AWS S3 - Example of searching files in S3 using regex - amazon-s3

How to list the files in S3 using regex (in linux cli mode)? I have the files in s3 bucket like sales1.txt, sales2.txt etc. When I ran the below command nothing is displaying. Is there a command to list the all the files in S3 bucket with regex?
aws s3 ls s3://test/sales*txt
Expected output:

Use the following command
aws s3 ls s3://test/ | grep '[sales].txt'

The accepted solution is too broad and matches too much. Try this:
aws s3 ls s3://test/ | grep sales.*\.txt

I have been trying to sort this, {aws s3 ls } command is not supporting any regex or pattern matching option. Wr have to use bash commands grep or awk.
aws s3 ls s3://bucket/path/ | grep sales|grep txt
aws s3 ls s3://bucket/path/ | grep sales..txt


How can I remove the 1st line of a CSV file which is in AWS S3 through

I am trying to remove the 1st line of a CSV file which is in S3 bucket. I am using the below, but I am getting "sed: no input files" and is creating empty file in the test directory.
aws s3 cp s3://my-bucket/rough/test.csv -| sed -i '1d' | aws s3 cp - s3://my-bucket/test/final.csv
If you run the steps one-by-one, you will see an error:
sed: -I or -i may not be used with stdin
So, use this:
aws s3 cp s3://my-bucket/rough/test.csv - \
| sed '1d' \
| aws s3 cp - s3://my-bucket/test/final.csv

How to download S3-Bucket, compress on the fly and reupload to another s3 bucket without downloading locally?

I want to download the contents of a s3 bucket (hosted on wasabi, claims to be fully s3 compatible) to my VPS, tar and gzip and gpg it and reupload this archive to another s3 bucket on wasabi!
My vps machine only has 30GB of storage, the whole buckets is about 1000GB in size so I need to download, archive, encrypt and reupload all of it on the fly without storing the data locally.
The secret seems to be in using the | pipe command. But I am stuck even in the beginning of download a bucket into an archive locally (I want to go step by step):
s3cmd sync s3://mybucket | tar cvz archive.tar.gz -
In my mind at the end I expect some code like this:
s3cmd sync s3://mybucket | tar cvz | gpg --passphrase secretpassword | s3cmd put s3://theotherbucket/archive.tar.gz.gpg
but its not working so far!
What am I missing?
The aws s3 sync command copies multiple files to the destination. It does not copy to stdout.
You could use aws s3 cp s3://mybucket - (including the dash at the end) to copy the contents of the file to stdout.
From cp — AWS CLI Command Reference:
The following cp command downloads an S3 object locally as a stream to standard output. Downloading as a stream is not currently compatible with the --recursive parameter:
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/stream.txt -
This will only work for a single file.
You may try I guess, in your case it could be the following algo:
$ goofys source-s3-bucket-name /mnt/src
$ goofys destination-s3-bucket-name /mnt/dst
$ tar -cvzf /mnt/src | gpg -e -o /mnt/dst/archive.tgz.gpg

S3 : Download Multiple Files in local git-bash console

I have multiple files in S3 bucket like
now, I want to download first 3 files, name startwith "file*", How can i download from aws s3 in local git-bash console?
Simply you can download with below command :
aws s3 cp --recursive s3://bucket-name/ /local-destination-folder/ --exclude "*" --include "file*"

Files will not move or copy from folder on file system to local bucket

I am using the command
aws s3 mv --recursive Folder s3://bucket/dsFiles/
The aws console is not giving me any feedback. I change the permissions of the directory
sudo chmod -R 666 ds000007_R2.0.1/
It looks like AWS is passing through those files and giving "File does not exist" for every directory.
I am confused about why AWS is not actually performing the copy is there some size limitation or recursion depth limitation?
I believe you want to cp, not mv. Try the following:
aws s3 cp $local/folder s3://your/bucket --recursive --include "*".
Source, my answer here.

How to delete _$folder$ files from S3 with cmd or s3ncmd?

I was using S3Fox and I end up with creating lots of _$folder$ files in multiple S3 directories. I want to clean them all. But the files are neither visible through command line tool nor through S3Fox. They are only visible through AWS S3 console.
I am looking for solution something like
hadoop fs -rmr s3://s3_bucket/dir1/dir2/dir3///*_\$folder\$
you can use s3cmd ( and the power of shell.
s3cmd del $(s3cmd ls s3://your-bucket | grep _$folder$ | awk '{ print $1}')