Trying to Multiple two columns in pervasive db (Industrios), getting syntax error - pervasive-sql

In the following Query in (Pervasive Control Center), I am trying to do a simple multiplication of two fields l.qtyordered x l.unitpricet as ExtPrice. Something I do all day long in MS SQL, but in PSQL it doesn't appear that it is the same format. Your help is appreciated. both are decimals in the db, so it shouldn't be a data type issue. I have tried using Sum(), tried cast() to change each, but nothing is working.
--Open Orders Line
select distinct h.ordernumber, h.orderstatus, h.customerkey, h.customername, h.shiptokey,
h.shiptoName, h.shiptostate, h.orderdate, h.requestdate, h.customerponumber, h.salespersonkey,
l.itemkey, l.itemdescription, l.desc2, (l.qtyordered) x (l.unitprice) as ExtPrice
from "OEHDR_DBM" h
Left join oelin_dbm l ON l.sysdocid = h.sysdocid
where h.orderstatus not in ('C','S','QW','QP','QN')
and l.qtyremaining >0
Group by h.ordernumber, h.orderstatus, h.customerkey, h.customername,h.shiptokey,
h.shiptoName, h.shiptostate, h.orderdate, h.requestdate, h.customerponumber, h.salespersonkey,
l.itemkey, l.itemdescription, l.desc2, l.qtyordered, l.unitprice
--having count(h.ordernumber) =1
Order by h.Requestdate


Add Math function to SQL Query

New to SQL and I am trying to run a query that pulls all our item codes, lot number, and qty on hand.
Each lot number has multiple entries due to adjustments. I need a way of running my query and having it add or subtract to get the actual qty on hand for each lot and only show me lots that are in the negatives. I have tried playing with SSRS but I cant get it right. I'm using SQL 2008R2.
I believe I understand the requirements correctly, but if not please comment and I can update the query:
HAVING is the trick you are looking for to be able to use an aggregate function for filtering.

SQL Math Operation In Correlated Subquery

I am working with three tables, basically, one is a bill of materials, one contains part inventory, and the last one contains work orders or jobs. I am trying to find out if it is possible to have a correlated subquery that can perform a math operation using a value from the outer query. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
SELECT A.work_order,A.assembly,A.job_quantity,
(SELECT COUNT(X.part_number)
FROM bom X
WHERE X.assembly = A.assembly
AND (X.quantity_required * A.job_quantity) >= (SELECT Y.quantity_available FROM inventory Y WHERE
Y.part_number = X.part_number)) AS negatives
FROM work_orders A
ORDER BY A.assembly ASC
I am attempting to find out, for a given work order, if there are parts that we do not have enough of to build the assembly. I'm currently getting an "Error correlating fields" error. Is it possible to do this kind of operation in a single query?
Try moving the subquery to a join, something like this:
SELECT a.work_order, a.assembly, a.job_quantity, n.negatives
FROM work_orders a JOIN (SELECT x.part_number, COUNT(x.part_number) as negatives
FROM bom x JOIN work_orders b
ON x.assembly = b.assembly
WHERE (x.quantity_required * b.job_quantity) >= (SELECT y.quantity_available
FROM inventory y WHERE
y.part_number = x.part_number)
GROUP BY x.part_number) n
ON a.part_number = n.part_number
ORDER BY a.assembly ASC
Or create a temporary cursor with the subquery and then use it to join the main table.
Hope this helps.

Group by concat in SQL Server

I’m using multiple joins for a specific logic , but encountered a problem . Some of the records has 1-2 relation in one of the tables which mess up my output. I want to concat all these string so it will appear it one record, but I don’t know how to do it in sql server . In oracle and MySQL it’s easy but I tried playing with online examples and failed miserably.
My query:
SELECT c.customerName,c.Guid,p.campaignTitle ,
(SELECT k.campaignTitle FROM [DEV_TEST2].[dbo].campaigns l JOIN [DEV_TEST2].[dbo].campaignstitle k on k.campaignname = l.campaignname where l.campaignid = t.referrerurl) as Referrertitle,
FROM [DEV_TEST2].[dbo].campaignknowncustomers c
join [DEV_TEST2].[dbo].[CampaignCustomerMatch] t ON(c.guid = t.visitorexternalid)
join [DEV_TEST2].[dbo].campaigns s ON(t.url = s.campaignid)
join [DEV_TEST2].[dbo].campaignstitle p on(s.campaignname = p.campaignname)
order by customername,activitydate
My problem is with campaigntitle column and referrertitle correlated query. Both come from the same table. I need to concat it and show only 1 row per ‘customername, guid, activitydate’

returning one row, with the max date from two different columns from two different tables

