React Native KeyboardAvoidingView - react-native

Is There Any Props To Disable Keyboard Avoiding View To TextInputs
<KeyboardAvoidingView behaviour="padding">
<TextInput />
<KeyboardAvoidingView behaviour="padding">
<TextInput />
Now I When I Focus On The First Text Input , I Don't Want Keyboard Avoiding View To Activate Since It Is The First Form Field And Is Visible.
I Only Want KeyboardAvoidingView To Activate When I Press On The Second Form Field Since The Keyboard Blocks It.
I'm New To This Please Help Me Out
Thank You

You can try this.
<KeyboardAvoidingView behaviour="padding" enabled={false}>
<TextInput />


stuck in react native props - onSubmitEditing and onChangeText in <TextInput>

When I used onSubmitEditing in TextInput and pressed submit button than I found an undefined result in the console onChangeText worked but I want to put onSubmitEditing
<Text>Name of Industry </Text>
placeholder='Your Answer'
onSubmitEditing is called when the text input's submit button is pressed. The submit button can be return key or can be different based on returnKeyType props or vice versa. I am not sure what you want to do?
You should send the text value to the txtHandler1
<Text>Name of Industry </Text>
placeholder='Your Answer'
onSubmitEditing={(event)=> txtHandler1(event.nativeEvent.text)}
You can also use onEndEditing props instead of onSubmitEditing which will called when text input ends.
onEndEditing={(event)=> txtHandler1(event.nativeEvent.text)}

React Native - Edit hitslop of clear button in TextInput

React Native's TextInput has a clearButtonMode property which would display a small x button on the right of the input area in iOS through which text can be cleared.
I am having issues with the hit slop of that button. I believe it is too small and easy to miss. I have to press multiple times in order to hit the right spot in order to activate it.
Is there a way to customize this clear button => change its hitSlop, color, etc?
What you could do, is to wrap your TextInput element with view and Animated.View, so you can add your own Clear Button with TouchableOpacity for example, and select an icon, colors, size, etc.
So, basically, it would be something like this:
<Animated.View style={...}>
<TextInput value={...} style={...} onChangeText={...} />
<MaterialIcons size={24} color={'black'} name={'close'} />

How to disable keyboard in react native

I created a screen keyboard component that I want to disable the platform's keyboard, how I can disable it?
onFulfill={isValid => this}
codeInputStyle={{ borderWidth: 1.5 }}
Just write showSoftInputOnFocus={false} in <TextInput> like this:
<TextInput showSoftInputOnFocus={false} />
I had issues also. No other solutions was working for me. This will display text input field and it will be clickable but not editable.
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.openPinKeyboard}>
<View pointerEvents="none">
<Input editable={false} value="1234" />
I think you need to add something like:
<TextInput showSoftInputOnFocus={false} keyboardType="numeric" />
setting keyboardType to null worked for me
this only worked in the simulator, running it on an actual device the native keyboard still appeared.
wrapping the <TextInput /> in a <TouchableWithoutFeedback> element in the example below worked.
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={Keyboard.dismiss} >
<TextInput />
You may try to set keyboardType to none, if it doesn't work another alternative is to set the editable prop to false.
Potential answers can be found here :
<TextInput showSoftInputOnFocus={false}/>
This work for me, sometime I need onFocus action to navigate new screen, and don't need keyboard open animation. Prop Editable will disable textfield, can not pressable
try this solution i hope this will work for android and ios both...
// Step 1: Get Keyboard, TouchableWithoutFeedback from ‘react-native’;
import { View, TextInput, StyleSheet, Keyboard, TouchableWithoutFeedback } from 'react-native';
// Step 2: Create an arrow function to write dismiss keyboard code
const DismissKeyboard = ({ children }) => (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => Keyboard.dismiss()}>
// Step 3: Wrap all TextInput inside <DismissKeyboard> </DismissKeyboard>
<View style={styles.container}>
<TextInput style={styles.input} placeholder="email" />
<TextInput style={styles.input} placeholder="password" />
The easiest solution is to use the onFocus prop on TextInput.
Import Keyboard from ‘react-native’
import {Keyboard, TextInput} from
Then pass Keyboard.dismiss() to TextInput onFocus prop, to stop the keyboard from popping up when focused.
<TextInput onFocus = {()=> Keyboard.dismiss()} .../>
Now test the input field by pressing it to see if the keyboard will pop up
just put this under text input tag this worked for me in react-native
//this line
you can do it by pointerEvents="none"
<View pointerEvents="none">
style={{color: '#00000000'}}

How to tap on a submit button in the view without having to dismiss a keyboard first?

I am using react native to implement a community feed. In each post in the feed, I can comment as seen below.
However, the issue is after I enter a comment and want to press on the submit icon on the right, the keyboard will dismiss first before I can tap on the icon to submit the text.
How can I immediately submit my text after pressing the submit icon without tapping twice (once to dismiss the keyboard, and second to submit)
Here's a snippet of my implementation:
//Code for comments section/box
<View style={styles.commentSectionContainer}>
<View style={[textInputStyle.dark, textInputStyle.compact]}>
style={[textInputStyle.default, {fontSize: 13}]}
onSubmitEditing={() => {
if (textComment) {
<View style={styles.iconSubmitContainer}>
<IconButton style={styles.commentSubmit} iconName="send" isDisabled={textComment === ''} onPress={onSubmitComment} hitSlop={hitSlop} />
Localized Text Input is using the following textinput
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
style={[defaultStyle, {flex: 1}]}
The posts are all wrapped in a scrollView.
I tried to use "keyboardShouldPersistTaps" and keyboardDismissMode="Drag-on" but it doesn't produce the expected experience.. The user should be able to dismiss the keyboard by tapping anywhere outside the textinput box instead of requiring to scroll.
If your parent is a ScrollView component, then passing the prop keyboardShouldPersistTaps="always" should do the trick. See the official documentation here.
As Ankit suggested the prop needs to be passed to the scroll view but if that isn't giving you the desired results TextInput has a blur() method that you can call using a ref of that TextInput. Maybe that would help.

i want keyboard not to show up at all when i touch my text input-React-Native

I want keyboard not to show up at all when i touch my text input.If i use 'Keyboard.dismiss' i loose the focus on my text input i am using custom keyboard which itself is part of my screen so i don't want any keyboard to show up at all without loosing the focus on my text input, any solution please.I have tried using libraries but facing same problems again and again what should i do. Here the code i Am using
<TextInput onFocus={Keyboard.dismiss}>
Use <TextInput showSoftInputOnFocus={false} />
It will hide the keyboard when you focus on the text input.
ReactNative TextInput has showSoftInputOnFocus prop, which is due to docs should hide keyboard. But seems like it doesn't work.
I found this solution, works for me:
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.toggleVisible}>
<View pointerEvents="none">
Correct way is to encapsulate View with keyboard is calling Keyboard.dismiss()
you should use TouchableWithoutFeedback so that on clicking it should disable
the keyboard
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={Keyboard.dismiss}>
<TextInput keyboardType='numeric'/>
Try this may be it can solve the problem