 1 and can be tested successfully on port 1002.
Can anyone explain this behavior of the Mule Standalone instances.
I am a newbie and trying out different concepts on Mule 4
Server 1 Port: Default port
Server 2 Port: 8086
Group: QAGroup
POC with proprties file port 1001: 8086/1001- Running on Both nodes
Typeof: 8081 - Only running on Node 1
Logger: 8082 - Only Running on Node 1
Logger with proprties file port 1002: 1002- Only running on Node 1
Only one app can listen to one particular port. It looks that your servers have apps what ara already listening to this port. You, maybe, had tried somthing and then forgot about it. It is not actual flow or http listener. It is http listeneer configuartion in any flow of any project.
First of all I would check all log files for errors.
Or I would got to both serveres to the folder apps inside runtime folder and search for port numbers. For sure you will fimd duplicates.
To allow multiple apps listen to the same port like 80 or 443 you need Domain project with this http listenet as shared resource.

Running WCF Service Host on a different port

Is it possible to run WcfSvcHost.exe (WCF Service Host) that ships with Visual Studio to run on a port other than port 80? I am trying to debug a WCF service, but my machine is already running Apache on port 80.
I could go and set Apache to use a different port, but it would be easier if there is a way to do it in WcfSvcHost.
Currently when I try to run my service project, it gives me the dreaded "port in use" message:
'HTTP could not register URL http://+:80/Temporary_Listen_Addresses/a655b03e-30ff-4818-b561-ef52e4cb1e3d/ because TCP port 80 is being used by another application.'

How to manage kestrel service that is stopped

I publish my AspNetCore project in CentOs7 x64 on kestrel without any reverse proxy server like enginx webServer.
My service stopped sometimes, how can I reset crashed service named kestrel?
I create kestrel service in /etc/systemd/system with this bash script:
Description=TestProject running on CentOS 7
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /home/aspnetcore/TestProject/WebUi.dll
# Restart service after 10 seconds if dotnet service crashes
you can use Monitoring systems for manage service lifetime.
Zabbix, PRTG and ManageEngine is best monitoring system. usually i use ManageEngine monitoring, that has Events as a sensor of service status. and for each event you can set Action(s), like execute bash script (for reset kestrel service).

Overriding the way JMX works in a Docker WLS container

I have a WebLogic docker container. The WLS admin port is configured at 7001. When I run the container, I use --hostname=[hosts' hostname] and expose the 7001 port at a different host port using -p 8001:7001 for example. The reason I do the port mapping is because I would want to run multiple WLS containers on the same host.
I have some applications that I deploy on this WebLogic. These applications use an external SDK (which I don't control) to get the application url using JMX (getURL operation of RuntimeServiceMBean).
This is where it gets wrong. The URL comes out as http://[container's IP]:7001. I would want it to retrieve http://[hosts' hostname]:8001 - i.e. the hostname I used to start the container and the port at which 7001 is mapped i.e. 8001.
Is there a way this could be done?
When the container is started, you should start WebLogic after adjusting the External Listen Address of your AdminServer. You can use WLST Offline for that from within a shell script, passing parameters with docker run -e KEY=VALUE, then later read these from inside the WLST script. Modify your AdminServer External Listen Address, exit(), then you can start AdminServer.
Here's an example on how to create the extra Network Channel with proper External Listen Address.

2 hop SSH port forward

I've been trying to setup the following port forward configuration using 1 (or 2) lines, but with no success:
3 Machines involved; local machine[local], prod machine[prod], 3rd party machine[service]. Prod has (http) access to an API hosted on service and I (local) have ssh access to prod. So for development purposes I am trying to setup a tunnel to service via prod so I can issue a cURL command to some local port and have the request hit the service endpoint.
I'm pretty sure I've done this exact thing a few years ago with a single ssh command, but so far I've been unable to replicate it. Any advice appreciated.
ssh -Nnt -L<localport number>:service:<service port number> <username>#prod &
should do it and stay open in the background, if I understand what you're trying to do. This will send requests on <localport number> to <service port number> on service through prod.