Using report builder 3.0 for sql server 08 R2. Trying to get the most recent dates from 2 different columns in 2 different tables but I'm getting 4 rows instead of 1. In the picture below, there should be one row per patient.
Script I'm using is this:
SELECT "Patient"."PatientID", "PatientLastName", "PatientFirstName", "DischargeDate", "PatVisitPayable"."ContactDate"
FROM "BTI"."Patient"
JOIN "BTI"."PatAdmissions" ON "Patient"."PatientID" = "PatAdmissions"."PatientID"
JOIN "BTI"."PatVisitPayable" ON "PatAdmissions"."PatientID" = "PatVisitPayable"."PatientID"
JOIN "BTI"."PatAdmissionDivision" ON "PatAdmissions"."AdmissionID" = "PatAdmissionDivision"."AdmissionID"
GROUP BY "Patient"."PatientID", "PatientLastName", "PatientFirstName", "DischargeDate", "ContactDate"
I've tried putting max(contactdate) and max(dischargedate) in the select statement but still get 4 rows. Wasn't sure if this is something I should include in the initial query or something I can add to the report afterwards.
4 rows for one patient
Try to remove ContactDate from GROUP BY clause and use max() function in SELECT :
SELECT pt.PatientID,
pt.PatientLastName, pt.PatientFirstName, pt.DischargeDate,
MAX(ContactDate) as ContactDate
FROM BTI.Patient pt
JOIN BTI.PatAdmissions pa ON pt.PatientID = pa.PatientID
JOIN BTI.PatVisitPayable py ON pa.PatientID = py.PatientID
JOIN BTI.PatAdmissionDivision pd ON pa.AdmissionID = pd.AdmissionID
GROUP BY pt.PatientID, pt.PatientLastName,
pt.PatientFirstName, pt.DischargeDate;
Always define table alise that could be easy to follow/read and write.
This assumes ContactDate in resonbale format.

SUM(a*b) not working

I have a PHP page running in postgres. I have 3 tables - workorders, wo_parts and part2vendor. I am trying to multiply 2 table column row datas together, ie wo_parts has a field called qty and part2vendor has a field called cost. These 2 are joined by and I have created a query like this:
$scoreCostQuery = "SELECT SUM(part2vendor.cost*wo_parts.qty) as total_score
FROM part2vendor
INNER JOIN wo_parts
ON (
WHERE workorder=$workorder";
But if I add the costs of the parts multiplied by the qauntities supplied, it adds to a different number than what the script is doing. Help....I am new to this but if someone can show me in SQL I can modify it for postgres. Thanks
Without seeing example data, there's no way for us to know why you're query totals are coming out differently that when you do the math by hand. It could be a bad join, so you are getting more/less records than you expected. It's also possible that your calculations are off. Pick an example with the smallest number of associated records & compare.
My suggestion is to add a GROUP BY to the query:
SELECT SUM(p.cost * wp.qty) as total_score
FROM part2vendor p
JOIN wo_parts wp ON =
WHERE workorder = $workorder
GROUP BY workorder
FYI: MySQL was designed to allow flexibility in the GROUP BY, while no other db I've used does - it's a source of numerous questions on SO "why does this work in MySQL when it doesn't work on db x...".
To Check that your Quantities are correct:
SELECT wp.qty,
WHERE p.workorder = $workorder
Check that the numbers are correct for a given order.
You could try a sub-query instead.
(Note, I don't have a Postgres installation to test this on so consider this more like pseudo code than a working example... It does work in MySQL tho)
SUM(p.`score`) AS 'total_score'
FROM part2vendor AS p2v
SELECT pn, cost * qty AS `score`
FROM wo_parts
) AS p
ON =
WHERE p2n.workorder=$workorder"
In the question, you say the cost column is in part2vendor, but in the query you reference wo_parts.cost. If the wo_parts table has its own cost column, that's the source of the problem.